The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - March 3, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

welcome back everyone we’re here with

another q a

on the topic of Health anything that I

say is definitely not meant to replace

your medical care check with your doc

before taking any of the advice but we

have some real interesting things to

talk about and some great questions that

we want to answer let’s just Dive Right

In Steven do as many as we can excellent

idea let’s start off with social media

today we love them Yaz media from

YouTube how to combine my fat intake

with oh good here’s another one of these

words lithosis in my gallbladder I am

not convinced I have to have it removed

so did I say that right come on fat

intake with lithosis is how it’s spelled

so what here here’s the thing I I don’t

I’m like missing a little bit

information I don’t know

um if you have

large stones or no stones or small

stones but the point is that um

realize that gallstones don’t just come

from cholesterol It’s a combination of

cholesterol and a lack of bile so if you

don’t have enough bile then you get this

super concentrated um like uh

cholesterol stone that can develop so

the solution is to increase the amount

of bile salt okay and that’s going to

help you

um you know of course if you if you do

the diet that I recommend you’re doing a

combination of

great uh you know plants and vegetables

and things like that with your protein

with your fat and um and also um I have

so many videos in gallbladder you should

watch those but uh I would start taking

a bile salt formula

um maybe gallbladder formula and just

start taking that a regular basis just

to start to reverse this ratio so you

can resolve it and then maybe don’t

consume a massive amount of fat right

now until you get things situated

um I had a lot of gallbladder problems

early on and of course my problem was

not just saturated fat it was the

combination of saturated fat and all the

carbs I was doing at the same time that

probably created the problem

okay very good let’s see now I don’t

know if Sandra’s pushing the envelope

here on YouTube but she wants to know if

she can have her sourdough bread as a

part of the keto diet and can I use

coconut or almond flour maybe that’s uh

what do you think doc

is she gonna make the bread out of the

coconut flour well that’s what I mean

yeah do that I don’t know

um that would be interesting if you can

make a sourdough bread of that flower

that that would be that would be good I

don’t know what it would taste like

but um it might be um edible would that

meet the requirements of being keto


yeah if there’s no other

um grains in there if there’s not added

grains because sometimes the you see

these recipes are these keto friendly um

breads but then it has the tapioca in

there it has uh you know gluten wheat

because it’s protein

but it’s undigestible by humans so you

really have to just

have knowledge of what you should have

and what you should avoid okay very good

sander we would love to hear back from

you to see what that tastes like maybe

send us a snapshot and we’ll publish you

okay let’s see why don’t we kick off

with our first quiz question today Dr

Bergen by the way audience all of them

are questions no true falsers so you

can’t get away with the 50 50 coin flip

today you’re gonna have to really put

your thinking caps on and here it is

okay which vitamin deficiency is behind

bladder issues like I’m talking about a

leaky bladder frequent urination you

know incomplete empty of your urinary

bladder or urgency

what is What vitamin deficiency is

really behind

the majority of those problems

all right very good dig into that


uh and here’s another set of Love lover

a letter uh for you Dr Berg Cami from

YouTube thank you for all your

educational videos you have made me more

aware of my health you are amazing thank

you Dr Berg and I Echo that my

intermittent fasting has gotten me out

of the pudgy zone for some time and I’m

very grateful for that as well Dr Burke

okay you bet Bob from YouTube does

sleeping up to 12 hours a day a part of

a healthy fasting that’s interesting

well um I think it wouldn’t hurt if you

get more sleep that’s for sure I mean

the more um I mean I don’t know I don’t

know if I could do that I mean sleep for

12 hours that would be very difficult to

do but if you could do it occasionally

I’d probably probably help you probably

catch up on all the lack of sleep that

you might be getting

very good uh let’s stay on YouTube for a

second this is Osama from YouTube the

skin on my face turned yellow since I

followed healthy keto I take Vitamin D

supplements Trace elements and B

vitamins I have a blood test and the

results were normal what do you think

the cause might be now with Osama I

don’t know you know if he’s from an

Asian country or whatever it has white

skin so it’s a little difficult right to

determine where he started but he’s got

yellow skin now

well of course if you don’t have

jaundice and your liver’s healthy then

it could be something you’re eating with

um some pigmentation are you eating a

lot of carrots hopefully you’re not

doing a lot of carrot juice

um are you doing a lot of turmeric I

mean all these things potentially could

could make you a bit on the yellow side


um I I don’t know I really don’t not

have to get more of a history these I

can only guess


all right very good well listen Dr Berg

I know you have a certain fondness for

Canada so I thought it would be

appropriate to start off with our guest

from Ontario and his name is Chris and

Chris if you’re unmuted you are on with

Dr Berg

oh there we go

can you hear me we sure can perfectly

oh great good morning Dr Berg good

morning uh just want to start out by

saying uh I’m not a long time Watcher

I’ve just discovered you since Christmas

time uh but certainly made a huge

difference when I discovered bile salts

uh about three years ago I had my

gallbladder removed after a long lengthy

process of figuring all of this out and

uh nobody said anything about bile salts

and I couldn’t figure out why I was

feeling so terrible

so uh thank you very much for that and

as well as a lot of the other

bits and pieces that I’ve picked up

along the way the turmeric one was a

great one and our local grocery store

actually carries it so the the actual

turmeric as opposed to the the tablet so

I was very pleased to find that uh my

question today I guess is maybe twofold

you kind of answered it with your uh

your video that dropped today I’m still

having a lot of issues in my stomach

area and they actually cleared up for

quite a quite a while it’s only been the

last couple of weeks and I’ve started to


um the fullness under my right ribs

again and kind of radiating up to the

shoulder and it sounds like from the

video that came out today it might be

more pancreatic problem

and all the things that you talked about

today are in your bile salts all the

extra things to take so I guess the

first part of the question is should I

take more of those as opposed to just

taking them when I’m eating

uh and then the second part is somehow

maybe taking the extra vitamins that

I’ve started taking since watching you

and over the last month and a half or so

somehow causing a problem should I

should I take them spread out more

during the day should I take them

concentrated I’m not quite sure on that

yeah I it

I think that for the first question I

think you’re on the right track yes you

could take um additional gallbladder

formula an empty stomach because that

way you can work on the bile ducts I

mean think about you

um I think you’ve mentioned that you

removed the gallbladder so what that

means now is you just don’t have the

concentrated amount of bile you have

bile coming trickling down there but

it’s just not in the right amounts or

concentration so you’re always going to

have like a little weakness there which

means that you could still have a bit of

sludge within the the tubing the pipes

from your liver to not just

the gallbladder um where the gallbladder

used to be like to the small intestine

but also wraps around to a point where

the pancreas connects and that could be

a little backed up and create a little

pancreatic problem and maybe even a

deficiency of those pancreatic enzymes

so I think that’s probably sounds like

the weakness that um you just have to

keep working on and that takes some time

um you might benefit from

definitely betaine hydrochloride because

that’ll actually really help at the

stomach level and maybe some enzymes too

but I wouldn’t jump to too many things

at once I would try one thing at a time

one thing that might be also beneficial

if you have a fatty liver would be to

add some choline to your diet because

that that can act like an additional


to keep that liver really you know

cleaned out and so stuff can actually

start coming out and then

also don’t forget the the basic eating

plan make sure that um

you know you’re applying some of the the

basic healthy


um that I recommend just that way you’ll

have a nice combination of foods that


create problems in the future

um because we want to look at the

original reason why you’ve had a

gallbladder problem in the first place

right and you want we want to correct


um but if you have that

right sensation underneath your right



I would um

I would suspect there’s just more sludge

that needs to be dealt with and yeah so

just add that on an empty stomach and

that should thin more of the bile and

that should

you know you can keep increasing until

that sensation goes away and then you

know okay I need that much for a while

and then as your diet improves that

symptom should go away I used to have

that all the time in fact I think I had

it for 12 years I had no idea

about where it was coming from and uh

thank goodness I I figured it out

because it’s it’s really a

pain underneath your right rib cage

indeed well Hey listen thanks for being

our inaugural visitor on the show Chris

he did a great job and we’d love to hear

back from you about all your successes

with your ailing gallbladder okay we

kicked off today with our first question

you you bet you anytime Chris get back

with us all right let’s see uh our first

quiz question uh asked

if I push the right button which vitamin

deficiency is behind bladder issues

leaky frequent urination incomplete

emptying of the bladder and other earthy

things and our audience seventy percent

of them said vitamin C 15 say vitamin D

and 15 say vitamin B is in boy

drum roll please Dr Burke how’d they do

the answer is thymine B1 deficiency and

let me just explain because there are a

lot of people who have problems with

their bladder and they get up to the

night they have issues with um

urgency and then they they have to go

but not a lot comes out

um there’s just a lot of issues with the

bladder I did a deep dive into this

subject recently and found some

fascinating information with um that

correlates with what I already knew and

unfortunately when you try to research

this topic you’re not going to find it

because the first probably 10 pages on

Google is all the same old same old you

know it’s just trash it’s like they

don’t give you it’s like a bunch of

companies that hired um SEO people to

just come up with content based on

keywords but there’s no real

answers and so you end up going to the

doctor and getting another Med whatever

and then having it cause side effects

but B1

if you look up the relationship between

B1 and all these problems with the

bladder you’ll have all this interesting

stuff come up

um that relate to um

the muscle the nerve connection to the

muscle that surrounds the bladder itself

and so


that connection is is very interesting

because when you don’t have enough B1

and that usually comes from consuming

years of carbs and sugars and alcohol

and things like that you can affect that

nerve many different areas even in the

brain the actual Center in the brain

that controls the bladder the holding of

the urine and the releasing of the

bladder is highly sensitive to a B1


so what is the solution you start taking

a natural B1 and you also I would take

in addition to that benphotamine which

is that fat soluble B1 that can also

help more on the brain level if there is

a problem in there and restore that and

there’s some great data that shows that

you know even by taking you might have

to take it up to three months but I

think you’ll probably see changes within

you know a week or two and of course

change the diet as well but that’s uh if

you have that problem it’s really

important to know that connection all

right very good well later in the show

we’re going to hear from margar who is a

transplant from Russia so as we talk

about who’s watching I’m going to go

ahead and credit her with chiming in on

behalf of uh Russia and in addition to

that we’d like to say hello to those in

UK Canada Mexico Switzerland Jordan

Sweden Ethiopia Poland Norway Chile Oman

Algeria the Netherlands Japan United

Arab Emirates France Italy Taiwan India

Nepal Argentina Serbia

Iran Belgium Colombia Ireland Greece

Pakistan Bermuda Cuba Scotland artria

Kuwait Yemen Israel the Dominican

Republic turkey New Zealand Australia

Sri Lanka Trinidad and Tobago the Virgin

Islands Malta I don’t think we’ve heard

from them for a while Peru Finland

Jamaica Lithuania Syria Nigeria South

Africa Germany Aruba a great place

Portugal the Philippines Egypt Qatar

I don’t think it’s chechnya anyway sorry

Terry I blew that reading Austria

Croatia Brazil Slovenia Romania and all

across these United States and as usual

there’ll be some frustrated people that

didn’t hear their name and they’re going

to chime in and add to that list so

we’ll wait for that so thanks everybody

for listening and of course all across

these wonderful United States if I

didn’t say that let’s go back to social

media Lucy from YouTube My amylase level

is at 164. the normal is 110 does this

mean I have pancreatitis

yeah right I I can’t diagnose that with

just that one value you know here’s the

thing when you when you evaluate someone

you really have to um use as much

information as possible get a history uh

potentially it could be one of the

causes but

um you really have to take all the

factors and make sure there’s no missing


like probably recently Steve I don’t

know if you’ve heard uh in the news it’s

all over the news that

erythritol has now been found linked to

heart attacks and strokes have you heard

about that no but it doesn’t surprise me

it’ll be back to Salt next week or

something if anyone is interested me

talking about that let me know and we

will talk about that but uh

uh you know I’m in the keto Community

you know people are saying oh my gosh

it’s wow I’ve been eating that for a

while I hope I don’t drop dead of a

heart attack well

this is a perfect example of


of just missing information when you

evaluate and probably on purpose to to

make something

sound really bad but in reality when you

have all all the information it’s like

it’s ridiculous

but um yeah I really don’t know about

your pancreatitis but um if you have it

or not but um there’s many causes and I


probably the most common cause with a

problem with your enzymes

especially the pancreas

would be some problem in the the ducks

that are causing pressure or

inflammation or a backup and

what I would do if I were you as a

really inexpensive way to

um potentially solve it is I would start

taking tatka which is that it’s a type

of bile salt that will definitely open

up those ducks and if you feel better


a couple days then that’s then we know

it’s a problem with the sludge this is

this bile sludge is probably

I mean it’s just a super common problem

that most people have never even heard

of so

um it can create a lot of nausea and

bloating and um especially problems

related to the gallbladder and the

pancreas so

um I have videos on it and so it’s uh

it’s valuable to know that if if you

have any of those symptoms all right

very good well be forewarned audience

Noah wreath for tall back to two or

three cups of sugar per day with the

food pyramid uh with all the carbs and

so on so you’ll feel a lot better once

you get that back underway okay now here

we go with our second question once

again no true false today there it is



with um the vitamin D side effects like

some people get fatigue insomnia

headache constipation even diarrhea when

they take vitamin D

okay so what’s the best way to deal with


is it not to take the vitamin D or what

else could you do to solve that problem

okay here we have a very popular

question we hear a lot V from Facebook

I’m new to keto how do I eliminate my

craving for sweets

I mean it’s the easiest thing in the

world you just basically reduce your

dietary consumption of sweets to get rid

of your craving to sweets you can’t get

rid of it by keeping continuing to eat

sweets so you reduce your sweets and

then your body has no choice but to

start burning your own fat and that

transition takes three days

and if you want to speed it up even more

then you practice intermittent fasting

you don’t eat as frequent maybe two

meals a day now is it going to be hard

to do initially well

not if you add more fat to the diet

to be more satisfied but within three

days all of a sudden you’ve adapted your

Cravings are gone and now you’re not

hungry anymore it’s really fascinating

you have to try it to believe it and

once you do it you’ll be wow that was

amazing I didn’t know that would work

like that but it does and now you’re

burning fat it’s a different fuel source

and uh you’re going to feel much much

better V we are all rooting for your go

um girl I assume and get back with us

and let us know about how you don’t give

a darn about sweets anymore okay let’s

see Denise from Facebook I take pure

therapeutic fermented ketones never

heard of that and now off all meds

that’s great lost body fat and better

Whole Health all around down 106 pounds

wow that’s the bell for three bell rings

for that why aren’t more people not

using this magic so she got over the

sweet uh Cravings it sounds like


there’s two ways to

um get ketones well there’s more more

ways than two but

um you can


cut down your carbs

to get your


your body to make more ketones and then

you can actually also not eat and then

your body will actually turn your own

fat into Ketone so it has the ability to

to change your dietary fat into ketones

as well as your own body fat into

ketones and

and basically just need to do two things

is cut down carbs and don’t eat so so

often and cut out those snacks Steve is

anyone uh as you see on social media is

anyone interested in knowing more about

this uh erythritol uh heart con problem

connection or are they not really

commenting about it well that’s a

question for Terry because he

wonderfully sort of uh you know gauges

which message is to send me so Terry

word out to you any uh action on

erythritol and also uh Alec he’s

watching on there for various things on

social media so Alec if you see anything

that has to do with the wreath for tall

questions please let your local producer

know and we’ll get that back to Dr Berg

so pressures on Alec and Terry for that

but that’s an interesting question I

mean I you know I use it but you know

everything I’m 69 dog and everything was

going to kill me

every five years for the last 69 years

salt no salt you know this that so I

guess I’ve won but erythritol hasn’t put

me down yet so I’m going to call that

Victory now as promised there are some

people that feel uh very dejected

because we didn’t mention their name but

they didn’t mention their name on and

here they are here are the people that

we’re going to mention Ghana India South

Korea Albania uh Jamaica Somalia Saudi

Arabia and Spain welcome on board

everyone I can’t imagine there’s many uh

countries around the world that are left

off the list today so let’s see


um here we go uh Terry’s just chimed in

our audience overwhelmingly wants Dr

bark to discuss in depth the results of

the erythritol study with four

exclamation marks so yes that is a topic

of Interest doc

let me just touch on it real fast I’m

gonna you’ll see a whole video on it but

we don’t need to spend a lot of time on

it but here’s the thing this study is

all over the news it’s in social media


so if you actually read the study

um it’s not even a study about the

dietary erythritol okay it’s not even it

was not it’s not about a person

consuming erythritol at all that’s

interesting it’s about your body making

its own erythritol so the people that

had the most erythritol from

endogenous which means your body makes


um uh was had a head Association to a

heart problem right

okay so what there’s some some missing

data there’s a missing piece of the

puzzle here that people don’t know


your body makes erythritol as a

byproduct of uh glucose metabolism

so the people that have the most

erythritol in their blood are the people

who are consuming the most sugar like

diabetics people eating fructose a lot

of fruit

as well as

it’s it increases when you have

oxidative stress as in kidney disease

liver disease


so and even belly fat so you’re going to

have a lot of erythritol and the

majority of people in this study

were not healthy they’re diabetics they

are at high blood pressure they had a

lot of pro they’re overweight they had a

lot of problems

so obviously they’re going to have high

levels of erythritol and the question is

this is the big question

um is it really the erythritol that’s

doing the problem

or is it

the health problems you have that is

causing the heart problem that’s the


well that’s answered with the next next

piece of the puzzle which is fascinating

if you continue to research erythritol

and in animal studies uh you’ll find

that it acts as an antioxidant it’s an

anti-inflammatory it actually improves

insulin sensitivity it lowers glucose it

can help slow down the weight gain in

certain studies it it improves insulin

resist actually it makes insulin

resistance less resistant

so what’s really probably happening when

you have a higher level of erythritol is

your body is probably using that

erythritol to counter the bad effects

from the sugar

so they kind of made this study and they

had four different sections and they

made these

uh these assumptions which is totally

based on

you know garbage information and it’s

all observational well most of it was

observational but stay tuned for a more

in-depth review on that but um

you don’t have to worry about consuming

erythritol at all

um like they say or you’ll see on

all these news like it’s just right off

the bat you know they grab this

this piece and they just want to learn

people it’s another another one of those

studies that um they haven’t really

evaluated they’re just jumping to

conclusions and it’s it’s just garbage

well it certainly is and they make it

click based so they obviously leave all

the stuff out just a couple of Juicy

comments and you think once again I’ll

be dead tomorrow and here we all are

alive and well okay so uh quiz question

number two again much of the audience

angst is not true false they had to do

some real research and it asked the best

way to deal with vitamin D side effects

which are fatigue insomnia headache and

constipation is uh and eighty percent of

them say is to take K2 10 say to add

more natural sunlight and ten percent

say add more magnesium or Fiber well doc

okay so the answer is magnesium now

these are all symptoms of magnesium

deficiency so if you are um taking

vitamin D

um it doesn’t really work if you’re

deficient in in magnesium yes you need

K2 and you need zinc and you need B6 but

magnesium is a really important one

um to take with D3

and so um

if you’re again if you’re deficient in

vitamin in magnesium and you take a lot

of D3 you could end up with some side

effects so when I sometimes when I hear

this like oh yeah vitamin D is bad

because I had a I got a headache or I

got constipation all that means is you

sh it’s a great indication that you

probably need more magnesium and all of

a sudden the side effects go away same

thing with insomnia

um now there is another uh very rare

side effect of hypercalcemia which but

that’s you’d have to take

so much vitamin D like hundreds of

thousands over months to um

um to end up with a problem with a

kidney stone

but that’s very rare and um but

magnesium deficiency symptoms are more

common so where do you get magnesium

leafy greens okay so as long as you’re

following kind of what I’m recommending

you’re not going to have a magnesium

deficiency because you have that salad

each day it’ll give you plenty of

magnesium magnesium associated with the

chlorophyll it’s like the heart of the

chlorophyll molecule that’s all the

green stuff so um

I just want to point that out you know

just so you have that connection okay

very good asking for a friend how much

magnesium is in a large pepperoni pizza

uh probably not a lot unless you uh it’s

made out of uh your salad which is

probably not all right very good okay

let’s see now uh let’s move on let’s go

back to our room and I spoke of a nice

young lady that was originally from

Russia but she’s now my neighbor in

Goldsboro North Carolina and if she is

unmuted herself then we’re going to hear

all from her here she is Margot

currently from North Carolina you’re

only here with Dr bird

hello good morning good morning oh I’m

originally from Russia and uh in the

early age I found out

through the medical expertise of Russian

doctors I was

um producing a very little of stomach

acid which is barbaric way how they do

it and they diagnose me with the

deficiency of all the vitamins fast

forward come to wonderful dive United

States I ended up to have a weird

sensation in my legs and my knees and

every muscle was jerking fast forward

more I ended up with two C diffs which

has survived and in the process I was

trying to prove my doctor I am low in

stomach acid and I cannot take

um suppressant for the acid it was just

was a battle for a year and now I’m

trying to figure out what that low

stomach acid which is in Russia they

told me I’m genetically pre-exposed or

it’s a genetic in me uh because

production was there but it’s very small

amount they actually suck it out that I

mean I’m sorry and now my OB GYN saying

my iron is very low in saturation in my

blood is very low and she prescribed me

a supplement but I know already

supplements will only absorb if I have

enough acid so Nutri Cycles you do one

thing and they tell you to do another

thing and then you try to figure out

what is actually right for me so I

didn’t have to make it my own way I took


change my diet I am now on fasting stay

with my husband which is he lost 62


and he’s in a ketogenic that we eat

salad and I break my fast with caviar an

empty stomach with the bromelin to kind

of speed out of digestion and

sometimes I eat some nuts like walnuts

and salmon so I’m trying to see what

else can I put there to bring my B

vitamin up bring my acid up and

absorption of iron

so did you say that you can’t consume

betaine hydrochloride

I actually do I actually take it with my

meal yeah okay yeah

um I think you probably just need a lot

more than the average person and that

probably will help you

um also sea salt at least the chlorides

in the sea salt will help build up the

hydrochloric acid but betaine

hydrochloride is definitely something

you should have before a meal now

um if you don’t have enough acid you’re

more susceptible to anemia because you

can’t absorb some of the minerals

especially like iron and things like

that so if you wanted to

um solve the iron thing I think the best

thing would be to have a little bit of

liver in your diet maybe every other day

that would really be the best thing for

your B vitamins it’s a super

concentrated amount of B vitamins you

can also do the nutritional yeast and

fortified but I know the problem that

you’re running into because without that


um boy it’s um

you can end up with um

you know small intestinal bacterial


um an inability to absorb B12 but if you

take the liver you’ll get B12 and iron

you can fill two birds with one stone

and um see what happens is when you eat

liver or red meat um and ask you’re

supposed to break it down so you can

extract those nutrients well your body

has a hard time doing that so you just

might need to have a little bit more

liver and then more acid so you can

break it down

um but it sounds like you’re on the

right track

um you just want to focus on eating

nutrient dense foods right like liver

Fish seafood all that will is very high

especially self shellfish is very high

in the nutrition that you need to help

bypass this issue you have with the


um if you do take um

it might be helpful also to get a DNA

test to see if there’s any problem with

what’s called methylation in which case

you might be better

benefiting from taking like a

methylcobolamine or methylfolate


to really kind of go deeper so

so that would be my advice

thank you so much because they actually

laugh at me saying I’m Elsa because my

fingers and my toes is ice cold even

when it’s 100 degrees outside

wow that could probably solve your

problem because that’s a yeah you’ll get

more blood flow I bet you anything if

you did a

I did a DNA test it would show up um

like you have a problem methylating and

and again it’s a simple solution you

take you take a supplement with

methylcobolamine methyl folate with B6

and some of the other cult factors and

uh I think

that could really help you in a big way

that’s great well Margo thank you so

much for um did you have another

question go ahead

I always wanted to say I do uh take your

yeast B vitamin and uh my husband has

taken it with me so we felt much big

improvements right away because I

actually take a bigger dose than it was

recommended just because I know I’m

deficient in it and it was uh

dramatic change for sure well that’s

interesting because

um that has in there the folate and it

has the methyl methyl B12 too so that’s

probably why you feel better and I it’s

good that you didn’t take another

version that’s fortified because you

probably would feel worse if you had

this synthetic or the uh the folic acid

you don’t want that you want the folate

and I just did a video on that but um

yeah that that’s good that you stumbled

on that that’s great thank you that’s

terrific well I tell you what uh Margo I

would rather lapse into coma than eat

beef liver or any kind of liver but you

have a stronger Constitution to me I can

tell that just by looking at you so go

ahead and eat some liver and get back

with us and let us know how well that

worked out for you why don’t we go on to

the next question Dr Berg and here it is

all right so what is the primary

indicator of a fatty liver so

what would be the

the first obvious sign that you have a

fatty liver without doing a blood test

or anything like that what’s what what

would be the the best

indicator for that

very good by the way back to that uh

question we answered before a lot of

people said K2 what can you remind us

again of how K2 interacts with vitamin D

and what what the relationship is

vitamin K2 is the partner of vitamin D3

vitamin D3 helps increase the calcium

absorption by 20 times in the small

intestine and so you end up with higher

amounts of calcium in the blood but then

vitamin K2 directs that calcium where to

go to push it in the bones and if you’re

deficient in K2 where a lot of people

are deficient then the calcium can build

up in the arteries and inside the walls

of the arteries

causing stiffness of the arteries and

high blood pressure so this is why when

people take K2 with D3 a lot of times

their blood pressure is better

um that’s just the tip of the iceberg

there’s many other things that K2 does

and um

and one of the problems people get

confused between K1 and K2 if they’re on

Warfarin which is a blood thinner to

prevent clots they don’t realize that um

that blocks

um K1 but it also blocks the enzyme that

K2 acts on

so this is why one of the side effects

from Warfarin is

vascular calcification

especially if you’re taking more a lot

of calcium and so

I mean here

you’re you’re trying to thin the blood

and prevent a heart attack by avoiding

this the clotting but then you end up

with a calcium problem so

um you know you really if if someone is

on Warfarin I would definitely check

with the doc to see if there’s another

type of medication that is

that won’t won’t involved the K vitamins

okay so that’s just a tip

okay very good let’s go back to the

Green Room we’re going to go through

these and we have a Ken and he’s also

from North Carolina and Ken if you’ve

unmuted yourself you’re on with Dr Burke

up I see a mute box okay can you hear me


excellent the question I have is a year

ago I did a calcium scan and my number

was 138 and recently I did a second

calcium scan my number was 173.

which surprised me

for a couple of years I’ve been taking

30 000 uh international units of vitamin

D daily

and certainly for at least a year I’ve

been taking about 300 milligrams of K2



the question is

uh I guess the bottom line is what’s

causing my increase in calcium plaque if

you have any speculation but the other

question is is am I taking too much

vitamin D3

um or something else I’m I’m doing real

good with uh keto not completely as good

as you

but I’m uh I’m I’m getting close to a

really good keto uh

diet and regimen okay yeah there’s a

couple things I would mention about that

realize that um that score is not

terrible I mean like if it was a

thousand I would be concerned but you’re

just talking it’s under 200 so I mean

this is a

somewhat a mild issue but still I

understand we want it going down the

opposite direction so that being said

I’m glad you taken the K2 I would check

I would check two things I would check

your blood to see what your blood levels


um and then I would also get a DNA test

and I would look at any genetic weakness

that you have that could relate to this



and then that might actually tell you a


um it’s kind of like one of those uh


information especially what relates to



and there’s several different angles

with that the other reason for calcium

buildup is um

the parathyroid gland

and so that’s another thing on my radar

the parathyroid gland but but here’s the

thing with the parathyroid

when you’re low in vitamin D3 your

parathyroid then kind of can go into the

bone and start taking calcium from that

and building up in the arteries but I

don’t think that’s your situation but

there also could be you know a problem

with the parathyroid that can be

producing too much calcium that’s one

factor you also have biofilms

which is another thing that microbes

that actually can hold calcium in the

arteries the other factor is

tocotrenals the vitamin E I know that is

a really important thing for vascular


inflammation that can then lead to this

calcium calcium issue

um so we have I take a Toca train leaves

every morning okay good

good and then the other thing that you

may benefit from is maybe a key later

a key later

um you can like cilantro there’s there’s

various uh EDTA there’s a chelator and

you could you can even start to do a


um distilled water

and um and then take the minerals

take all the other minerals except

calcium and to help balance this out

um but I would first get a test I I

highly it’s highly unlikely that this

problem is coming from the Vitamin D it

you know I would I would like to just do

I would just look at your diet really

just to make sure that there could be

something else contributing to this that

you just you might need to just be a

little bit more script strict


so I mean that’s it’s probably not the

complete answer but I think that’s as

much as I can give you right now based

on what I the data I have but I would

definitely get a DNA test because that

can actually

show you some hidden things that you’re

not even aware of

all right well Ken thanks so much for

coming on with us we’re fighting the

clock a little bit so we’ve got to move

on and uh we but we always as always

we’d love to hear back from you and find

out the great progress okay uh let’s

we’ve got some answers for the third

question which asks what is the primary

indicator of a fatty liver

and let’s see Terry claims that ninety

percent of our respondents say it’s

belly fat five percent say puffy or

yellow eyes and five percent say insulin

resistance who won well the majority is

correct yeah down look down

uh at your shoes right now if you see

something you can’t see your shoes if

you have any protrusion whatsoever in

your belly

um that is the best indication that we

now deliver

is fatty now what’s interesting about

when you when you have a fat cell and

you eat poorly over time the fat cell

starts to expand right well there’s

going to be a point where the fat cell

has a limitation it cannot keep

expanding and what happens then is you

start to get a problem with the fat cell

it loses

um blood supply you start having

um dysfunctional fat cells I mean people

are just so against fat they don’t

realize it’s actually a living cell it’s

helping you and then when that that cell

becomes damaged that’s when you start to


have insulin resistance okay and that’s

when the fat cell can no longer be

stored inside that cell it goes gets

stored outside the cell that’s called

ectopic and I’m talking about like

amongst your muscle cells around your

organs around the liver and it starts to

build up in the liver it’s no longer in

the fat cell it’s outside the fat cell

it’s around your liver and then now that

insulin resistance starts picking up the

pace and you it gets worse and worse and

worse and thank goodness you have some

extra space as a backup space

you know it’s like the extra luggage

around around the cavity in your

midsection so you can hold Steve roughly



eight or more liters of extra ectopic

fat in your belly and your belly can

keep expanding more and more and more to

a certain point until it explodes so

um that that basically is what’s

happening it just tells us that liver

liver fat there is no way you can have

belly fat and

like a clean liver without fat there’s

it’s impossible so belly fat indicates

liver fat and even if someone doesn’t

have belly fat they could still have

liver fat too you just need to get an

ultrasound scan the liver and see what’s

going on inside there okay very good

well we’re running against the clock a

little bit so uh audience you are always

so fast here’s question number four Doc

and we hope they get us answers back so


what is the best remedy for heal a bone


and also ostephites those little uh

Spurs that you see in the joints and and

these calcium deposits what would be the

best remedy for that

okay very good we’ve got a couple more

in the green room so Gemma because of

our time I’m going to ask you to give us

one question and belt it out in 30

seconds go

hi Dr Berg I’m managing uh Hydra then

Titus super ativa HS and I’ve been

taking metformin and Spyro lock tone

daily I’ve been doing the clean keto for

six months along with intermittent

fasting I feel absolutely great I’ve

lost weight and I just got all my blood

results and they’re phenomenal my

question is how do you suggest your

thoughts on dealing with this skin issue

and also I’m supposed to start taking

umira next Friday

well I don’t even know what that

condition is can you just tell me

briefly what that condition is I’ve

never even heard of it before

yes I it’s a condition it’s a skin

condition which has to do with the

follicle area evidently there’s a

protein that I make too much of tnf



okay well


what I would do if I were you and you’re

on the right track

um you’re actually on keto and so you

reduce this indic what she just

mentioned there’s an inflammatory Factor

that’s involved in the it’s an immune

inflammatory factor that um

that needs to be reduced and so you’re

on the keto so that’s helping you see

metformin also believe it or not


it targets insulin resistance and that’s

why it works for so many things of

course there’s a big side effect of B12


lactic acidosis potentially and so you

need B1 and so just for the fact here I

met for me you need B1 and b12 so start

taking those right off the bat

um but I would if I were you not just do

keto I would do I would put emphasis on

making sure there’s no

omega-6 uh fats in your diet like this

soy oil the corn oil the canola the

cotton seed I would really eliminate

those and I would beef up no pun

intended cod liver oil

that’s what I would do if I were you and

I would also add one more thing and that

would be vitamin D3 uh about 10 000 IUS


and then I would really evaluate after

about two or three months to see how you

do I think that’s probably the best

thing for you but um

I don’t know why they’re

if you’re doing better why are they

going to add another medication I don’t

know I have no I don’t have the details

on that but

um the goal would be to maybe go less

medications over time

because the keto and intermittent

fasting will decrease the need for

medication especially if it’s related to

blood sugars or insulin resistance

well Gemma we’re about out of time here

I’m sorry we can’t answer but we would

love to hear back from you as you get

some more uh progress in this issue and

thank you so much for getting back with

us and let’s see so now uh we are going

to hit social media because we should

let’s see Debbie from Facebook how can I

rate how can I raise my blood pressure

mine has dropped since taking blood

pressure meds that make me dizzy what

should I do seems like an obvious answer

this is a classic classic if you take

medications and it lowers it is too low

then you need to get with your doctor to

take less of that medication because

it’s working too hard that would be the

thing you need to do I mean you can add

more salt and more water to get more

volume to get more pressure but

you know and that’s not a bad idea but I

would first try to get with your doctor

I mean

um especially if a lot of times when you

do keto the need for medication goes

down and and all of a sudden you end up


um low blood pressure or even low blood

sugar and you’re like well then take

less medication because you don’t want

to take


glucose lowering medication if you have

low blood glucose

makes sense okay audience is on it thank

you all so much uh question four what is

the best remedy for bone spurs and a lot

of opinions out there 55 percent say K2

or magnesium 20 say lemon water 20 say

apple cider vinegar and remaining five

are holding out for collagen uh do we

have any winter stock

all those answers are true there’s

something a little stronger for bone

spurs um that would be phosphorus


when you’re deficient in phosphorus you

can you have a tendency to get these

deposits and when I was in practice we

used a standard process product called

phosphood liquid works good on bone

spurs so you might want to get that I’m

not affiliated with the company I don’t

get any Kickbacks so you can just look

it up stay in a processed fast food

liquid take that works pretty good so um

just just a little

tip on

a good remedy if you have that problem

okay very good that’s great by the way

sorry we see you there and we’re going

to get right to you but we want to

launch out our last question and here it

is Doc

all right what is the most potent way to

increase the number of mitochondria in

your body

okay folks grab onto that and sorry

thanks for being so patient with us and

Syria’s last but certainly not least and

she’s from the great borough of Brooklyn

you’re on with Dr Berg

Dr Berg

thanks for taking my question

I have a question in regards to styes I

often develop them on my eyelids

um I know what to do like when they’re

there but I’m curious how what I could

do to prevent it or like why they even

come in the first place

is there a nutrient I’m missing or some

vitamin yeah it’s it’s usually viral

related and it just it’s kind of like a

little red light that means that you

need either more zinc

or you need more vitamin A those two and

I’m thinking

um just from working with a lot of

people’s thighs I I’ve um they’re

usually always deficient vitamin A

but where do you get vitamin A well egg

yolks butter liver things like that but

it could also be that um

the gallbladder is not quite producing

enough bile so I always kind of look at

that so Cod Liver for example is a

really good remedy for a vitamin A and D

and omega-3 so that might be the best

remedy for you

um and then take a little zinc and

that’ll that’ll help you the other

um reason that you might be deficient in

zinc is that when stress goes up people

tend to deplete their zinc reserves or

if they eat sugar and things like that

so you can end up with a a little stye a

viral thing kind of coming out of

remission like what what’s going on I

came back with my eyelid there so um

stress is another Factor uh I’m assuming

yeah you’re probably not coming 10 foot

near Sugar so we can rule that out but


I would look at the stress point and the

cod liver oil and uh and zinc and that

usually should handle it

um so that that would be my advice

thank you so much that’s great thanks so

much Sherry thanks for hanging in there

and being our last contestant if you

will and uh thank you enjoy the spring

up there in New York okay let’s see

we’re gonna wait for our answer for our

final question however let’s get back

and pay homage to social media uh let’s

see Daniel from Facebook should men

avoid flaxseed oil because of the

estrogen content

for the most part I would say yes unless

um there’s some other indications it

does you know there are other benefits

to flax oil but a flaxseed but typically

I don’t recommend men having much of it

because it can potentially have an

estrogenic effect not potently but it

can and most people do have a problem

with too much estrogen because of all

the things that mimic estrogen in the

environment but there’s a lot of people

who have also a problem with deficiency

mainly women with estrogen and that

could be

um especially right after pregnancy

especially menopausal so um I think I

would not recommend that for men

okay very good and the audience is

always on it the final question the data

is in what is the most potent way to

increase the number of mitochondria in

your body and are a team of experts 40

percent of them say fermented foods 35

of our respondents say fasting 15 say

exercise and 10 percent say MCT oil

okay the most potent way is to exercise

and the exercise that creates the the

most numbers of mitochondria is the

intensity of that exercise so if you’re

doing some intense exercise you’re

forcing the body to adapt and make a lot

more mitochondria now what is that going

to do that’s going to actually give you

more capacity for energy

you’re going to walk around and go wow I

just have a lot more energy I feel

better and um so if you have an energy


um if you exercise exercise to it

um you’ll all of a sudden solve that

problem usually but there’s other

reasons why you might be tired but yeah

exercise and you know of course fasting

will also do it but exercise is the most

potent way to increase more mitochondria

all right that’s great and one of the

reasons our audience may be so smart is

because they were bright enough to

download your great app so they can have

these answers at their fingertips and

it’s available on iOS and also on

Android so I know many of you rely on

that as sort of a cheat sheet but it’s

not cheating for goodness sakes learn

what’s good for you right there on the

app and so why don’t we have

a marathon of

um social media to wrap things up uh

Chris from Facebook Dr Berg I am taking

niacin with uh flush my to flush my

cholesterol but it’s not extended

release do I need to take extended

release in order for it to be effective


no no now the one that really works on

cholesterol doesn’t have to be extended

release but you want to make sure you

get the one that flushes not don’t get

the the non-flush

which is a nice set of mine you want to

you want to get niacin

um it doesn’t have to be extended

release and it’ll work nicely it’s a

very I mean it’s so researched on on

lowering cholesterol and and other

lipids other you know problems with lipo

proteins it’s like

which by the way cholesterol is not

lipoproteins but um the point is that

it’s a really good remedy for everything

related to LDL and improving your HDL I


amazing research on what it can do to

the inside of the arteries so it’s a

really good natural way I’m surprised

they even

allowed that research because it

competes with drugs but um of course

you’re going to see some

some people saying oh yeah it’s going to

create liver problems but it’s so rare

it’s so rare and you’d have to have

massive amounts of it all right very

good Renee from YouTube appears to be

very disciplined but she’s wants to know

if she has a teaspoon of olive oil with

minced garlic and a pinch of cayenne

pepper mixed with water will it break

her fast

not by too much I would not buy too much

because fats the only thing that’s not

going to um

activate insulin and insulin is the key

factor now the fact that you’re

consuming a fat

may cause a temporary shift of your body

using that as a fuel source and not your

own fat so but that’s different than

breaking a fast it’s more like

inhibiting your ability to lose weight

um but it’s a minor thing and I think

it’s not a bad thing to do

for many people especially if you want



add some additional nutrients

okay very good well um you know do you

have any final words for the TGIF crowd

around the world we’re running out of


if there is any additional uh topics or

videos you want me to to do a video on

please write them in the comments I read

a lot of your comments I don’t always

respond to them but I read them and I

really appreciate all the wonderful

comments last week as well as on this

show right here thanks for being here

this long I will see you next week same

time as well as every single day I

release a video so stay tuned for some

more information that I think you’ll



thank you