Type I Diabetic Child's Amazing Success Story | DrEricBergDC

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i want to just get your story it’s just  incredible i read it i literally cried so um  

i just wanted to uh get it straight from  you incredible story about lilliana so um  

can you tell me just a little bit in your  own words what what happened initially i know  

uh you told you know you wrote everything  out but maybe you could summarize it  

sure um so liliana was seven months old when  we both moved my husband and i moved to asia  

to become language students and we were  very happy there things were going well  

liliana had been having a lot of  you know crying as a young infant  

right after her inoculations and so i didn’t  connect any dots we just kept on vaccinating and  

things like that but when we got to asia things  were going fine um but then we noticed directly  

after her inoculation for the mmr and the typhoid  um she started losing weight dramatically she lost  

over six pounds in two weeks uh and she was very  small she was only two and a half years old at  

that time she’s four now um and so uh yeah i was  really concerned i took her to the pediatrician  

and he misdiagnosed her with a virus without  doing any testing whatsoever and gave me a um  

like uh what do you call that a um uh antibiotic  and i decided i just felt really weird about that  

i didn’t like the idea of giving her an antibiotic  without knowing that it was a virus and she’d had  

lots of viruses in the past but this was different  it was just weird like the sudden losing weight  

the constant thirst i i didn’t know the signs  of diabetes at all and so i didn’t know what to  

make but i just knew it was not a virus this is  weird um but she kept on getting worse and worse  

and worse we were trying to feed her and she  just could not move bowels that was the most  

horrible thing like to see her in that state  where she was in so much pain crying and crying  

and her belly was just so big and i knew  she needed to get that out but she couldn’t  

and so finally i took her to the pediatrician  again and he gave me a suppository and i’m

like um it was so horrible just doing that  to her and then she she went into seizures  

because it was so painful and um so she  was able to pass a small bowel but still  

she was just losing all that weight and um  so uh the day after that um i i you know  

i asked myself why now how how did i bring myself  to actually go to a language lesson when she was  

in that condition but i i went to my language  lesson i came home um and she did not recognize me  

she was just sitting on the chair like  zoned out like totally glazed over  

her breath was labored um i started talking to  her and she like looked beyond me she wasn’t  

even looking at me it was just the most scary  thing and she got up to walk and just collapsed  

and i just panicked i was like i i don’t know the  doctor is not helping us with this i don’t know  

what this is so i took a video of her and shot  it to um a really good friend of ours who lived  

like super close praise god he was only like five  minutes away they lived in the same neighborhood  

and so he watched the video immediately he was  a nurse um also um american and so he he knew  

you know when he saw her he knew something was  awful so he rushed to our house and did a urine  

analysis of her diaper keep in mind she wasn’t  potty trained she wasn’t talking like she’s a baby  

but he brought whatever those little sticks  are called with him and he stuck that in  

her diaper and immediately said there’s  sugar in her diaper she has diabetes and i  

i didn’t even know what type 1 diabetes was you  know and he was like let’s get in the car we’ve  

got to go get you know get her to the er and  um my husband was sick that day he had the flu  

but we we piled into the car and i was like  i was so stressed and zoned i it was like  

my head was just going slow motion i couldn’t  process anything um so praise god that  

that guy the nurse our friend was able  to drive us to the the um emergency room  

and the doctors there in this asian country  did not know how to take care of diabetes  

type one so he kind of coached them through you  know bringing her blood sugars down giving her a  

blood sugar test um you know what other tests need  to be run like that c peptide and the whole you  

know gamut of tests i think you said their blood  sugars were was 600 yes yes and of course me not  

knowing anything about diabetes we don’t have  a history of that in my family i didn’t realize  

that that’s life-threatening i didn’t realize  that that’s called dka i didn’t know anything  

so when they told me that i would you know i was  still zoned out i didn’t know what was going on  

so to me you know all you know them sticking her  with different things and it was just so traumatic  

i almost passed out like watching her go through  that kind of trauma and she’s screaming and

you know like i can’t even talk about it  without i could imagine i could imagine  

then you what happened is um you probably  got the blood sugars under control and the  

foods the doctors recommending were just all carb  and uh you’re kind of like what’s going on yes yes  

uh there in the hospital she was hospitalized  for 10 days during that time the nurses would  

come in and give her the shots the the insulin  and then give her this bowl of rice with chicken  

you know and a little bit of you know  sugary tea or something and and i you know i  

i really trusted doctors i trusted people that  said they knew how to take care of diseases and so  

you know we fed it to her and then her her  blood sugars would shoot through the roof  

and this went on for a couple months of course  we were discharged we came home we had to move  

back to the states all that happened and her her  endocrinologist here in the states was telling us  

the same thing give her everything she’s already  used to eating you know and she was eating normal  

kid food like the animal crackers and cheerios and  sugar bombs and ice cream and cookies and crackers  

pancakes and syrup and all that good stuff and  so we it was i was literally in tears every day  

like i would check her blood sugars and they would  be 400 500 you know a couple hours after eating or  

even in the middle of the night you know because  it was literally a roller coaster so i became so  

desperate and stressed out with this pattern  i lost my trust in the medical establishment i  

thought this is not working it’s just not managing  this disease and um so i found your channel  

and that i can say that was a a um a direct  answer to my husband and my prayers um  

yeah we were begging god daily like give either  a cure or a way to manage this thing like to help  

our child not to have complications because i was  reading scary articles i was seeing articles like  

if it’s not managed what’s going to happen when  she gets 30 40 50 years old right blindness the  

neuropathy all that stuff and it scared me sure so  yeah so we we started looking i was looking like  

day and night and searching and i put in cure for  diabetes type one in my search and somehow one of  

your videos popped up it wasn’t a cure there is  no cure that we know but wow um you were talking  

about i think you were talking about a cure for  type 2 actually the ketone intermittent fasting  

and so i watched that and i was like well if  it can do that for type 2 let’s give it a shot  

and so she’s been now in ketosis for over probably  close to a year at this point i i’ve lost track a  

little bit but she’s doing great and you’re you’re  you’re even going to the doctor saying what about  

this ketogenic diet and they probably weren’t they  weren’t supporting it yeah no they still they’re  

still kind of skeptical but at first they were  telling us oh you’re gonna cause seizures you’re  

gonna you know her brain is gonna go downhill  her cognitive function is gonna be just zero  

and all this scary stuff but after i watched and  watched and watched every day i was watching your  

videos and i that gave me the confidence to say  to the doctor this is the diet we decided to do  

and we believe our child is going to be okay  we think it’s going to be good for her and they  

said okay well just do it you know you’ll you’ll  talk to us later you’ll be sorry and all kinds of  

things but but it you know that never happened  she’s only improved since starting this diet  

and even her a1c right has come way down yeah  it’s come way down yeah and then her blood sugars  

what’s her blood sugars running um let’s see  when she gets up in the morning it’s around 110  

maybe 90 to 110 somewhere in there  that’s that’s a lot better than 600 yeah  

yeah it’s still hard to manage sometimes because  she is a child she can’t do it by herself so it’s  

me and my husband are doing it for her she does  wear a pump and a cgm um you know which is helpful  

really helpful and she’s the the cutest thing  i’ve ever seen she’s so cute yeah she’s sitting

here i told her we were going to talk to you  and she was really excited oh i’ve got i’ve  

got your keto shake that she drinks here every  day here she is oh dr Berg that is so awesome  

hey that looks familiar i’ve seen that  before yeah so here it is we love it oh wow  

every day i even put fresh kale in with it and  mix it up with a little extra chocolate in there  

oh that’s awesome yeah low low carb of course  so um so she she even watches some of the videos  

and learning some of the organs and she loves  your videos she she memorized parts of them wow  

when you start going into your ad about you know  like the the the little ad at the end she’s like  

quoting it with you because you say that same ad  after every single video that’s so cute oh she’s  

so adorable and uh so she’s four and a half right  now right yeah and she has she’s like what second  

grade level reading yes yes she’s been  reading for a year now oh my goodness  

wow so she i i think i i attribute  the cognitive function to the keto  

and she’s not doing intermittent fasting of  course she’s too little for that but yeah just  

yeah her brain function went up dramatically  absolutely i’ve been shocked because i’m not like  

we’re not even doing official homeschooling yet  this is like four years old wow yeah so amazing  

yeah because see the key you get that um like  even our granddaughter lucy we she’s doing keto  

not intermittent fasting and she’s she’s developed  a very fast rate cognitive skills sharp i mean her  

mood’s up i mean it’s just a normal child right  i’ve heard you talk about her yeah yeah so this  

is incredible incredible story so um well we have  you to thank and of course we give praise to god  

um for you and just pray his blessing over you  and karen you mean the world to us and we cannot  

thank you enough like words don’t even  describe it hey listen uh that’s that’s  

that’s i appreciate that so much because this  is it’s my page just to see your results and  

and your child’s amazing success i mean it just  is like amazing as i shared it to all my staff  

and friends and family they’re just like blown  away so i said i need to get you on film and  

your lovely daughter to just to hear it and uh  what a story and also um i think there’s other  

parents out there that might consider getting  their kids on yeah less sugar and carbs because um  

you saw the results i did i mean incredible  incredible so at some point um you’re i think  

your mother lives in alexandria virginia right  she does yeah okay well sometimes i send her  

your videos as well she really loves to watch  them as well yeah well sometime in the future  

we’ll definitely hook up i want to i want to  see lilliana in person and get to meet her and  

that would be great we’ll do another video as  well uh that would be our honor that would be  

our honor we might even bring this little guy here  this is her absolutely you got to bring him yeah

do you want to say anything to dr berg  you want to say thank you dr berg nice

well we’re thankful for you i  appreciate that my my pleasure awesome  

all right great i don’t want to take too  much of your time because i know she has  

to get back to her nap because i we woke her  up but well that’s okay that’s all right i  

feel great hooking up with you and uh we’ll stay  in touch and uh i can’t wait to uh actually meet  

both of you in person sometime soon okay all right  well god bless you again we’ll talk to you later  

thank you i appreciate that okay see you bye hey  before you go if you’re benefiting from any of my  

content i would love to hear about your success  story please share it in the link down below