Keto Success Stories – Dr. Berg Interviews Shawn Rega on Keto, Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss | DrEricBergDC

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hey everyone welcome back we have a

great new Skype from Sean raiga so

welcome Sean thank you so you’re you’re

on the beach here I saw the background

so we flipped the camera so I can

actually see you better but hey can you

tell us a little bit about your history

of what you kind of been through his

struggles with your weight I want to

know more about that sure

well um kind of overweight as a kid I

was plenty active but I think I just had

a poor diet and so that continued into

my adulthood I’m very tall so I can

carry the weight fun I mean I’m 5/8 I’m

not that tall but I’m I can carry it

better than some but I just love sweets

and I have my whole life and I just it

makes it’s probably my go-to you know

some people drink I eat donuts Wow you

said that sound like me yeah that’s my

story so you ate a lot of sugar in your

life yes Wow

yes I do it’s it’s sometimes that would

be my meal um you know cookies with my

coffee I don’t know I just say it way

too much of it and I realized towards

the end of last year that I was kind of

getting out of control I was the

heaviest I had ever been and it wasn’t

going down when that is your peak wait

what did you uh what was the top weight

thank you um 195 which is pretty you

know I hadn’t even wait for a while

because I knew it was not good but it I

just it was really I kind of got to this

turning point I believe that I felt like

if I didn’t do something then I was

probably just not gonna worry about it

but the problem I mean yeah of course

you want to look good

but I was really starting to feel bad

and so I just decided I’ve got to do

something you know looking better would

be definitely be a bonus but I just felt

overwhelmed like you know habitual

dieter my whole life yep you know yo-yo

in middle school I can’t remember going

with my now sister-in-law you know

friend back then with her mom to Weight

Watchers and you know that was you know

kind of I mean who wants to think about

that when you’re 15

and I can even remember even farther

back I’ll never forget it because this

is when they weighed you in elementary

school you stood in a line you went to

the clinic and you got weighed well I

was taller than everybody anyway but I

weighed 84 pounds in second grade which

you know kind of up there but I just

remember being humiliated and then I

probably went home and ate so anyway I

just nothing had worked for me and it

was discouraging and you know I could

walk and really count calories was the

last thing I did which worked but again

if you’re not you know having great

results it was really not a lifestyle to

stick with because I was hungry all the

time and so anyway I heard about you

from a friend of mine who actually I

graduated from high school with but I’ve

not seen her

we’ve only facebooked and she said this

was maybe the end of Mad December she

all of her Facebook friends if you have

never heard of dr. Berg you need to

check him out because I’ve lost a fair

amount of weight in a short amount of

time and I can do it anybody can do it

so that was all I needed to hear because

I just encouraged me and the like well

what have I got to lose except you know

weight plus feeling better so then I

checked you out

Wow did you one of those symptoms did

you have when you’re a heavy like what

kind of we said you felt bad was it

fatigue was it memory what was it um

well it was

I really was had no stamina which I have

you know been better off you know and

previously like I said I have a physical

job clean homes I also have a little

farm you know come family farm so you

know I’m hauling feed bags and throwing

him around and I’m fairly strong but I

would just like then go sit down

and you know if there was many stairs or

anything I mean I could do it but I was

very winded and I could tell it was it

was worse than I had imagined from you

know previous exertion so I was kind of

getting worried that I really had

something wrong with me but now I didn’t

go to the doctor I had no pant you know

blood panels done or anything but I want

to tell you that since you know I’ve

been you know watching the videos and

everything that you have that about

maybe 18 months ago I had I was having

an eye problem still I am but what they

said to me was are you diabetic and then

I thought well no I’m not I haven’t been

to the doctor how do I know by this very

fast growing cataract in one of my eyes

and since I went I mean it’s completely

clouded I’m blind in one eye basically

and so I do need to you know get that

taken care of that I’m hoping and that

will be one of my questions for you if

you think with the with some of your the

NAC drops and changing my diet if it can

ever be fully reversed but sorry to get

off on it - you know I think let’s not

let’s talk about that right now

do you have any at all sensation

tingling burning numbness in your

fingers or your toes no okay good

cataracts usually are related to blood

sugars but it’s also a very severe b1


I have nutritional yeast tablets that

are non fortified

there really may have some b12 but

that’s probably a good source to be one

I would probably take six of those a day

and and those drops and then continue on

the eating plan because I think and I’m

not making any claim sir I think that

can greatly improve your situation

I’m not saying a hundred percent but

maybe but I would go in that direction

because especially because think about

what happens with the diabetic the eyes

are the first to go and a lot of

diabetics have cataracts and the B

vitamins get depleted with sugar yes and

so I’m just really I never knew all of

this till I started watching your videos

and then you know reading more about

what causes them and that now I feel

terrible that this could have been

prevented and and the other thing that

stuck in my mind was so I went through

the whole test to have the surgery last

the end of last year but I didn’t want

to meet I hadn’t met my deductible and I

didn’t want to meet at that end of the

year so I thought huh I’ll wait till the

beginning of the year then my new

insurance didn’t take that doctor so

which is why I have not gotten it done

yet but I remember sitting in his office

thinking and I asked him that like well

what has cost this he’s not the one that

said it it was like an optometrist so

they sent me to the ophthalmologist and

I said well I grew up in Florida I’ve

been in the Sun my whole life and he

said this isn’t from the Sun and I

thought oh but you know he didn’t really

go any farther than that but he said but

if you have it in one you will have it

in the other it’s just a matter of time

and I just left the office being like

depressed because having one vision in

one eye because now I mean I can see

light but no color it’s completely

opaque I guess that’s the right word and

because of how your eyes work together

I’m like feeling like I’m cross-eyed all

the time anyway so

wasn’t the main reason because I didn’t

realize it at the time but now I’m

really thinking is it was cost for my

diet yeah I mean it’s uh never know that

well I think it’s the most obvious thing

and the the challenge of the medical

profession is they’re they’re stuck in

this well we don’t know yet we have to

do research this L is this big it’s a

big lack of connection between what you

put in your mouth and then because they

don’t understand through therapy

everyone they it gets worse so like well

you’re it’s inevitable it’s nothing you

can do the point is that if you do some

research just type in cataracts and b1

deficiency and you’ll find all this

interesting data but if you actually had

years of become becoming depleted that

lack of b1 affects the chemistry of all

sorts of things in all the cells so you

know sometimes it’ll affect the feet

sometimes it affects the retina

sometimes it affects the lens of the eye

just affects everyone differently but I

think you’re on the right track I would

like you can see what it is right now I

would continue this and just see if it

improves over the next few months with

what you do but the body the body can

change I mean you’d be surprised I had

one guy he came to my office and he laid

on the table and his arms and his legs

completely went dead when he had lay

down he wasn’t even concerned about that

I’m like aren’t you worried about the

guys no it’s fine so because even he

stands up he can just pound them and get

him back to work so I found out what

he’s eating he’s having pancakes a big

stack of pancakes the best not the

problem it’s the cup 12 ounce cup of

maple syrup which is high fructose corn

syrup He pours on there and that’s what

he consumes for his breakfast I didn’t

want to talk about his lunches dinner so

I told him I said dude that’s going to

kill you that is gonna kill you but he

just he just wasn’t aware he wasn’t

interested at that point he was a

typical guy like you have to be nearly

dead well anyway months later he came my

office with glasses I walked in the room

and he had dark glasses on

and he had a cane and his sister was

with him he was blind now he’s living a

life of Darkness I’m like completely

unavailable I mean if you would have

just done something you know wake up I

mean take care of your body you got to

live in your body so then he came in he

wanted to do something about it

can you help me I’m like no it’s too far

gone what were were you you know months

ago that’s not gonna happen to you but

getting back to your weight like you

were 190 like what are you now I’m right

now i’m 154 wow that’s incredible yeah

and so I’ve had a little ways to go just

for my personal preference but I feel so

much better in so many other ways except

for my I you know more stamina just feel

healthier in general and um you know I

just don’t know why that we are not told

this this is why it’s hard for me to

believe but but the interesting thing is

that my mom was a diabetes education

nurse before she retired and did she

ever tell me any thing about sugar

no she liked when I would be dieting at

different times she would say oh well

you know complex carbohydrates missus

the peanut butter with the cracker and

I’m thinking why but now why the cracker

you know and so I never heard it from

her she taught people not her fault

because I’m sure she was you know had to

go to her seee classes to eat you

classes by the sugar you know that’s

funded by big sugar I’m sure of what she

you know the food pyramid and all that

um and I’m yeah it’s not her fault but

I’m just wondering like I had never

heard that but fat you know some fats in

moderation are okay here I’m cutting

every all the fat out and not worrying

about the carbs you know or the you

know sugar

so it’s just it’s amazing to me like

there’s even certain doctors that are

saying the problem is the saturated fats

you have to get off the saturated fats

sugars are okay yeah so it’s it’s

frustrating but unfortunately yeah we’re

basically in this kind of a trap

of getting the wrong information and we

keep getting worse and you almost have

to stumble on it you know here and there

and because if you even search on how to

get healthy how to lose weight on the

internet the top page is WebMD I mean it

just goes right to the list it’s hard to

find the truth on on health when you do

searches on the internet so right well

now I my mom has to I be just so you

know and it’s very hard although I we

don’t live in the same city so and I do

talk to her every day but it’s hard for

me because I’m not an expert to educate

the educator because I just think that

she has that’s just you know she’s kind

of old school that way and you know when

I’m hearing you know about what they had

for dinner or whatever and my brother

goes over there sometimes and there’s

lots of cookie wrappers like why are you

even eating those you know like I she

shouldn’t be so anyway um you know I’ve

got to figure out how to address that in

a way that can you know they don’t have

internet or I’d be sending her to your

channel I mean you know they’re old

school they don’t have a smartphone it

sounds like the more educated the more

educated someone is the harder it is to

them to be willing to learn something so

yeah I’m gonna take these people that

have like really so-called trained in

the wrong information they’ve such fixed

ideas it’s like it’s tough I mean it’s

run into them all the time I know I

could only imagine it especially if your

mom taught it like it’d be like well

wait a second um I taught this you know

so yeah no I’m just trying to you know

maybe be an example she hasn’t seen me

in a long time so but

I mean I’ve told her I don’t I’ve cut

this out or cut that out but I haven’t

even I did at the beginning of year get

a membership to a gym with a friend of

mine but then I just you know heard in

one of your videos you know don’t work

out too hard because of the cortisol you

know just walk or you know do do some

cardio but don’t do anything too

strenuous because it’s you know maybe

later on when you get where you want to

be um so I haven’t been there too often

but I have you know do see this friend

of mine that we joined together and I

have lost a lot of weight and she has

lost probably not very much but she

hasn’t really changed her diet so but

she was very impressed so I you know

gave her sent her a few links to

different videos to watch because I just

think until people do it you do not

realize how it works and I probably

wouldn’t have either and it’s I mean I

can follow directions and I can stick to

things if I see results I guess that was

the thing that really helped me is

because you know it took a few several

weeks but you know it was 2 pounds 2

more pounds um it was enough and it

wasn’t just the weight it was the way my

clothes were fitting which was you know

I knew something was going on with that

but I was just feeling so much better

and you know most of the cravings have

gone every now and then I think about a

Publix cupcake and I wonder if they

taste the same but I just don’t it’s not

worth it to me and I’ve had family

members say are you just never gonna eat

sugar again and I’m like maybe you know

probably because it’s bad for you but

you know I don’t get on my Bandstand but

they just said well I don’t want to

deprive myself and I’m thinking of being

healthy but you know that’s just where I

am in my mind and they’re not there so

hey well can I show you something yes so

that’s one of the reasons why I

personally I like ice cream so I I now

have a nice

there’s no sugar we’re working on trying

to get in the grocery stores but it’s

gonna take a long time but the point is

that when you eat the problem with sugar

is it has 23 grams 20 actually 36 grams

of sugar that’s even per serving that’s

1/2 of a cup you know so so we’ll have a

zero sugar and I just sent it to one of

my diabetic patients who is recovering

and doing great so I had her test it it

barely increased her blood Sugar’s so

that’s cool so anyway like well we know

now we have to put some chocolate in

there so I want to show you this right

here I don’t know if you can see it see

this right here oh yes this here is I

found an artesian chocolate artist spade

he’s an artist because he he makes the

best chocolate and I wanted him to make

it with a monk fruit which actually has

it’s better than Steven because there’s

no not to taste okay I’ve seen that at

the store from the extractor it’s with

the stevia monk fruit and I wondered

it’s a really good sugar a bit pricey

but it’s a really good sugar because it

has no aftertaste it’s really sweet so

anyway we’ve made the chocolate zero

sugars so I really like it so when I’m

done with this Skype I’m gonna go

upstairs to my staff and I’m gonna give

them samples and see if they like it but

I’m trying to find you know an

alternative so a person wouldn’t have to

give up everything they can actually

have just alternative type things I mean

like Halloween for example did you have

any trick-or-treaters no well I live out

on property so I have a gate so now so I

mean I think the trick-or-treaters that

came to my house last year basically

we’re gonna tour the paper my house

because we gave these little toys and

pens and they’re like what is this you

know so it’s really hard to have some

alternative stuff so I mean sooner or

later I mean we start off eating sugar

at such an early age and we just keep

feeding these kids and you know I I’m

like the perfect example and then we get

older and we wondering like why is our

body just going downhill so there has to

be some substitute verses you can’t ever

eat sugar again

that’s the point but like what are there

have you noticed that your cognitive

function is improved at all yes I would

say so I think that I mean of course if

you know you’re tired you might not be

as sharp but definitely so I just feel

sharper in general I think because I

just feel you know when I get up in the

morning I’m ready to go and I do get

tired you know but I get up early so you

know by 10:00 o’clock I’m kind of shot

but yes that is definitely better and

then what about when do you eat what’s

your first meal of the day what times

well if I’m home you probably like it

around 11 ish um like if I’m gonna be

home for the day and that I did have a

question for you about that because I

always try to get in my kale shake so I

know a lot of people eat that with their

breakfast um sometimes I just have that

for breakfast I mean that’s enough so

I’m not gonna eat it if I’m you know

more if I’m not hungry but the problem

but um I just

my question is because I am trying to do

the intermittent fasting but like like

this morning well I was a little hungry

and I wanted to get the kale shaken and

now I won’t probably be home till 5:00

or 6:00 so I’m gonna try not to eat

anything you know at all till I get home

but I didn’t have anything else you know

I didn’t have eggs so I don’t know if

that’s gonna last me but um I just

wondered like if you have that for a

snack I mean I know you don’t promote

snacking but if I was to have a snack

you know if I just couldn’t make it does

that raise your blood sugar

not too much not too much I mean if you

take it like what I do in the morning

good amount of the time is I’ll get up I

get a bit like five but then about 8


I’ll take I freeze my kale it’s all

chopped I put it in the blender

I actually fill the blender one third

filled I have a pretty powerful blender

I’ll put a cup of blueberries I’ll put

two teaspoons of the lemon wheatgrass

just because

give it a little bit of a sweet fill the

whole thing with water blend it up for

four minutes and then I don’t fill the

whole thing up with water just like

right above the 1/3 because it’ll raise

the foam will come up so I’ll blend it

performance more four minutes and I’ll

actually take I have the big mason jars

which is it’ll make three and a half of

those Wow

so I’ll drink two of them I’ll give one

to my wife if she wants it and that’s my

kind of my greens for the whole day

like if I’m I’ll do that which is

tremendous amount of greens I might have

a little salad later but you can do it

in the morning and then have your lunch

and then your dinner and it’s really

like I would say it’s two and a half

meals because it’s not gonna spike

insulin okay oh it’s gonna be minor that

makes me feel better because I was I

didn’t want to cut that out but

sometimes I’m not home at lunch to have

it then but I need something in the

morning but I might not want that and

eggs or I don’t have time to make it all

so when I eat my eggs and bacon and

cheese for its really my late morning

which is about twelve my breakfast

I can’t I’m like I can’t eat a lot of

salad or greens at that point so I might

have my greens either later in the


or for dinner or I’ll have them early in

the morning so so you do two meals a day

yeah and give me an example of if you

weren’t gonna do like cat what what

would you eat for your lunch sometimes

I’ll have a lot of times I’ll have

celery with peanut butter a little

peanut butter or eggs trying to think

I’m salad you know I try to mix it up a

little bit I could sometimes I could eat

the same thing you know day after day so

but usually or I may just have a big you

know two or three eggs and a little

bacon just just kind of depends by I

didn’t eat a lot of celery because

I like it and it with a little peanut

butter it’s a great meal and people will

probably say well that’s not gonna hold

me but I think after you’ve gotten used

to eating less because I’m really not

that hungry so that’s what I like so

what do you have for dinner um usually

you know some kind of lean meat chicken

or maybe some kind of hamburger

you know usually something on the grill

some kind of lean meat

well it’s not always lean chicken or

hamburger meat loaf I make meatloaf with

pork rinds that’s a favorite and

vegetable or salad or both just have

eliminated the starch where I used to

always when I planned my meal think Oh

know what first side rice-a-roni know

and my daughter sometimes when she comes

to visit well she’s used to it now but

um you know you just get used to eating

that for so long you think that’s what

you should eat anyway I don’t I don’t

miss it we do eat a lot of salads I get

the big box from like Walmart of the

organic spring mix or something so we do

eat a lot of that and I go through

several bills bags of kale a week


no sweets no desserts although I do

sometimes make a cheesecake because you

can have cream cheese with a little

stevia and eggs and that’s pretty nice

it’s pretty good is that uh yeah I like

to take um

grass-fed whipping cream put a little

stevia in there and whip it up it’s like

I mean that’s a dessert right there

right good yes it definitely makes me


what’s the word creative creative

because um you know I do I do still like

sweet but I definitely don’t crave them

and I have I don’t really think I’ll

fall off that wagon anytime soon just

because it’s so it was just so bad for


and I just I never realized how bad it’s

like a conspiracy oh yeah I know and

it’s sometimes it takes a health problem

to motivate people I mean honestly I had

to get to the point where my eyes were

bloodshot and fatigued before I said

okay maybe I should change I mean you’re

awesome I probably would have kept going

but this is awesome Sean I really

appreciate just kind of sharing your

story I think it’ll just help people to

realize that they can do it there’s

another way and I would say one for one

every single person that I talked to

once they get to this state they’re not

going back because that now they know

the difference in like why would I go

back to sugar right and I guess what I’m

wondering and I’m sure it’s just like

the pharmaceuticals you know when

there’s so much money to be lost why

aren’t we telling you know kids young

not to do this because I just never

thought it was the only harmful that

would come to me would be a cavity not

diabetes or you know a cataract or you

know the laundry list of other problems

from it’s not just overeating I mean yes

I was overweight but it was like you

said at the cellular level what what was

happening from from the sugar and you

know it feeds probably cancer so anyway

I really wish I had heard sooner but

anybody that will listen I’m not

obnoxious but I I want them to know that

there’s a you know it’s easier if

there’s an easier way but you do have to

stick to it I think that brings up just

a key point that I want to talk about

just real briefly is that my whole thing

is I just like to help people that want


so that’s why I’m always telling people

spread the word start telling your

friends and there’s certain people that

are ready and willing and interested

other people are not so that’s totally

fine you could do what you want but

those people that are interested in

being educated on a better way to do it

those are the people that I’m I’m

interested in working with so definite

we just have to spread the word because

there are people out there that are

interested willing they want to get

better and they want to try a new thing

and they’re sick of being tired and fat

and enflamed you know right yes that’s

that’s I would say that’s probably what

I was I’m sure I had all kinds of

inflammation and you know every part of

my body and so it just sort of

manifested itself with my eye problem

but I just know I was definitely I was

just so sluggish well you saw my picture

I sent in I mean not only did I lose

weight but it I feel like I act younger

but I think I look younger which I’m

sure there’s some connection there I

think so you get healthy on the inside

it shows up on the outside so what we’ll

have to do is do another video and let’s

say four months okay and then we’ll talk

about your I talk about your weight and

and just see how much will this compare

this video to the next one so we’ll do

like a transition I think that’d be a

great video yes that’d be great can I

ask you one question

I know in one of your twelve several of

your videos you talked about autoimmune

because you know how it manifests itself

in different ways but you have to get to

the source of the problem well my mom

who has has diabetes but she also has

sarcoidosis which is the autoimmune

problem that affects her lung it can

affect your heart but with her it’s a

lot of scarring in the lung so my

question is she’s has to take prednisone

she was diagnosed with this in 2000 so

and it’s you know she’s really struggled

with it you know a difference she’s been

in the hospital numerous times for

pneumonia which you always have to I

mean it doesn’t cost pneumonia but

because your lungs are so compromised

she ends up sometimes in the ICU but my

question is and I don’t know I haven’t

really asked her about this I’m not sure

if her diabetes was caused from

long-term prednisone use but if it is

can that I mean she can’t stop taking

prednisone because that’s what controls

the inflammation but I guess my question

is could that be could her diabetes be

reversed if she eliminated the cookies

waffles muffins you know your whole list

of sweets breads or no because of the

prednisone well do you know do you know

what prednisone is a hormone you know

which one it is

cortisol you know what gland makes it um

the adrenals mm-hmm so here she is

taking an adrenal hormone to help

suppress her sarcoid or sarcoidosis

right right because it’s an

anti-inflammatory and also it helps it’s

given to almost every autoimmune case so

that’s interesting like you’re taking

something to give to support the adrenal

to help your autoimmune simply because

the actual root cause is the weak in

adrenal in the first place because it’s

that hormone naturally cortisol is not

working to to regulate the immune system

so at some point something shifted

probably related to stress or something

and then what happened is the immune

system started doing a self attack and

now she’s stuck doing that and yes

taking prednisone one of the big side

effects is it turns your muscles into

sugar it increases the sugar way way up

and it burns out the cells of the

pancreas causing diabetes and it’s right

in Cybil encyclopedia for endocrinology

page 86 it talks to right about the

relationship between high levels of

cortisone or prednisone and diabetes

so yeah that’s probably what caused it

now she would have to be really willing

to you know try different ways support

the adrenals with nutrition for a period

of time changed the diet get on in a

minute fasting that will then stimulate

a toughie gene start cleaning up all the

inflammation and old cells and start

reversing this process I think she could

if she was willing to make changes but

yeah it’s um I mean you can see the down

little effect from stress to drug to

diabetes to so you have to I mean it’s

it’s not that complex when you

understand some of these key points but

all right okay well I it’s definitely

worth looking into

for her if I could just get her mind to

shift about it because who wants to be

sick but I think she’s about giving up

that that’s this will be her quality of

life which is really not too good right

yeah give it a shot see if she’s willing

to look at it I think that’s the key is

uh will you please watch a video or

something and see what she says right

I’ll let you know okay great well thanks

a lot I appreciate it all your help and

what you’re doing for everyone my

friends Wendy by the way Wendy Patton oh

I don’t know if you’ve interviewed her

or not but um I know sometimes she’s on

your life you know she asks question on

your live show wendypatton but anyway

she’s the one that um has been you know

spreading the word so I have her to

thank because you know that’s why I try

to tell people because it you know I

just I don’t know why it stuck in my

mind about you know that day with her

but it definitely is life-changing for

me because I just can hardly believe it

um but it’s but it works that’s awesome

well Thank You Wendy for spreading the

word because look what happened look

what you created right here that’s


all right you have a great Oh I’ll let

up talk to you in a few months

okay good okay thank you you’re welcome