Join Dr. Eric Berg for a Q&A on Keto | DrEricBergDC

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eleven o’clock we have quite a few

callers and today we’re going to talk

about Quito and in a minute fasting I’m

still in my remote bunker location but

if you have a call I think there’s a

number below you can call it and pretty

sure it’s below but anything I say is

not meant to diagnose you it’s just

meant for you and your doctors to get

data to do more research and educate

yourself okay so that’s my disclaimer

and I’m sticking to it

alright so Steve I think we have a

caller we’re going to jump right in and

do you want to just give me the question

sure well I can’t wait first off we’ve

got a frequent flier Ruth from Texas and

she’s been taking a sort of drinkable

supplement you stir it up in water it’s

called vital red but it has fructose in

it and she wanted your opinion on how

fructose fructose might working with her

keto regime yeah good good question

Ruth other than the vital Reds which I

think are good for blood pressure and

things fructose is the worst sugar on

the planet if you want to avoid it like

the plague because it doesn’t your cells

are really only have receptors for

glucose not fructose so when you consume

fructose it goes to the liver and the

liver has to do with it it’s a very

similar biochemistry to alcohol so it

has to deal with it and it just

overloads the liver and it makes the

liver fat and then it creates insulin

resistance and inflammation and so it

indirectly will raise insulin so I would

recommend avoiding fructose and are all

cost and believe it or not high fructose

corn syrup is really only 55% fructose

and then the the rest glucose but a GABA

nectar is like 90% fructose so you want

to avoid it sorry alright good question

now let’s let’s go to sanjay that’s been

waiting for a bit Columbia Maryland

Sandra are you you have a question about

your wife was diagnosed with celiac


yeah good morning dr. Boone good morning

yes so I you already helped me lose all

my and reverse my diabetes said to my

even see is now 5.5 great but this the

question is for my wife she was

diagnosed with celiac i think her

brother also had has it so the question

was how what is the best way to heal

that nutritionally and the second

polling question is that she when she

wakes up in the morning her face is

small and or like puffy what are the

causes of that and then how out of it is

all that that’s okay quick question

before they put you on mute is she on

keto and intimate lasting yeah so she’s

falling back my example I had lost 11

pounds so he was very excited as well

she started 3 months ago but her

progress is like slow

she is like 14 pounds down but she like

she looks the same she looks still looks

puffy like okay all right good so let me

just have someone put you on pause as I

answer that and you know I can get in

trouble for helping too many people so

just realize that you know I’m just

sharing you kind of advice and what to

eat and then your body will heal itself

so that way I’m out of the picture with

healing anyone but anyway thanks for the

question so silly ik there’s damage in

the intestines so there’s a couple

things that will actually help heal the

intestines definitely chlorophyll you

might want to try the wheatgrass juice

powder because it’s loaded with

chlorophyll add water drink that it

helps heal the area the inflammations

probably initially create work was

created from high insulin and probably

even some some grains and you know

refined carbohydrates so now it’s a

you’re in the process of healing it

there’s a couple things that you want to

do add chlorophyll

a lot of greens a lot of vitamin C not

from a supplement though get it from

food bell peppers awesome awesome

awesome cabbage really good fermented

food sauerkraut really beneficial but I

like the wheatgrass juice powder you got

to take that for a while to help heal

the inner lining there’s there’s when

you actually have high sugar or high

insulin you will get damage to the

inside of the artery the inside of the

colon the nerves the kidney in the brain

if there’s low levels of nutrients in

your body especially b1 so the B

vitamins are actually very very

important in healing and reversing the

intestine so it I think what you should

do is you should put around that bend fo

to mean I’ve talked about in other

videos been boat to mean it’s a fat side

will be vitamin that would be one that

would be really good for her now as far

as the the puffy face there has to be

something right now that is either she’s

sensitive to food wise and if not then

just keep doing this and give it more

time especially if she’s lost weight and

she’s doing better

that being said intermittent fasting

more strict like less frequent meals are

gonna help the face as well on the skin

so if you can get her down to one meal a

day I think she’ll probably see the most

benefit for the skin

all right thanks Sanjay we’re gonna go

to Thomas from Long Island

go ahead Thomas you had a question about

dr. Byrd good morning well yes I first I

wanted to thank you up front I’ve been

doing intermittent fasting one meal a

day now for two and a half months Wow

and I no longer take insulin and I no

longer take glucosamine and I no longer

take my blood pressure medicine actually

it slowed down Wow so thank you you’re


I do take your gall bladder formula and

your insulin support and now that I’m

doing the one meal a day can I take the

insulin support during the day and not

break the fast yes you can and by the

way any supplements like that will not

break the fast

just FYI include including nutritional

use back that’s including nutritional

yeast there’s just not enough calories

to break the fast at all and I’m glad

that you’re taking that because if

you’ve been a diabetic what happens it’s

like you this is gonna actually in any

diabetics that are listening the B

vitamins especially b1 in nutritional

yeast is vital vital vital as I’m

studying the research on this you can

actually reverse a lot of the damage in

fact if you have enough b1 in the body

you’ll have less side effects from high

sugar high insulin but here’s the

problem the medication that people are

taking for diabetes type 2 actually

creates of b1 deficiency setting you up

for more symptoms and that’s why another

big symptom on metformin for example or

glucophage is on the box they have a

black label because it causes something

called lactic acidosis as a side effect

well guess what b1 will counter that

that’s the remedy for lactic acidosis so

again it comes back to that b1 it’s such

an important nutrient and the way that

you would become deficient in that is by

consuming refined carbohydrates in the

form of breads pasta cereal crackers

biscuits and white sugar and white rice

because it takes b1 to metabolize glue

carbohydrates so if you so if you take

the refined version it’ll deplete you of

your b1 and then you’ll have a lot of

problems alright doc can I ask a

follow-up questions please yeah sure go


umm at the end of my meal you know it’s

all vegetables and pickles bone broth

etc I get two for eggs

do I need any additional protein after

that or the floor eggs sufficient no

your that’s a complete protein and

instead of adding more protein and

that’s sufficient that’s a good amount I

would add a little bit of fat if you

need it so and that’s really the the

thing that you can increase especially

if you’re not satisfied if you maybe you

don’t want to lose this much weight or


fat is what you go up with a little more

vegetable but not your protein keep your

protein for X’s I think it’s a really

good amount for you good question thanks

Thomas let’s go to Ken from San Antonio

San Antonio had a question about

concussion yes I had a question about

concussion and whiplash from automobile

accident and also want to ask about skin

problems like basal skin cells things

like that okay so was it a front-end

collision or a rear-end collision

yep both both so you got what was first

was the front would you hit something or

did something hit you first or

concussion doc concussion right but in

the 2a who had two accidents one rear

one front oh two separate okay did your

head hit the wind the windshield or the

steering column no airbags went off in

the front-end collision and a rear-end

collision no didn’t hit anything because

of seat belts okay so I’m gonna let’s

talk about that first so I have a video

it’s on head injuries just go type in

YouTube dr. Berg and head injuries

because what happens when you have this

impact to the head it creates a lot of

stress and tension in the skull is that

there’s a technique I show you to help

release that and it’s quite amazing

because it your head will feel like you

have more space and you’ll sleep better

now the problem is the whiplash you had

a double whiplash when you get hit from

behind what happens the first motion is

your head goes back really fast and it

tears and damages the tiny ligaments on

the front part of your vertebra okay

it’s scars and then when you hit front

end piece you damage the back so you

have a double whammy so there’s probably

some scar tissue in the upper neck part

I’m gonna recommend that you get that

massage tool I have and use that on your


looks like this right here and you can

put this in the back part and you can

work on the different vertebras and you

sit back to keep the the the cervical

spine nice and curved it’ll give you

relief and then you work on the muscles

up underneath your clavicle because when

you went back you kind of tore these two

and this can create a lot of tension and

later in life you have a lot of

stiffness in the neck and difficult in

pain so this is a really good tool that

I created for myself from my whiplash

injuries that I had so and I think I’d

also have some videos on whiplash itself

you can watch that but it’s you’re gonna

have to probably do both techniques

because you had a double with whiplash

unfortunately okay now as far as the the

basal scale I’m cell skin issue I think

the absolute best thing and this kind of

goes counter what a lot of people say is

don’t be afraid to get about some

vitamin D from the Sun don’t completely

stay out in the Sun I would get a little

about Emma D if you’re concerned about

that then just take vitamin D vitamin D

is really important in to help

countering skin issues with the certain

skin cancer the other thing that I think

would help you greatly is to do hardcore

in a minute fasting because you’re gonna

see that you’re going to recycle old

damaged proteins that could potentially

trigger the cancer cell and so this puts

your immune system back into line it

actually supports healthy cells and and

then with the Kido by dropping sugar

then that way you won’t feed any cancer

that’s could be existing on top of that

I would recommend on a regular basis

basis consuming either regular garlic or

black garlic in a tablet form because

garlic is is hands-down the the number

one most powerful remedy to help with

anti cancer and help with cancer and

anti-cancer properties so garlic is and

in thing I like about black garlic is

that you can consume more of it without


a digestive issue its kind of fermented

alright thanks Ken let’s go to John from

Indiana India lat Indianapolis six year

old on Kido blood Sugar’s elevated go

ahead John you had a question

good morning I’ve been I’ve just started

on this kind of Morrible look a very low

carb design a purity to jannecke diet

and you know I I tried to go at least

two hours between my last meal of the

day and my first meal of the next day

and when I wake up in the morning I just

decided to try and check my blood

Sugar’s to see where they were and

yesterday they were my blood sugar was

166 that in the middle of the afternoon

after I had eaten my first meal it was

down to 91 and I watched him I saw a

video when which you talked about

elevated blood sugars on keto and can

you kind of explain that yes absolutely

this is a really important point so if

anyone’s checked out check right back

and just kind of catch this data right

here we know the majority of the

population has high insulin the purpose

of high insulin is to lower blood

Sugar’s high insulin is more damaging

than high sugar

as you do Quito in a minute fasting you

help to lower insulin the thing that’s

pushing the blood sugar down well guess

what’s gonna happen as you’re

transitioning into this face that

powerful high level of fasting insulin

starts to come down we no longer have

the push down wave to push the blood

sugar down and it may come up a little

bit as you kind of adapt to Quito that’s

not gonna be a problem because it’s

gonna eventually come down it’s just

it’s just the nature of what’s happening

your by suggesting you’re having much

less insulin in the system which is good

and you can even get a test you can go

get something called Homa - i our Homa -

i our that’s a fasting insulin test and

fasting glucose test and they’ll be able

to look at your insulin resistance and

that if you wanted a test but just give

it more time keep working towards

shortening the eating window keep

working towards keeping your carbs lower

and lower and this problem will improve

greatly okay don’t forget your greens

with all the potassium - to help heal

that system good question them thanks

John let’s go to Vivian from California

gastric sleeve

go ahead Vivian hi yes thank you for

taking my call I’ve heard your your

podcast on gastric bypass but I haven’t

heard you address the gastric sleeve yet

which so I still have eighty they’ve

removed eighty five percent of my

stomach as opposed to bypassing my

stomach so I still absorb nutrients so

my biggest issue is I’m trying to go to

one meal a day but like yesterday I was

only able to get in about 500 calories

with that one meal and definitely didn’t

hit my goals as far as protein and fat

either yes that’s a really good question

Vivian because you’re not dealing with

the full capacity of your stomach so

there’s two things you need to know

about that number one because you’re

doing in a minute fasting the

requirement for pro

vegetables and nutrients in the

vegetables micronutrients and

macronutrients the requirements are a

lot less you’re not going to need as

much now that being said there’s two

things about that one is that you down

to 500 calories okay it’s hard to get

all the nutrients you need in the 500

calories even if you’re doing one meal a

day so what you may want to do because

you’re limited by the full capacity of

the stomach is to eat and then maybe

wait like an hour and have any eat some

more so that way at least you’re at like

maybe 900 calories if possible so you

can actually see you’re not feeling so

stuffed now I think the other thing that

you’re gonna have to pay attention to is

there’s a couple categories of nutrients

that you’re probably gonna have to take

to enhance what you’re already doing

one is the trace minerals liquid

plant-based trace minerals vital because

you can take them in some water and

drink that and that way you’re gonna

make sure you don’t miss any nutrients

and then the second thing is to be

vitamins so if you do nutritional yeast

you get them into tablets and then the

trace minerals I think you’re gonna be

fine I think it’d be totally fine and

you may need a little bit outside of

vinegar or acidifies for the stomach to

then get your pH perect so you can

absorb b12 and the protein you’re eating

but I think you’re gonna be I think

you’re gonna be successful with that

okay okay perfect

all right thanks hey by the way we’ve

got quite a few folks on social media

that have some questions if you’d like

to thank you for yet ask me some

questions in social media would we what

do we have and where are they from

alright from YouTube Susan I don’t I

forgot to know where she’s from but

she’s having heart palpitations on the

keto diet and would like to know why

okay heart palpitations that’s usually a

potassium deficiency in which case you

want to enhance that with a good

electrolyte powder with high

potassium I I do have something that

would handle that if you were to take

that and that will actually really help

you now that usually works like ninety

percent of the time because anything

electrically with the heart especially

because it’s a pacemaker whether it’s

fibrillation or increased pulse rate or

palpitations will be improved with

minerals electrolytes okay

especially potassium so keep your

vegetables high but there’s one more

thing that it could be if you have

bloating if you’re not used to digesting

more fats or consuming those fats our

larger amounts of fats I found that the

bloating will kind of back up the

gallbladder and liver a little bit and

press on the heart and give you a little

palpitation so I have found that so if

the electrolytes don’t hundred percent

handle it then it’s your gallbladder

that you need to support and just kind

of adjust the fats and I have a video on

gallbladder flush using manual therapy

you can actually kind of massage it and

get it to flow better and I think those

two things totally handle okay now it’s

great and by the way one more Leah we’ve

got a lot more but let’s take one before

we go back to the tall’s leah has lost

86 pounds on Lido fantastic but she has

no sores and would like to know if

there’s any correlation between the keto

diet and that problem well usually

that’s a vitamin C deficiency now there

could be a virus coming out of remission

that can sometimes you get these little

viruses that can have like a little did

you say nose sores or coal sores nose

and her nose okay yeah that usually

could be either either a virus coming

out of remission due to stress or it

could be a vitamin C deficiency

especially if there’s a little bleeding

there in which case bell peppers and

cabbage would be the two sources and

where our sauerkraut would be the best

sources of vitamin C for her I would do


sometimes she needs more vitamin D so

you can get some Sun but if it’s a virus

then she needs something called mono


the viruses tend to come out when you’re

under stress and a lot of times people

get them on their nose sometimes like

I’ll get them if I have a really

important speech that I have to give in

front of a thousand people I’ll usually

get as it the night before rather than

the tip of my nose which I’m like why

does it always happen right so and

sometimes it’s in the inside so you can

have this virus that coming out of

Mission and create a lot of irritation

and you will know it if it’s a virus

because it’s kind of like a red sore

that can come and go on the same

location and you can’t kill a virus all

you can do is put it back in remission

by keeping your stress low keeping

healthy so you have nothing to worry

about with viruses other than staying

healthy your whole life and keeping off

the sugar but mono Lauren is a good

remedy for viruses mono Lauren’s extract

from coconut oil Steve can derful okay

good to know

all right good should we take a call

from let’s see who’s next in the lineup

is that Ramola I think Jennifer has been

on hold the longest from Long Island

let’s talk to Jennifer Jennifer you’re

on the line go ahead you’d a question my

first week on and I feel the only thing

is I get hot flashes I get hot and cold

and I know I’m not nowhere near

menopausal clean and applause oh is that

normal and I also wanted to know now

that I’m in the ketosis how quickly will

I start losing the inches okay did you

have hot flashes before or now no okay

how old are you like I’m 46

okay so right right okay so what happens

with hot flashes is there’s a whole

little circuitry thing going on the

adrenal glands are supposed to back up

the ovaries during menopause and pre

menopause and sometimes women can have

pre menopause and there

my 40s so the best thing for you to do

is to support adrenal glands so I would

look at you know really check if there’s

anything stress to stress in your body

okay that’s number one and sometimes

it’s like overdoing what exercise could

be or not sleeping so if that’s not an

issue then when I would do I would type

dr. Berg stress webinar and go through

that webinar because I show people how

to pull stress and influence the body to

a state where it takes a lot of stress

off your adrenals and that is what the

most successful action to help off

lashes especially if you’re not really

into menopause it’s like a pre thing if

you are post menopause or in menopause

and how hot flash I would do it’s called

estrogen balance and dim but for your

case I don’t think you’re gonna need

that I think you just need to support

the adrenal now as far as when you’re

gonna see progress what I want you to do

is I want you to get the concept wrap

your wits around the concept of get

healthy lose weight not lose weight to

get healthy forget the weight right now

look at energy improvement clothes are

they fitting looser are your cravings

going away that’s really the most


are you less hungry between meals how is

your mood how is your tolerance to crazy

people how is your digestion how is your

skin those are the things you can start

to see change and it’s sometimes it

takes a couple weeks to kick in there

and then it’s gonna get better and

better and better as long as you combine

in a minute fasting with ketosis it’s

the exact same time because then you’re

maximizing the improvement okay alright

thanks for your call

all right Steve alrighty well I can’t

wait we’ve got so much social media

action maybe we should take some of that

you should probably take some calls yeah

go ahead

all right so we’ve got Tashi and she

works 12-hour shifts she doesn’t heat

very much and she wants to know what

people like that can do when they have

no prep time to

really healthy foods for their Quito

experience so does she work a third

shift or just 12-hour shifts she doesn’t

say just a 12-hour shift and therefore

just seems to have very little prep time

somehow hey guess what Steve guess what

that is gonna come in handy because the

program we’re gonna recommend called

intermittent fasting means you’re not

gonna eat as frequently so this is a

really easy thing especially if you’re

traveling like all day somewhere and

your ereports

you know what we’re not gonna you’re not

gonna have to eat every hour and a half

to try to prep so what I would do I

would to make it really simple and this

is how I eat okay so eggs do not take a

long time you can boil eggs you can have

cheese you can have you know already

prepared meats and you can have eat that

and bring a salad I sometimes I’ll just

have just lettuce and some dressing

olive oil vinegar at boom I’m done nuts

peanut butter celery with peanut butter

peanut butter with hummus you can do

other types of vegetables like snap peas

or cut vegetables like bell peppers and

you can just down those so there’s so

many things you can go at the grocery

store and get already prepared on the go

so you’re not like spending all this

prep time I don’t have time to spend

with prepping I I make my own food takes

me like two minutes and you can make it

the night before as well but yeah I

don’t make these like sometimes you get

these cute Oh books that are so involved

so complex I don’t do that and I have a

video by the way on how to do how to

spend less time cooking on keto so watch

that okay Steve let’s make it it sounds

great and how about one more before we

go back to the phones and as you know

I’m an inherently muscular but Bonnie

wants to know how she can gain more

muscle on keto yeah okay thanks Steve

because we know that you’re pretty

physically fit specimen so you’ve been

really working on your muscles but to to

improve muscles and this is kind of a

kind of a myth that people have they

they they automatically think

well they pretty much need to get more

protein because muscles are protein

however to build muscle you need a

balance of hormonal health and number

one when you do keto and in a minute

fasting you heal something called

insulin resistance

now when the purpose of insulin is to

absorb amino acids to build to

synthesize muscle but when you have

insulin resistance you don’t it doesn’t

work anymore even if you add more carbs

it doesn’t work because the body is

trying to block insulin because you’ve

eaten too many carbs and too much

insulin so just the fact by lowering

carbs you open the door for the amino

acids to go in there and make more

muscle protein okay the second thing

within a minute of fasting is that

you’re gonna spike something called

human growth hormone and a female by his

13 hundred percent in the mail by two

thousand percent I mean you couldn’t

even pay to get that amount of injection

artificially which comes with side

effects compared to doing in a minute

fasting so it’s a huge spike of human

growth hormone which is a it actually

helps you build muscle preserves the

loss and breakdown of muscle okay and

there’s two other things that you need

to focus on high quality deep delta-wave

sleep and the second thing is exercise

high intensity full body with lots of

rest between and then keeping your

stress down those are the things that

you’re gonna do to build muscle moderate

amount of protein in your diet not too

much a lot and it last thing is that you

need potassium to build muscle so don’t

go short on your vegetables consume that

and you’ll actually have more potassium

to actually build more muscles that’s

great doc and by the way I’m glad that

was a gender-neutral advice because it

was Bowie not Bonnie so I guess it did

well so maybe we should hit the phones

yes let’s let’s go to UM is March necks

or take Marge Marge oh okay go ahead

Marge you had a question about metformin

for diabetes go ahead

yes sorry I got my blood work back and

the doctor called and said that my

pre-diabetes diabetic and it went from I

was already pre-diabetic it went from

five something to six something and he

wanted to put me on a low dose of the

metformin and the nurse said that they

are called up hog diarrhea and nausea so

we can intimate it and help me with the

pre-diabetes and I’m also taking black

seed oil okay all right Marge listen my

mom’s my mother’s name is Marge so I

like your name here’s what you need to

do here’s what you need to do you this

is the exact platform to get more

knowledge to know what to eat because

unfortunately what I wish the doctor

would have done is got your foods

corrected because if your if you went

from a five to a six and he’s talking

about a 1c which is an average of blood

sugars for three months it should be

like below a little below five or low

five six is kind of a little higher it’s

not completely bad but then the put your

medication I mean here’s the thing if

you do in a minute fasting you’re gonna

find your a1c going right down because

frequent eating increases insulin you

cut the carbs out and and follow my

program your insulin your a1c is gonna

come right down probably within a month

if not sooner

so you’re on the right track you’re on

the right channel I think then once the

a1c comes down then you and your doctor

can discuss maybe getting you off that

stuff but the other thing you need to

take right now is because metformin

depletes b1 is take some nutritional

yeast you can get in a tablet form that

way you’ll prevent the side effects

because metformin has a black label

which means it gives you severe side

effects like something called lactic

acidosis which you don’t want to get

that so you need to get on the

nutritional yeast okay

all right March thanks for your

question let’s go to Nick from Texas

Nick are you there yes sir hi dr. Berg

good first off thank you so much for all

the information you have I share your

channel with all my friends see so I

realize should it um I have been water

fasting the last 30 days now I did a lot

of research before I did it and I

started off keto fell off because of

financial hard times I got was 400

pounds one-sided members about wet water

fasting and I’ve been water fasting for

30 days now and I’ve lost actually 65

pounds now the point of the water fasts

wasn’t to lose weight it was to let my

body heal itself so my question is after

30 days I’ve seen a huge improvement in

my you know my happiness my my mobility

everything but I wanted to go to 40 days

there’s something in my mind says forty

days is a good number to hit now a lot

of people recommend me that I just go

ahead and get off of it now thirty days

is enough go and getting the keto so I

could start doing more exercise and you

know all that but I feel great

so they continue to forty days or should

I go ahead in 30 days I’ve seen enough

healing and progress then move on to the

key dough to continue my my journey ok

good question I’ll have the producers

pitch in Passau I can give this answer

listen you got you have a lot of weight

to lose it’s working for you you feel

great I think you can go to forty days

not a problem what I would recommend is

make sure that you at least consume

nutrients not synthetics but real

nutrition and here’s what I’d recommend

the electrolyte powder that I have be

that way you’ll get a little bit aciem

because you’ve got a you want the heart

needs these electrolytes right so you

have that it won’t bump you out of

anything but it’s just going to support

that and then the nutritional yeast

because that will give you the B

vitamins to also help and assist in this

process so because that’s really we eat

food for nourishment or nutrients that’s

the purpose so

you’re not eating food you’re just

drinking water so as long as you get the

nutrients I think and go longer and keep

feeling better and just prevent any

nutritional deficiencies because you’re

probably running on distort vitamins

that are in your system but the problem

is the water soluble ones and some of

the minerals don’t get stored like the

fat soluble ones so you’re probably

running out but they’re not going to

show up for a period of time so if you

want to extend it take those two

supplements I would take the electrolyte

powder and also the wheatgrass juice

powder okay do that and then let us know

how you do but good job on what you’re

doing so far hey guys so I have a link

down below on something really cool it’s

called a keto adaptation card and this

card gives you and you can cut it out on

a piece of paper you can download it it

gives you all the different remedies for

problems with Kido Kido fatigue Kido

rash cue to flu you name it I tell you

exactly what to do and you can keep this

in your wallet or purse cut it out and

you can download it right now just look

for the link down below check it out

it’s a keto adaptation card it’s pretty

cool alright alright Steve should we go

to Alan well I tell you well why don’t

we say hello to the world we’ve got

viewers this morning from Istanbul

Serbia you can I think the Philippines

and Malaysia

not to mention all over our great nation

and now let’s hit let’s hit the calls

but whenever you feel like it we’ve got

a ton of social media questions both on

Facebook and YouTube let’s take two

calls and then we’ll get some go to

social media okay and and I do wanted to

say I really really appreciate all of

your wonderful comments on YouTube and

Facebook with your results I am just

literally blown away I read them and so

I really appreciate you following

sharing and the great compliments that

you’re giving me I appreciate that it’s

just my pleasure okay so let’s go to

Alan is a call best morning coffee


go ahead Alan good morning doctor

morning with us I’ve just started the

keto diet and I’m getting ready to go

back to work from Monday after being off

tour like seven eight weeks because of

osteoarthritis of my knee so right now I

drink coffee with a lot of coffee mate


you know creamer in it on my way to work

so I’m looking I have a nutribullet and

I got all the vegetables and I’ve bought

purchased some wondering what kind of

shakes can I make what’s the best shake

I can make in the morning to replace

this sugary coffee that I’m addicted to

in the morning I totally understand you

do you want to lose weight or just

maintain no lose okay I know but I think

you mentioned for every pound that we

lose it’s how many pounds off the knee

and that’s what I’m striving for that’s

right and then do you are you pretty

addicted to coffee I guess I am because

but I’ll have my coffee in the morning

I’m okay okay good let me give you a

couple good tips okay so I’ll have the

producers put you on pause for a second

you wanted to use xylitol xylitol is the

best sweetener for coffee it won’t taste


it’s your new sugar you’re not gonna use

much you probably use a half a teaspoon

it should sweeten it fine get some

grass-fed whole cream whipping cream and

put it put that as your creamer keep in

your fridge that’s what I do

works great and try to do one cup okay

smaller if possible so so that way you

do that now if you really want to take

it one step further which I highly

recommend get an organic coffee because

there are a lot of pesticides so organic

coffee grass-fed whipping cream if you

want to do half a nap that’s fine and

then you put the xylitol in there your

it’s over it’s perfect that’s all you

need to do now I also recommend for

those people that can’t just drink one

they drink two or three or four or five

especially Italians so I recommend that

you get the matcha tea

okay a matcha tea that has some caffeine

in it not to be extreme but it gives you

some boost without the jitters and you

get all these great phytonutrients so

maca tree or much matcha or maca tea and

you mix the whole leaf in there and that

could be like after your first cup you

can drink those you’re gonna you’re

gonna have energy you’re gonna feel good

and I think it’s a it’s a great way to

transition off of your addiction I’m

sorry your coffee in the morning okay

all right thanks Alan good question

alright so we’re gonna go to one more

caller before we go to social media

let’s go to UM ramallah from texas

ramallah go ahead you’re on the line hi

hi hi there

I’ve been doing keto for eight months

I’ve been following a lot of your videos

thank you but I’m actually calling on

behalf of my sister she had acid reflux

as a young girl has a heart murmur and

you know since the surgery she’s had you

know she’s had to have a very strict

diet of you know nothing acidic no salt

and I know that the keto diet you know

lemon and salts are essential so how how

could she go about doing this diet

because she’s incredibly overweight and

I know that this would greatly affect

her health she has high blood pressure

and I’m pretty sure she’s pre-diabetic

no she had surgery for acid reflux yeah

it was so bad that the valve in her

throat was actually dissolved she had it

for years and never told me she’s

mentally disabled so she has a hard time

explaining herself but so she’s been on

incredibly strict diet since then when

she’s 18 she’s in her 30s now okay

all right good question let me just put

you in pause for a second first thing we

need to do if there was an acid there

was surgery because there’s acid reflux

there’s at this point we probably can’t

put acid back in because normally acid

reflux is low acid because then the

valve isn’t closed so we have some heal

to do the absolute best remedy for her

on planet earth is the that raw

wheatgrass juice powder that I have and

you can mix it in water in a shaker and

have her drink that several times a day

on an empty stomach

that’s gonna give her a lot of relief

and help give the chlorophyll to help

heal the inner lining of the intestinal

tract okay so that’s like a very

important thing but here’s the problem

because she had acid reflux that means

she had an imbalance and and I know she

probably doesn’t have enough acid now I

know it sounds weird but she’s probably

getting recruiting of the waste acids

coming up from the small intestine and

that is going to prevent her from

absorbing minerals and breaking down

protein and that’s probably why she has

the heart murmur just because you can’t

pull in all the neutral nutrition and

high blood pressure is really from high

insulin it’s not really the salt and I

know they said chill out the salt

because we don’t want to raise the blood

pressure but if what would she really

needs to do is heal by lowering insulin

that’s gonna help the blood pressure the

lining of the stomach and but she’s

gonna probably need a little sea salt to

actually add in there because if you go

low salt then you can’t make kind of

chloric acid for the stomach so you can

digest so I would totally put her on the

keto in a minute fasting put a lot of

attention on in a minute fasting because

someone that has that digestive issue if

you eat less frequent it’s gonna take a

huge stress off the system her blood

pressure will come down her pre-diabetes

will improve greatly but I think I think

you’ll see dramatic changes if you do

that but the chlorophyll from the

wheatgrass is going to be the icing on

the cake I’m sorry I shouldn’t talk

about cake it’s the meat and potatoes

now I won’t talk about that either much

better alright good so let’s go to the

social media see if we have any

questions there all right sounds great

we got tons of them Shaniqua on Facebook

wants to know if bullion cubes are

allowed on the keto diet doc yeah well

some are some aren’t depending on you

have to read the ingredients because a

lot of times they’ll put something

called modified food starch

okay that’s MSG monosodium glutamate and

if that’s the case you don’t want that

that’s gonna raise your insulin so read

the ingredients make sure it doesn’t

have any of that in there but if it

doesn’t have it in there go for it it’ll

give you some nice salts and minerals

and you can do that not a problem okay

and then Michael appears to be in the

same boat and is wondering whether

coconut sugar is allowed on the keto

diet yeah

coconut sugar it’s pretty high at least

it has a couple vitamins in it but it’s

not allowed because it’s gonna raise

your sugar all these like even coconut

water it’s not good because it has a lot

of sugar in it what you could do is

coconut oil and you can do xylitol or we

throw 12 non GMO or stevia or monk fruit

but now I’m sorry the coconut sugar has

to go we have to mix that Steve okay

well we will and then if Francis is

getting headaches on keto I’m not sure

if she’s blaming you but you would like

to know why okay I’ll take full


so the headaches on keto is primarily a

a blood sugar issue and so you want to

probably cut back on the transition

because I’d probably ask her and I can’t

ask her this but when she eats do the

headaches go away if that’s the case

then we know it’s a little blood blood

sugar situation and then you have to

back back back from the frequency of

intermittent fasting and maybe not fast

as frequent and gradually go into it but

the other thing that I would do if I

were you if you have headaches is I

would work on your gallbladder you can

use your hand press underneath the right

rib cage massage that 9 times out of 10

the headaches will go away because

there’s a nerve from your gallbladder

that goes all the way up to the neck up

into the head especially the headaches

on the right side which they usually are

and it could mean you’re just doing too

much fat so you have to cut back on that

but if you massage underneath the right

ribcage that usually will handle the

headaches Steve really click sound try

it no absolutely

and then Galia wants to know how

can know if she’s a liver type a liver

body type for sure well the only real

true way to figure out if your liver

type is to do blood tests ultrasound to

see if there’s a fatty liver see how bad

it is is there cirrhosis is there

inflammation that’s really how you’re

gonna know for sure but in the book I

talk about everyone needs to do the

basic healthy kedo inanimate fasting for

two weeks then we can add in the body


liver body type is is a little tweak to

the general plan for example liver types

don’t do well on a lot of protein they

do very well on cruciferous vegetables

they do very well on large quantity of

organic vegetables they don’t do well on

high amounts of cooked processed meat

they definitely didn’t do well on grains

or sugars so that’s that’s kind of how

you would know you’d have to do those

tests you can kind of get a rough idea

from my book by the symptoms but these

are just kind of good guesses to have

you try things and see if it works if

you follow the protocol in that book on

the liver and it works then we know it

was a liver it’s very easily to try one

thing and then if that doesn’t work try

another because you’re helping the

entire body if you do any of the body

type recommendations so it’s you’re not

going to make anything worse and and you

could be a combination so it’s really

hard to know exactly because when one

organ goes down the other ones go down

too but the question is which ones the

primary ones ones the secondary alright

Steve alright that sounds great how

about one more before we go back to the

yeah the calls this is Liz from YouTube

candy keto diet helped me recover from

spinal stenosis yeah good question

spinal stenosis I don’t have my skeleton

in here but it’s the the spinal column

should be this big stenosis kind of goes

down like this so it you have a less of

a space in the spinal column and so

there’s a lot of nerve pain and things

like that usually that comes that

comes from a combination of inflammation

in the ligaments and tendons that

surround the spinal column and sometimes

calcium buildup and scar tissue build up

around those areas if you do in a minute


that’s probably the most important thing

you can put your body into a recycling

mode where it’s actually going to take

this excess protein that you don’t need

and recycle it and help stenosis and the

other thing to take is k2 vitamin k2

because that actually will clean up

calcium and sometimes I also recommend

an enzyme called Sarah pep case and

that’s a great enzyme to to clean up old

scar tissue if there’s been trauma and

your spine okay Sarah pepped ace

make sure you get the one that’s over a

hundred thousand is take it a few times

a day on an empty stomach and that will

also help so we got k2 in a minute

fasting course keto was a given drop the

sugar drop the inflammation and that’s

kind of all you need to do to get some

relief versus jump right to the surgery

all right and by the way we’ve been well

represented in Asia but we don’t want to

forget our listeners and viewers in

Vancouver Italy and the United Kingdom

wow that’s awesome

that is awesome no we don’t want to

forget those guys so thanks for being on

let’s go to is Colleen already for a

question is that the one that we’re

gonna go after next yes who’s Colleen

Colleen from Alabama go ahead Colleen

hi good morning I’ve seen it on one of

your videos and for the life of me

cannot find it

I have stairs in my house to go outside

up-and-down and sometimes when I’m going

down my stair mostly coming up I have

that real heavy feeling in my thighs and

I know you touched on this and I can’t

find it and I was wanting to know what

is problem okay so like I had this too I

remember as a

kid we lived in Wisconsin and he used to

snow like three feet and I was walking

in the snow as a kid and I noticed my

legs were like lead pile ed weights

heavy legs is an adrenal issue the

adrenal gland needs support I have a lot

of videos on the adrenal you could watch

those and apply what I show and that

that usually works a good portion of the

time however that being said there’s one

more thing and that’s a b1 deficiency

could also give you similar symptoms but

taking b1 also improves the adrenal so

that could be why it works because it

gets rid of lactic acid and the muscles

which make the muscles kind of heavier

and so you can get nutritional yeast and

try that and see if that doesn’t help

you but definitely support the adrenals

and don’t forget to do the healthy keto

and intermittent fasting okay thank you

so much you’re welcome so then we have

sue bas from Malaysia you had a question

go ahead you’re a question about fasting

and kidney a kidney question yes good

morning dr. Berg good morning my name is

my name is Abbas calling all the way

from Malaysia I just have two questions

to ask you yeah thank you doctor

I’ve been following your videos for the

last six months and what has happened is

I was 158 kgs and by following your

videos and your advice I have dropped to

119 my question is I’ve been fasting for

six days and on the seventh day at about

3 p.m. I will slowly break my fast and

and I will then continue the next day

and I’ll start fasting again so it’s

basically six days fasting and one day

eating my question is I mean I also

watched your videos and you asked me to

take the zinc magnesium together to

with apple cider a sea salt and

potassium so I’m taking that every day

now my question is by picking all of

this is it right to carry on fasting six

days and one day because my out my

ultimate weight is 70 kgs because I’m

557 so that’s my first question my

second question is if I take the apple

cider vinegar together with all the the

the magnesium and zinc and stuff like

that will that all will that cause

kidney stones that is my actually my

main concern doctor okay

no the absolute vinegar will not cause

the kidney stones especially if you add

some lemon to the water because when

you’re into this hardcore keto your pH

will become a little slightly more

acidic and there’s a chance that your

uric acid levels could go up possibly in

which case you want to just have a

little lemon juice to counter that and

chill that out a bit but the potassium

that you take should help that too the

biggest thing with what you’re doing I

think I think you’re you want to look at

you want to make sure you’re not

nutritionally deficient so as long as

your energy is high your hair is not

falling out you’re not having any

symptoms and you’re improving then

obviously you have enough reserve

vitamin wise but I still if I were you I

would take a high quality plant-based

trace mineral I would probably take an

electrolyte I would probably take a very

food based vitamin supplement that has

in it the fat Seibel once more I would

just take olive oil that would be better

just at least take those as you’re doing

this to prevent any problems and lastly

the nutritional yeast tablets because

you need those B vitamins so I other

than that I think you can ride the wave

and keep doing it’s working you’re doing

it hardcore you’re because think about

on the evolutionary track on our bodies

our highs we’re not designed to eat

every hour and a half they were designed

to eat just like you’re eating right now

you’d be lucky if you ate every day

every week probably would eat and then

you eat for a couple days and you

wouldn’t eat so I think our bodies could

tolerate that as long as you’re taking

the nutrients because in the past we

probably had a lot more nutrient food

you need organ meats but now we’re just

like so nutritionally deficient okay

thanks for your question

and all right doc how about one more

from our audience this one on YouTube

you’ve you know answered some great

questions and I think we’ve tossed you

some softballs not this time I’m 60 and

have lost two inches in height can

intermittent fasting help me to regain

my height so we really wanted that in

width not high so it’s it’s drinking in

the wrong location

so we’re gonna have put you on the rack

and we’re gonna stretch you now well it

sounds like you’ve lost some some spaces

in your prior spinal column and with the

height and in fluid things like that

believe it or not I am guessing you’re

an adult and that’s what’s happened the

best thing to do would be to kind of do

things to rehydrate not not by drinking

water but what I’m talking about getting

your hydration in your discs making sure

the protein is actually can come back

because really when you lose height it’s

not just about calcium it’s about the

protein in the bone that you lose and

also the soft tissue discs that you’re

losing in which case you can greatly

heal that with in a minute fasting

that’s like really really important and

high-quality food over a period of time

I promise that you’re gonna grow but I

can say I probably slowed down the loss

of any more inches that you would be

shrinking okay and by the way if if you

have a child that’s not growing a really

good remedy would be to put them on this

program that I’m recommending and also

get a supplements from standard process

called pituitary

I used to use it a lot and practice and

seem like it really help kids grow

because it supports the pituitary it’s

called pituitary and PMG from standard

process now we’re going to go to Ashley

she had a question about

her mom go ahead Ashley from Memphis yes

hi after my mom mega eating a tomato

benign star somewhere along three

o’clock every night and it feel like

spider web around her neck and she also

have a lock locking Cory when you walk

she fell on her tailbone about thirty

years ago and right now she’s down

gallbladder formula k2 and the theory

reaping aid

electrolytes powders and for the meeting

request use powder first you know

nutritional is their pet paid and the

apple cider vinegar and chi-town is on

her way to do ketogenic diet in the past

she either three meals in the three bowl

of rice a day and now she is making a

big improvement she won both and writer

she divided into three meals and so

she’s on her way to Quito and she only

either doing the other day she has no

appetite before for me okay alright so

here’s what you do Ashley okay get her

off the rice get her off the rice the

fact that she doesn’t want meat probably

tells me that she needs just to keep the

outside of vinegar and the and to help

her acidify the stomach but I would

actually layer on the couch she has

enough nutrition now and in addition to

put her on keto and I’m gonna fasting do

some massage around underneath the right

rib cage in the left rib cage and the

reason for that it’s gonna kind of

massage and help the flow of fluids that

go through the pancreas and the

gallbladder and you’re gonna find that

the liver will drain better and that’s

probably going to handle the itching

ultimately I think that’s the only thing

you need to do and then get her instead

of doing three meals just do one meal

she’s not hungry and put the leafy

greens in there and I think that itching

is gonna go away okay Ashley and I think

Steve had a question for his friend

right Steve you had a question for your

friend you always have questions of

course we know they’re your questions

but maybe we’ll take that next week

Steve oh that would be you know I’m deep

deep into Quito so we’ll discuss that

next week and that’s not a McDonald’s

cup beside me right yeah I have you

pegged out okay great so hey guys you

guys had some great questions I really

appreciate your watching these videos

have a wonderful weekend and I’m gonna

see you next week same time same place

and I’ll be in my studio have a good
