Dr. Berg Reveals Some Dirty Secrets of Vitamin Industry - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so one thing I want to cover is this

dirty little secret that most everyone

doesn’t know about vitamins being in the

area of vitamins you know I’m able have

a chance to talk with manufacturing

companies and I don’t know if you

realize this Karen but 90% of all

vitamins made are synthetic

they’re not natural so what does that

mean well if something synthetic it mean

it means that it’s made artificially

it’s made from petroleum Wow how is that

possible I know that’s weird you can

make vitamins Dow Chemical Company is

one of the main companies that makes

synthetic vitamins and so they have ways

of synthesizing them or making them from

petroleum and like for example vitamin C

like you you bought some vitamin C

before right now if you look at the

label it doesn’t really tell you all

where it comes from but the way they

make vitamin C is from cornstarch in

sulfuric acid I mean that’s crazy isn’t

it yes so first of all corn starch has

zero vitamin C okay and sulfuric acid

know about it see but if you combine

these together you make something called

ascorbic acid and what’s happening over

the years is we’ve redefined vitamins

like ascorbic acid is only one little

piece of the vitamin C complex it’s not

the whole thing and of course people not

knowing that to think of they’re getting

the full thing and then they’re taking

it but not seeing the results so with

working with people for many many years

I find out the first thing is like oh

you’re taking synthetic vitamins you

don’t even know it like what so there’s

a huge difference it’s like saying

artificial flavoring is the same as

natural flavoring it’s not well that

reminds me of something um I had a

friend who was taking high doses of

vitamin C and she started to get broken

capillaries in her nose yeah

well that’s a perfect example I normally

vitamin C is supposed to prevent

capillary breakage or spider veins or

varicose veins or bleeding gums but if

you take it synthetic you actually

caused that bleeding and that’s because

the active ingredient in the vitamin C


is routine or bioflavonoids it’s not

ascorbic acid so vitamin C natural has

all these other things that you’re not

getting when you take this straight high

potency ascorbic acid and you end up

creating deficiencies and the very thing

you’re trying to get rid of so we need a

diagram yes well I’ve just put a diagram

up right back here you can check it out

between our heads so right there we go

good so this is the vitamin C complex in

nature as you can see in this diagram

the outside of the shell is ascorbic

acid that’s like the banana peel yeah

egg shell to the egg or the banana peel

or the orange peel but the inside of the

vitamin C complex you have copper which

is a mineral you have both flavonoids

that’s rooted you have vitamin K and you

have vitamin J and all of these inside

complex parts gee-ya vitamin J is the

called the anti pneumonia vitamin yeah

that’s pretty cool it actually helps you

increase oxygen especially when you’re

going up inclines so if you’re deficient

in vitamin J the J factor you’ll go up a

flight of stairs and get out of breath

easily so now you’re gonna ask me about

the copper - I did ask you about enough

okay good that’s a really good question

so I prompt prompt that question pull

that Ivor thank ya copper is a real key

trace mineral to build collagen and

collagen is what protects the

capillaries so when you’re a deficient

in copper you have you don’t have enough

collagen so you have you know popping

joints loose joints weak ligaments

tendons sagging skin all sorts of issues

and even a loss of collagen in the

arteries can cause leaky arteries and

even leaky gut nosebleeds bleeding gums

but other than that you’re gonna be

pretty much okay okay so I have a

question so how is it that they can put

this little portion of vitamin C of the

real vitamin C in a pill and call it

vitamin C well in 1950

if you look at some of the dictionaries

before about 1950 and after they

basically changed the definition of

vitamin C - meaning I don’t know who

they is but meaning vitamin C is

ascorbic acid when reality in nature

vitamin C never comes as ascorbic acid

in nature that’s just one little tiny

part of the whole deal the whole

compound so they basically change the

definition and alter that simply

probably because most of the drug

companies supply the raw materials for

the synthetic vitamins so it’s a big

business okay so all the vitamins see

not all of it and C but a lot most of

the vitamin C in the store is not the

whole vitamin C no it’s not so where do

I get vitamin C there’s a whole vitamin

C you always want to get vitamin C from

food or food concentrates now that’s why

you know that’s why for example I don’t

sell a multivitamin or vitamin C hey I

was gonna ask you why don’t you sell a

multivitamin you beat me to it or

actually beat you to it it’s question 4

well because it kind of defeats the

whole purpose of the person eating

healthy even myself back in what with

20s I was driving around trying to find

a vitamin store go on the store buy all

these vitamins remember that I was like

we had a warehouse of nutrition do they

know we still do okay but before we had

a lot more we mainly have all my our

advice we were searching more now we

know it’s good but back then we were

searching I had an absence of awareness

I’d be in a vitamin store and like I was

tired I’m like maybe maybe this will

increase my energy maybe I need this

I’ve never heard about ginkgo biloba

maybe I’ll try that and now we kept

buying more vitamins and that didn’t

work because I really at the time I

didn’t know it but like nothing worked

because my diet was crappy I didn’t know

what to eat so trying to get your

vitamins on top of a bad diet you’re not

gonna see results and that’s why I don’t

have a mold

that’s why I don’t have vitamin C I want

you to consume like real food to get

that the nutrition that we have

fortifies different things it handles

different weaknesses within the body it

helps enhance things that are hard to

get from our diet so that’s why I turn

okay so I have another question in there

that I just forgot okay she were talking


the jeopardy theme song


I literally completely blanked out on

that well we can talk about memory for

the next topic no oh here here was the

question because um you know hero d3

deficiency or I have this deficiency or

that deficiency I’m just gonna take some

supplements so does taking a supplement

remedy a deficiency just by itself well

yes and no for example it’s very

difficult to determine what you’re

deficient in because when you do a blood

test for example in your blood and you

measure it might not show up because the

real problem is in your cells it’s in

the tissues it’s not showing up in the

blood huh your bile do whatever can to

keep normal blood values so that’s the

worst pace place to try to detect about

a min efficiency the best place is in

your hair doing a hair analysis but even

then it might not show up until it’s a

very deficient so you really have to

understand some of the symptoms that

vitamin C deficiencies can create and

even then that takes a lot of knowledge

knowledge about the body so I think the

more scary no we’re not screwed because

I think what we have to do is just start

eating healthy and we’re gonna get what

we need if you need vitamin D for

example you’re gonna need about 20

minutes in the Sun that’ll give you your

whole day of item D but that one of the

challenges is people take vitamin D and

they don’t see any changes because

they’re not absorbing vitamin D that’s a

really big point

so the question is why I know why okay

but go ahead I know this one

okay so why why would someone not absorb

vitamin D because they don’t have the K

oh she does know that I watched your

video she does know probably just that

one video okay good good so we don’t

want about mine even came vitamin D I

have a another question because people

are taking vitamins maybe they’re even

eating the foods but they’re not

handling their vitamin deficiency

because the soil is so crappy yeah

that’s that don’t get me started on that

one I want to get you started on that so

the problem now in farming is they only

put three minerals basically back into

the soil they’re not putting all the

trace minerals you have like like

between 50 and 90 different minerals

that you need in the soil even take a

look at people that grow plants I mean

the amount of problems that people have

like farmers that are growing plants

that have brown leaves or yellow leaves

or they’re dying or it’s too small or

it’s not bearing the fruit those are

vitamin deficiencies well what’s

happening when we’re consuming that

vegetation on the soil is depleted it’s

crazy so it’s like you can taste it in

those tomatoes they’re just like it’s

like wax no flavor at all you just bite

it doesn’t smell like anything it

doesn’t taste like anything when I was

growing up we had a garden in the

backyard and we grew tomatoes everybody

grew tomatoes everyone was like giving

bags of tomatoes oh they were so red and

we would eat them like apples we would

just take a bite put a little salt on it

and they were so delicious and I can’t

even consider doing that with a

store-bought even even inorganic one

well even when we went into your fret

your old house that you grew up in your

friend down the street right around the

block her father we stopped there and

they had this mystery anise uncredible

tomatoes those are the best tomatoes

that have ever I think I still think

about those Tomatoes there was my

cutting again

they’re so good so you go to the store

it’s like empty nutrition but you saw

what he had he had

compost they saved everything they they

make their compost they nurture the soil

and you know no chemicals there’s

nothing better than a good tomato a

healthy tomato there is nothing better

in life is a good mojito Tomatoes just

perfectly oh my gosh again little basil

a couple things a couple things

pecan pie not sugar yeah the soils are

bad okay so that’s one thing right and

even if the soil that the farmers

growing the food on is not close to the

ocean you’re not gonna get iodine so

you’re eating empty nutrition and you’re

gonna feel it’s like just it’s not going

to be satisfying now people in Europe

Russia in different places they come to

America and they get fat eating very

similar foods it’s simply because the

soils are empty I mean even though I’ve

talked to this guys from Russia and he

came here he just bloated out and then

he when he goes home he’ll eat the same

calories you eat his food and he’s like

a so much richer it satisfies him he’s

not hungry as much so I really want to


I’ve never really too much been out of

country I want to travel to check

different places out for myself or we

want to do that but the point is that

alone I’ll be going by myself with a

video now he’s going alone oh yeah I’m

going alone

but yeah so it’s the soil but there’s

some other things can there’s other

things that are preventing the nutrients

going in even if you take the nutrients

enzymes how did you know that I got

another one rice you’ve got another one

right yeah so you cook the food too much

cook food destroys the enzyme now what

does that do that means that now you’re

eating foods that are kind of dead so

now your body has to make the own

enzymes to break that food down and also

a lot of the vitamins are heat sensitive

like vitamin C so when you’re doing

canned foods canned like what does some

canned like canned beans beans or oh

yeah there’s not gonna what about

pasteurized orange

juice hardly anybody Mencia in there if

at all unless they put it there

synthetically so when you pasteurize

food you cook it you roast it you heat

it it’s dead I’m sorry well when you put

it that way yeah

it sounds really bad it’s really bad

that’s why we need a cow we do need a

cow seriously to get some you know so we

can milk the cow or actually when I say

we I mean me huh in the morning make the

cheese in the butter huh

when yeah yeah but here’s the thing in

your stomach if you don’t have enough

acid in your stomach like a lot of

people have indigestion acid reflux as

they get older they lose the stomach

acid if you don’t have that asset you

can’t absorb minerals

you can’t digest protein so that’s

another way you could become deficient

so very common so let’s say an the

elderly they have anemia because they

can’t pull an iron because their stomach

is too alkaline so that’s one thing so

we’re so where do you get acid well you

get it your body makes it but if you

think about this the acid your stomach

gets hydrochloric okay hydrochloric the

chloride in hydrochloric comes from

sodium chloride like in salt so people

are low salt diet normally have low

stomach acids so you need the chlorides

from the food from from salt but I

thought salt I that salt wasn’t good for

you mmm especially table salt when you

hear that they okay then we know it must

be true

table salt is bad but sea salt is really

good if you’re on the keto in the

intermittent fasting program you need a

teaspoon of salt every single day and by

the way day yeah

by the way Karen those cauliflower the

cauliflower that you made yesterday

cauliflower mashed potatoes had

cauliflower mash a lot of salt but no I

loved it it was great because sometimes

it’s kind of bland that that was really

enough salt for me yeah that’s really

good but the point is you need how to

chloric acid but there’s one more thing

and this is like very very important one

is that insulin resistance

it’s the pre-diabetic situation that

itself is blocking the absorption of

nutrients potassium protein that’s why I

diabetic they start your muscles start

becoming flabby and they become weak and

as you clear that up with the keto in a

minute fasting you start absorbing more

nutrients potassium you get rid of fluid

retention I mean that alone just by

fixing that one problem just by not even

taking nutrition you’ll get more

nutrition from the food that you are

eating amazing that’s right so it all

comes back it all comes back full circle

to getting the basics then getting your

diet corrected not going out trying to

find a vitamin to correct the symptom

and I think that leads me to the next

topic which is the problem with people

using vitamins to fix symptoms they’re

not looking at the cause of the symptoms

so they don’t evaluate to know what’s

underneath them you know that’s your job

that’s right

that’s why we pay you the big bucks

that’s why I have a lot of videos for

free Karen for free on nutrition and how

to fix pretty much almost every thing on

your body so when we get a lot of

questions on Facebook and YouTube a lot

of these questions are already in a

video that you may have not have found

so if you just search for that topic

slash my name you’re gonna find answers

to everything’s like everything

Hashimoto’s that was a question today a

lot of questions on that a leg cramps

yep just pretty much everything skin

skin issues gallbladder little red dots

on your skin missing the gallbladder big

one and that’s you know what we should

probably talk about that okay yeah

because we done with vitamins

well that relates to vitamins oh now

Carolyn the gallbladder right do you

know what the Valle butter does it

produces bile and stores bile

okay so you got half of a right it’s

stores by good what makes the bile the

liver very good

okay question two now what is bowel do

bile breaks down fat Wow she’s smart oh

you sound so surprised well she’s really


so bile helps you extract and pull the

nutrients the fat vitamins fat soluble

vitamins are called like vitamin A D E

and K okay it puts us out of the food so

that’s what it does so without enough

bile you’re gonna be deficient in

vitamin A D and K good girl now that

might not be significant to you unless

you know what that means with your body

so you’re gonna get night blindness okay

number one you’re gonna have really

scaly dry skin you’re gonna have bone

loss okay you’re gonna have bone pain

you’re gonna have a lot of hormone

issues you’re gonna have calcium buildup

in the arteries from the vitamin k2

deficiencies and you’ll have bruising

okay but you’ll be fine I didn’t know

now what about people who don’t have a

cobbler and they’re good to go right

because it was an extra organ no so

here’s a situation you don’t have a gall

bladder so that means you can’t store

the bile anymore that means you can’t

concentrate the bile anymore by 20 times

normally that you need so you can

actually really digest so now you’re

gonna have like weak bile and not enough

of it so now we have this tube from your

liver that goes right to the small

intestines and it just trickles down all

day long not when you eat but constantly

so you’re gonna be deficient in bile now

you’re not gonna probably notice that

right away it’s gonna take some years to

develop these deficiencies so in that

case you’re gonna have to enhance the

diet with some some bile guys some bile

salts purify bile salts and that’s what

you’re going to need at least some on a

regular basis to make sure you have

enough to pull that out of the fats that

you eat

or you get by also so you can get it

online there’s a product that we have

called gall bladder formula as well it

has a bunch of other things in there in

addition to the bile salts as well

fascinating isn’t it well yeah yeah so

now the next question I wanted to ask

you Karen so what was the first vitamin

ever discovered I know this

what a Wow that’s pretty good with the

second one B and the third one how long

have we been married

C this is amazing

I know I’ve done probably like 49

hundred different seminars in a row and

I always ask that question no one has

ever got that right

so well don’t care yes thank you I was

at you were at one of the first seven or

700 of them so you were at one of the

seminars at least one of them that’s

right mm-hmm yeah so uh let’s see what

else do people not know they often ask

it out by to me oh well I mean basically

you deal with vitamins you should deal

with vitamins the same as you deal with

food right you want to eat real food

live food whole complete food not

nothing processed a stripped down cooked

or man-made right unless you know like

when I make pecan pie I’m not looking

for a vitamin source right so that’s

different but if you’re talking about

food vitamins would be the same they

should be whole and real and life right

and I think that if you’re trying to get

a certain nutrient for food it might be

helpful to understand what foods provide

those nutrients or at least a lot of

them sounds like a really long video I’m

gonna make it really little short and

I’m gonna summarize can it be in a song

like the alphabet so that we can

remember it I’ll let you put that

together and we’ll do that in the next

updated version how about that okay

okay good so

here’s the thing when you’re trying to

get nutrients from the diet

there’s foods that you eat that are very

very low on the list and foods that you

can eat that are very high on the list

so let me just ask you

okay let’s pretend that you’re an

average processed anxiety right now okay

I need a vitamin I have weird test

anxiety pick one of these call me in the

morning okay

hey Karen I have a quiz for you okay

okay now out of all the category of

foods what category will give you the

most vitamins of anything category now I

need to understand the question you mean

like is it a meat or is it yeah but true

or is it a vegetable that’s right okay

well I think vegetable is the comp the

obvious answer that everybody say I

didn’t say it I said it would be the

obvious answer and you’re testing me Oh

coach means coz you’re setting me up

right house for the gong so I’m gonna

say fats ah

meats wait though what else is there

okay good so let me just tell you what

it is okay so you would think I’ve never

heard of so you get the away galaga Luke

along no no you know about this so you

have vegetables right and then you have

you have iceberg lettuce which is not

very hard right that’s an edge to right

so that would be in the loan scale and

then what would be high on the scale of

vegetables yeah kale yeah right and then

you also have sprouts

yes sprouts are a little higher that’s a

vegetable mm-hmm but there’s something

higher organ meats organ meats organ

meats who would ever think now honestly

I don’t like what do you reason why I

didn’t think of that I know I don’t I

don’t really eat a lot of organ meats I

wish I liked them more but I just can’t

well yeah yeah but not I don’t really

like liver I don’t like the taste of it

but it’s so good for you if they have a

grass-fed nah I’m not talking about

getting some process you know type organ

meats now I’m not talking about that but

the point is that

you look what are you talking about I’m

talking about that organ meats are rich

in all the fat size of item ins iron

which is a horrible vitamin A which goes

in like a rocket ship

compared to vegetables it’s a pre

vitamin A it’s like a prior so you’re

not you’re gonna now the problem is that

excited I was excited about this so

excited about the question where could

you find these organ meats our freezer

right because we get them from a farm a

farm right well we do but I don’t know

like a pitch but we do crowd cow take a

cow or it’s like co-op I guess kind of

thing yeah but they’re all mostly all

really great farms and no preservatives

and grass-fed and things like that and

then you can buy the organ meats from

there and we we have that in our freezer

we have some very delicious liverwurst

okay now I’m gonna put a link down below

of where we got this it’s from an online

grass-fed type farm Camden doesn’t

really enjoy it as much as the original

liverwurst I was really loving in

Pennsylvania oh and you know you go down

to the local um can I was gonna say cafe

but the diner right and you get a

liverwurst sandwich and it’s like a

chunk like this of liverwurst on rye

with yellow mustard and a big ol slab of

onion great for your breath and it’s

horrible for your breath

but the liverwurst is so creamy and I

don’t know that combination I just

really like I really like it

but then he brought home this a primo

liverwurst and I knew I knew it was

gonna be a different experience the

minute he said that it’s a little more

fibrous now I can’t I can’t think of one

thing where you add that edge

and you go like oh right it’s not as

clean not smell like a potato patato

mission of liver in heart yeah and it

might have some kidney in there so

anyway yes it sounds disgusting but it’s

all breastfed and my dad would like it

if he was around it’s just really really

healthy it was really healthy that’s why

I was eating it it wasn’t bad

it wasn’t terrible yeah so if you like

liver you’re gonna like this typically

on average an average person would like

this but I mean if you like it creamy

you know okay we’re done talking about

living out I have something else to say

okay go ahead okay you’ve mentioned

several times today iron and then when

we were doing the other show a lot of

people are asking about the seek help

and keto and so what do they have what

do they have to do with each other and

what does it have to do with your body

why is iron a big deal and and how do

you get it unfortunately all the

vegetables that you eat half iron in it

but it’s it’s unfortunate unfortunately

has a type of iron that is not in the

active form that that’s in red meat and


so you’re getting this kind of this like

you can just look at it like a pre

vitamin A iron so it’s different I’m not

going to get into the technical part but

if you have an iron deficiency and

you’re anemic and you consume like rare

steak or liver or liver worse you’re

gonna get a way better source of

available iron to your body than you

would get from eating spinach and that’s

the point especially if you’re anemic if

you’re a vegetarian and you can’t do

that there’s a big problem because

you’re not gonna find that special

activated by iron that is in red meat

and the more rare it is the more

available is so but now you touched on

something is a hot hot hot subject right

was this eating meat and the whole thing

yeah very hot subject so people have


they get all the nutrients they need in

beans yeah let’s talk about that okay

yeah well I always like to ask him you

get your vitamin A from beans well it

has to be activated you’re not getting

retinol there’s you’re getting a pre

vitamin A that’s to be converted in the

body so if you’re living on vegetable

sources for your vitamins then you’re

only getting maybe three to four percent

if you’re lucky of that vitamin A same

thing with the iron you’re not getting

the full scoop and also but vitamin b12

now I will say this if you’re doing

certain type like even the wheatgrass

juice has a lot of b12 you can do also

spirulina or chlorella these are like

blue green algae type products what’s

interesting is that there is no b12 in

that vegetation at all

it’s the microbes that are living around

that algae yeah it’s the waste products

on microbes that are making to b12 I

don’t have a t-shirt like that okay you

do that

I love microbe poop or something I think

you’ll sell out it was if you want to

sell them oh you sort of wear it no I

just think it’s a funny concept it is a

funny concept but getting back on topic

here getting back on track oh it’s not

supposed to mean the microbes that live

this explains that the next concept of

sterilization like having your food so

sterilized and cooked and pasteurized

versus like really good like the

wheatgrass juice how do we have it’s raw

it’s hardly heat at all

there’s friendly microbes living around

that it’s very beneficial that’s what’s

giving you the b12 that’s very exciting

so that’s one nutrient that a vegan

could get easily but vitamin A is

difficult iron is difficult so they may

need to enhance their diet and where do

you get the iron if you’re vegan or not

okay if you’re not you’re gonna get a

ton from liver liverwurst right don’t do

that I’m delete do steak beef and then

what about a vegetarian

well you’re gonna have to find a good

natural source and some and supplement

because you’re not going to be able to

get it from the food and then what about

seek help does that give seek help is

really really good it’s like a vegetable

that lives in the water it has all the

trace minerals that you really need and

it has minerals and it has protein I

mean it’s really wonderful but it’s may

only gonna be a good thing for your

trace minerals and does that have hired

a little bit but it’s not in the active

form that you need to build blood okay

mm-hmm are you doing it has tons of

iodine that you need to help your

thyroid and also to regulate estrogen

but you can get too much iodine you can

get if you take too much of course

you’re gonna get too too much iodine but

if you take it in seek out small amounts

you’re gonna get enough and you’re not

gonna have to worry about it unless you

already have a condition called

hyperthyroidism big word we’re not

talking we’re not gonna go down they’re

not gonna go down but on that note Karen

yeah I think we’re gonna end up because

we gave a lot of information and I don’t

want to give people information overload

that is good that you aren’t going to

that you picked up on that one okay good

well then that’s your dose that’s right

it’s daily your weekly dose that’s right

the daily dose of dr. Berg oh that’s a

that could be the name of this alright

guys I am invisible all right have a

good one

we’ll see you next time