What Are Telomeres & Why They Are Important in Anti-Aging – Dr.Berg on Telomeres and Aging | DrEricBergDC

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so today the topic is telomeres I’m

gonna try to break this down in real

simple terms so you can really get it so

telomere would be compared to the end of

a shoe string that little plastic

protective thing that protects against

frank so if we compare the shoe string

to a telomere the telomere is the end

part of the shoe string it’s the DNA

structure at the end of chromosomes you

can look at a chromosome as the entire

DNA strand okay with everything

connected to it so you have the DNA

which is the blueprints and basically

DNA are sections of genes but the entire

collective chain of DNA is the

chromosome so telomere is basically a

DNA structure at the end of chromosomes

that shorten with each division so I’m

gonna give you another analogy let’s say

for example I’m gonna copy you okay with

a little scanner and I have to grab onto

your arm or your wrist to copy you so I

scan your entire body okay it makes a

copy of you similar to what’s happening

in the body you’re constantly making

copies of the DNA but the problem is I

can’t scan backwards and part of your

wrist in hand is not being copied so I

make a copy but the copy is going to be

just a little shorter than the actual

body because I’m holding the wrist and

hand so then I’m gonna make a copy of

the copy I’m gonna grab the wrist scan

again and I’m gonna keep doing this over

and over and over every time it divides

okay these telomeres are gonna get

shorter and shorter and shorter and

shorter because part of the copy

mechanism has to attach to the telomere

now one thing about a telomere is is

part of what’s called junk DNA and I’m

gonna do a separate video on junk DNA

but junk DNA is not non-functional it

has a purpose but realize this out of

all of your DNA only 5% is responsible

for making your tissue to make proteins

the rest is considered junk DNA but it

does have a purpose the telomere is part

of that junk DNA

so telomeres basically protect the ends

of chromosomes the Greek word for Telos

means end and morose means part so it’s

the end part and they found it’s related

to your lifespan there’s actually a rare

genetic to

with certain children that are basically

born old and they have a body of a

seven-year-old and when they tested them

they had very short telomeres so over

time when your DNA keeps dividing over

and over the telomeres shorten and you

get less gene expression which basically

means you’re getting less activation of

certain genes especially related to

repair so when you’re very young your

DNA inside your cells have a huge

capacity to keep up with the damage when

you’re older okay because you have less

telomeres you basically have a hard time

keeping up with a repair and that’s how

it relates to aging now how do you

explain cancer cells that can live


well they produce an enzyme called

telomerase which can counter this

shortening effect so a telomerase is an

enzyme that allows for the replacement

of these short bits of DNA in fact in

the 50s there was this lady who had

cervical cancer and they extracted this

cervical cancer and they started to

reproduce these cells okay out of her

body over and over and over over a

period of decades okay and that cancer

was able to reproduce 20 tons of cancer

cells I think about it one ton is 2,000

pounds so that’s just an example of what

happens with cancer cells that keep

dividing and they just take over the

body now you’re gonna see a lot of

research coming up in the next 5-10

years on this enzyme now there are some

research studies going on right now in

humans they’ve been doing research on

bacteria yeast and animals but now

they’re gonna actually start doing it in

humans and so it should be quite

interesting what we do know right now is

there is a plant called astragalus

that has the ability to boost telomerase

and it seems like it has some

interesting properties anti-aging

properties increasing your immune system

decreasing your frequency of eating sick

improving your sleep increasing your

memory so the studies right now are

inconclusive so if you go out and get

this product I have no idea if it’s

going to extend your life

even by one day now what I’m interested

in is taking the top reasons why people

die heart attacks stroke kidney failure

cancer lung disease and then teaching

you what you can do to take your weak

link and strengthen it because if we can

actually eliminate the top reasons why

people die you’re going to live longer

regardless of your telomeres now in a

lot of videos that I’ve done before I

relate a lot of the reasons why people

die to high insulin okay and high

carbohydrate diets and this is why if

you’re new to my channel you need to

learn more about it so I put a link down

below you need to do healthy keto and in

a minute fasting to take that weak link

whether it’s your heart or your immune

system or your kidney and make it

stronger so you actually can extend your

life alright thanks for watching if

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subscribe now and I will actually keep

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