The Best Remedies for Myocarditis | DrEricBergDC

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today I’d like to discuss what I think

is a really good natural protocol for

both myocarditis as well as autoimmune

myocarditis there is a lot of recent

videos on internet that you can find out

on potential causes of this disorder

whether it’s viruses from medication

from a vaccine from some toxin so I’m

not going to get into that what I do

want to talk about is what to do

naturally what are some alternative

things that you can try and why you

should try certain things now the

problem with myocarditis in the first

place is we have this inflammatory

condition in the heart muscle which can

then lead to fibrosis which can then

give you a whole list of additional

problems from dizziness to shortness of

breath chest pain the inability to

exercise chronic fatigue syndrome

irregular heartbeats and the list goes

on and on and on so when researching

this topic I found a good amount of

research on several remedies that I want

to discuss in order of what I think is

important and the first remedy is called

Japanese not wheat okay this is an

invasive weed that spreads all over the


yet it has some really interesting

properties number one it has Resveratrol

which we all know is an anti-aging

phytonutrient but it also has something

else called imodin okay what is that

that is a natural chemical it decreases

inflammation and also it’s antiviral and

so that would be the first remedy I

would recommend and as far as dosage

goes whatever is recommended on the

label I would just take that just one

time per day now the next most important

thing to take is a type of vitamin E

that is not tocopherol called tocotrino

okay and it’s not just tocotrino it’s

tocotrinoles it’s there’s several

different types so you want to get a

blend there’s the alpha beta Delta gamma

without the tocopherols now the question

is why tucatrinos has some very

interesting properties

it can help inhibit fibrosis so if you

have inflammation in your heart muscle

um the worst thing you can get is scar

tissue so this can potentially help

prevent that formation plus it has a

powerful anti-inflammatory action so

combining decreasing inflammation as

well as stopping the conversion from

inflammation to fibrosis is a really

good thing and tocatrinos also has been

studied on the inside of the artery as

well but in this situation we want it to

act on the heart and muscle The

myocardium the problem with mixing

tocotrinos with decoforal is they both

will have a tendency to compete with

each other so we don’t want that we want

the tocatrinos only without the

decoferols because tocatrinos are

roughly about 50 times stronger and when

we’re dealing with myocarditis we want

to do whatever we can to put out the

fire and whatever it says on the back of

the label I would recommend

times three okay you just take it three

times a day morning afternoon and night

and if you could take it with a little

food or a little bit of oil okay like

olive oil or coconut oil it will absorb

much better and number three vitamin D3

why because vitamin D3 is the most

potent vitamin for inflammation it’s not

really even a vitamin it’s like a

natural hormone that has very strong

anti-inflammatory properties and we’re

trying to put out this inflammation so

vitamin D3 is essential and it’s also

really good for any type of autoimmune

disorder as well I would recommend

taking in 10 000 IU units twice a day so

it would be a total of a twenty thousand

IUS per day and you just split it up

take ten thousand I use in the morning

and ten thousand I use in the evening

and so vitamin D3 kind of acts like

cortisol but without the side effects

because one of the medical treatments

for this is steroids because they’re

trying to get rid of inflammation so by

taking the vitamin D3 you’re kind of

having this steroid effect without the

side effects all right the next remedy

is called olive leaf extract you know

about the olive oil you know about

olives but this is something in the leaf

and there’s a compound called oleanolic

acid but there’s some great research on

mice showing a significant benefit on

autoimmune myocarditis olive leaf

extract is both anti-inflammatory as

well as anti-viral I recommend it to

people that have viruses in general but

for this Condition it’s a really good

good natural remedy with very minimal

side effects all right and the last

remedy I’m going to recommend and it’s


cardiotrophin PMG and I would recommend

taking one before bed now why would I

recommend cardiotropin PMG

because it has extracts of actual animal

heart tissue you’re going to take that

into your stomach the antibodies that

you have they’re attacking your own

heart will go after this decoy in your

stomach and hopefully reduce the

antibodies that are attacking your heart

so it’s kind of a strategy of having

this decoy and rerouting these

antibodies to reduce the inflammation or

the attack on your own tissues now is

there any scientific studies that show

that this will work absolutely not it’s

just my theory that it may help you you

might want to try it you really have

nothing to lose and it could potentially

help you now I would also recommend not

exercising of any significant amount

because there’s damage to the heart and

there’s inflammation in the heart and

you don’t want to stir that up maybe

some very light walking but nothing

of any high intensity because we have a

situation where the heart can never rest

it always has to work and it’s inflamed

so we want to reduce inflammation and

this is why you would also want to do at

the same time the healthy version of the

ketogenic diet where you’re eating just

really healthy foods that are naturally

anti-inflammatory as well as doing just

regular intermittent fasting so you’re

not snacking you’re not doing prolonged

fasting or you’re doing just regular

intermittent fasting where you’re

fasting for a period of time that alone

is going to help reduce inflammation so

there you have it what I think is a

really good protocol for either

myocarditis or autoimmune myocarditis

now since we did touch on tocotranos and

the importance of Toco channels for the

heart I think this next video would be

the best video for you to watch check it

out I put it up right here