Additional Functions of Insulin (Beyond Lowering Blood Sugar) – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video we’re gonna talk

about additional insulin functions that

go beyond just lowering blood sugars

most people know about insulin as the

hormone that lowers their blood sugar

but it does a lot more number two it

stores the sugar in the liver and the

muscles as something called glycogen

which is basically just molecules of

glucose strung together in a chain okay

number three insulin converts sugar into

cholesterol if you have high cholesterol

chances are it’s because your sugar is

too high number four it converts sugar

into triglycerides okay those are blood

fats number five it makes fat especially

in your middle part right here the belly

in fact it is the most powerful fat

making hormone and it dominates all

other hormones so if you’re trying to

stimulate the fat burning hormones all

it takes is a little bit of insulin to

nullify that and put everything into

storage ask that number six prevents the

fat burning so not only will it make

make you fat it prevents the loss of

that fat and that’s why you’re not going

to lose weight if the insulin is too

high number seven it feeds the cell fuel

number eight it stops something called a

toffee G and the other videos I talked

about or toffee G which is the recycling

of cell protein so if you have damaged

cell parts your body can actually take

that and recycle it into new cells it’s

a great way to slow down the aging

process and it’s amazing but in the

presence of insulin you’re not going to

get atop the G okay you have to do

intermittent fasting to do that number

nine it absorbs potassium zinc and

magnesium very important so if you have

a problem with insulin like an insulin

resistance you’re not going to absorb

these minerals and a few others as well

number ten it makes protein like muscle

hair and things like that now this might

be confusing because in a diabetic

situation they have too much insulin so

why are they having a loss of muscle

protein and a loss of collagen and joint

tissue well when we talk about insulin

making protein we’re talking about a


of insulin with diabetes where you have

high levels of insulin it’s ineffective

because you have insulin resistance so

we need a normal amount of insulin to be

able to build our muscle tissue in our

proteins but we don’t need excessive

amounts and when you have insulin

resistance because you’re consuming too

many of the wrong foods or you’re

triggering too much insulin you create

insulin resistance and now you can’t

absorb the protein okay so we want a

normal amount of insulin and that goes

with number 11 as well artery tone you

need normal insulin to have the right

tone in your arteries so you don’t have

too much or not enough and again too

much insulin will cause hypertension and

that’s because insulin is there in large

amounts but it’s not being effective so

the really the person doesn’t get the

benefit of insulin that’s too high in

the pot it so I hope to shed some more

light on what insulin is and now you

have an expanded viewpoint that goes way

beyond just the lowering of blood sugars

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