The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - December 23, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you


welcome back to another show today we

have a lot of questions from social

media we don’t have any questions from

our green room today simply because the

link for some reason didn’t work but no

problem because of that this way we

could focus more on all the all your

questions in social media and so you can

just start asking anything that I say is

not going to be meant to cure any

diseases or replace your medical care if

I do recommend eating a salad check with

your doctor first I don’t want to be

held responsible for any type of

consequences that occur from you eating

um excessive amounts of

Whole Foods salads Meats things like

that so I’m just the messenger Steve

that’s right so just stick to the

recommended by the food pyramid two cups

of sugar per day and see your doctor in

the morning

uh and by the way uh here’s some other

ways to get some non-recommended stuff

and that is Dr Burke’s app and we know

that many of you today will be heading

to Grandma’s uh for Christmas or other

holiday festivities and you can listen

by the way without watching dangerously

listen to Dr Berg on his app he’s got

some audio stuff and his soothing voice

will take you safely to your destination

so that and then when you’re not driving

if you’re bored with your husband and

sitting in the right seat or vice versa

you can actually watch the video so

there’s so much great utility from this

uh you know you’re going to find it just

a great asset uh to countering two cups

of sugar per day

Steve you know someone made it come and

they said

gosh your your voice is so soothing I

actually play it before I go to bed to

help me sleep so

um maybe driving and listening to my


might not be a good thing but just test

it out if you get tired flip to the

radio crank up some music stay awake but

sometimes I listen to a lot of audio

audiobooks when I’m driving

um and uh

you know if they have the certain voice

that they can kind of get into this

thing it’s like

you start dozing off it’s like you know

it really depends on that uh how the

book’s laid out there’s so many books

that I’ve read that aren’t that exciting

so I have to kind of

sift through a lot of the fluff to get

to the good stuff sometimes

yeah you know they actually have a

feature where you can put

1.25 or 1.5 speed it up and you know I

can’t figure that out I haven’t figured

it out yet so I’ll have to work on that

okay anyway that’s uh that’s well but

listen folks again as uh as the good

doctor said we are going to just love

social media to death uh because that’s

what we’ve got and so there’ll be no

pesky participants in The Green Room no

we love them all but they’re not on

today so you guys have got our full

attention and so why don’t we uh start

off with the first question from social

media today and this sounds like a from

everyone a familiar one excuse me why do

I always fall off the keto wagon every

six weeks I usually lose about 10

kilograms every six weeks but I always

lapse after six weeks how can I maintain

the keto consistently

well I think um you know the question is


some people give give up or go off track

for various reasons maybe they get bored

maybe they stopped getting results maybe

you got your results were too good and

then you know you’re like wow maybe I

don’t need to do this so I think in some

ways it’s good to go off the keto once

in a while especially in the beginning

to prove to yourself that staying on it

is a good thing

um that way you can convince yourself

for me it took me many many years to

stay consistent because I always had a

reason or a justification to go off but

to make it more interesting you know you

you start watching more videos better

recipes that taste better higher quality

ingredients uh you know keto desserts

things like that that can make it just

more pleasurable if you need that

um but you know I’ve eventually got to a

state I don’t know if anyone else got to

the state yet maybe not very many people

but where I can kind of eat for health

and I can just get in this mode where I

can just do it consistently it’s just

automatic I do it especially because um

you know I’m very very aware of foods

and what they do and I

I found out what works so I do it

consistently and I rarely go off the

program and I don’t have a hard time

with that some people do

um so I think it’s just learning about

your body also this DNA testing I think

will be a very huge thing for many

people as I’m going to be educating

a lot of people on this and try to make

it simple but there’s a lot there and to

to simplify you really have to

understand it so

um I’m still chipping away but if you

really appreciate

um kind of like um

what makes up your genes and and your

weaknesses and the problems that you’re

going to have

potentially if you don’t

be consistent that was that’s enough

motivation for a lot of people I mean

especially if you can

you know avoid a problem that is right

in your genetics and you’re at high risk

like okay so I’m gonna start now and

stick with it um I think that’s probably

a better

um motive motivator than other things

very good okay let’s see uh let’s kick

off with our first question uh and here

it is Dr Berg

all right what is the primary sign of a

carbohydrate deficiency

well that’s interesting I didn’t think

I’d hear that question out of you uh but

anyway dig into that audience and let’s

go back to uh our sole audience today

social media Cara from YouTube is it

okay to have uh broccoli Sprouts uh with

dairy I was told it’s not a good

combination for you

I I don’t I don’t think there’s a

problem with it unless you have a an

allergy to casein or lactose intolerant

but um no you can mix it

um I don’t see a problem at all

wow I think broccoli and cheese is on

the periodic table I mean that’s just

about as normal as apple pie oops don’t

eat that okay William from YouTube

what’s the best way to treat a tongue


well it sounds to me if it could be like

a yeast or a fungus or candida that

grows in the tongue but it could be some

other pathogen the microbiome in your


is very very important and when we use

too many chemicals like

doing fluoride treatments or over

sterilizing you know things like that

um or medications or drugs whatever or

lacking nutrients we start getting an

overgrowth of the wrong thing in our

mouths especially candida and fungus and

mold and other bacteria that shouldn’t

be there so

um it tells us that there’s uh you have

to re-establish that that microbe and um

I would start doing


probiotics starting with a raw

sauerkraut never consume pasteurized

sauerkraut because it kills the microbes

why would you ever take such a great

product that’s so filled with microbes

and sterilize it by killing it with heat

doesn’t make sense so you want the raw

sauerkraut you want um the kimchi and

you want um maybe even some kefir

and down that and that’s going to

actually start to reestablish the Flora

now realize if you have Candida uh like

a white tongue whatever you’re going to

have to completely avoid sugar because

the sugar is what they love to live on

and they’ll keep growing unless you cut

that Sugar out


so that’s that’s I guess that’s my

answer I’m sticking to it Steve well I

don’t blame you and I hope it won’t

continue to stick to William

you know drum roll there now get rid of

that that sounds awful okay prasanna I

hope I didn’t butcher your name dear

from India on YouTube Simply wants to

let you know that she used to have

unhealthy eating habits Sleep disorders

and obesity after following Dr Berg

that’s you healthy keto and intermittent

fasting for a short while I’ve already

lost 20 kilograms thank you she says and

by the way that is interesting in India

where uh there are a lot of vegetarians

that’s the hopeful news

hey you know one thing I like about

India is they have very low carbs there

um they have very little sugar

so that’s really good yeah no such thing

as naan

no no not at all


yeah and I’ve heard that the some of the

Indian restaurants that I go to in

America are not quite like the foods in

India I think sitting with Chinese

restaurants you know you go to the

actual country like

Steve I’m sure you’ve been to an Italian

Pizzeria or a restaurant in the states

right indeed

um well I’m just gonna let you know it’s

extremely opposite or different than if

you actually go to the Italy and

actually go to one of those restaurants

it’s completely different it’s

the American version of some of these

other foods are just ridiculous don’t

tell me they don’t have Pizza Hut in

Italy I’m gonna die

oh that would be that would be really

really bad sacrilege huh

it’s terrible okay back to social media

nadzia uh from YouTube please discuss

ways to open block fallopian tubes


well of course you know go go first to

try to um get your basic eating plan in

to see what happens but


specifically for that if you have a

problem in the Fallopian tubes which is

the connection between the uterus and

the ovary

um I would consume

a supplement to help maybe help support

that called

over trophin PMG and eutrophin PMG these

are standard process products I used to

use them in my practice but you could

actually support fertility and certain

glands by those two products which um is

pretty good but again


I would I wouldn’t I would try the

basics first and try to just get your

diet healthy because who knows your body

might come back and open up those

Fallopian tubes which

um I have no idea what’s causing them I

like to take uh a higher look at it

instead of trying to

treat a specific symptom like what could

be really behind that well I know that

there’s a lot of problems like

endometriosis for example that can

put scar tissue in the Fallopian tubes

external and internal so I would just go

with the basics first and then um

and see what you can do with that before

you start to

you know try something invasive very

good will we certainly hope that you

clear that up and have some great babies

okay let’s see the audience is on it as

usual uh they took the first quiz

questions very seriously and have

demonstrated that by answering it and it

asks what is the primary sign of a

carbohydrate deficiency

and 65 percent of them said primary

effect is ketosis and weight loss 15 say

hair loss 15 say weakness or fatigue and

five percent say reduced brain function

this is interesting because um

if you type this up and some of you have

typed in Google the first I don’t know

how many pages are just filled with all

the the bad things the side effects and

I mean my whole thought is um

if you

tell a lie

um multiple times by multiple different

sources does that tend to make it true

if you put a lie on a credible website

does that make it more true

um not if it’s a lie and they’re just

lying through the teeth through this

concept of that there’s negative things

by reducing your carbs and that’s really

what they’re pushing it’s like um

um and you go through like oh you’re

going to start craving junk food you’re

going to start having

um cognitive problems you’re going to

start being hungry all the time you’re

going to have constipation you’re going

to have you’re gonna your body’s gonna

go into a state of ketosis and we all

know that ketosis occurs when you in

during starvation and when you lose all

this water weight temporarily you lose

your electrolytes and develop

arrhythmias and that can lead to Strokes

so you could put so many doubts in

someone’s Mind by reading this crap and

if I didn’t know otherwise I’d probably

be discouraged from doing Keto

um the the true uh signs or symptoms of

low carb if you do it correctly you know

you’re lowering your car below 50 to 30


um is this you lose your Cravings you

lose your hunger

you have better cognitive function you

have better mood

you lose your belly fat and you finally

for the first time in your life you

might be burning actual fat because to

do that you have to reduce your carbs

which is a New Concept for a lot of

people so there are so many wonderful

things and the opposite of what they

tell you

um I mean it’s just if you take a look

at what they’ll recommend usually by a

dietitian is that we need carbs because

our brain and our muscles require


um no that’s not true any carbs that we

need we our bodies can make them in fact

there’s no such thing as an essential

carbohydrate our bodies if we need it we

can get it from other things

the other thing is that

we need fat Fat’s essential essential

fatty acids we also need essential amino

acids as protein so that’s those two

foods are essential but not the carbs

and um so there’s a lot of bad things

happen and the recommended amount of

carbs that they tell you to eat is



200 and I think it’s uh 288 to 325 grams

of carbs per day if you have a 2 000

calorie diet I mean like

it’s 10 times the amount of carbs that

you need

um that is guaranteed to make you

fat tired brain fog give you dementia

so anyway there’s an interesting you


push to get everyone to keep eating

carbs and I think you guys know why but

I will be doing a video on that today

I’m gonna I’m gonna talk about that but

it’s uh

carb deficiency and they have carb

deficiency diseases

they talk about you can get uh ketosis

like ketoacidosis well first of all

that only occurs if you’re a type 1

diabetic and you forget to take your

insulin they don’t they don’t mention

those little details so again you have

to be really


suspect and when you kind of go on doing

your searches on Google because we all

know that um

Google’s just filled with credible facts

incredible hey let’s go to the The Green

Room after all Steve welcome to the show

all right

that’s right anyway I just wanted to

Echo again my you can see I’m beautiful

now my weight’s down no really I’m like

45 pounds down since I met Dr Berg

however my motivation is not weight it

still is carbs drive me mad if I eat

tons of sugar and stuff it is the

emotional component that drives me back

to discipline not gaining five pounds

it’s so that is an absolute absurd

notion to suggest that you better eat

some more Cocoa Puffs or you’re going to

have brain fog that is the dumbest thing

I’ve heard in the last five minutes

so there you have it anyway Let’s uh

let’s go on to the next question and

here it is


which cell in your body

is responsible for the majority of


turning poisons into harmless particles

there’s one specific cell that does the

Lion’s Share of that work what is the

name of that cell

all right very good

let’s take a look around the world this

is a big holiday a week for us here in

the states in some Western countries but

there’s all sorts of celebration going

on around Dr Berg’s show and here’s

where they’re coming from we’d like to

say hello to our viewers from the UK

Canada Pakistan Mexico Taiwan

Curacao did I say that way I think so

Israel Malaysia India

thank you sir again Mark Nepal the

Netherlands Kuwait Brazil Libya

Bangladesh speaking of India uh let’s

see Jordan Finland Nigeria Estonia Sri

Lanka Italy Algeria Switzerland Austria

Bali nice place Georgia uh Eritrea I

hope I said that right uh Eritrea I


he spelled that Terry spelled it for me

phonetically because he knows what a

dope I am at pronunciation thank you

Terry Singapore Kurdistan Croatia Papua

New Guinea Jamaica Colombia Poland

Russia the Czech Republic Germany Chile

Trinidad and Tobago Japan Croatia Qatar

Greece Ghana Vietnam France Nicaragua

Oman South Africa Argentina Scotland

going there with my daughter in the

spring Serbia Peru Slovakia

Bhutan another new one Zambia and all

across these United States be careful

with the traveling boy we have got some

blizzardy stuff going on so maybe it’s

better just to stay home and watch Dr

Berg’s app and don’t eat carbs so let’s

uh thank you for that let’s go right

back to

um social media which is the only place

we’ve got to go back to uh Shakila from

Facebook can blood cleansing help treat

chronic disease

well like I’m guessing you’re talking

about alternative treatments like ozone


um things like that which I actually I

really like that therapy

um I was I think I yeah I did I did have

it done once and uh but you know even

though I like it because it kind of

purifies the blood you know I always

like to it’s kind of like a you’re

treating the tip of the iceberg like how

do you long term fix the problem how do

you cleanse the blood where’s the blood

come from uh the kidneys are supposed to

filter the blood but to make your blood

very uh healthy it’s really uh it’s you

got to start changing your diet you get

it starts changing your environment

reduce the toxicity that you’re exposed

to Steve did you realize that um

every single year

and I’m just talking about in the U.S

there’s a production either by the U.S

or imported

27 trillion pounds of chemicals 27

trillion pounds of chemicals

that is


that’s a lot of chemicals and it comes

down to being exposed to literally 250

pounds of chemicals per day so so we’re

bathing in the chemicals so guess what

that’s going to happen to our blood

and that’s going to be

it’s going to be situations so um of

course I’m gonna stay tuned for a video

on that topic because

um there are certain things that you can

do very very inexpensively to keep uh

your your blood and your your cells

clean and to counter uh these chemicals

that are building up unfortunately

wow I understand that we uh we as

Western folks eat at least a credit

card’s worth of plastic every week so

yeah and yeah that’s definitely that’s

at least one thing yep

I don’t want to know about the rest

they’re probably really gross okay

let’s see now let’s go to Denise from

YouTube please discuss ways to address

gastroparesis did I say that right doc


so gastroparesis is a condition where

your digestive system is very very slow

and it’s not you’re not digesting and

things are just not functioning they’re

they’re sluggish

um that is really a problem with the

vagus nerve that controls the digestive

system but if we take a look at what’s

behind that

the number one cause

of the vagus nerve problem


a lack of B1 thymine thymine helps you

make acetylcholine which is the main

neurotransmitter for the vagus nerve so

that B1 you know if you don’t have

enough B1 which is very common uh you’ll

get symptoms like gastroparesis

constipation a lack of hydrochloric acid

I mean the majority of your hydrochloric

acid is is triggered by this B1 I mean

so this is kind of another little link

that is really important and if you

don’t know about it and you’re deficient

in B1 it leads to a massive bad

consequences through the entire

digestive tract especially if you’re not

producing hydrochloric acid or you have

incomplete digestion now the question is

how do you become deficient well

refined carbs refined sugars drinking

too much coffee tea and there’s many

other reasons but uh

B1 is a probably the most important

water-soluble vitamin because it just

influences so many things but definitely

that’s what you need just start taking

some B1 find a natural version and watch

what happens to your gastroparesis you

just may find that it might magically

disappear but of course don’t mention my

name when you go to your doctor

not a word okay I always love this once

we give her a shout out there’s others

that say hey what about us and those

people want to make sure that we are

acknowledging Cameroon Romania uh

Tanzania Iran Sweden Dubai turkey and

Ethiopia well you’re certainly welcome

uh and we’re glad to have you on board

uh not eating Cocoa Puffs I hope uh if

they have them in those various places

Rina however from Facebook can alcohol

induce gastrointestinal damage be

corrected with keto and if

I I think just to a large degree it can

um but I think you’re going to need some

additional things to to help um correct

it and

um well you know if you do the healthy

version of Keto and you include more


um and get a nice Diversified Group of

microbes living in your intestine

intestines that can actually help

fortify and help build up the mucous

layer that’s needed in the GI tract that

mucous layer is really what’s missing

with so many people and their health

problems and that mucous layer is

generated by eating healthy and having

enough microbes and making sure they’re

doing their job when you lose the mucous

layer you lose your immune system

because then you have

um less of a buffer for these pathogens

to invade and then you start getting

autoimmune diseases and inflammatory

diseases so um that mucous layer is

going to be really

key to maintain your health and uh and

you can have a good start by doing the

healthy keto very good okay the audience

is rolling the dice with a hundred

percent uh agreement of the question

which said which cell in your body is

responsible for the majority of

detoxification and 100 of our audience

said it’s the micro Mite excuse me




oh they’re not quite a hundred percent

there uh I it’s called the hepatocyte


wow that’s the liver cell

and that liver cell

is very interesting it uh very robust it

takes a beating and it keeps on ticking

and it can get hammered and it can

regenerate uh better than many other

cells I mean here here you you have a

night out in the town you drink all this

alcohol kill off your liver and then the

next couple days grows back if if you do

all the right things

but the point is it’s a rebro re uh a

robust uh cell that

basically has these enzymes that can

turn poisons into like fat soluble

poisons into harmless water-soluble


for the elimination so

there’s various things that you can do

to trigger it and um but we have our

this system inner cells right now that

has the ability to keep you protected

you just need to know what to eat to

trigger them and keep them working and

keep the poisons at a minimum but

um I’ll show you I guess um this is the

book that you need to read it’s not that

it’s easy reading you can do it in a

weekend but this is the book on

toxicology okay so you can read that and


um learn about all the chemicals in the

environment and what they do but there’s

a lot of data on the liver cell and the

importance of

supporting your liver and getting it

healthy and I have a lot of videos in

the liver so


stay tuned for more on that wow well

guess what I’ve got some exciting news

it wasn’t 100 it was 99 uh Terry just

found out that uh Shivani on YouTube she

was the only one who had the correct

answer so good for you a Shivani you

should be jumping up and down uh because

you are one out of the crowd that stuck

with the correct answer besides Dr Berg

so let’s see let’s uh continue to sort


social media

uh oh poor Carolyn from Facebook is

having problems with constipation and

irregularity I take your gallbladder

supplements and liver cleanse

um and

um you know she’s constipated and had to

cut back on dairy uh can I be eating too

many cruciferous vegetables

yeah yeah you can so so um the first

thing I would try if I had constipation

especially if it

you developed it when you’re on keto is

either to

first decrease or even increase the

amount of vegetables that you consume

because if you have too much fiber or

not enough fiber it can create that

symptom so you might need to make some

adjustments you you know

what was interesting to me is that when

I uh because I experiment on a lot of

things years years ago when I even


um started the Atkins diet you know I


when I just started eating more protein

and I didn’t have any vegetables at that


um boy

my digestive system worked like a charm

no more constipation because I in my

mind I thought it’s always the fiber

it’s the fiber of the fiber well for

some people it is some people it’s not



sometimes you just don’t have the

microbe diversity to digest the fiber so

this is really a very important topic if

we take a look at

50 years ago and now you know I think

the the biggest missing Factor

in our health is the missing diversity

of the microbiome and what it can do for

digestion and that of course

it’s reason why I mean like everything

that we’re doing right now we’re just

sterilizing we’re killing off things the

antibiotics the the foods the

pasteurization the steroid the canned

foods the cooked Foods so if you were

just to build up this microbiome


and this means like slowly adding

a variety of different plants as well at

first you might follow my

recommendations and start adding more

salad and go my gosh I’m bloated I have

gas we’ll cut it back all that means is

you just don’t have the the right

microbes if you start to

diversify and and have just a little bit

over a period of time all of a sudden

you’re going to start growing

the microbes to help you digest that

food as well as make the enzymes and so

um and this would eliminate a lot of

additional problems you may find you’re

no longer

um settled to kidney stones because you

have the microbes to break down oxalates

or you have the microbes to help you

dismantle uric acid so you don’t have

gout anymore

um I want to just share something

I just got the results

um final results from the beef study so

I sent in my beef it’s called the beef

nutrient density study I sent my beef

for my farm right and

this is fascinating because if you look

at this page right here

can you see that okay Steve yeah I can’t

quite read the things but I see the

green color green bar right here yes sir

this is Dr Berg’s

um cattle beef I sent in see how much

higher it is in the grass-fed group and

the grain fed group wow

this is for phytonutrients that’s

plant-based chemicals

who would ever know that there are

plant-based chemicals a lot of them in

beef apparently a lot more in my beef

they wanted to know what am I doing so

different than some of these other farms

and what’s interesting about my farm

is that I don’t do the typical thing

where I’m growing like four different

grasses for the kettle

I let them

consume all the weeds there’s a much

wider variety of weeds or plants and

herbs than actual grasses and apparently

that helps the diversity of microbes

that then build these phytonutrients so

the same studies are done um

on humans if you increase the diversity

of different plants and some certain

foods all of a sudden your microbes will

adapt so you might want to do it

gradually but you can then build up more

immune system more Health but it’s an

area that’s very interesting and I

happen to just get lucky and do

something that showed a lot of benefits

for these biomarkers for your health

um I mean I have 500 pounds of that beef

in my freezers right now and I’m very

motivated to start eating that on a

regular basis now now that I know

how healthy it is it’s incredibly

healthy so

um much better than the average wow

that’s incredible you’ll be the next

Methuselah we’ll see in a couple

centuries uh let’s see Rodrigo and this

is an interesting question because

everyone has jumped on the keto wagon

here’s keto candy and keto this that and

the other but is it really so Rodrigo

from Facebook’s asking will any of these

ingredients raise my insulin vegetable

glycerin organic stevia extract

um natural French vanilla ethyl alcohol

12 ethyl alcohol


you know you got to be really careful

with some of these ingredients and I

don’t I don’t really know because I’d

have to see the label and like even some

of the um a lot of the flavorings

and the powders in the different powders

that people get keto or not and the

supplements and the flavorings

I recently learned of this by talking to

several manufacturing companies that

make vitamins that work with thousands

tens of thousands of companies

supplement companies

I’m the Apparently I was the only only

company or a person to approach them and

say listen I don’t none of my products

can have maltodextrin or uh or corn

syrup and they’re like kind of shocked

they’re like really this has never been

asked I says how many companies

um use this these ingredients they go

they they all do I said what

so they’re using

um these other ingredients in there

because it’s a little bit cheaper

unfortunately and they’re not

demanding to have these maltodextrin

free or glucose free products so that’s

just another interesting factoid that I

recently realized in uh unfortunately

um here you’re getting supplements with

hidden sugars

so with these keto snacks and things

you know they’re introducing these new

fibers the corn soluble fiber it’s keto

friendly and the tapioca fiber I I

honestly I just would stay away from it

there’s no long-term State safety

studies who knows what it’s going to do

to your microbiome there’s even a study

I read that it creates toxicity in mice

okay they haven’t done the human studies

yet but

you know what I always like to let

let everyone else experiment on it for

for several decades and then I’ll see if

it works I don’t like to be the first

one experimenting to like someone I know



has cancer and then what they’re doing

is they’re they’re going to do enroll in

a cancer study personally

um I would prefer if someone else did

the study first and then tell me if it

worked or not then then the be one of

the guinea pigs so anyway

interesting okay and here’s an

interesting question it certainly

interests me and maybe others lovely

fish from YouTube please share your

opinion on the nutritional value of CBD

oil it seems more and more people are

taking it as an alternative to vitamin

supplements I mean I’ve heard so many

people talk about it as a cure for

virtually everything is starting to

sound like snake oil a little bit but

maybe I’m wrong

well this is another one of the

supplements that are really everyone’s

getting on the bandwagon and it’s a new


um some of it has traces of THC and

maybe some of it doesn’t you have to get

certified I honestly I’m

the research is not quite there long

term I know a lot of people are gonna

probably get pissed at me because I’m

not some supporting it for some reason

but I I don’t know I’m

I I I’m not on the bang when I’m not

going to drink that Kool-Aid right now

so I just don’t do it I don’t recommend


um I just don’t I definitely don’t like

uh traces of THC in my uh you know even

with my DNA testing they actually

evaluate different Pathways

um to see what happens when

if you did were exposed to THC right

um and um

it’s like increased risk of psychosis

I’m like uh no thank you no thank you

so um anyway that’s just my viewpoint

and um

I’m not um there’s many other things

that uh can help inflammation I’m really

interested in uh

getting rid of inflammation but doing in

a way that um it gets deeper to the root


so yeah

yeah well I think that’s wise I I hope

and I pray and I think it really does

probably have some beneficial

um you know attributes but the fact that

people say it does virtually everything

uh you know starts to sound suspect it

will literally cure any and everything

and that uh in its face uh gives me

pause but of the people that are using

it and find it uh helpful continue to do

so uh Judy from Facebook how to best

treat stomach ulcers

some of these stomach ulcers come from H

pylori okay that’s a microorganism and

in order for an ulcer to occur your

environment of the stomach has to change

first and I personally had an ulcer and

uh I know it’s directly related to just

your Foods you’re eating junk foods and

you’re not

um eating the right things so as far as

a remedy goes

um some people use zinc carnosine other

people use um

sulforaphane which is another good

remedy which is from broccoli Sprouts

you can also get sulforaphane from


so it can actually kill off this H

pylori so you can get rid of the ulcer

um that’s that’s the remedies and then

of course change your diet in the


okay very good uh let’s see one woman

this is interesting I’m not sure if

there’s any health benefits for this but

caring from YouTube I used to have half

Moons on my fingernails when I was a

little girl but now as an adult I no

longer have them and she wants them back

and I bet everyone in the audience is

looking at their fingernails because I

did but uh but is there is she in any

kind of trouble with not having half

Moons as an adult

Steve it’s a brilliant it’s a really

popular thing now to have those half


um this relates to an iron deficiency

um so what what you want to do is make

sure you have enough iron now how do you

do that do you take an iron supplement

no you don’t do that you want to get it

from food and there’s a huge difference

between the iron in plants versus the

iron in animal mates so

um which I have videos on but I would

recommend getting it from you know liver

or red meat things like that high

quality grass-fed grass finish and then

you’ll get the iron that you need but

your iron could also come from

another thing

um it could come from B12 deficiency too

and there’s a lot of genetic things that

relate to that too which I’m not getting

into but


watch my videos on all the different

causes of anemia and um because I think

that lack of that Luna Half Moon on your

fingernails is just the tip of the

iceberg I think it it goes much deeper

all right very good let’s see here uh

uh Harem or whatever your name is Sir a

man from YouTube How can I fix anal

stenosis caused by a laser hemorrhoid

procedure I’m sorry for asking that Dr

fergon not sure that’s such an obscure

question but unfortunately got zapped by

laser uh and uh it’s got stenosis which

I guess is right the narrowing of that a

dilator has helped but I’m only 22 do I

need a dilator for the rest of my life I

don’t know if you have any comment on

that Dr bird but it sounds awful

I think you know the best thing to do is

to do that maybe you know topical

Vitamin E oil which helps reduce

scarring but uh anything hemorrhoid

related always think colonsonia root

that’s the best remedy and that supports

the liver because



hemorrhoids are a problem with your

venous structure so it’s a circulatory

issue and the um the colon Sony root

tends to be a really good remedy to kind

of fix that problem but ultimately it’s

a problem with the liver so it seems

like we all come back we finally always

come back to this liver as being

the source of so many issues wow Marsha

from YouTube says I’ll take 10 pounds of

your beef please little roadside

standing you will make a fortune

it’s interesting because I even I told

some of my friends I’m like do you want

some beef in there they’re all like no

no we’re fine all of a sudden I show

them the report they’re like oh where

can I get some beef I’m like uh actually

I’m not I can’t sell it but um

um I I’m just going to teach people what

I’m doing and I’ll do videos on it so

you can grow your own beef in your

backyard and um do the same thing but

it’s a

I want to do a full

um video on it because it’s actually

quite fascinating some of the other

value I mean like there’s this thing

called um Advanced glycation end

products now this is an a biomarker or

an indicator of

something bad in your body you know

chronic disease it’s a bad indicator

it’s a it’s an indicator that there’s a

poor health well

apparently my beef had this this the

lowest amounts in my question I had no

idea that was in beef I had no idea

homocysteine was in the beef so this is

like a B vitamin deficiency

um so

apparently there’s um you know all the

bad things that we find in our body the

indicators they’re they’re in animals

and so it would be good to know

if what we’re eating are we eating

sick animals and plants or are we eating

healthy animals and plants and does that

relate to our health I think it might

Steve I think there’s an old what’s the

old saying you are what you eat

something like that makes sense

yeah well that’s exciting uh Dr Berg

were all anxious to see the continued

reports that come down from that and it

will just be wringing our hands with

jealousy that we don’t have a slab of

that but maybe some people are listening

we’ll get some better organic Meats Etc

in the future okay let’s go to our next

Quiz question for the day and there it

is Dr bird


what is the best specific specific blood


to test for cancer

that’s a good thing to know all right

hop on it audience

all right Jana tune from Facebook our

dairy-based probiotic safe

I I I like them I like them unless you

have a analogy to them

um and I don’t know of course what

companies are

you know using good methods and things

like that but generally I think I think

they’re fine

um because they they like to eat the

milk sugar and you can grow these

microbes on Dairy

um hopefully it’s a healthy version of


um don’t forget you can get a lot of


from not only fermented foods but Raw

plants that come from good soils

apparently there’s a whole bunch of

microbiome inside that plant that helps

to populate our guts and so this is

something brand new you wouldn’t think

that there’s actual probiotics in Plants

but there is but I’m not telling you to

start eating

just a large amount but if you had that

like I said before the variety from like

the farmer’s market I think that would

be really good for your gut not just

from the eating feeding the fiber to

your microbes but just giving you

microbes I mean that’s what do you think

the cows and these other animals the

goats and the Sheep where do you think

they get their rumen or their microbiome

it comes right from this the plants and

that comes from the soil so it’s all

just being


um I mean if you evaluate the microbes

in a plant that a cow eats


they’re they’re microbiome bacteria

they’re bacteria that are in our gut or

in the guts of animals so


it’s a nice recycling system

and um

it kind of just got my interest in

creating a video on what would happen if

you had were completely sterile and you

had no microbes in your body what would

happen to your health how long would you


what would happen if you were on a

permanent antibiotic boy that would be

something else wow interesting Mike from

Facebook I love that you have your own

Farm that’s a goal of mine and let me

tell you something Mike I’ve had the

great honor of being there and you come

over this rise and look down upon the

most beautiful scene you’ve ever seen

out in the country with these mountains

in the background and I mean it just

looks absolutely Hollywood it’s gorgeous

so if you have that goal keep up with it


um you know Dr Berg only yells at me

like five times a week it used to be

like 15 when he lived in Suburbia so it

is really had now he’s it’s just

absolutely as mellow as you see him on

there but uh but it’s it’s good for him

and he has great beef and all this stuff

but no it’s a spectacular Farm uh again

I have no uh there’s no question why he

moved there it’s just beautiful uh let’s

see other people wanting more of your

beef Suddenly It’s a big thing

um Let’s see we went through the half

Moons uh uh oh here we go Beverly from

Facebook can keto and intermittent

fasting help with recovery from thyroid


I would if I had my thyroid removed I

would uh get on keto for sure

um one point about that if you don’t

have a thyroid I know there’s this um

a push to just take synthroid But

realize that um you need more than just

the T4 you need the whole package I

would probably recommend finding a

doctor that can work with you

put you on the Armor Thyroid or other

types of thyroid that involve all the

all the hormones T3 as well as

calcitonin because um you know T4

in Synthroid

is the inactive hormone it’s the

inactive hormone so it has to be

converted so you know

if you can if you can do that it might

be a little bit better and then um

I’ll have to do a video more on that but

yes I would do keto for sure

intermittent fasting

all right that’s terrific let’s see

um boy Kerry’s uh power went out he’s

running on emergency power and still

working the internet so that’s great it

was snowing up there I guess let’s see

we uh did that and let me look again uh

do we have any answers to questions I’m

sure that is coming up

um oh here we go Jihad from Facebook

what are the best natural sources of

vitamin B1

um um sunflower seeds

okay uh that’s a good source B1 actually

is in


animal and some plant but our but our

guts our guts make B1 too

um I think if you’re eating healthy you

really just need to worry about

um the foods that deplete B1 more than

the foods that have B1 and that would be

the high carb diet the rice

things like that

um like the white rice and also um

other things that uh deplete like tea if

you drink a lot of tea or coffee that

can deplete to be one

um if you drink a lot of alcohol okay

that can deplete B1 this is why like

nearly all alcoholics are very deficient

in B1 and then you get

a lot of the major diseases from that

um but doctors don’t really look for the

B1 deficiency unless someone is an

advanced alcoholic and they have end

sage and Stage liver disease so

um let’s say for example you’re drinking

wine three times a week you’re not

you’re just depleting your B right down

and all of a sudden you find out

geez why am I so grouchy lately or why

is um why do I feel so irritated why do

I feel so stressful well because you

just depleted your B1

so um a lot of things can deplete B1

so I will you know I have videos on that

all right very good let’s see uh now if

Terry gets his internet back he said his

power went out

um we went through that

we love that you have a farm

I’ll talk that I’ll talk why you’re

looking for a question Steve I’ll talk a

little bit about um

uh some videos that I’ll be doing coming

up here one really interesting video is

I’m going to show you one of the most


natural cox-2 Inhibitors so you know

there are people that take um aspirin


um non-steroidal anti-inflammatories for

for pain and headaches and um the

problem is there’s some slight minor


um like you know bleeding in your



ulcers gastritis

cancer things like that

um so there just happens to be

um natural Cox inhibitors out there and

that have virtually no side effects that

in some studies show that they work just

as good

as these drugs now you’re probably

saying well why aren’t they promoted

because you can’t patent them you can’t

make money on them yet the studies show

that they work and so

I mean come on if you’re going to have a

choice between a natural versus uh

synthetic you know go for the natural

I’m going to be releasing a video on

that this week I already did the video

um so if you happen to be on

this drug and um you want an alternative

you know I’m going to give you an option

that’s uh one of the best ones which is

actually very interesting something that

to replace aspirin


I mean aspirin also literally destroys

that lining that mucous lining of your

of your gut

um probably why it causes ulcers but

also that happens in the large intestine

too so here you are really destroying

your immune system so unfortunately

these medical discoveries sometimes come

with a package over 50 percent

of all drugs were designed based on

these um plant chemicals and

phytonutrients or phytochemicals that

have different effects

so I’m very interested in

you know having some organized

booklet or something to so you can have

references so you can go to different

things to know

alternatives to those things you’re

trying to

create effects on

okay very good I am into the raw this is

funny so Terry our producer feeds me

questions and he um allows me to avoid

the raw data that comes through social

media now boys we I know we’ve been

fascinated since we were little kids on

our PPS but there’s a lot of pp

questions penis questions here which I’m

sure really don’t have any level of

sincerity some of them do uh one of them

just seems so earthy I’m not going to

ask but there’s plenty of other

questions so let’s go to one of those

our dark circles and hollowness

hollowness a result of liver kidney

issue or thyroid issues I guess that’s

dark circles under their eyes

yeah yeah

um it can be it can definitely be that

uh it it can also be a kidney problem it

could be anemia


so it really depends on you know

it’s not as simple as having this one

symptom and this one cause like it could

be several things so this is why you

have to try things and

of course um

um it could be that you’re anemic um

these are all common things it also can

be that

you know you’re inside too much and you

have no son and uh you have a lack of

sleep and you have these bags underneath

your eyes

that could be one of the cause too

let’s see now okay a lot of people

recommending pot for Stuff uh remember

I’m In The Raw unedited area

um oh here we go do it eating eggs every

day cause sensitivity that’s kind of a

didn’t go much details there anybody

allergic to egg stock

yeah yeah you can have it be I have an

allergy to the egg the protein in eggs

but typically though if you have a good

healthy egg boy is it solve a lot of

nutritional deficiencies there’s so many

great things in eggs especially if you

get the pasture-raised eggs now this

year Steve I’m going to try and

experiment because

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of a

brush hog brush hog is a something you

kind of you can

you can cut down weeds with it right and

when I cut down weeds um boy you start

seeing millions and millions and

millions of grasshoppers and bugs and

things like that so what I’m going to do

is I’m going to start putting my


in those fields with all those bugs so

they can start eating the bugs because I

bet you anything the eggs would taste

even better if they lived on more bugs

even though we let them

roam around but there sure is a lot more

bugs in the pastures than there is in

other places so I’ll let you know what

happens on that one Steve go get them go

get them chickens let’s see


is bovine collagen healthy to take

what’s that doc have you ever heard of

it yeah let’s uh uh cow collagen

um some people you know

swear by it some people hate it

um if it’s a grass-fed grass finish

cow I mean I think it’d be a great thing

um you know people say well I wouldn’t

want to eat the the collagen from the

hoof or whatever or a different part of

the body well nose to tail I think

eating the whole animal is a better

thing than just having the animal meat

itself the skeletal muscle


so yeah I think it’s a it’s a good thing

um definitely

okay let’s see uh you know we never got

some answers back on the best blood

tests for cancer because of the internet

problem can you maybe clue Us in Doc and

educate us so so there’s a test

um that you sometimes you have to

request it okay they don’t normally do


um it’s called lactate dehydrogenase

okay lactate

dehydrogenase this is a very interesting

test I think it’s very valuable it

doesn’t tell you

specifics but it gives you generally

what’s happening to your cells

because this enzyme is in cells it’s in


inside the cell and when you rupture the

cell because the cell is damaged or it’s

ruptured or it dies you get an increase

in this enzyme and it’s a it’s a pretty

good indicator that there’s cancer going

on and the more you have of this enzyme

the more you have this cancer now it

could mean other things too

could mean that you have

just had a heart attack stroke liver

disease kidney disease could mean that

you’re in a certain medication it could

mean that you just had an intense

exercise bout

but let’s say you you didn’t have these

other things right it could be a real

simple screening of cancer that you can

then maybe catch it in time and do

something about it but it can also be

used as a um

a way to determine if a treatment any

treatment is working or not because if

that enzyme is going down it means that

there’s less rupturing or dying of your


so I’ll release a video on that’s a

important test that next time your blood

test is called lactate dehydrogenase

it’s a that enzyme is produced when

you’re making lactase which is a

different pathway involved with cancer

which I’m not going to get into the

chemical name or pathway but


cancer one thing about cancer is it it

uses a different uh

um metabolic pathway

and it it grows really fast it Hogs a

lot of the sugar and


I think for those of you that don’t have

cancer you should start to eat as if you

have cancer and really try to prevent it

because once you get it it’s a lot

harder to

get rid of it you can still get rid of

it if you do a lot of fasting

but boy it’s much easier to prevent it

so I think

going forward into this next year you

might want to add that to your goal of

um being so healthy that you’re

bulletproof against these type of

illnesses and with the right knowledge

you can do it wonderful this question

answered things so much fun why don’t we

do it again doc here’s the true false

story and why don’t you educate us on

the answer

okay having normal vitamin D levels in

your blood

is the best way to ensure you have

adequate cellular vitamin D

is it true or false

I’m going to say it’s false

all right well do you want me to answer

it now or sure no because uh we can’t

get an answer and we’re about a minute

out so okay so so you know I’ve had

people tell me this well I don’t need

Vitamin D because I have normal levels

in my blood yet you look at their

symptoms and they have their parents


all these symptoms of vitamin D like

autoimmune and arthritis you know like

Ms and Hashimoto’s and they have um

um asthma and all these symptoms of a

low vitamin D level yet yet the abnormal

levels well it just so happens that

um there’s in order for the cell see

just just because you have enough

vitamin D in your blood does not tell

you what’s going on in the cell what

allows the vitamin E to go in the cell

is through the vitamin D receptor that

just so happens that


there’s a good portion of the population

30 of the population that has a genetic

problem with vitamin D receptor with

receiving vitamin D and I am one of them

so I can’t just

um get by on a usual amount of vitamin D

I have to take more and that is the

solution is just to take more than

normally people would take that’s how

you override and drive this vitamin D

into the cell

um so there’s various clues that your

body gives you that you need Vitamin D

regardless of how much you have in your

blood like inflammation like low back

pain like a persistent infection

um also these microorganisms especially


have a strategy of they now if you get

enough vitamin D they’re dead

so what they do is they actually have a

way of manipulating yourselves to block

the vitamin D from going on your cells


um and then in the video that I’ll

release this week I’ll talk about all

the things you can do to increase that

vitamin D receptor so it it it takes in

more vitamin D so um any anywho I

appreciate all of your attention

um I hope everyone has a wonderful


um stay warm and we will talk to you

next week next Friday same time same

