The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - December 30, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

all right welcome back everyone we have

a great show a great number of people

lined up to ask questions anything that

I say is definitely not meant or

intended to give you any cures or help

you even prevent anything so it’s just

for information food for thought so

check with your doctor before

implementing any of the things that I


all right Steve

over to you all right thank you so much

uh good morning everyone and I think we

had a nice gentleman named Jackman if I

have it right he was on a forklift in a

factory and he had a mask on because he

has an abscessed tooth and just the

breathing in on it was driving him crazy

so short of uh you know plowing the

forklift into a dentist office how about

people before they get to the dentist or

whatever what can they do for an

abscessed tooth maybe he’s listening I


the abscesses are are really tough

because your body’s trying to

encapsulate an infection and um you know

I I don’t know what you can do for pain

relief other than maybe some clove oil

on the tooth until you can get it


um some people

um who have root canals then later on

develop abscess abscesses underneath

that tooth and so in that case the tooth

is probably dead and you’re going to

have to deal with that but uh yeah

you’re going to find a competent dentist

that can fix that

um because that infection

um they found bacteria from

from infections like that in other

places in the body so it can spread so

it does create a situation



I don’t know other than clove oil

topically I don’t that’s something that

you’re probably not going to ever you

know resolve unless you go to a dentist

that knows how to you know deal with

that yeah that’s one of the worst things

and of course this takes us back to


what was it stranded with Tom Hanks

anyway he banged one of those out with a

ice skate and a coconut

and I’m sure that’s we’d all like to

take a better remedy to pain relief than

that so good luck to you sir I hope you

get that fixed very soon let’s kick it

off with our first question of the day

Dr Bergen here it is

okay if insulin prevents brain plaquing

in Alzheimer’s like that amyloid plaque

and Alzheimer’s which by the way it does

which is interesting

then why shouldn’t we just be focused on

raising insulin

with a higher carb diet now that’s a

very interesting question I can’t wait

to hear the answer to that and speaking

of answers folks let’s also kick it off

with this um pleasing graphic of Dr

Berg’s app which is uh not only

available now but they’ve really come

through it and made it work very

efficiently so unlike YouTube and other

social media you’ll be able to find the

video you’re looking for both on Apple a

store and Google Play additionally they

have like podcasts so if you’re driving

you can listen to Dr Berg’s remedies not

cures but suggestions and so on please

check with your doctor

before you feel better and uh let’s see

what else I think that’s it for that so

that’s terrific digging to that question

let’s go straight over to our social

media folks and Karen from YouTube what

are your thoughts on organic versus free

range or pasture-raised chickens

organic what there’s one one word that I

missed sure uh let’s see on organic

versus free range uh is there any


so organic pastures or free range

well as far as chickens and chicken eggs

ideally you need of course pasture

raised not pasteurized uh you want

chickens that actually can roam around

outside the barn eating bugs that’s the

ideal situation and there are certain um

companies now that I would seek out if I

were you that have videos on their

website to show you their happy chickens

and then you can see what really happens

because honestly most of the chickens

out there don’t see the light of day and

so you look you crack the yolk open and

you’re like wow it’s just so nice and

yellow well little do you know uh

they’re using certain food coloring and

colorings to add that color in there

it’s not coming from a true

carotenoid is coming from a synthetic

carotenoid I have actually a test that

measures carotenoids and eggs and so I’m

going to be doing some research on that

but it doesn’t necessarily differentiate

between the synthetic versus the natural

but you can still figure it out because

the synthetic

does not float when you do the mixture

in other words um the true carotenoids

the natural ones are fat soluble so they

kind of float at the top so Bingo you

can actually determine that just by

looking at that but um


um I just wanted to bring that up

because um

the eggs are one of the best foods and

uh you know it’s worth spending a little

bit more and getting a high quality egg


um you know it’s so funny look at these

commercial eggs and it says oh yeah

grain fed like or vegetarian fed like

yeah well that’s that’s not necessarily

the greatest because you’re just using

soy and uh what even if you as compared

to what animal animal meat you’re

feeding or animal waste products I mean

like so it’s just there’s a lot of um

marketing involved in making it sound

really great a lot of sleight of hand

out there in that but anyway

get some healthy chickens however you

can do that I was in Zambia once and ate

eggs there and boy what a difference and

they were indeed free range and the the

yolks were so rich and yellow or no

orange really yeah they’re kind of

golden yeah it’s very amazing so uh so

go get them okay on next is uh Tilly

from YouTube what can a person do about


okay so poly means uh many neuropathy

problem with the Nerf so we’re getting

um usually when you have multiple nerve

damage that can be coming from many

different things one being diabetes so

the best thing to do is change your diet

come off carbohydrates that’s going to

increase your micro and macro

vascularization so that means that the

tiny little capillaries are going to

start healing as well as the big

arteries are going to start healing so

you have less oxidation and so then you

can have

um blood flow to your actual nerves

because that’s really the problem is

you’re not getting enough nutrition or

blood flow or oxygen to the nerves and

it dies so one one really good remedy to

stop the symptoms and like pretty quick

is is that benfotamine I talked about

the before it’s a it’s a type of B

vitamin that goes it’s a fat soluble so

it goes right into the nerve and it

works great so benfotamine take more

than it recommends like I would just

take 4 times as much as it recommends

they say take one pill a day take four

and then you can also add something else

too it’s called alpha lipoic acid both

of those work great for um peripheral

neuropathies polyneuropathies


you know autonomic nervous system

neuropathies so um yeah you could use

that especially if you’re pre-diabetic

or a diabetic

okay very good well there’s a great deal

of interest about that and uh and other

things so we are going to go over to

Terry’s very

thoughtful list of who’s watching he

just produced two so he obviously has

already supplemented the one that he did

initially and so here we go good morning

to all of our viewers joining us today

from the UK Canada Mexico Jordan South


moratis moritis excuse me if I said that

right if I didn’t forgive me the Virgin

Islands France Japan Algeria Pakistan

Taiwan Iran the Netherlands Chile Oman

Russia India Nigeria Nicaragua Somalia

Sweden Scotland Vietnam Croatia Poland

Kurdistan Ghana Romania Dubai

Switzerland Kenya Saudi Arabia Australia

Nepal Jamaica Aruba the Czech Republic

Iraq Iran Trinidad and Tobago Ethiopia

Slovakia Bangladesh turkeys Zambia

Greece uh Bhutan Serbia Germany the list

grows New Zealand Qatar Austria Sri

Lanka Finland Estonia Egypt Italy


Eritrea I think he’s doing this

fanatically for me he knows that my

pronunciation skills are in the toilet

Bermuda Kuwait Malaysia Denmark

a Papua New Guinea

Peru United Arab Emirates who are almost

done Zimbabwe Bali and all across these

United States of America so thanks

everyone for joining and you know we

have an international cast as well let’s

see yes and to prove that we have Taha

from UK let me bring him up and he is

our first International guest today Taha

you’re on or Taha you’re on with Dr


all right thank you

a big fan of you I’ve been following you

for now nearly a year uh my question is

like I’ve been diagnosed with the

gallstones uh earlier this year and

luckily got your just right now

this thing in the post just hour one

hour back so the question is like I got

like this three gallstones and like as

usual the conventional doctor saying go

and get it removed the gallbladder

uh but I’ve seen your videos are saying

that gallbladder removal is not can be a

little bit like dubious so

have this thing the supplements I mean

should I use anything else with that

thing in order to uh get those

gallstones out and just make my

gallbladder working functional well and

also the diet along with these things

yeah how big were the golf stands do you

know uh it’s a three only uh 1.5

centimeters the biggest one the rest is


well that’s good

um well so it so again like

you know I can’t make any claims that my

product or any other product can

actually cure that but I’m just going to

give you the data on gallstones it’s a

um a recognized

treatment to use uh bile salts for

gallstones uh unfortunately a lot of

doctors don’t want to do that for some

reason they just want to take the

gallbladder out but but then what and

then now you’re left with this uh

without a gallbladder good thing it was

an extra organ that we didn’t need

because the apparently the body does

make a lot of mistakes you know

developing organs that doesn’t really

need and that’s so not true the more you

study the body the more you realize that

it doesn’t make mistakes

um so we need that organ and the other

thing is that um so you’re taking the uh

bile salts I would take a

um probably one with a meal and then I

would take uh

one on an empty stomach

and another on empty stomach okay in the


so that’s going to put more bile that’s

going to help to thin the bile that’s

going to help to slowly dissolve things

I would also recommend ordering online

uh tadka

and choline both of those are are just

some really ninja extra things that you

can take and you just take um

you’re just going to be taking more and

so you’ll take Tucka take take two in

the morning and then two in the

afternoon so now we have a lot more bile

flowing through our bodies and then that

will speed things up and help hopefully

help dissolve things

um now as far as

um prevention

well what causes a lack of bile

a lot of things I have videos on that

you have it could be a low fat diet

believe it or not because fat

stimulation it could be you you have

been you haven’t been doing the

ketogenic diet long enough for you to

like you’ve been doing the opposite of

that more carbs which basically will

deplete your bile over time so um

supporting the gut biome getting on keto

um well I’ll actually help you in the

long run prevent this problem

now I I had some serious gallbladder

problems and of course I was eating a

tremendous amount of fat and everyone

was saying oh it’s the fat well along

with that fat I was doing a tremendous

amount of carb so if you’re doing the

fat without the carb you’re going to be


so these are just things that I would

recommend and then also watch my um my

acupressure technique to kind of massage

the left and right areas underneath the

rib cage just because you know you got

this little sack there that’s holding

the concentrated bile and if you massage

that area you can help me push things

through these little tubes they’re

called bile ducts and facilitate more

drainage but when soon as you take those

bile salts that’s going to actually



the sludge and things will come out a

lot easier so the tadka and the bio

slots that you have are going to help

thin the bile and that’s really what you

want to do right now

lovely I should be using the liver

cleanse detox as well do you recommend

it along with this I mean that that that

would support the liver directly not a

bad idea because that that um because

guess what makes bile cells um your

liver so the better the liver the more

bio and so many people have a fatty

liver and they don’t even know it and

and that’s one of the reasons why they

can’t produce the bile so yeah so the

liver is important

uh then thanks for that exercise because

that’s really working as well the

massage under the the ribcage awesome

that’s great thank you for your great

representation uh lovely holiday happy

holidays and half season and a new Happy

New Year Dr work as well thank you thank

you all the viewers thank you that’s

terrific uh thank you so much have a

great time a lot of holiday cheer kind

of wrapping up a little sad as we move

on toward the January doldrums for most

people I think uh okay and let’s see

let’s go back to social no let’s go back

to answering the first question of today

which I thought was very interesting and

the question asked if if insulin

prevents brain plaquing and Alzheimer’s

then why shouldn’t we be focused on

raising the insulin uh with a higher

carb diet and

um 75 increasing carbs would have harm

to vital organs like the liver and

kidneys 25 say it would actually harm

the brain over uh the long run so

there’s 75 and 25 any

Wizards in those answers

so this is I think this is a really

really key very important point so if

anyone has checked out watching this and

just check back in right now and really

focus in on what I’m about to tell you


um if you’re dealing with Dementia

neurodegeneration of the brain

Alzheimer’s right you need to know this

if you have a loved one loved one or

anyone you know

this is the data okay


the most important thing to do is to uh

get your diet corrected and um insulin

as you may already know lowers blood

sugars but it has other functions and

one other really important function is


like brain neurons protection

yeah I know that’s interesting so it

protects the brain against

um does that plaquing that can develop

in the brain amyloid plaquing in

Alzheimer’s right so so we need the

insulin so but here’s the problem

how do we increase insulin

by eating carbs so that’s conflicting

information so here’s the here’s the

missing information for most people when

you start to do that as soon as you

start to increase insulin from carbs

your body

creates resistance

it starts creating insulin resistance


you end up with a an insulin deficiency


so check this out the reason why you

have increased insulin to create insulin

deficiencies because the body creates

this barrier because it’s trying to

protect you


it sounds weird but once you understand

it it makes a lot of sense

so the solution is to um

normalize insulin okay don’t try to

increase it with carbs and the way you

normalize it is you fix insulin

resistance which most people have and

you do that with several things

so you might want to write this down cut

down your carbs

lower tubes

intermittent fasting intermittent

fasting I’m talking about um one meal a

day one meal a day if you I mean if you

have Alzheimer’s or going in the

Alzheimer’s if you’re doing

more than that it’s unneeded it’s

unnecessary you can greatly turn things

around with this omad one meal a day and

you might be saying well oh my gosh I’m

gonna starve to death well guess what no

you’re not and you have a really healthy

meal make sure it’s big enough but um

you want to um

that’s how that’s what’s going to turn

things around really fast that one meal

a day that way you fast 23 hours and wow

watch what happens to your brain it

starts to heal so we got the one meal a

day low carb

lower your stress stress activates

cortisol cortisol makes your body make

sugar it’s like eating candy believe it

or not I know it’s weird so you lower

stress and then you exercise all those

things very simply will help turn things

around very important and the kind of

the necessity foundation and again if

you don’t understand that you could be

ending up giving your um your spouse or

a loved one you know oh let’s just give

them some ice cream let me give him some

carbs let’s make sure they have enough

nourishment by feeding them too

frequently and end up unknowingly

worsening the situation


um anyway that’s just some really key

things and now you know this really big

confusion and the most important thing

to do for Alzheimer’s patients okay now

to add to the confusion Maybe here’s a

true falser our next question dealing

with plaque

all right true or false amyloid plaque

is a um

is a potent anti-microbial protein a

hundred times stronger than penicillin

and I’m talking about that uh beta

amyloid plaquing and from Alzheimer’s

wow is that true or false hmm if it’s

true what the heck do you do with that

all right so let’s go back to social


um oh no we have more shout outs this is

a quick one folks they did they want to

make sure they were mentioned in Spain

Montenegro nambia Israel Paraguay Hong

Kong Tunisia Brazil and Bulgaria thank

you folks for chiming in uh after the

fact that’s terrific

uh oh

um uh

pan Veer from YouTube keto is causing

tremendous constipation oops and

bleeding in my bowel movements what can

I do to address this

well it’s either one of two things one

is that you’re doing too much fiber or

number two you’re not doing enough so

basically simply ask yourself

what what was the big change when you

went on keto did you increase the


or decrease them

chances are you probably increased them

which means you have some underlying

pre-existing inflammation in your gut

because anytime someone has the gut

inflammation they do a lot of fiber it’s

going to tear them up and bind them up

so they need to do more carnivore keto

for a while make sure it’s healthy

version of that and then that will um

that will help to restore the gut and

take the inflammation away and then you

can slowly add in some some fibers as

the gut heals but in the form maybe

fermented like sauerkraut something like


so um why don’t I recommend carnivore

for everyone because

um I think I don’t need to do that

because if you can if you don’t have a

serious gut issue you can tolerate some

of these plant uh plants that have other

benefits phytonutrients nutrients uh

things like that so I personally have a

good amount of salad every single day

and a lot of Diversified type of uh

plants but I don’t do I actually add

that a good amount of animal protein in

there as well so I can get the complete

Spectrum but

um so I think a combination is great if

you can do it but honestly


if there are vegans out there that are

trying to exist on

plant alone and doing a lot of grains

and stuff you have to be pretty darn

healthy to be a vegan

to handle the um

some of the uh some of the stuff in the

fiber that can irritate the gut

so um I know that sounds strange but uh

um if you go into

doing vegan um and you’re you have gut

problems oh my gosh you’re going to end

up with

a lot of issues

so that’s a tough one

okay and an oft asked question uh wants

to know uh oh teenage specific from

YouTube my hair has been thinning

noticeably while on keto what’s going on

and once again I just like to throw in

that uh Dr Berg from what I know is not

wearing a wig and his lovely wife Karen

is like Rapunzel she has this thick

beautiful shock of hair and I don’t see

any hair on the floor around either of

them so you can be on keto and have

beautiful hair but I have heard that

some people have an issue with that

doctor can we help in this case Tina the

the couple things I would look at I

would look are you having enough protein

because with keto you have a moderate

protein not high not low are you doing

the quality protein versus some protein

powders which are not quality and then

the second thing is the trace minerals

are the activators for certain enzymes

that help you grow hair and then also

the B vitamins are you doing the B


um these are all things I would look at

because when you do Keto if you don’t

supply enough B vitamins and sometimes

the trace minerals and you’re not

getting it from the food you know

potentially you can lose some hair

um but a lot of times it’s just a matter

of increasing more protein as well

very good

um another thing I hear a bunch these

days is nitrous oxide it seems to be


and uh let’s see I’ve just lost that

Brenda oh here we go Brenda from

Facebook what are the benefits of

nitrous oxide and how it might affect


yeah it does support uh the endothelium

the inside layer of your arteries which

has a lot of different sensors in there

for blood pressure and


and and also to uh attract

um immune cells that can then create a

plaquing issue so it can actually help

your blood pressure and help support the

inside of the arteries

um and so this is one another you can

get it from having beets you know eating

beets things like that but there’s it’s

in a lot of different foods so that’s

kind of the support what it can do a lot

of times people take it to help with

blood pressure


But realize blood pressure


you know just by correcting the diet

just coming off low carb you can usually

corrupt the correct the blood pressure

also by adding vitamin D and especially

especially more potassium

that’ll help your blood pressure

all right so Terry once again has

climbed on me he is our producer and

grammarian and he does he is properly

educated has a masters I think in

English and he wanted to remind me that

um it is nitric not nitrous oxide which

I probably did as a teenager it’s Nitric

okay thank you for that Terry I’ll never

say that again

uh in air I hope okay Christy from

Facebook do you have any suggestions on

how to treat uh lichen planus lichten

planus lichen planus

yeah it’s kind of a yeasty fungal uh

infection and um there’s so you can do

tea tree oil

that’s a good one oregano oil you can do

garlic oil

these are all uh simple things but I

think that you know they tend to um you

people tend to get external uh fungal

infections because they’re microbiome

okay is not it’s not good so they’re not

really focusing on that you know the

more I look at this the more that

becomes really really important

especially even

relating to this next question we’re

going to be getting to if you have the

answers yet Steve I do should I let them

rip okay so the question asked and this

was a true falser so you’re either right

or wrong amyloid plaque is a protein a

potent microbial protein 100 times

stronger than penicillin which I’m

allergic to and the audience 78 say it’s

true 22 say it’s absolutely false

this is another new piece of information

that I um I stumbled on because I’m

constantly digging into these topics and

uh yes it’s absolutely true I mean this

is um groundbreaking because

Steve if you go in the woods with a

match and you strike strike the match

right and you start the woods on fire

should you be putting all of your energy

and trying to get rid of that uh put out

that match

uh I guess right now rather than the

fire right exactly right so what happens

is like you have this um

everyone’s focused on the amyloid

plaquing right amyloid plaque it’s just

the match

uh what’s behind that

they found that

this this amyloid plaquing

and these Tangles that come with it are

like they’re like a fishing line that

encapsulate uh microbes spiral kites

from lime uh herpes

type one Simplex types one

um also like a chlamydia type

microorganism and they actually are

trying to help you they’re very

anti-microbial in the brain


when you untangle this amyloid plaquing

which see the researchers are spending

billions of dollars to trying to to get

rid of the plaquing but they’re not

understanding what’s behind it

um so we have we have this uh infection

so the body so it’s not like a real

full-blown infection it’s subclinical

it’s below your awareness so here you

have this which by the way it takes like

20 years to develop you have this

plaquing that’s developing you have no

symptoms right and then 20 years later

you get started having cognitive start

going in a room like what did I what did

I go in here for and all of a sudden you

have at the peak of plucking you have

less plucking then the immune system


reacts to this by creating a lot of

inflammation and then you have more


on top of that interest right and then

you start getting Alzheimer’s so then my

thought is hmm

I wonder if there’s a microbiome in the


or is your brain sterile do you have

good bacteria in your brain and it turns

out you do have

bacteria in the brain it’s you do have

microbes that help you so so of course

um if there’s any alteration in the gut

microbiome as well as in the brain

microbiome that can put you at risk so

this all you know leads to a

kind of a very objective view on this

whole situation

to prevent Alzheimer’s you really not

just need to focus on your insulin

resistance problem but you also need to

if you have

um a virus herpes virus or a tick bite

the key is getting your body healthy

don’t try to just focus on well I’m just

going to start taking

permanent antibiotics to kill off this

uh this spiral kite right or I’m going

to take these drugs to try to kill off

this virus you it doesn’t work if the

strategy doesn’t work you have to look

at the whole picture and strengthen the

immune system and and that and a big

part of that is the microbiome and a big

part of that is keeping your stress low

and keeping you sleeping you know in

check and exercising and all these

factors we talked about

um but this is kind of new information

I’ll be releasing a video on it it gives


um a deeper understanding and a solution

to prevent this problem and turn around

I think if you catch it in time you can

easily turn it around

but it starts with the knowledge of the

mechanism wow well as you know Terry has

all sorts of embarrassing ill-gotten

infections so I’m going to send him some

plaque straight away we’ll get him

squared away

so Terry keep hope alive well I just I

forgot to say one thing Steve

um because because we the the

pre-existing Dogma about this plaque is

it’s just oh it’s just waste that

accumulates we don’t need it has no

purpose it’s just sitting there it’s bad

but the genes for that plaque

are in other species that’s been around

for 400 million years so unchanged so

obviously it has a very very important


at the expense of a lot of collateral

damage Alzheimer’s wow so I think the

same thing with insulin resistance is

trying to help you but it ends up

creating problems

wow okay let’s see uh Dania from

Facebook I have a 15 year old with

tinnitus or whooshing in the ears what

can I do to reverse this annoying

condition in her son

there’s two

um two or three videos I have on that

they should watch there’s a technique

you can try that works like 50 of the


um and then there’s other things that

you can look at as far as calcium

buildup on the little hairs it also can


um a problem with

um you know how you have peripheral

neuropathy in diabetic diabetes you can

also have neuropathy of that nerve

um in the ear from having blood sugar

issues and insulin resistance in which

case you take pinfhotamine so with a

little bit of understanding and and

questions you can kind of narrow down

where it’s coming from I mean another

cause could be it could be mucus from a

sinus infection and just narrow down and

then you can

address it correctly

very good rather than a one size fits


yep okay well next in from the Green

Room I’m going to go to Buzzy from Nova

Scotia simply because she was so

cheerful when I spoke with her she’s a

nice lady and let’s see Buzzy I have

unmuted you so go ahead with your one

question for Dr Berg please

unmute yourself please

hello Dr Berg I appreciate your videos

and resources they are helpful and


um as a member of Dr Jason funds the

fasting method I have lost 85 pounds 18

inches around my waist and 16 body fat

through intermittent fasting I am no

longer diabetic or obese I am 50 years

old five feet tall and I weigh 115


I do however

still have a pooch belly

my question is how can I get rid of it

and before you answer I want to say

thank you and the best of 2023 to you

and your loved ones

thank you I actually did a video on this

topic there’s a couple things some of

that is loose skin some of it’s some

subcutaneous fat which is The

Superficial fat which is which is not as

much related to insulin resistance as

the internal visceral fat

which is easier to get rid of so the


um solution for that is going to have to

be more exercise

and also doing the reverse setups you

can do them standing and you tighten

your stomach and you Arch backwards I

have videos on it the reverse uh sit-ups

and then you’re you’re starting to

tighten up this loose skin in your

stomach and it’ll it’s quite interesting

you’ll see within like a week or two

you’ll start to go flatter and flatter

because the skin like if you do regular

sit-ups you just make the skin less


um so that’s one thing I would do but I

think now is to step up the exercise and

start doing a bit more of that and high

intensity interval training with um and

then occasionally do um you know maybe

once a month do a prolonged fasting

which you probably already attempting

that that would be very helpful but

that’s what you’re going to have to

focus on it it’s it’s a different

problem it’s not related to insulin


um it’s um so and being female you have

genes that give you more subcutaneous

fat and the reason for that is um

survival for the baby if you get

pregnant and then you have this extra

fat so


that is what’s really going on

awesome and then Steve since we’re on

the topic a little bit more on

Alzheimer’s I wanted to mention just one

thing I I

talked to a gentleman recently

that has a series of assisted living

home centers in Phoenix Arizona

and what I really like about this guy is


um not everyone but those that are

willing he’s actually putting him on a a

really good ketogenic plan and a lot of

these uh elderly are able to go back

home even if they’re in hospice not

everyone but some some of them and

they’re just improving left and right so

if anyone has a loved one and they’re in

Phoenix Arizona

um email me at Dr Berg and I can put you in contact

with this person because if I had my if

I needed to put my wife and I’m being

sarcastic now my parents whatever and I

had to put them in a situation I would

probably I would send them to this guy

because he really takes care of him and

he’s he gives them really good a

ketogenic plan and I always tease my

wife that uh honey um I’ll send you to a

really good assisted living home and

you’ll be all set up and she just kind

of smacks me

well they’ll do that

all right we’re going to go to another

Green Room person because we’ve got a

lot of them stacked up but first let’s

get out the next question here it is

okay what is in butter that can help you

fight off infection

okay what is in butter that can help you

fight off infection and so when you’re

sick when you’re sick I mean how is

butter going to help you

okay and Buzzy by the way sorry to cut

you off so quickly we love you and glad

you’re still watching and so on but we

have to move on with the clock against

us and we’re going to do that by

bringing up Usman from Trinidad and

Usman I’m going to unmute you and if you

do the same thing you were on with Dr



yes perfectly yeah right thanks for this


um I spoke as a privilege I’ve been

watching the videos for the past year

um I started intermittent fasting eight

months ago


um about two months after

starting intermittent fast then I

developed this

um sleeping problem where I would go to


and I will wake up about hour and a half

or two hours after

and then unable to go to sleep



this problem I have been dealing with

this problem

all this time and it still exists

I did some dot work

um a few weeks ago I could share the



if if it will help


so that’s my position there okay yeah so

I really can’t get into the blood work

at this point but here I’ll give you

some my suggestion um if you if your

sleep has worsened by doing keto

um the couple things I’d look at because

if you do keto the requirement for

certain B vitamins go up especially B1

okay and not having a B1 can affect your


um also the requirements of certain

electrolytes like potassium and

magnesium go up so I’m assuming that

you’re adding about both of those in if

you’re not I would add those back in but

the third thing is


one thing that’s I found very beneficial

for a good portion I’d say 60 percent of

the population not everyone is to take

vitamin D right before bed it seems to

really help support the circadian

rhythms and help you sleep

um but not for every single person so

those are three things I would try

um and of course

what’s that

um I have been using um well Dr Brooks

the supplements have been New Zealand’s

nutritional East


Dr Bose wheatgrass order


and I always I am all serious enough um

by B1 then 40 million 250 mg

I’m using Zing


magnesium citrate

because of some crumbs I was having in

my feet also so those are the

supplements that I’m using okay what

about potassium

but I I feel like about five cups and

I’m using the electrolyte products okay

okay so you’re getting a potassium from

that but you said um

you have a gluten problem so but you

don’t there’s no gluten in vegetables

just the grains

no gluten I said gluten

yeah so then just by avoiding grains

you’re going to solve that problem

well I have not been using any cops um

uh I cut down all capsule because I use

is um some berries

okay so quick quick question tell me

um real quick like 10 seconds what is

abnormal on your blood test


um went from 158 to telephone so to 290.

okay on my HDL went from 65 to 58. uh my

um passing blood sugar went from 95 to


however my A1C went from 5.3 to 5.5

my vldl moved from 10 to 15.

okay this is the real abnormal case is

the total commercial

yeah I don’t think this is a problem I

don’t think this is a problem

um especially because you’re eating more

fat and the total cholesterol doesn’t


um what happens is as you as you burn

more fat a lot of that fat has a portion

of cholesterol inside the fat cell that

has to come out so a lot of people have

increased cholesterol when they do this

but you should get an advanced lipid

profile to look at the two different

types of LDL the ones that are the one

that is low dense

the small dense particle size versus the

large buoyant I would imagine

if you look at that you would see a

whole different picture of some good

things but since the fact your HDL went


HDL went up

um that’s a good indicator

yes your A1C went up but just it’s still

within the normal range

um so what I probably would do

if you’re concerned about this I would

add more exercise

um to burn off some of this stuff and uh

like even for me I have to um when you

do keto sometimes you you you’re

changing over the fuel system so you’re

getting more energy more efficient

energy and just the energy alone could

keep you up that is what happened to me

so I had to

if I’m on keto which I have been for a

long time I have to exercise more to get

myself tired so I can sleep at night if

I don’t I’m like okay

uh because my body just needs to be

tired so I would add in a good exercise

something or physical work one of the

two to the point where it’s a really

good solid workout and see if that

doesn’t help your sleeping

oh this is I’m sorry go ahead and Usman

by the way we’re fighting the clock so I

hope all that gives you some great

directions there’s a lot probably to

this side I have to unwind but um I I

can’t necessarily


because it’s going to take a lot longer

to evaluate everything I think you’re

doing a lot right I tell you what why

don’t you just email me more details to

Dr Berg and I’ll see if I can

take a look at that okay that’s terrific

great best of luck Gooseman thanks for

calling in from Trinidad and we’ve got

answers to quiz question number three

which asks what in butter can help you

fight off infection and uh the audience

uh 45 say vitamin D 20 say K2 20 say

vitamin A and

oh vitamin D was the first one and then

20 say vitamin A and ten percent say uh


okay well you’re all right

um the fat soluble vitamins and


um vitamin A it’s a good source of

vitamin A vitamin A you know I don’t

really talk about it as much for your

immune system like I do vitamin D which

vitamin D is like hands down the best

the vitamin A without enough of that

what happens is you do not have the


for those antibodies so the antibodies

can’t help you now whatever and what is

an antibody an antibiot is that little

uh thing in your immune system that goes

around and locates

uh these bad guys and tags them

so then the other part of immune system

can come in and assassinate them

so it doesn’t do the destruction itself

it identifies it’s kind of like the uh


what do you call that Steve when you

have uh

um someone that is going out to find

certain criminals to call them what

Bounty Hunter yes the bounty hunters so

that’s what these guys are these

antibodies and so without vitamin A you

don’t have that capacity for the Bounty

Hunter anymore so now we have less

immune system so if I this is why butter

is a good thing to consume uh when

you’re run down or sick but it also has

vitamin D which is awesome and vitamin E

also supports the immune system nk2

and butyrate so all these things are

really important for the immune system

wonderful congratulations audience uh

you did very well on that last question

let’s throw one up I took it out of

order because we may only have time for

one more with all our folks in the

waiting room and this is very

interesting I thought


our cataracts more likely to develop

from a high or low cholesterol situation

all right dig into that audience and we

do have some social media so of course

we only want to support them but I am

going to go back to the Green Room so uh

uh Daryl if you would belt out your

question just as quickly as possible

because I want to make sure we get to

everyone and Daryl you were on with Dr

Berg welcome to the show

uh unmute yourself dear

no I still can’t hear you

I tell you what if you want unplug your

headset many times that’ll work and you

can just talk through the computer

no oh yes now we can there you go

Pittsburgh I was totally committed to

keto took your keto coaching course and

was just really excited about it and I

took the advice to get a CT calcium

score my score was 7.97 rocked my world

and I’ve been confused ever since what

advice can you give me okay well here’s

the thing


the confusion probably is coming in like

oh my gosh it’s like what am I going to

do um we you probably you probably did

not do this right before you started the

ketogenic plan you probably did it after

you kind of got started so we don’t know

because when you evaluate something you

always need two of something to look at

the comparison right so

um I mean it could have been higher and

all of a sudden it’s coming down we

don’t know but okay so it’s high so what

that means is that uh you need to

continue what you’re doing and then

reevaluate in maybe two months and then

see the change because you really now

have the prediction on what you need to

focus more on and that is the um the

arteries right so then the tocatrinos

would be important keeping your carbs



making sure that you do the healthy

version of Keto all these things are

going to help you make sure you fast uh

maybe do one meal a day I think if you

just did that and then reevaluate is

you’re going to see a nice change over

time and it’ll keep coming down more and

more and more so what

what they also found in some of this

calcium plaquing is biofilms or microbes

which is fascinating and that’s all fed

you know with what we’re talking about

here with the insulin and and the

glucose and stuff probably in the past


um if you look at my recent videos on


cardiovascular health in relationship to

the biofilms I give a couple other

things that you can do


there’s another thing you can do too

which is a good key later right you can

do a key later so um natural chelators I

talk about that and so you can start to

strip off some of the calcium but of



you only did one test so now we have to

do a comparison over time to see the

change I think you’re doing the right

thing and you just need to stand it but

now you have

it’s kind of like when it’s like doing a

DNA test and finding out your where your

weaknesses are that’s valuable so I

think um

I think you’re going to do fine I

wouldn’t worry about it I would just

keep doing what you’re doing

um the worst thing you can do is

go back to maybe what you’re doing and

maybe higher carbs because that’s going

to create more inflammation we’re just

trying to reduce inflammation

tocatrinols are going to be really

important every day because that’s

really targeting specifically the inside

layer of your arteries and that’ll be uh

very supportive to reduce any more

buildup but

um yeah I think you’re going to do fine

you just keep doing what you’re doing

keep improving it and give it more time

and reevaluate

well that’s great well thank you thank

you Daryl and please do get back with us

uh with uh with all the great results

that you’re getting and by the way this

continuing things sort of hilarious Dr

Bergen I’m going to take it as a

compliment people continue to question

whether the show is live maybe it’s too

good to be Live Well muramasa from

YouTube just a question when it was live

so murmas unless we have a time machine

we are answering now that yes indeed and

I’ll prove it Dr Berg hold up two


unbelievable I don’t know if that proved

anything but there they are and we are

indeed uh live so muramasa I want you to

rest assured that you’re getting the

latest updates on um health and so on

and in fact we’d invite you why don’t

you sign up muramasa for the uh to be a

guest on the show I’m sure you have some

interesting question we’d love to meet

you and demonstrate how much fun you

have as a live contestant okay let’s uh

move along now uh to the answer to the

fourth question of the day which asked

are cataracts more likely to develop

from low or high cholesterol

uh and 65 say it’s low cholesterol 35

say it’s because of high cholesterol any

winners yeah the answer is low

cholesterol huh interesting yeah we need

we need this cholesterol uh for hormones

uh for cell membranes

for um for the myelin sheath in our


um uh 25

of your brain is cholesterol

and um so that’s interesting so we also

need cholesterol as a precursor to make

vitamin D with with the uh the exposure

to Sun we need cholesterol to build up

the bile salts so you know cholesterol’s

gotten a bad name but it has a purpose

and um

it’s important and if you don’t have

enough you you’re likely to get

things like um cataracts

especially I mean like think about just

just take a look just take a look at

statins right look at the side effects

from statins I mean that’ll just blow

you away but of course if you look up

the side effects from statins on the

first two or three or four or five pages

of Google it’ll say oh there is no side

effects it’s totally harmless it’s fine

and then you have to really dig deep so


these Google searches have are becoming

a slightly biased I know this is hard to

believe but


yeah that’s the problem goodness okay uh

and let’s see we’ve got one more person

uh Sherry who’s waiting in the green

room and share we are fighting the clock

so if you don’t mind give me one

question in 30 seconds so we can get a

good answer back to you you’re on the

air with Dr Berg

good morning Dr Berg good morning

uh I like many people am very confused

about cholesterol in foods

I’d like you to

um comment on



two videos

one is

um from nutrition Made Simple

and the name of it is the effects of

dietary cholesterol


Dr Tom Day Spring talks about the effect


of dietary cholesterol on blood

cholesterol and


that is pretty complicated and I would

like your comment on it the second video


um again from nutrition made simple and

it’s entitled Dr Burr

um gets fact checked by MD PhD yeah um

so you can just comment on those yeah I

know about that video


to try to make this really simple

um yeah that that particular doctor is

um he’s not sponsored by his videos

directly but indirectly is part of a

foundation that he’s sponsored by um

another group that is uh

um supporting the plant base which is

fine I had no problem with that but

um so he did find uh he found that

there’s one error that I I said relating

to cholesterol and the I think the

American Heart Association there was an

error that he pointed out which is fine

okay but the the whole point about

cholesterol and he even talks about this

in some of his videos it’s like uh

um I don’t even think he he recommends

going low cholesterol but um when you

start eating more cholesterol it is true

your cholesterol will increase

um but then as far as having high

cholesterol and then your risk for heart


um there’s a

that’s that was used to be the Dogma but

things are changing because they’re

finding out it’s not actually true and

so now we have a two different camps we

have one camp that says oh yeah it’s we

have to hold that that Viewpoint and

then a lot of the new doctors are saying

no no we need to change and upgrade it

it’s very

it takes a long time for

um a group of

um doctors to agree on something

especially if there’s new changes

um I think the best thing for you to do

is to try to learn a little bit more


um the two different types of LDL and


also the um the data on the advanced

lipid profile because you have the you

know the thing that’s really study is

the the pathogenic type of LDL which is

um the small dense lipopo particle size

versus the large buoyant if you really

kind of wrap your wits around that

um and

I think it’ll all make sense to you

because um

a lot of the studies that they’re

talking about with cholesterol not human

studies other other studies that they’re

quoting are observational studies based

on questionnaires so like what do you do

do you um how much Credence do you give

these things and it’s really it’s hard

to find volunteers

um human volunteers to do something and

isolate this one variable that could be

other things

um so that takes um a medical dictionary

it takes time to sort out and actually

go through the studies and look up all

these different words to really wrap

your your wits around it because if you

rely on

this information from a secondary person

either myself or another expert I mean

if we just take a medical doctor right

there’s a lot of conflicting data on

medical doctors you know even phds

looking at this topic so and then you’re

going to be just as confused so

um there’s a there’s a

and then I also tell people okay

there’s this big controversy about

cholesterol why don’t you find out what

this doctor recommends as a diet okay do

that for a period of time

and then see how you feel and look at

your biomarkers and then do another

program see how you feel look at your

biomarkers and then you can decide

Because unless you are first hand and

experience it you don’t you’ll never

fully know because you can go to my

website and I have over 6 000 success

stories right

um so I have probably more than most but

unless you personally try it

you don’t know for sure so

um we can’t just go by cholesterol as

one biomarker we gotta look at the whole

thing but um there’s a lot of factors

there’s genetics there’s a it’s a very

complex thing and I I feel your pain

interesting well that begs the question

can you get any of these testimonials on

your great app are they there

no no we keep them on the website

because I I only have the videos on the

app all right very good well that’s the

most important thing well I’m glad we

got through everybody including Sherry

that was an interesting question and a

fascinating answer uh Dr uh Berg let’s

say we do have a couple of minutes left

so uh why don’t we go back wrap it up

with social media Devon from Facebook is

flaxseed good or bad for you

I think it’s good for certain people

um women particularly that uh that might

want to help support their estrogen

levels a little bit more after menopause

but typically it’s not like a big huge

game changer type thing right

um and then if you’re gonna do flax oil

um it has I would recommend uh make sure

it’s not rancid because it goes rancid

real fast and then you’re gonna have to

get a sprouted version and you can grind

it and grind your own it’s just it’s

more of a hassle but there’s some

benefits um

um as I’m getting more into the DNA

testing and understanding that


you know I’m going to be doing seminars

or videos on this topic and then also

I’ll be giving people the epigenetic

things you can do for various situations

which I think will be really important

because if you look that up right now

there’s first of all there’s not a lot

of information on that and uh and it’s

also very tactical so it’s like

it’s hard to understand it you know so

I’m going to try to simplify that but to

do that it takes a lot of

deep Dives and that’s kind of what I’m

doing right now each day and it’s uh

there’s just a lot

to tackle so but stay tuned for that all

right why don’t we wrap up with this

Alice from YouTube thank you Dr Berg for

your dedication to educate people on

this journey to keto and intermittent

fasting it really is a game changer if

you have the right tools and I salute

you as well I am way down in weight feel

terrific don’t eat all day and all those

things and that’s happening for millions

of people around the world including

Alice so thank you for that comment


yes and on that note I really appreciate

everyone’s questions and attention

um and also the comments on all the

videos I do read a lot of those comments

and so stay tuned for some more more

education on health coming up this next

week and also next Friday for another

show same time

