How To Breathe Better ⧸ More Oxygen With Keto Diet? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so let’s talk about the benefit of

breathing better than actually getting

more oxygen when you’re doing the

ketogenic diet there’s something called

a respiratory quotient so it’s really

just this exchange of oxygen and co2

that happens in your body so it just so

happens that fat has the lowest RQ so

you’re going to get the least amount of

carbon dioxide and the most oxygen this

is why a lot of people will report that

they’re breathing better on the

ketogenic diet if they had COPD or at

the cyma or asthma they seem to breathe

better when they’re exercising they can

go longer because they have less co2 and

more oxygen now a ketone itself

depending on the quantity of ketones

could range even a little less than that

to about 0.6 62.73

protein has a higher RQ a little bit

more co2 less oxygen but look at this

carbohydrates have the highest RQ which

means they give off the most co2 and the

least amount of oxygen now that being

said I want to bring up this concept of

something called ketoacidosis when your

body is in an acidic state it you also

will have a difficult time breathing

you’ll have more co2 being produced and

less oxygen from a different reason now

if you’re concerned about ketoacidosis

let me just define what it is it’s not

only a drop in your ph and your blood pH

by a slight degree but it’s super high

blood glucose okay I’m talking like 300

or more so when you are on the ketogenic

diet and you’re not a diabetic your

blood sugars are gonna be like maybe 80

70 over 60 extremely low they’re not

going to be over a hundred you’d have to

be a diabetic type one two how this

happened and this occurs when there’s

actually zero insulin going on so you’re

a type 1 diabetic you have no more

insulin there’s no regulation or control

over this blood glucose so it just goes

super high so the combination of super

high blood glucose and massively high

ketones okay with an acidic blood

creates this state which is dangerous

but this only occurs if you’re a type 1

diabetic and you’re not taking any

insulin you’re not paying attention to

your insulin levels ok so I just want to

bring that up there is other forms of

acidosis one would be lactic acidosis

which by the way is one of the side

effects when you take metformin if

you’re diabetic and there’s other

reasons for this as well but one simple

remedy would be to take vitamin b1 that

reduces this lactic acidosis so b1 will

help establish this pH so will calcium

and the point of this video is just to

talk about the extra added benefit of

the ketogenic diet generating less co2

more oxygen not just for lung stuff but

for your physical fitness for your

metabolism and to get a better quality

sleep at night alright thanks for

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