The Huge Vitamin D Mistake with RDAs | DrEricBergDC

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alright guys so I wanted to do this video because you may have seen this in

the news where they’re bashing vitamin D now they’re saying you shouldn’t take

too much it’s too toxic and so vitamin D now is considered dangerous if you’re

taking more than 600 international units so I want to talk about where this is

coming from not necessarily to educate you but to

educate your friends and family that come up to you and say oh I saw this

report or I saw this on the internet that vitamin D now is toxic and you

shouldn’t be taking that so I just want to talk about where that came from

so there was a very very large study done over many years from the National

Academy of Medicine formally called the Institute of Medicine and so at the end

of this compliation of all the research they made a big error okay in fact it

was a very large error by a factor of 10x so instead of the RDAs being 600

IU’s it should have been eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-five now an RDA

is a nutrient intake considered to be sufficient to meet their requirements of

ninety seven point five percent of healthy people to prevent a deficiency

when you talk about RDAs there’s nothing to do with unhealthy people and the much

greater demand that they need we’re talking about the majority of healthy

people and what they would need to prevent a major deficiency so they had

two panels to evaluate this the first panel agreed with the air and said yes

it was an error and it was off by 10x okay but then the second panel said the

airs identified would not affect the final recommendation so it remained

unchanged this was in 2017 so basically there’s data out there that is still

recommending this 600 IUs which is crazy because we have an actual

legitimate vitamin D pandemic right now with the majority of the population

being very deficient in vitamin D and that’s creating a lot of problems with

the immune system with bone health with inflammation with increasing risk of

autoimmune diseases so when you see things like this read who they’re

sourcing the information from where is it coming from

is it outdated then you can actually see the actual source of where it’s coming

from and if it’s legitimate or not and I know that it’s just really hard to

fathom that the news could be not a hundred percent accurate a hundred

percent of the time and that’s my sarcasm for the day but vitamin D is

incredibly vital not just to consume from your foods which is almost

impossible to get from the foods but from the Sun but not only that so many

people have absorption problems not having a gallbladder not having a bile

to absorb that fats I love vitamin they may have a damaged liver which also

limits the amount of bile production they might have malabsorption because

their gut is inflamed maybe they have a genetic variation called polymorphism

where your genes are affecting the receptors for vitamin D and you don’t

absorb them that well or maybe you have this chronic infection where the virus

is downgrading the vitamin D or maybe you have a weight problem in your obese

where you would need three times the amount of vitamin D as someone that was

not overweight or let’s say you have more melanin in your skin is darker

you’re gonna need more vitamin D from that like three times more or let’s say

your skin is aged and you’re over 60 or 70 you’re not gonna absorb the vitamin D

like you were when you’re 20 or if you’re using suntan lotion that’s gonna

block by the vitamin D right there the next time you see a study like that just be

suspect and realize there’s just not a lot of money and promoting and using

natural remedies if you want more information about vitamin D I put some

videos up right here check them out