Overcoming the GENETIC Slow Metabolism Problem | DrEricBergDC

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there is nothing more frustrating

than doing all the right things to try

to lose weight

and it doesn’t work you know your spouse

loses weight or your friends are losing

weight but you’re not

and you’re wondering what am I doing

wrong right and then your friends or

spouse will dub in all the reasons why

they think it’s not working and they’re

usually wrong and then that can just

make things worse give me the wrong

diagnosis Etc I’ve done videos on this

topic extensive videos on all the

reasons why people don’t lose weight but

today I’m going to share one additional

reason that will make everything make

sense if you have this problem so you’re

not stuck in this mystery of what could

it be okay it is true that

past dieting social metabolism okay it

is true that the longer you’ve had

insulin resistance the harder it is to

lose weight okay so we have that factor

we also have people doing the right type

of diet you know ketogenic diet low

carbs doing intermittent fasting okay

and then also applying it correctly

that’s very very important and also your

sleep is really important too so if

you’re not sleeping your blood sugar is

going to be off your stress hormones are

going to be up and that can be the

reason why you’re not losing weight as

well and it could also be other health

problems all of these are valid but

there’s one more reason that I’ve never

covered in any videos

and that is your genes your genetics

okay now this is a very interesting

subject and I’m going to give you some

solutions if your problem is genetic but

I’m doing a deep dive into genetics

right now and so I have some fascinating

new information I’m going to share with

you in upcoming videos but there’s

something called a gene variant and a

gene is basically a blueprint that tells

the body what to do and there’s all

sorts of environmental things lifestyle

things that can affect your genes uh

positive and negative but within

individuals there’s certain variations

of certain genes that act differently so

one person could have a fast metabolism

and another person could actually have a

slow metabolism one person can burn fat

slowly the other one can burn fat very

quickly some people are just always

hungry and no matter how much they eat

they can still keep eating whereas other

people can get satisfied very quickly

with food then you also have all these

different behaviors you know like with

Suites for example

certain people when they start eating

sweets they can’t stop right they just

will keep eating and keep eating and

they keep eating for some reason other

people might go after fatty foods and

maybe some other people might go after

more protein and then you’ll exercise

you take two people right

they’re working out the same one person

loses the other person doesn’t

so this can be very very frustrating if

you don’t understand there could be a

genetic Factor now you may consider this

a weakness okay within your genes but

it’s not really a weakness if you


the body is always trying to survive and

do its best within its environment and

so these genetic variances are not

errors they’re just things that happen

within our genetics long ago and those

genes now do not help us in the current

environment we’re in so let’s just take

metabolism okay what would be the

survival advantage of having a slow

metabolism and burning fat slower and

retaining fat right versus other people

they’re just very lean and they burn

very very brightly so what would be the

advantage of someone with a slow

metabolism well if you take a look at

thousands of years ago let’s say in the

caveman era if you had a slow metabolism

and you could retain fat easier and hold

fat longer you’re the one that survived

the people who couldn’t store fat would

die off easily but of course in this

environment nowadays it doesn’t help

that there’s so much food available now

what about

the person who when they eat sugar they

just can’t stop what would be the

survival advantage of that well let’s

say for example there’s not a lot of

food and you’re foraging through the

woods and you happen to come across

a beehive filled with honey right and

this is a lot of energy right this can

give you a lot of survival energy by

consuming all of that beehive you

wouldn’t necessarily just eat a little

bit you’d probably eat the whole thing

and that would help you survive versus

someone else that wouldn’t necessarily

eat those carbohydrates because eating

those concentrated carbohydrates would

then very easily convert to Fat which

would give you more Storage Fuel to live

longer but that doesn’t actually help

you in this environment when there’s so

many different types of Honey around or

other sugars in fact when I have my

genetics tested I have kind of a gene

variant related to Sugar that once I

start I can’t stop which makes total

sense because growing up I was the kid

that would eat massive amounts of sugar

almost like I was not surviving that I

would have to hoard it because I thought

maybe I wasn’t going to eat tomorrow

that’s kind of the thought process that

was going through my mind in fact during

Halloween right we would have bags of

candy I would eat the whole thing in one

night I mean that’s just crazy and I did

that for years and so in this

environment it can be very very deadly

to your health the problem with these

Gene variants especially as it relates

to losing weight it’s just that you’re

in the wrong environment now right

you’re no longer in that environment

where it helped you survive so I’m going

to give you some tips on what you should

do first of all realize this you could

be doing everything right it’s not that

you’re doing anything wrong okay it’s

just that it’s going to take longer it’s

going to take more work you have certain

genes that are still operating like

you’re still living a thousand years ago

when it’s actually 2022. so number one

give it some time number two

um chances are you’re gonna have to be

very strict with your carbohydrates

whereas someone else can tolerate more

carbohydrates you probably can’t number

three I would definitely add more

fasting more prolonged fasting fast

longer that’s going to help you that’s

something you can do that’s called an

epigenetic action something that control

your genes and greatly help you because

we want to mimic the environment in the

past which you didn’t eat three meals a

day you’d be lucky if you ate once a day

or once every other day now if you’re

like me okay and you have a problem with

sugar you’re gonna have to completely

avoid sugar like just a little bit of

sugar here and there is not going to

help you because that’s going to lead to

more and more sugar and that is one

reason why why I don’t eat any sugar and

I have enough knowledge and discipline

just to avoid it but I could very easily

slip into that sugar thing and just

consume a massive amount and this may

also include avoiding some of the keto

snacks that are sweet or

um even the sugar alcohols you might not

do well with them why because you’re

still getting the sensation of sweet it

might be definitely better and good for

a transition if you also have a problem

with being satisfied okay and you’re

just always hungry you just enjoy food

the way to handle that is to really get

into a deeper level of ketosis where

your body is really adapted to Fat it’s

burning fat 24 7. and you just

absolutely have no appetite whatsoever

that’s the best way to handle the

appetite thing and of course when you’re

eating eat nutrient-dense foods and that

way your cells will be satisfied so many

people when they do keto they don’t

focus on the nutrients so yeah yes

you’re in your body in ketones but the

nutrients in the food actually help

satisfy you if you ever eat an empty

tomato or some of the food that’s empty

like let’s take Doritos right you can’t

just have one right you have to have the

whole bag it’s like so empty of

something you’re trying to satisfy

yourself but it’s impossible because

there’s no nutrition in there in the

first place and of course they also have

flavor chemicals MSG that stimulates

hunger all right and the last point I

want to bring up is you may have to add

a lot of different

um tactics okay or things that can give

you Advantage not just one thing but a

lot of different things right and that

can include more exercise okay more high

intensity exercise more recovery the

apple cider vinegar with each meal that

conclude the apple cider vinegar in your

water that will greatly help blood

sugars more sleep okay that could be

huge berberine which is like a natural

metformin which helps insulin resistance

uh adding cinnamon these are just really

little things that can make a big

difference and the other point if your

metabolism is on the slow end you’re not

going to consume as much fat as someone

with a faster metabolism so in this

situation you don’t want to add a lot of

fat okay you just want to have the fat

that normally comes with the protein and

don’t add the extra Bulletproof Coffee

well initially you should just to be

able to fast longer but over time you

should then cut back on your fat maybe

below 100 grams but not below 75 grams

okay so you don’t want to go low fat but

you don’t want to go high fat okay you

want to probably want to go medium fat

realize keto is low carb it’s not high

fat you can’t eat more fat to get deeper

in the ketosis it’s about lowering your

carbohydrate and the other thing I would

really avoid is going out to dinner try

not to go out to dinner very often

because it’s crap shoot there’s so many

things that can throw you off the bread

the desserts the Temptation the quality

of food

um a very very important to be able to

control your food so again realize that

you may have a gene variation you just

need to um give it more time and do

these things to more of an extreme level

now if you haven’t seen my recent video

on metabolism this will give you

additional things you can do check it

out I put it up right here