Burning Calories vs. Burning FAT Calories? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I have another video for you I want  to talk about the difference between burning  

calories in general and burning fat calories isn’t  the goal to burn fat calories so many people say  

well I’m going to go and exercise I have to burn  up my calories I just ate you know they’re in the  

calorie burning but what kind of calories are  they burning typically when you actually go an  

exercise it’s very rare that you’re going to burn  any fat calories at all in fact go ahead and try  

this experiment go ahead and work out three  hours weigh yourself just before the workout  

and right after and see how much weight that you  lost it’ll be zero because the calories that you  

burn when you exercise are mainly mainly sugar  stored sugar calories in the form of glycogen  

glycogen is a bunch of sugar molecules attached  together glucose molecules attach together as one  

unit and that’s called glycogen so you store it  in the muscle and you store it in the liver okay  

so when you exercise you basically tap out your  glycogen reserve so you deplete it and then you  

think oh wow it burned out my calories I’m I’m  going to lose weight right well it depends what  

really determines if you to burn fat calories  is if you keep your dietary carbohydrates or  

glucose really low the big mistake that I see when  people workout is they’ll they’ll eat some fruit  

after the workout they’ll drink a protein sugar  shake they’ll drink some juice after the workout  

Gatorade with the glucose and fructose you know  as their electrolyte and it pretty much nullified  

any benefit of exercise because as soon as that  sugar goes in there that exercise you’re going to  

basically burn up that sugar instead of your own  fat okay if you exercise in the absence of glucose  

or sugar diet diet wise you will trigger hormones  that will then work for you 48 or 24 to 48 hours  

later okay when you’re sleeping so that’s really  the benefit of exercise it’s in the recovery later  

not during the workout but if you have any sugar  before during or after you pretty much are not  

going to be burning this type of calorie right  here and I think people give this give the wrong  

importance to calories as a whole if they will  eat everything in moderation eat a less and you’ll  

lose weight because of course you know calories  in calories out well no that’s not how it works  

and if you avoid fat calories they have the most  dense dense calories or more calories per unit  

than carbs or protein but the fat calories are  neutral when it comes down to triggering insulin  

so when you eating less calories it really talks  about what are you what less what type of calories  

are you eating less of if you’re eating less of  carbohydrate calories then you’re good if you’re  

eating less of fat calories in keeping your  carbohydrates high it’s very very bad you’re  

not going to lose fat so it’s not about burning  calories it’s about burning fat calories to do  

that you have to keep your glucose and your sugar  as low as possible I like to recommend keep it  

below between 20 and 50 grams if you really want  to lose weight keep it below 20 okay and that’s  

what’s going to help it’s not about eating less  calories it’s not about exercising it’s about  

understanding the whole picture hormone Lee  thanks for watching hey you probably already  

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