The Best Time of the Day to Take Vitamins | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about something really

practical when to take your vitamins

should you take them before bed with a

meal on an empty stomach in the morning

now I’m going to discuss this but I will

say I’ve been known to be wrong about

this topic sometimes I’ll tell people to

take vitamins before bed and all of a

sudden it wakes them up on the other

hand I’ll tell people to take vitamins

in the morning and it puts them to sleep

now that’s rare but it could happen so

you’re gonna have to test things out so

I’m going to give you some general uh

tips to follow it’s not absolute but I

think it could be helpful in just

increasing the absorption and the

effectiveness of these remedies there’s

two types of vitamins you have the water

soluble and the fat soluble vitamins so

fat soluble vitamins absorb a little bit

better if you take them with fat so if

you took fat soluble vitamins before a

meal for example uh cancers are they’re

going to be absorbed a little bit better

but a lot of fat soluble vitamins come

with their own fat they come with either

MCT oil or sometimes they’ll come with a

little olive oil but not all always but

that being said let’s say you’re doing

fasting and you’re not eating for

several days just take the vitamins

whenever you can because you’re going to

absorb a good amount but the um taking

some fat with a vitamin just helps the

absorption a little bit better so that

would include vitamin A vitamin D

vitamin E vitamin K1 and K2 now most

people don’t take vitamin A but they

take cod liver oil to get vitamin A D

and omega-3 fatty acids because all

three of those nutrients

can be better absorbed with oil here’s

the thing cod liver oil is not a vitamin

it contains vitamins in an oil omega-3

fatty acid and so vitamin A and vitamin

D are going to be absorbed so you could

realistically take cod liver oil at any

point of the day probably not before bed

but I just wanted to emphasize the

relationship between the fat cyber

vitamins and using some fat while

absorbing them personally I take my cod

liver oil in the morning when uh when I

wake up now let’s talk about some of the

exceptions to things like vitamin D3

really helps most people sleep better so

sometimes I’ll take vitamin D right

before bed other times I’ll just take it

in the early morning because the vitamin

D that I have already comes with its own

fat as well as the the K2 now Vitamin E

for example I recommend if you’re going

to take vitamin A take it in the form of

ocotrenals because they just work a lot

better than thecopherols and I don’t

recommend getting a mixed between the

tocotrenals and the tocopherol I would

just recommend getting a

complex and that would be a good one to

take with meals now the other thing you

should know is a lot of the

phytonutrients rottenoids

sulforaphane flavonoids are fat soluble

okay this is why it’s good to have olive

oil on your salad because you’re going

to extract more of these phytonutrients

so if you’re taking a phytonutrient

blend whether it’s cruciferous Blend or

or maybe some other herb with or cumin

like you’re taking turmeric which has

curcumin in there might be a good idea

to take that with a meal so you’ll

extract more of that fat soluble

nutrient from that compound even

wheatgrass juice powder if you took that

with a meal you may extract a little bit

more of the carotenoids and other

phytonutrients in that product but for

convenience sake a lot of people take in

the morning and that’s totally fine and

then of course some people take it right

before bed and they tend to sleep better

so I’m just pointing out some general

suggestions that you may want to try but


there’s always lots of exceptions like

some people will forget to take it or

it’s not convenient because they are

they’re going somewhere and they’re

going to be eating and they’re not they

don’t want to take their vitamins well

just take them in the morning on an

empty stomach it’s not a big deal now as

far as uh what else to take right before

a meal uh definitely you want to take

the betaine hydrochloride that’s in a

lot of digestive formulas but butane

hydrochloride is in a acidifier so

that’s always to be taken right before a

meal and then also if you’re taking

enzymes to help you digest like

digestive enzymes take those before a

meal can you take them after the meal

yes you can even take betaine

hydrochloride after the meal like in

Thanksgiving I have a bottle of betaine

hydrochloride or my digestive formula on

the table and so I have found that when

people overeat they can take some of

that after the meal and it helps them

with digestion so there’s not this hard

rule that you have to always take it

right before some people take it right

in the middle of the mail the only time

you wouldn’t want to take it is if you

have an ulcer or gastritis because

you’re going to add an acid to something

that already has too much acid or

something that is kind of an open wound

now one point about bile salts or oxbial

or any products with bile like

gallbladder formula

you may see better benefit if you have

that right after the meal

why is that because

here you are you are digesting all this

food right and if you actually take

um well this is for some people if some

people take this bile salt or bile salt

products before the meal well they may

alkalize their foods to a certain degree

and they might not get the full

digestion but if you have enough stomach

acid it’s not going to make a difference

okay this is mainly for people who don’t

have enough stomach acid anytime you

take the bile salts and you feel worse

chances are

you need to switch gears and start

adding more acid to the stomach like

butane hydrochloride to build that up

because that could be one of the reasons

why you’re not producing enough bile you

don’t have the activator the acidifier

the betaine hydrochloride but general

rule of thumb take the betaine

hydrochloride before the meal and the

bile salts after the meal all right what

to take on an empty stomach there’s a

really popular or I think should be more

popular a product called Tut cut which

is a type of bile salt a little

different than your typical bile saw but

tutka can help with a lot of different

things I like to recommend it if someone

has bile sludge and they have kind of

like a backup in the bile ducts and they

have like nauseousness or they might

have pain

underneath the right rib cage or the

left rib cage but you can use it for

many different things for dementia

because it crosses the blood-brain

barrier you can use it for issues with

the liver like cirrhosis or Scar Tissue

if you have any weird symptoms that are

not responding I always recommend Tucka

and it seems to work especially if it’s

related to digestion that is a good one

to take an empty stomach and I would

probably recommend anywhere between one

or two in the early part of the day and

one or two in the afternoon and empty

stomach if you take them with a meal you

may find that that acts on the fats in

the meal and not on kind of like

clearing out certain type of like

blockages within the system so I

recommend taking in an empty stomach

about at least an hour before meal or an

hour after the meal another one is

activated charcoal if you’re detoxifying

you want to take that an empty stomach

another one is bentonite clay as

something to absorb toxins individual

amino acids so let’s say you’re taking

tryptophan well if you take it with the

meal it’s not going to work because

these other Amino from the meal will

compete with tryptophan kind of negates

the effectiveness so take the amino

acids on an empty stomach trace minerals

another good one to take on an empty

stomach but again

I take them in the morning which

actually is on an empty stomach but I

wouldn’t uh not tell you to take it with

a meal it could work nicely but here’s

the thing about trace minerals like all

minerals when you have better acid in

the stomach and it’s not diluted from a

meal you may get a little bit better

absorption because in order to absorb

minerals and trace minerals you need

that hydrochloric acid in a certain

strength so you’ll get a little more

absorption if you take your minerals or

trace minerals on empty stomach where

that acid is just like ready to just to

pull it right in and it’s not diluted

with any other types of foods the next

point is what should you take before bed

I typically recommend taking your

calcium before bed if you’re going to

take calcium and your magnesium before a

bed I don’t recommend taking calcium

with your meals because it’s an

alkalizer and it can alkalize

the acid to some degree so take that

before you go to bed and the reason you

would take it is either for leg cramps

or help sleep like let’s say for example

you’re tired but your head is not tired

you’re like your head is awake

calcium tends to work for that and

there’s many other reasons why they take

calcium but typically I don’t recommend

people take a lot of calcium but here

and there but not on a regular basis

especially even your postmenopausal

because it can actually increase your

risk of getting heart attacks magnesium

is a good one to take in the evening

right before bed helps relax you it

helps muscle cramps probiotics are

really good to take before you go to bed

so many people this especially initially

start to detox or have some type of

immune reaction when they take an a

probiotic or even sometimes when they

take colostrum

because it affects the immune system to

a certain degree and it may create a


increasing histamines and make you a

little bit more tired so if you take it

before bed

you don’t know any difference because

you’re sleeping now vitamin D3 it helps

me sleep I find with the majority of

people it will help them sleep but not

everyone some people they will make them

stay up so you’ll have to test the

waters on that but vitamin D is really

important in the Circadian rhythm and it

can help

like jet lag and resetting your clock

that controls the Circadian wave vitamin

B1 is a good one to take before a bed as

well especially if you’re thinking and

analyzing things to death you take the

natural B1 I recommend natural B1 before

bed not the synthetic and you will sleep

a little bit better it also helps

decrease stress also any like

detoxifying herbs I have tried so many

different like remedies to detox myself

and um I always recommend taking it

before bed because if they create that

immune reaction what you’re going to

notice is you’re just going to sleep

better because they create a little bit

of a histamine response and a little bit

of fatigue so herbs that increase

detoxification like dim which is a

cruciferous extract would be one but

there’s many other

you know like kidney detoxifiers or

liver detoxifiers take those at night I

would take that more with um like your

lunch or your meal of the day because it

has a lot of the other phytonutrients

but dim being a concentrated version of

the cruciferous that’s more for

detoxifying estrogen that should be

taken before bed now as far as apple

cider vinegar okay if you want to help

your blood sugars in the morning

um you know maybe like an hour before

bed put then a little bit of water and

drink that down

I don’t recommend drinking a lot of

water before bed but you get the apple

cider vinegar down or even to take apple

cider vinegar in a pill form it can help

you wake up with better blood sugars you

can even help your sleep I’ve done

videos on that you can also take apple

cider vinegar with your meals which I

recommend and also even on an empty

stomach with your water like I’ll take a

big glass of water probably 20 ounces in

the morning with my apple cider vinegar

by lemon and sometimes I’ll add my

electrolyte powder in there and I’ll

drink that down with a lot of the

supplements now this is basically

with a meal or without a meal of course

hopefully you’re not doing a meal in the

morning so you’re fasting but this is

when I would recommend taking your

electrolyte powder because if you take

the electrolyte powder high-end

potassium before bed you might be waking

up urinating a lot because it gets rid

of excessive fluid so I like the

electrolytes in the morning plus

potassium gives you a good amount of

energy that being said it does help

people sleep because it does take a good

amount of energy to help with the sleep

cycles so here I am recommending in the

morning but some people

do the opposite and take it right before

bed and sleep through the night and do

fine and even sometimes people take it

right before they work out to get more

energy we’re going to take things that

give you energy like early in the day

right like B12 that would be a good one

to take in the morning any type of herbs

that are stimulatory like uh ginseng

Maca okay these are things that can

increase energy you take those in the

morning so I just wanted to give you uh

some general tips and rules on vitamins

and minerals and other things when you

should take them all right so now that

you learned that now it’s time to learn

the nine foods that contain all of your

fat soluble vitamins right here