What Causes Bruising (Without Trauma) – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey dr. Burke here listen I want to talk

about what’s behind bruising okay now of

course if you hit your your arm on a

door handle whatever you’re going to

bruise I’m not talking about the actual

trauma that cause bruising I’m talking

about bruising and you’ve had no trauma

where is that coming from okay there’s a

couple of different causes number one

it’s a vitamin C deficiency now vitamin

C helps the capillaries with the

collagen so when you’re deficient or if

you have a mild version or a subclinical

version of scurvy you’ll have more

bruising and bleeding and Colonel you’ll

have spider veins you have spongy gums

or periodontal issues or you know things

like that but you can also have bruising

as well so if you have that that usually

can come from not having enough vitamin

C in the diet so you don’t like

vegetables or you don’t consume enough

vegetables our bodies need minimally 7

cups of vegetables every single day if

you’re not doing that you might want to

implement that and you’re bruising may

just disappear the other cause of

bruising on vitamin C deficiency is

insulin resistance I talked about this

many many times so if you haven’t seen

those videos I’ll put some links down

below but that’s a situation where your

your body is making too much insulin

because you’re having too many

carbohydrates refined carbohydrates

specifically now number two a vitamin k1

deficiency vitamin k1 is responsible for

clotting factors okay so clotting and so

if you’re not clotting you can get

bruising now again it could be you don’t

have enough vitamin k1 in your diet and

that would be leafy dark greens right

leafy greens especially the dark ones

not iceberg lettuce so if you’re not

consuming enough vegetables well boom so

so the vegetables really supply both of

these factors right here but let’s

pretend that you are consuming those

vegetables well then it could be that

your good bacteria in your gut is not

there there’s a significant amount of

vitamin k1 that is made by your own

bacteria so if you don’t have those

microbes maybe you have a history of

antibiotics maybe you had something to

disrupt that maybe you have leaky gut


or diverticulitis whatever that could be

the reason why you don’t have the k1 now

it also could be you’re on warfarin or

coumadin which is a drug that prevents

the clotting and because it’s basically

a kind of a version of rat poison where

it’s just a chemical that blocks out of

and k1 and then you have internal

bleeding so in this situation they don’t

want you to consume any vegetables so

here you are you can’t get the k1


but you can have other vegetables like

squash and the yellow and orange

vegetables and the certain cabbages you

can do you just can’t do the dark green

ones or the ones that are high in

vitamin k1 okay so that’s a different

situation I’ll put a link down below if

you are on this this is a blood thinner

okay so now the next thing is adrenal

weakness okay now here’s the condition

right here it’s called acute adrenal

cortical insufficiency which the person

has bruising all over their body okay

that’s another cause of bruising but if

we look at what the adrenal gland does

one of the functions is it stores a lot

of vitamin C it’s a storage house

because we need vitamin C to make

adrenal hormones even like adrenaline or

even cortisol so I my personal feeling

is that the adrenal problem with

bruising is really a vitamin C

deficiency because if you have adrenal

issues you’ll deplete your vitamin C and

by the way if you’re taking synthetic

vitamin C if you’re not going to have

the right kind you need the full complex

from food not some synthetic version

that’s made from corn stalks and

sulfuric acid which has no vitamin C in

it that won’t work in fact that will

make your green Isles worse so you want

a food base vitamin C or just consume

foods high in vitamin C which would be

like the bell pepper parsley spinach

kale huge salads all those are very high

in vitamin C alright so I hope that

helped input your comments below

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