23 Signs Your Body Needs More Nutrients: How to Address the Deficiencies | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about the 23

different signs that your body is

deficient in vital nutrients now the

problem with me teaching you this is

you’re going to pretty much evaluate

everyone you know so you’re going to

have to withhold that temptation because

people will be offended if you start

explaining why they have these little

white specks on their nails or why they

might have erectile dysfunction all

right now let me first just tell you the

three reasons why

uh people are deficient okay number one

uh their guts um are damaged so they

can’t absorb nutrition so that’s called

male absorption it’s a digestive barrier

now it could also be that you’re missing

a gallbladder or you’re lacking bile and

you can’t pull in the fat soluble

vitamins vitamin a

d e and vitamin k

or it could be you’re not eating enough

of the right foods or the foods that

you’re eating are not nutrient dense

which is a big problem

because the soils unfortunately are

really really poor quality so if you’re

growing food on

soil that’s not soil but it’s actually


you might get a really nice looking

tomato but it’s going to be tasteless

why because the flavor chemicals are

tied in with the nutrient density so we

get these beautiful looking like



tastes like nothing

and then you’re going to be craving

doritos and wanting other spices to try

to flavor them up when in fact they

should normally come there with

nutrition so unfortunately the farmers

sell these products based on weight

and volume not nutrient dense type foods

and then the third way that you become

deficient is consuming refined foods and

sugars that deplete you and rob you of

nutrition so let’s just go through the

list number one

white spot on your nail what does that

mean that is a zinc deficiency but it’s

not really a zinc deficiency it is

consuming too much sugar that robs you

of zinc so if you look at your nail and

you see this little white speck about

halfway down the nail you know about

three months ago

you had a lot of sugar or refined

carbohydrate like let’s say you had this

huge birthday party and you ate the

whole cake

and that depleted zinc from your body

creating that little white speck so you

have two options you can stop eating

sugar or you can take some zinc all

right number two oily skin this is

usually a problem with the oil glands of

your body is called sebaceous glands

that make something called sebum which

is a type of oil and that usually occurs

when you have an imbalance with

androgens you’re producing too many

androgens which is the male hormone and

so one really key nutrient to regulate


is zinc okay so oily skin can be greatly

improved if you start taking trace

minerals specifically zinc now if you’re

female and you have too many androgens

you may have something called polycystic

ovarian syndrome

and in that case

that’s coming from too much insulin

because the carbs are too high and of

course the combination of that sugar

depleting zinc as well as lacking zinc

and having an uncontrolled androgen

situation so with oily skin you just

need to take some zinc and you need to

make sure that your sugar is not very

high so as you can see zinc is involved


quite a few things all right number

three cracking on the corners of your

mouth right here or cracked back of your

heels okay

so that is a vitamin b2 deficiency it

could also be a vitamin b3 deficiency

but it definitely involves the b

vitamins so the b vitamins are very very

important in preventing

like these small fissures okay on your

skin and so if you have enough b2 or b3

you won’t get them

now you see a lot of people in the

winter that get these fissures in their


and that normally comes because they

don’t have enough vitamin d because

they’re not in the sun and vitamin d

feeds the microbes

and your microbes make the b vitamins so

that is a connection between crack heals

cracked corners of your mouth which i

used to have as a kid

and it could be very easily handled by

taking vitamin d

or vitamin b2 in the form of nutritional

yeast all right next one is flaking skin

a lot of times you’ll see that around

the nose or even the forehead where the

skin is kind of like a scaling flakiness

that is a deficiency of omega-3 fatty

acids and that occurs because you’re

consuming too much omega-6 fatty acids

and so the essential fatty acids that

our body needs because the body doesn’t

make it is both omega-3 and omega-6 so

if your ratios are off because you’re

doing too much six in nf3

that’s what happens with the skin

it becomes dry flaky white little flakes

usually around the nose or the forehead

so you need to do two things you need to

start cutting down the omega-6 fatty

acids that means reduce the amount of

nuts or peanut butter or chicken


fried foods

or going out to restaurants or fast food

all are very high in omega-6 like corn

oil soy oil cotton seed oil and you need

to eat more fish sardines and cod liver

oil in fact cod liver oil would be the

quickest thing to

handle this flaking skin all right

number five yellow eyes that is a

jaundice situation it’s a liver problem

it could be a gallbladder problem where

the where the byproducts of your red

blood cells are backing up

through the system through the liver and

into the blood and the byproduct of

these red blood cells have a yellow

color okay

and so if your skin or your whites of

your eyes are yellow that is definitely

a backup of the liver and the

gallbladder and that is usually a

deficiency of bile salts okay so bile

salts bile salts allow the flow


stuff through the liver and through the

bile ducts

and if you don’t have enough bile this

thickened cholesterol sludge tends to

back up

and you develop these white eyes so a

simple remedy would be to take some

purified bile salts to open up this kind

of clogged drain plug to allow the body

to eliminate the byproduct of red blood


all right number six chronic cough if

someone has a chronic cough

they usually have a calcium deficiency

so a little calcium especially at night

works like magic for these chronic

coughs calcium both improves the immune

system but it also relaxes the throat

and the larynx just like you might want

to take for cramping in your calves so

basically it helps something called

laryngeal spasm or this tightness in the

structures of your throat okay so you

might want to try that the type of

calcium i would recommend is calcium

lactate okay not calcium carbonate and

you don’t need much maybe 200 milligrams

before you go to bed all right number


bleeding gums or redden swollen

gums okay in your mouth that is a

classic vitamin c deficiency another

term would be subclinical vitamin c or a

very mild version of scurvy okay now in

the vitamin c complex we have different

parts and one part is vitamin p

which is the bioflavonoids and they

don’t call it vitamin p anymore they

that was an older term but that p stood

for permeability and

or vascular permeability so in other


the blood that goes through the


leaks okay and if it leaks you get all

sorts of issues and one being bleeding

gums and you can also get nosebleeds as

well but bleeding gums or red and gums

is classic vitamin c deficiency so you

need to consume

more leafy greens as well as avoid sugar

because the chemistry of sugar is almost

identical to vitamin c and if the body

has sugar any vitamin c that you’re

getting from foods or a supplement will

not go in the body will always take up

glucose or sugar before vitamin c


number seven number eight night vision

issues so let’s say you can’t see in the

dark or you’re driving when it’s raining

and you’re just having a hard time you

know seeing clear that is a classic

vitamin a deficiency or night blindness

now are people usually deficient in

vitamin a well around the world they are

so there’s a lot of people that have a

vitamin a deficiency simply because

they’re eating a lot of

cereals and refined grains and they may

even be eating plant sources of vitamin


but those are precursors like

beta-carotene for example they call it

vitamin a but it’s not the active form

of vitamin a called retinol retinol

usually comes from animal products like

dairy or butter


fish fatty fish

definitely cod liver oil


animal liver like beef liver for example

has a lot of vitamin a and so if you’re

trying to get your vitamin a from plants

it’s going to be very hard for you to

convert that into the active form of

vitamin a which is retinol but a really

good source of retinol would be egg

yolks okay so if you want to have enough

retinol just eat some egg yolks and you

will definitely get enough and then

you’ll start seeing better the other

thing to look at with vitamin a is your

ability to absorb it because maybe

you don’t have enough bile or maybe your

gallbladder is removed or you have some

liver issue because it’s like fatty for

example then you can’t absorb

vitamin a because vitamin a is a fat

soluble vitamin it could be one cause

all right next one is chapped lips

the cause of chapped lips is the same

cause as cracking in the corners of the

mouth or on the heels it’s a vitamin

b2 deficiency

and so what would create a b2 deficiency

it’s either you’re consuming too many

refined grains that are depleting b2

because naturally

the b vitamins especially b2 are

normally in grains but basically when

you refine them they get lost so one

really good thing would be to stop

eating grains

any grains and the second thing you want

to do is start taking nutritional yeast

with nutritional yeast i would always

get it unfortified you’ll get a complete

spectrum of the b vitamins and you’ll

notice your skin

much much better i mean if you take a

look at some of the b vitamin

deficiencies like real severe

deficiencies you get conditions like

pellegra and with pellegra you have

devastating effects

on your skin because b vitamins are not

just about giving you energy they’re

about helping you form uh normal tissue

so it’s not too roughened or cracked

it’s nice and soft a lot of times people

will start using chapstick or certain

type of lotions or oils on their lips

but what they find is that

maybe an hour later it’s right back if

not worse to being chapped because

sometimes they put other ingredients

into these products like they might put

alcohol or mineral oil which pulls out a

lot of the key nutrients or fats that

you need to keep your skin

the right texture all right next one is

the pitting edema on the top of your

foot or your ankles

this is a deficiency of potassium okay

when you don’t have enough potassium

or the ratios of potassium versus sodium

like sodium is way too high and

potassium is way too low and by the way

refined sugar causes you to retain

sodium and deplete potassium that’s why

diabetics a lot many times

have so much sugar in their blood that

they get a lot of swelling especially in

the ankles and the feet and if you push

your finger into

the foot or the ankle it leaves a dent

okay now believe it or not when i had

blood sugar issues a long ago in my

mid-30s i used to have pitting edema and

i didn’t even know what it was i would

press into my ankle i’m like what is

that dent that was a severe potassium

deficiency so you want to start eating

foods high in potassium okay and that

would be any of the leafy greens but you

need volumes you need large salads

things like that that will give you

enough potassium

versus consuming more salt okay salt’s

okay as long as you have enough

potassium or you might want to get a

quality electrolyte with a lot of

potassium but that will push fluid out

of the ankles very very quickly now next

one is craving ice okay

if you’re craving ice

chances are you’re deficient in iron

okay you see this with kids sometimes

you see this with females who are going

through their menstruation where they’re

losing blood and iron and they’re

becoming anemic they start eating more

ice they’re trying to get iron but

unfortunately ice doesn’t give you iron

so you end up still deficient the best

sources of the iron that you need is red

meat you can get it from liver you can

get it from eggs and for some reason if

you can’t eat any of those products you

can also get them in a supplement but

not an iron supplement i would recommend

a supplement that is either a grass-fed

liver extract or

believe it or not there are spleen

extract products that are loaded with

iron okay so that’s one way to get it

all right next one is angina that’s

chest pain

so that is

where the heart is cramping


your heart is having an attack

and usually it’s referred down the left


that is a classic vitamin e deficiency

there’s two things you need to know

about vitamin e what creates a

deficiency usually is refined

grains okay as in the breads the pasta

the cereal the crackers the biscuits

when you consume those products that

normally have a good amount of vitamin e

in it but when they add chlorine to

bleach it they oxidize it and they kill

all the vitamin e when they when it sits

on the shelf all that vitamin e is lost

and then when you consume those products

it creates a vitamin e deficiency the

most important tissue for vitamin e

is the inside of your arteries and if

you don’t have enough vitamin e you get

a lot of

rusting and oxidation

and you start getting

clots the formation of calcium and all

sorts of things that come in there so

vitamin e is very very important and so

the best way to prevent vitamin e

deficiency is to stop doing the refined

grains and if you want a very good

vitamin e i would get the type that’s a


not a tocopherol the tocotrienols work

about 50 times stronger than the


and so

it really is great for angina type chest

pain all right number 13 leg or calf

cramps that is a magnesium deficiency

okay where do you get magnesium well

it’s at the heart of chlorophyll where

do you get chlorophyll

from green

plants okay so again we’re coming back

to that salad where you get good amount

of magnesium there’s also potassium in

there chlorophyll other things but when

you get light cramps chances are you’re

probably missing magnesium you need more

and they usually go away there’s other

deficiencies that might lead to cramps

like potassium even sodium

vitamin b1 and i’ve done videos on that

but the most common one is the magnesium

deficiency all right number 14

irritability excessive thinking feeling

nervous tension

even grouchy or angry

is a b1 deficiency if you take a little

nutritional yeast

if you’re irritable boy it just chills

you out you’ll feel really calm

you’ll be nice to be around people will

like you a lot better also before you go

to bed if you have excessive thinking

just take some nutritional yeast before

you go to bed and that you can get it in

tablets as well i’ll put a link down

below for more information but you talk

about turning off that excessive mind

thinking solving all the problems of the

world which prevents you from sleep it’s

really nice to be able to go to bed and

not have to solve a million problems so

you can drift off and sleep all right

  1. asthma

asthma is a situation where you have

inflammation in the lungs

and this

can be greatly improved with vitamin d

so if you’re deficient in vitamin d

which most asthmatics are boy that can

just reduce inflammation and help you

breathe this is why during the summer

months when kids that have asthma

they’re outside they’re exposed to the

sun their symptoms go away there’s a

very very important video on a breathing

method that can help asthma i’ll put

that down below if you haven’t seen it

but there’s a really important way of

breathing to pull someone out of an

asthmatic attack you know within minutes

so you can check that out 16 loss of the

outer eyebrows okay

this is usually a thyroid problem

or an iodine deficiency situation where

they’re not able to make the thyroid

hormones because when you get to like t4

t3 you’re really looking at the number

of iodine molecules in that thyroid

hormone t4 is an inactive thyroid

hormone t3 is the active form because

the body strips off an iodine molecule

so if you don’t have enough of either t4

t3 then you could potentially lose the

outer eyebrows as one of the symptoms so

if you don’t have eyebrows or you don’t

have the outside just take some iodine

in the form of seek help that’s one of

the best sources

tightness in the right trap area right

through here okay all the way through

here if you have tightness right there

suspect gallbladder and suspect a lack

of bile salts if you don’t have the bile

salts things get all kind of stuck

underneath the right rib cage there’s a

little nerve called the phrenic nerve

that goes right up to the right side

and so if you take purified bile salts

that thins the bile allows the drainage

okay and all of a sudden your right trap

feels loose and it feels better okay i

have additional information on that i

will share that in the description but

tightness in the right trap

9 out of 10 times it’s totally

gallbladder related because you don’t

have enough bile and it’s getting all

stuck and jammed up it’s backing up into

the system showing up in your right trap

  1. nightmares one of the best ways to

get rid of a nightmare is to take b1

nutritional yeast there’s this little

thing in the brain called the amygdala

which regulates the emotion of fear okay

so it’s involved in this fear response

and so of course nightmares involve

fear and its function is very very

similar to

what the adrenals are all about which is

like a stress gland but it’s mainly

involving that emotion of fear and

there’s receptors for thyamine and if

you take more b1 thymine uh boy does

that just chill a person out and they

feel better and they don’t have

nightmares anymore so

if your kids have nightmares give them a

little nutritional yeast but the real

question is why are they deficient

because they’re consuming refined

carbohydrates in the form of

all the refined grains the breads the

pasta the cereal the crackers those

things as well as sugar so you need to

handle that as well

  1. craving for salty chips at night

if your body is deficient in sodium okay

you’re going to crave salt


if you’re exercising a lot and sweating

the need for sodium goes up and so one

of the symptoms or signs of a salt

deficiency or a sodium deficiency is

craving for salt okay so if you’re

craving for salt at night in the form of


the next day i would start to increase

the amount of

sea salt and not sodium chloride in your

diet okay

so start beefing that up putting on your

food maybe even putting some in some

water and drinking that where you get to

the point at night you no longer crave

salty chips okay then we know you have


and so for years

i had this false idea that salt was bad

and i rarely consumed salt so i always

ate foods

lacking salt lacking fat

of course at night i was downing all

these chips and salty popcorn and salty

doritos but during the day i was pretty

much salt free so i had no concept of

nutrition or this whole idea that salt

was not bad if it was in the form of sea

salt and if i had enough potassium okay

i didn’t know that at the time but if

you’re craving salty chips at night

you need to

balance out your electrolytes by adding

more sea salt and make sure you have

enough potassium as well but you will

find those cravings will go away all

right number 20 stiff low back

or low back pain

is usually a vitamin d deficiency

especially if it’s in the winter and all

you need to do is take some good amount

of vitamin d or you can even make your

own vitamin d i’ll put that link down

below if you haven’t seen my recent

video but vitamin d is one of the best

things to get rid of inflammation

fast anywhere in the body especially in

the lower back i would recommend taking

at least 10 000

international units per day

and it might be beneficial to take it

right before bed or at a meal because if

you take it right before bed it actually

enhances your sleep and if you take it

with meals it’s better absorbed and the

type of vitamin d i recommend is my own

brand and of course i’m not biased

but i am sarcastic but in my vitamin d i

have i put the k2 in there i put the mct

oil so that way you don’t have to take

extra oil everything gets absorbed

nicely all right the next one is 21

you’re craving dirt okay now

normally most people don’t crave dirt

but sometimes kids crave dirt okay or


women that are menstruating

losing blood anemic are craving dirt

what they’re trying to get

is iron even if you’re animals like even

your dog crave starts eating dirt

they need iron okay and the best source

of iron is red meat it gives you the the

best form of iron that’s bio-available

versus consuming spinach things like

that so if you have anemia or you need


red meat would be the best thing to take


some liver with onions of course all

right number 22 erectile dysfunction

that’s low testosterone that is a

deficiency of zinc zinc is one of the

best things to increase testosterone and

handle this

symptom and lastly 23 depression if

someone’s depressed

they’re usually vitamin d deficient

vitamin d

greatly boosts

serotonin which is a neurotransmitter

and so it’s like a natural form of

prozac without the side effects so if

you’re depressed or know someone that’s

depressed boy just give them a little

vitamin d and just see how fast their

mood elevates another thing to try as a

side note is to start to do more fasting

that really elevates the mood as well

now if you haven’t seen my video

on how to figure out liver problems

check that out i put it right here