The Perfect Diet – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so the question is what is the perfect

diet okay what what would you think

would be the most perfect diet in the

world because there’s a millions of them

and if you start doing Google searches

you’re going to be very very very

confused so what I want to do to answer

that question is to give you a principle

that you should eat for nutrients

because the healthiest most perfect diet

in the world would satisfy all of the

nutrient requirements I’m not talking

about eating some food and taking some

synthetic vitamins with it or having a

food that has enriched with synthetic

vitamins that’s not perfect I’m talking

about a diet that would satisfy all the

nutrients that you need a diet that

would be that would create the most

health and have the properties in those

foods that would enhance and prevent the

most health problems like there are

foods out there that prevent cancer

there are foods out there that will

prevent macular degeneration your vision

that will help protect you down the road

in bulletproof your health preventively

and then the most perfect diet would be

those foods that would contain the most

that are most natural okay so of course

you have the difference between

wild-caught and farm raised fish which

should be like like hormone pellets and

things like that or free-range vs. farm

like in this in this barn where they

have three thousand chickens and one

tiny little cage or you have organic

versus regular hormone fed animals like

that type of thing or pesticides sprayed

on the foods so the most perfect diet

obviously wouldn’t include those and it

would include GMO foods genetically

modified foods so you want to look at

the food the foods that would satisfy

the majority of the deficiencies now it

makes no sense to take vitamins unless

your food you’re eating is corrected so

what I’m trying to do is in trying to

tell you this you want to look at food

from a different angle not necessarily

what you feel like eating this all the

time but what during a given day

how am I gonna get the nutrition okay

but how do you know that that’s kind of

it’s hard to find that so what I did is

I created some software I took me over

two years and I personally invested of

my own money about a hundred and fifty

thousand dollars to build this software

so I hope you appreciate it because it’s

a free software for anyone and all it

does is it analyzes what you eat in a

given day and it compares it with all

the nutrients that you should be having

for your age for your sex male or female

and it will then tell you what you’re

deficient in okay and then not only that

it’ll tell you what foods to eat more of

and in the amounts that you need to eat

them why is that viable because very few

people are getting enough nutrition from

the diet that they’re eating right now

and so what we want to do is know are we

deficient well before we become

deficient so this is more of like

preventative stuff why would you wait

until you’re deficient in a nutrient to

develop a problem and then try to fix it

with a vitamin when you can actively eat

the nutrition right over here so you

never end up like that so it’s it’s very

very very simple and very logical but to

do that you really need to evaluate what

you do eat because let’s just take one

mineral potassium potassium is needed in

the amounts of 4700 milligrams per day

now you might say why eat a banana

really well that’s about 400 milligrams

you need for you’re not going to eat 12

bananas a day so what you can do is you

can find out what foods have the highest

potassium not just bananas and then eat

more of those if you’re deficient and

then it will evaluate some of the trace

minerals that you need to like iodine

and selenium

all these trace minerals that are not in

our soils in the US they’re probably in

Hawaii because the volcanic ash laid out

the trace minerals and and Italy

probably or Europe or Russia or even

Africa but not in America because we

don’t put these trace minerals back into

the soil

so you want to start focusing on foods

that have the most nutrition but what I

did is it creates

we’re to make it easy for you to figure

that out okay so what I want you to do

is to go down here click the link below

fill out one day of food and it will do

the rest it will evaluate all your

information compare it to what what you

should be getting nutrition wise it’ll

graph it for you and then it’ll tell you

what foods to put more attention on over

time and I would recommend to take this

quiz maybe once a month to get an idea

if you’re how far how close or how far

away you are from the ideal perfect diet

so take the quiz and apply the
