Bad Food Combining Will Make You Old Quickly? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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now you probably heard about food

combining and different diet programs

and books

well there’s one combination that you

definitely want to avoid and that is a

combination of protein plus sugar or

refined carbohydrates or fat plus sugar

or refined carbohydrates because when

you combine these two things especially

when you heat them up you develop

something called a GES okay what are AG

nice advanced glycation end-products

this is the thing that plugs up the

circulation in the back of the eye that

causes macular degeneration this is also

involved in brain chemistry that stops

the neurons from communicating and

Alzheimer’s and even Parkinson’s if the

compound that is in the beta cells of

the pancreas that’s involved in diabetes

so these two combinations are very very

bad now how would this relate to your

foods well let’s say for example you

consumed barbecued ribs right and also

when you heat fat and sugar let’s see

what would be that combination well you

have ice cream anything deep-fried so

you have this fat with the carbohydrate

and of course the wheat probably has

gluten in it which is a protein so when

you cook these two together you create

more of these right here so all these

complications of diabetes Alzheimer’s

Parkinson’s involve these right here

creates massive oxidation so you can

think about oxidation is rusting out the

inside of your body the arteries the eye

the kidney it is the thing that makes

you get old really quick because if you

think about what it does to your

proteins it makes them very sticky and

brittle and stiff and it’s behind the

high blood pressure as well okay so what

do we do to counter that well how about

this avoid the sugar that would be a new

concept number two aged garlic is way

more powerful than fresh garlic as an

anti glycation substance so it actually

reduces the AG ease carnosine this is a

combination of two amino acids that’s

really good to prevent

cataracs of course you can have to avoid

this as well but if you’re starting to

have cataracts and you get on the

ketogenic planet and you take some of

this that would be a smart thing and

also been photo mean I’ve talked about

this a lot in other videos is really

beneficial to help counter the AG es in

diabetes especially if you have

peripheral neuropathy or problems with

your vision because it helps the retina

and if you don’t have these chronic

problems and you want to live long get

on a ketogenic diet by avoiding the

sugar so we can avoid these right here

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