In Ketosis But No Ketones In Urine? – Dr.Berg Answers Why | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys add another question someone

asked me I’m doing keto but I have no

ketones in my urine so when I test


it shows negative for ketones okay so

they wondered why that is let’s talk

about that number one it could be that

you’re burning up all your ketones see

the body is switching from glucose to

ketones as fuel so if you’re burning all

them up it’s not going to show up in the

urine and that usually happens after you

have adapted to keto a ketogenic diet

and also that you’re have done it

probably more than two months but if

you’ve done it like under a month period

of time and it’s not showing up this is

probably not the case because it takes a

while for you to become very efficient

and burn up all those ketones okay

number two are you doing in a minute

fasting if you’re not you need to put

some videos down below but every time

you eat you spike insulin so the

combination of keto and intermittent

fasting is the best combination you need

to do that bite the bullet

but this because if you’re eating six

meals a day with keto on all this fat

it’s not going to work so you need to

throw this in there it’s not reducing

the amount of eat that you eat it’s

reducing the frequency that you eat

number three this is interesting because

I’ll ask people I’ll say are you getting

enough sleep and they’re saying yes are

you tired

no and so I’m pulling a string I said

how many hours sleep you get they go six

and a half I said well what do you do

during the day I work all day long I

push myself I says what would happen if

you were just to sit there and just not

do any work

I’d fall asleep okay good well chances

are you’re not getting enough sleep in

other words a lot of people don’t

realize that their body is tired they’re

just pushing through it not putting an

attention on it but they’re actually

tired because they’re kind not getting

enough sleep okay so what I recommend

and I have done this several times go to

bed early or squeeze that another hour

hour and a half of sleep stop watching

the news especially the news and try to

take a nap but you you need about seven

and a half to eight hours to really

maximize not just fat-burning

and improve your ketosis and your

metabolism but also just to improve your

recovery after your workouts you’ll see

more change that little change will make

a huge difference I take the sleep baby

before bed maybe you want to take two of

them before bed and then you add the

calcium lactate with that the

combination of calcium lactate and sleep

aid work really good calcium lactate

just gives that little extra push to get

an asleep faster and then not too much

protein some people are consuming way

too much we want three to six ounces and

we want to make sure you’re not snacking

this protein protein it will act as a

stimulant and prevent you from sleeping

and number four exercise in the fasting

period in the other videos I told you to

exercise in the eating window okay

alright before you’re eating and right

after eating what I’m suggesting if you

don’t have a blood sugar issue and you

should just try this to see if you can

do it work out in the fasting period so

let’s say you ate at 12 noon and you

have another your dinner at five or six

you would fast in the early morning or

if you work if you eat a breakfast and

your last meal is it let’s say two and

you worked out at six or seven I kind of

like to do that I think you’re going to

see a lot more change because you’re

gonna you’re going to enhance the growth

hormone factor when you work out and see

more change in the ketones in your urine

okay go ahead and try these and put put

in your comments below the changes that

occur hi guys hey listen I created a

pretty amazing evaluation quiz down

below that actually analyzes your

symptoms to find the cause the root

cause of all of your symptoms the most

likely cause so take the quiz now and

we’ll send you a report