7 Lessons I've Learned From Weight Loss Failures - Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video we’re gonna talk

about the 7 lessons that I’ve learned

from many weight loss failures now I’ve

been a practice for 29 years worked on

about 40,000 different people so I had a

lot of interaction with people and you

learned so much from your clients it’s

incredible so I guess that’s why you

call it a practice so you’re practicing

and they’re a patient so they have to

have patience and we have a waiting room

but at a great opportunity to find out

what works and what doesn’t work ok so

I’m gonna go through the seven lessons

that I’ve learned ok so let’s start with

number 1 fruit okay so here’s the lesson

that I learned about fruit you don’t

want to use fruit if you’re trying to

help people lose weight now I’m talking

about someone with a slow metabolism I

pretty much approach everyone from the

viewpoint that have a slow metabolism

why don’t we do that because we’re gonna

get results with every type of case ok

but if you’re operating off this idea

that everyone has a good metabolism and

they don’t have insulin resistance your

results are going to be very very poor

ok so tiny bit of fruit could block a

lot of fat burning for a day or two

ok lesson number two snacks now I used

to recommend so-called healthy snacks I

used to consume healthy snacks between

meals was indefinitely at night at the

time I thought it was ok because it was

healthy it wasn’t junk food but I found

out through trial and error that that’s

really bad advice because the snacking

increases insulin just because anytime

you eat you trigger insulin okay and

this data is right in Guyton’s

physiology I must have missed it when I

originally studied that but the point is

that if you cut out the snacks that one

action creates huge benefits so it’s a

very important lesson that I learned if

you want to get results with stubborn

weight especially if you have a slow

metabolism or a thyroid issue or

whatever ok so even if it’s healthy you

want to do everything to avoid the

snacking between the meals that’s why we

do intermittent fasting all right number

three I used to recommend it’s called a

liver enhancement and it was in my first

book that you would go very low protein

you know even like no protein

for first two weeks bad advice I was

thinking that that would be toxic to the

body and we’re gonna detoxify the body

by not giving protein but people crash

and burn they had a lot of blood sugar

issues because our bodies need amino

acids to rebuild and repair so if you

cut it out too low or not enough you’re

gonna actually cause a lot of problems

with hair loss loss of muscle especially

for two weeks so we want to have a

moderate amount of protein okay we don’t

want to do it a protein detox we don’t

want to do a no protein anything number

four they used to recommend that your

breakfast was the most important meal of

the day it was in my first book and I

learned that it’s actually bad advice

why would you want to screw up the fast

all night long then you break the fast

with the breakfast okay and then you’re

gonna be hungry an hour later push

yourself closer and closer to lunch and

not eat until you’re hungry and

eventually skip the breakfast I find

that a lot of people do very very very

well not just with their weight but

further with their health because you

want to go a longer period of time with

fasting because you’re coming out of

sleeping okay you’re already in this

fast ride the way if you have momentum

you don’t want to screw it up with a

breakfast okay you want to go as long as

you can without eating very very

important so the lesson I learned is the

breakfast is not the most important meal

of the day okay and number five I know I

would I was recommending low fat or lean

protein bad advice very bad advice I

just pretty much picked it up from what

I was taught but I never personally

evaluated to see if it actually worked

or not and you want to go a little bit

higher fat not crazy but you want to go

a little bit higher because fat is very

very important to satisfy you to go from

one meal to the next so you can do in a

minute fasting to provide the fat side

with vitamins essential fatty acids this

is very very important especially for

losing weight and also looking good and

being healthy okay and fat is the only

two macronutrient that doesn’t trigger

insulin now you’ve heard of the glycemic

index which are all the foods that will

spike insulin and they rate those on a


but there’s also something called the

insulin index okay which is all the non

carbohydrate foods that have an

influence over insolent okay which is a

little bit different and it just so

happens that fat is very low on the list

the more pure the fat is the lower

influence it has over insulin and this

is why fat is actually okay to consume

especially if you’re trying to lose

weight okay that’s number five now

number six was this I was not focusing

on the history of the patient I wasn’t

focusing enough on diving in and getting

clues from a stubborn case whether it’s

weight loss or some other problem and a

good lesson to learn was is to take a

good history especially asking the

client when did you start having this

problem when did you exactly start

gaining weight and or having a stubborn

metabolism and then what happened just

before that that is such an important

question that I don’t know a lot of

doctors don’t ask that question you’re

gonna get all sorts of incredible

valuable data that’s going to actually

help you solve the case now whether it

was a pregnancy a trauma a stress event

you a change of something changing your

diet you can get valuable data to

actually revert that or change something

or alter something and I’ll just give

you an example so someone came in and

they they tried everything it couldn’t

lose weight and they’ve done every diet

they can’t even actually lose weight on

a 500 calorie diet right and this

person’s been everywhere they’re very

frustrated so I asked them when did you

start gaining weight and she said I was

always overweight okay well always yes

my whole life even when you’re an infant

she said well no I said okay what at

what age did you start getting weight

and she said when I was five I go thank

you so you were skinny when you were

four she goes yes okay we’re getting

somewhere I said now what happened right

before you started gaining weight like

when you’re four or five and she started

looking and reflecting and she does you

know I had really bad asthma I said oh


and they gave me steroids hello that’s

the clue right there it was the steroids

steroids will really induce a spike of

cortisol and make you fat

especially at early age so then we

started focusing on the adrenal glands

and trying to do things to undo that so

unfortunately there’s not enough doctors

that dig into what happens just before

you had this symptom and then using that

data they just go right for the remedy

very very important lesson that I

learned from that ok so number seven

omitting the getting healthy first so

it’s not lose weight to get healthy it’s

getting healthy first then lose the

weight ok so let me tell you when I kind

of stumbled on that concept which is an

important lesson I had a person come in

to my office

choose the daughter of one of my staff

and she was 320 pounds she was young

girl early 20s and she basically has

tried everything to lose weight

nothing’s working of course she went

back to her old habits which is

basically she didn’t even eat in the

morning but then she pigged out in the

at night and just ate a ton of junk food

like massive amounts so she was very

very large so I put her in my program

she’s totally willing the first month

she loses zero weight ok now I went into

a severe depression I was very

frustrated I’m like you lost nothing I

felt like a failure but she didn’t seem

to be upset she was actually ok with it

and I’m I was very surprised and I said

are you ok with that she goes yeah I

feel really good now I just feel really

good I have so much energy

look at my skin look at my fluid is

better and I’m like wow interesting so

she stuck with it another month ok so

after a month - she lost 21 pounds okay

I’m like wow that’s cool right so she

stuck with it in month 3 she lost a

total of 63 pounds from 0 to 63 and 3

months ok and I had this incredible

realization that wow you’re getting

healthy first you have to get healthy

now this way it just hit me like a ton

of bricks was a light bulb that went off

what an important lesson but all these

cases that I thought were failures were

not failures it was working I just

didn’t give it enough time now if a

client doesn’t know that and they go

into this program and they don’t see

results within the first week as far as

weight loss results they’re gonna get

frustrated and quit when in fact it

could be that it was working it just

they just had to give it more time okay

so the lesson to be learned number seven

is to focus on the health indicators

energy level cravings gone stress level

better those things are important

whereas some people trying to lose

weight and they don’t know this and

let’s say they feel like crap they’re

tired they still crave but they’re

losing weight it’s sort of right and

they’re exercising like crazy and

they’re stressed out they think that’s

healthy no you have to go with the

health because healthy bodies will

eventually lose the excess okay anyway

thanks for listening guys I appreciate

your attention and put your comments

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