The Best Protocol for Sjogren's Syndrome | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about Sjogren’s syndrome and

a really good protocol if I personally

had Sjogren’s syndrome I’m going to show

you exactly what I would do many times

this syndrome and syndrome is kind of

involving multiple areas is mistaken for

dry eyes or dry mouth but in fact it’s

an autoimmune disease but the dry mouth

can lead to dental decay chap lips

difficulty swallowing but it involves a

lot of mucous membranes and you have a

lot of mucous membranes to the entire

body and so it can really affect your

sinuses it can affect the

gastrointestinal tract it can also

spread to the lungs the kidneys and the

nervous system so it’s Progressive and

it’s chronic so it typically gets worse

with time but I’m going to show you what

to do to put in remission it’s very

common for people with Sjogren’s to also

have lupus

and or rheumatoid arthritis or other

autoimmune diseases there’s pain there’s

fatigue involved there’s also a high

risk of lymphoma which is like a tumor

in your lymphatic system women are nine

times more likely to get this than men

and there’s even a genetic part like it

was called a polymorphism which

basically is a weakness within your

genes that can get turned on with

certain environmental triggers but if

you have this Gene it doesn’t mean that

you’re going to get shograms it just

means that you have a tendency to get it

if there’s a certain environmental

stress factor in play and that stress

factor is usually viral I’m talking

about Epstein-Barr virus and

cytomegalovirus okay now both of those

viruses are latent which means you get

this infection it goes in remission and

so you don’t have this problem anymore

and then it can come out of remission

later or the same thing with chickenpox

right you have chickenpox and then later

in life you end up with this um shingles

okay it comes and goes depending on

stress well Epstein-Barr virus or

cytomegalovirus can come out of

remission which is probably triggered by

some major stress event it could be a a

loss of a loved one for example I see

that very common when I was in practice

and then it just Alters your immune

system to the point where you have an

autoimmune disease which I’m going to

get into in a minute but the point is

that many of these conditions are

triggered by various things and viruses

are at the top of the list but what’s

behind that is usually a stress event

and this is why Sjogren’s can sometimes

go in remission right they just kind of

goes away and people don’t know why well

it probably has something to do with the

person’s stress level they just suddenly

handled their stress and this condition

gets much better as far as the

underlying mechanism right they’ve

studied this I put a lot of references

down below to if you want more

information but they isolated this very

specific problem within your immune

system and I’m not going to get into

detail but all you need to know is

there’s two types of T cells involved

you have the T helper cell 17 involved

that cell is normally involved in

attacking pathogens viruses bacteria and

fungi but for some reason that goes out

of balance and it loses control and it

starts to attack your own tissues and so

they found that we have too much th17

that’s out of balance with another T

Cell called the T regulatory cell which

is all about self-tolerance and

protecting our own tissues from being

attacked in other words attacked by our

own immune system so it prevents

friendly fire it helps the body

differentiate between our own cells and

a pathogen so the perfect storm seems to

be this increase of th17 and this

decrease of the T regulatory cell that

part of the immune system gets out of

balance and that initiates an autoimmune

response and then we get a lot of

inflammation and collateral damage but

the isolated this out of balance with

like psoriasis lupus Sjogren’s and so

the protocol I’m going to talk about

really addresses putting this part of

the immune system back into balance now

personally from looking at this data

there’s a lot of evidence to show that

this might also be initiated in your gut

because in the mucous membrane of the

lining of your colon you have these th17

cells as well as the t-reg cells and so

you have this GI system with a massive

massive surface area if you were to

stretch out your intestinal tract which

is basically an internal protective

barrier to the inside of your body if

you took the surface area of that and

you stretch it out it would be the size

of a tennis court which is constantly

being exposed to a multitude of viruses

bacteria certain junk Foods things that

create inflammation so there’s a lot

going on if you have any autoimmune

disease disease or any condition that

involves inflammation

boy you better get your diet right to

make sure that nothing you’re eating

creates inflammation in your gut and

that’s pretty much all I’m going to say

about that I’m not going to get into the

diet for this I’m going to jump right

into the protocol so the protocol

involves natural remedies backed up by

some pretty hardcore studies that do a

couple things one is put this

th17 t-reg ratio Back in Balance and so

the first remedy is called sweet

wormwood okay there’s an active

ingredient in there that’s highly

researched that is really good for your

immune system and especially this

Condition it’s called artemisinum and it

also has another function of inhibiting

viruses specifically the Epstein-Barr

virus and the cytomegalovirus so it’ll

help you in both areas now as far as the

dosage on all the things I’m going to

talk about I would

just follow what is on the back of the

label the next thing I’m going to

recommend is this is more of a food

broccoli Sprouts you could get

sulforaphane as a supplement but it’s

preferable to get broccoli sprouts and

just put them on your salad you know

just a little bit each day but the

sulforaphane in broccoli Sprouts also

helps to balance your T cells as well as

reduce the cytokines or the inflammatory

Cascade that occurs after this imbalance

sultheraphane is also very antiviral it

helps you with oxidative stress and this

next remedy is you know not a supplement

it’s safe food and it’s sauerkraut and I

know you’re probably wondering

what would sauerkraut do for an

autoimmune disorder right well another

piece of fascinating data is that your

gut microbes regulate

the T helper 17 cells as well as the T

regulatory cells to prevent viruses from

creating problems also from invading

that lining in your colon so I would

recommend just a little bit of

sauerkraut in your diet every single day

as a probiotic which will also give you

the vitamin C and it’ll also give you a

good fiber to help feed the microbes and

you can also do a probiotic but

sauerkraut is one of the best probiotics

that you can consume nearly all of the

Sjogren’s syndrome cases

have dysbiosis they have problems within

their gut and that might be actually one

of the biggest factors in this perfect

storm of developing an autoimmune

disease and so if you can focus on

getting this diverse population okay in

your gut

um that right there might put this thing

right back in remission there’s two

other potent

vitamins that can help put these T cells

back into balance one is vitamin D and

the other one is vitamin A and I’m not

talking about beta-carotene I’m talking

about retinol both have potent effects

of balancing out to make sure you have

the right ratios of your T cells I would

recommend 30 000 IUS of vitamin D every

single day which by the way will also

drop your inflammation and as far as the

vitamin A goes I’m going to recommend

you get that from cod liver oil and the

cool thing about cod liver oil is not

only does it have DHA and EPA which is

needed to help counter the dryness in

your eyes and your mouth but Cod Liver

also has vitamin A and vitamin D and so

it’s one of the best oils for this

condition because it has so many factors

that contribute to lessening the side

effects from this problem so the cod

liver oil specifically the DHA and the


is going to help also stimulate the

glands to produce tears in your eyes and

I’m going to also recommend very

importantly this other oil it’s black

currant seed oil it’ll give you a type

of fat called GLA which in combination

with that cod liver oil will help

stimulate the tear ducts to produce more

tears now before you go to sleep at

night I would recommend you put coconut

oil in your mouth okay just to help with

the dryness when you’re sleeping and you

can even take on a Q-tip put some in

each nostril of your nose to help with

dryness if needed especially if you have

cracking and the last remedy is called

cordyceps mushroom that can Target the

malfunctioning salivary gland and so

it’s going to increase the production of

saliva as well as address part of the

immune system that’s out of balance so

go ahead and apply this information and

then come back to this video and please

comment in the comment section your

results now the next most important

video is my video on the relationship

between vitamin D and what it can do for

autoimmune diseases in general so check

that out I put it up right here