How To Get Rid of Abdominal Gas and Bloating? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I’m back and I wanted to create

a complete video on this one topic

abdominal gas and bloating I have a lot

of different videos talking about the

different pieces of this but I wanted

one video with all the different parts

so it’s just kind of covering this a lot

of people are getting abdominal pain gas

and bloating they don’t know what it is

so there’s several there’s actually four

main things the first one is SIBO small

intestinal bacterial overgrowth this is

a situation where you have too much

bacteria in the wrong location most of

the bacteria in your gut should be in

the large intestine not the small so

when you have too much of the bacteria

in the small intestine and then you eat

you’re getting a lot of gas because

these microbes are are not meant to be

in that environment and the type of gas

that you’re getting is hydrogen gas and

also methane gas so it can produce

belching burping bloating things like

that the best thing to do for this is to

get a test it’s called hydrogen methane

breath test it’s not invasive it’s not

that expensive I think it might be $180

it’s a kit that you can get you may need

a doctor’s prescription for it so check

with your doctor and I’ll put some links

down below of certain companies that can

that will sell you the kit you just need

to fax in the doctor’s order so you can

actually get the kit I’m not a hundred

percent sure if every single company

that sells the kit needs a doctor’s

order but I’ll put some links down below

and you can check it out well that will

quickly rule out if you have this

condition okay all right now you could

also have a situation in number two

where you have an imbalance in microbes

you have too many methanogens and those

are microbes they’re ancient

microbe little bugs that make methane

gas okay and it creates belching and


hydrogen gas nothing yes so this is kind


a mild version of SIBO okay so these

methanogens consume polysaccharides

which are starches the sugars and really

what you have is you have a situation

you have excessive fermentation okay so

these fibers and sugars are just

producing a lot of gas okay

next situation you have low stomach acid

which by the way can set you up for SIBO

and also this condition right here but

let’s say for example you’re consuming a

lot of protein you can still get

abdominal gas and bloating if you don’t

have enough stomach to digest the

protein next situation is decreased bile

bile is produced by the liver it’s

stored in the gallbladder and if you

don’t have enough bile

you’ll definitely get belching and

bloating and gas because you’re not

going to be able to digest the fats and

if you do a lot of nuts or oils without

in a file everything just kind of sits

there and you’ll get start getting back

up and pain on the right side of your

body okay so what do we do the most

important thing to do is to cut down the

carbs why because that’s going to reduce

the stress and inflammation in your gut

it’s gonna really really help you you

also want to reduce fiber you may even

want to cut fiber out completely and I’m

talking about vegetable fiber for about

a month so you can let your system reset

why because if you have this especially

in the microbes or in the small

intestine they’re gonna eat the fiber

and create more gas the problem is you

have excessive microbes in the wrong

place so you don’t want to feed feed

them and keep them there we want them to

go away the other thing to do is in a

minute fasting for sure so we can

actually give the system a chance to

kind of clear out between the meals

vitally important now some people don’t

need to cut out all the fiber they just

need to consume more cooked vegetables

and smaller amounts of them okay number

two add betaine hydrochloride very very

important betaine hydrochloride is a

natural thing to help increase your

hydrochloric acid realize that you need

a good amount of this before each meal

maybe even four to five to six or more

tablets before you eat to see a good

change in your digestion and it takes a

longer period of time it could take


to reestablish this acid in stomach a

lot of people have low stomach acid

especially if you have the history of

taking any acids or antibiotics or low

salt diet next thing is to avoid dairy a

lot of people have sensitivities to

lactose or allergies to casein which is

the protein in dairy and that can create

abdominal gas and bloating for sure and

last thing is to add bile salts if you

don’t have enough file and how would you

know if you don’t have enough bile

it’s usually gonna cause pain on the

right shoulder or this area right

through it here or underneath the right

ribcage if you add purified bile salts

right after the meal that will reduce

the bloating and take the betaine how to

chloride before the meal there wouldn’t

hurt to take both of these one before

the meal and one after the meal to

maximize your digestion so I just wanted

to kind of cover all the different

points so if you have intestinal gas I

think this will be helpful to overcoming

it thanks for watching if you’re liking

this content please subscribe now and I

will actually keep you updated on future
