The Secret to Increasing the Diversity of Gut Microbes | DrEricBergDC

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now out of all the things that can

improve your health

this one thing is pretty much at the top

of the list but I found out recently

I’ve never done a video on this one

specific topic and that has to do with

diversity of your microbes in your gut

and how to increase your own diversity

of the microbiome so first of all what

is this word diversity well it’s the

number of different species that you

have in your gut okay and you also have

a factor of richness which is the total

amount of microbes so ideally you want a

rich microbiome with a lot of different

species you know and this kind of goes

against this idea of like health is

being clean right free of germs well

apparently it’s just the opposite of

that you want a lot of germs in your

body but inside and you want them

friendly if you don’t have this

diversity believe it or not you actually

get more unfriendly pathogens I’m

talking about like salmonella H pylori

let’s see diff E coli you know all these

microbes do live in your body in a

healthy environment and they don’t

bother you until the relationship

changes because of the environmental

changes but if you’re missing this

diversity all sorts of issues can happen

diarrhea inflammation in your gut you

get more toxins obesity your metabolism

slows down your mood is lowered and this

all relates to something called

dysbiosis in fact dysbiosis is pretty

much involved or associated with every

single illness out there even

Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s ADHD

schizophrenia bipolar having anxiety

depression so I think this topic is

really really important even cancer yes

there’s usually always dis spouses when

you have cancer so it’s so important to

have a wide variety of these species to

make vitamins for immune protection to

keep your inflammation down to feed your

colon cells to help you produce amino

acids and neurotransmitters and other

proteins to keep your energy High

all sorts of health related things now

you have to also realize that in your

gut 99 of all the microorganisms are


you do have one percent left and that

kind of makes up

friendly fungus friendly yeast friendly

mold and other friendly microorganisms

so it’s not all bacteria

and then if we look at the bacteria okay

there’s two categories of bacteria

and they’re both what’s called anaerobes

which they survive without oxygen one is

called obligate anaerobs okay and these

are the type of microbes that they die

if you expose them to oxygen so they can

only live without oxygen and then you

have another category of anaerobic

bacteria called facultative this type of

bacteria can live even though it’s

called an anaerobic bacteria it can live

without oxygen and it also can live with

oxygen so it can do both and out of the

majority of research that’s out there

it’s the facultative anaerobic microbes

that are studied not these other

microbes that hate oxygen right they die

with oxygen and those specific bacteria

make up 99 of all the bacteria okay only

one percent is the um the other ones

which actually can live with oxygen or

without and it’s interesting because

most the research is on that one percent

only so in other words there’s a lot we

don’t know okay because it’s hard to

culture those microbes that are only

dependent on an environment without

oxygen so there’s a tremendous amount of

things we just don’t know but what we do

know for sure is the more diversity the

more Health you’re going to have but

even if we’re talking about like

nutrient dense foods okay nutrient dense

foods are dependent on the diversity of

microbes in this soil so if you want

nutrient-dense Foods you have to make

sure that the soil has a great wide

range of microbes

if we want Health we need to make sure

that we have a wide range of microbes in

our gut it’s a diversity of microbes in

the gut that gives the plant immune

protection that gives the plant

vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients

and disease resistance and then that

plant becomes stronger

and it too is filled with micros because

plants also have their own microbiome

and so that relates to the animals that

eat the plants right the health of that

animal is dependent on the health of the

plant now this is going to relate to the

next topic of how do we increase the

diversity of of microbes in our gut the

first way is to eat food that has been

grown on soil that has diversity okay so

buying your salad and vegetables at the

farmer’s market is going to be better

than buying vegetables at the grocery

store that you have no idea where it

came from but you pretty much know if

you eat the food because it’s like

tasteless if you have more flavor you

can have more nutrients and you can be

rest assured that they were grown on a

really good diverse microbiome in the

soil another way is to start eating more

of a diversified types of plants okay so

in your salad and I’m totally guilty of

this I usually have had the same type of

lettuce over and over for a very long

time and so what I done recently after

I’m studying all this is I started to

diversify the types of plants that I eat

in my salad so I’m I’m putting things in

my salad that I’ve never ate before and

then when I go in the grocery store I

just basically try several different new

plants and so I put them in my salad and

I eat them and I definitely will tell

you I notice a big difference

another thing that can increase

diversity is actually exercise the

exercise stress which is a positive

stress creates more diversity in your

gut also better sleep will do it and

intermittent fasting yeah it adds a

positive stress that increases

diversity of microbes in your gut versus

snacking through the day which basically

creates a lot of lazy microbes it’s very

similar to the animals on my farm if I

feed them like snacks all day they get

overweight they get sluggish they don’t

really do much so for example my pigs I

have them on an intermittent fasting

schedule they get one meal a day my

chickens around an 18 to 6 window so I

feed them twice a day so they can fast

for 18 hours and the same thing with my

dogs but I don’t give my dogs a lot of

snacks in between little treats because

that breaks the fast the next thing that

can increase diversity is consuming more

phenols okay phenols what are phenols

well it’s those phytonutrients like the

flavonoids in different plants and

lemons and limes and berries things like

that and also the tannins in different

herbs like even different teas Coumadin

in turmeric is a a phenol but phenols

are a wide category of a lot of

different types of phenols and if you’re

consuming a wide range of vegetables and

maybe berries and other plants you’re

going to get a lot of phenols and that’s

going to stimulate a wide range of

different species in your gut a really

good way to increase diversity is to

consume Sprouts or micro greens that are

grown on soil because Sprouts normally

aren’t grown on soil but when you start

getting into microgreens not grown on

like coconut fiber I’m talking about

actual soil it’s a bit hard to find but

you can grow your own but those


are loaded with not just friendly

microbes in the plant itself but

phytonutrients including a lot of

polyphenols and fiber that your microbes

will really love so when you’re eating

microgreens you’re really supporting

your gut health in a big way

and the cool thing is you don’t need a

lot of them you just need a little bit

because they’re so concentrated with

these phytonutrients the next thing is

Probiotic foods kefir sauerkraut

essential they have such a wide range of

different microbes you talk about

diversity of microbes in sauerkraut and

kimchi and even kefir I mean there’s

just a lot of different microbes so when

you eat those foods that are Diversified

you get the benefit of that I mean let’s

just take one microbe the lactobacillus

microbe certain lactobacillus microbes

help you make dopamine which can help

support and even potentially prevent

ADHD depression anxiety and many other

similar disorders and then also raw food

more raw food is better so if you’re

going to eat vegetables and you eat them

all just completely cooked to death well

that’s not going to support the

microbiome as much as eating them raw I

think a balance of steamed and cooked

and raw is a good thing now it’s very

important also to talk about the flip

side what lowers this microbiome

diversity okay number one broad spectrum


it’s a killer anytime you take an

antibiotic and try to take transparently

always take a probiotic at the same time

or start consuming Probiotic foods at

the same time very important

there are other things that are

antibiotics that you probably are not

aware of like glyphosate which is in the

GMO Foods because they spray this

glyphosate on the soil and that actually

is classified as an antibiotic

unfortunately that chemical is so many

foods it’s I mean it’s just it’s in

almost everything which means we need to

kind of actively work on building up our

gut now animals that are fed on a

monoculture like only one or two or

three foods whether it’s grains or even

grasses have less microbes to work with

and they themselves have a a lower

amount of diversity because the animal

gets its diversity from the wide range

of plants and this is why when I entered

in my beef in the study that I did I

don’t know if you saw the video on it

but I’ll put a link down below I have a

very diverse pasture of not just grasses

but weeds I mean it’s like like probably

over 40 or 50 different plants that


animals have a chance to eat and it’s

their Smorgasbord of all sorts of things

they can eat and when I entered in my

beef and we compared that to a lot of

the other farms around the country I

mean talk about health I mean even the


in the beef was like three times higher

than most other Farms that’s right there

are plant-based chemicals in animals

that’s right so now you can get your

antioxidants by eating beef right you

just have to make sure that it’s really

really healthy so another thing that

will lower the diversity is stress

artificial sweeteners inflammation will

do it a fatty liver in fact any liver

problem because the liver makes bile and

without the quantities of bile then we

get an imbalance in our microbes we get

this dysbiosis so bile is actually made

by your microbes but also bile controls

the ratios of certain microbes so we

need a healthy liver to have this

diversity too many sterilized Foods

pasteurized food radiated food

overly processed food really bad for

your gut like I said before also less a

variety of foods right so the next time

you go to the grocery stores just start

picking out different vegetable

varieties and start to you know build

out your salad and try new things now

another couple points if you’re pregnant

or going to have a child is

breastfeeding because if you’re not


you’re not going to be able to inoculate

with the microbes as well as the

colostrum into that infant and that

could be a problem later in life with

their microbiome the diversity of

microbiome and of course that also goes

with the C-section having a natural

birth enhances the diversity of your

microbes so I wanted to shine a very

bright light and focus in on this

diversity because I think it’s a really

important thing and if you haven’t seen

my more comprehensive video on digestion

okay that’s a real interesting one I put

that up right here check it out