Join Dr. Berg for a lively discussion on KETO and IF this Friday at 11_00 AM EST | DrEricBergDC

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good morning doc you with us us good morning doctor bird

can you hear me I sure can - right so welcome everyone we’re

here in I’m here to answer your questions anything that I say is

not meant to diagnose

you or provide provide


very kind of just went all right let me just let me just kind of

cover what I would recommend now realize that anytime someone

goes through any types of surgery the adrenal gland reacts

with high levels of adrenal hormones and adrenaline and


so even though your mother just one under anesthetics the

adrenal glands

still kicked in and this is why after surgery you could actually

experience a lot of side effects and

problems like that so I think the best thing that I would do I

would recommend

is to apply the adrenal protocols that I recommend like

even watch the video that I did on

on recovery after surgery she’s going to need a lot of B

vitamins she’s going to need to do maybe some adrenal protocols

I would watch the video


on adrenal stress webinar so check that out and apply the

information but I think

that’s one thing you can do because I think what happened is

just the she’s she’s elderly and

then she’s just trying to recover from this this adrenal

shock to the system so I just created a video just on this one

point so watch that and that’s

what you need to do do

thanks for your call yeah thank you you’re welcome mmm all right

so Maria is on the call she’s from Connecticut are you there


hi Marina dr. Burke Hi how are you

good how are you I have a question I’m good I have a

question regarding my eight-year-old son he’s very

mucusy he’s been that way probably for about

eight years you had recommended before that I trial and toe

kindness I did do that I didn’t see and I just

want to know should I just keep doing it can I mix it with water

I tried to do the Neti Pot

with it not so good and then my second question is I

a person doesn’t have a uterus that’s cute o still work because

there’s a lot of belly fat

but the person doesn’t have a a uterus well you know if you’re

missing the uterus I always recommend when I was in practice

there’s a really great remedy you can find it online it’s from

standard process is called eutrophication just

tends to support women after they had a hysterectomy and

also you want to support the ovaries as well with just I’m

sure that

you’re on healthy Quito and I’m going too fast and you may need

to fast longer and you

may need to take something called an acetal

acetal inositol helps to regulate the hormones from the

pituitary gland

follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone so that may

help women that are missing either ovaries or the uterus

because there’s just kind of throws off the whole hormonal

pathway and then as far as your son goes I think I missed the

first part of the question I know he is

sinus problems and you’re trying to give him a neti pot or can

you re ask that again

sure so one of your topics you had set to trial and toe sinus

it’s like a little powder so I have been trying that

and he still very mucusy and with this current age were going

through his school system

is very hyper sensitive so I tried doing that I’ve also tried

the Neti Pot

with just a saline solution but nothing seems to help he’s been

tested for allergies which they say he does not have and she

just always sounds like he has a


this do you how is this diet is he consuming any sugar of any

kind yeah yeah is he consuming any dairy just cheese we don’t

drink milk or yogurt it’s you I would def because what happens

if there’s a usually the could be like a fungus

that’s growing on the sinuses creating this constant mucus

that’s and they lives on sugar I would reply with start doing

some Quito replacement

treats with Xylitol because not at all

is a sugar substitute that actually helps your sinuses by

the way that’s one thing I would do for sure

and then have them not consume cheese right now because the

milk and their can actually provide can stimulate more mucus

I think it’s the sugar in the cheese

and I think that will really really help help him okay thank

you you’re welcome all right Deborah is from Hawaii

and she’s calling in are you there Debbie I am here

good morning good morning morning

so I had a couple of questions the first one was I make my own

Jun and sometimes kombucha and I know in one of your videos you

said make sure to check the label to see how many carbs are

in there and I’m like well how do I know that it’s ready

specially after the second ferment when I add fruit juices

how do I know that they’ve eaten everything up and and I’m not

having too many carbs and

yeah the second question is about can you talk about people


who start with

Quito but have always had problems with low weight and

anyways those are questions good question

I think it’s going to be a taste test you just going to taste it

because as you

leave it ferment longer and longer it becomes more or less

sweet more bitter and more more carbonated so the kombucha that

has very low sugars like to grams it’s very carbonated it’s

not as sweet

so it’s going to just going to test it along the way and just

determine when to stop Brewing it or you know with that

too little scobie yeast fungus thing that actually helps you

make it and the next question is as far as weight goes

you know the benefits of Quito and intermittent fasting

are go Way Beyond just losing weight so so what I do if you

want to just

your weight just keep your fats on the high side

maybe not do one meal a day maybe due to militate make sure

your calories are high

maintain exercise and then if you

in a play around with your carbs because you

maybe you go up to like maybe 40 or 50 grams of carbs in the form

of berries

that may help you maintain your weight okay good because I

always lose weight when I go

on a diet so I’m kind of and I start yeah and I’m losing weight

again I know I know it’s it’s it’s the other thing you could

do is add some

MCT oil through the day because we want to we just we want to

get those ketones

but we’re going to have to just do various things to avoid you

tapping into your own fat Reserves because you’re not

holding a lot of it so it’s really just kind of

of keep your carbs bit higher but not too much and then keep

the fat High make sure the calories are high as well okay

thank you so very much you’re welcome hey hey Steve yes I

have some interesting questions for me well I do and also I want

you to say hello to the world dr. Berg because they are

calling in from everywhere as usual Quebec Algeria Martinique

Spain Sweden

France turkey Saudi Arabia Jordan Finland Australia UK

India Ethiopia has Mania of all places Philippines and

all across the

the u.s. and Canada of course and I could go on but why don’t

we get to some questions wow yeah so it’s credible people

want to you know get healthy field grade and lose weight in

whatever order that should be so they’re all

interested in that’s Craig getting some great great playoff

your wonderful programs and let’s see so let’s see from New

York wants to know

says it’s B12 is very low perhaps they had a tested and

very anxious

wants to know what’s the sort of

you know play between B vitamins and

anxiety and how they can manage that that’s one of the symptoms

of a B vitamin deficiency usually it’s be one but it could

be B12 B12 has more to do with a lot of the neurological issues

that are involved in

myelin sheath and even your red blood cell production

so if you’re low in B12 you could have a whole series of


and even even severe pain in your body neurological pain

so you never want to let yourself go too far but be one

is the one that’s responsible

for the anxiety if you’re deficient and so that’s the one

that you want to take

I’d never would recommend taking the

typical synthetic bees that are out there just because it’s you


yes they do work to some degree if you take high doses of them

but they’re made from lot of as petroleum so why not get a


source and I’ve done a lot of videos on this nutritional yeast

is one of the best things it’s interesting Steve nutritional


actually depending on what environment it is put in

depending on what the medium is that you grow it on on

you can do various things so it can live on glucose it can live

on fructose it can even live on protein so it is highly adaptive

and a lot of times people make it with certain minerals so then

it spikes the

minerals far as it can combines the mineral in a way that it’s

easily absorbed so when you’re taking your Tricia least you’re

not just getting B vitamins you’re getting the trace

minerals you’re getting various

antioxidants you’re getting amino acids and you’re getting a

good nice range of

and B vitamins your

Stevi big know I got what I just am a freak for it and I use it

not only for the benefits that it gives in terms of mood and

health and so on but also it just keeps me from breaking my

fast I nibble a couple of those

things ax issue them and it’s Apes my appetite and

as a result the viewers can see that

that I’m moderately now isn’t that great that’s great let’s

give let’s give everyone the first quiz

all right okay so so

got in the first question question that it hit it okay

okay what causes dark colored urine now there’s multiple

things but what

would be the most common reason for dark darken colored urine so

it’s a little bit darker than it should be it should be yellow

and it’s not quite yellow what what is the underlying cost to

that let’s see if you guys can

spot the answer to that

while we go to Jani from New York who’s been waiting

patiently are you there

yes thank you I my my question here

my 10 year old granddaughter just had a spinal surgery

in August its genetic for curvature of the spine she

the surgery was well didn’t went well but now she is exact

experiencing spasms spasms from the Doctor

Who’s an excellent doctor said but has not ever seen this

before within two weeks

she’s going to be going to a neurologist to see why these


happening because as she walks she falls and has a bit of a

plane was wondering there are vegan and and do eat some

sugar but mostly vegan what food can

I help with with her her eating and you being a

Chiropractic Doctor too what suggestion to helps

so when she had the surgery

what spinal level did they do surgery on it was a was a lower

lumbar was it a Rasik what was

it it was for the back I mean see if the pain is happening in

the back

I’m I’m a grandmother her mother knows II don’t

really know know I can tell you

exactly did the surgery for scoliosis no it was genetic

curvature of the spine


was the curvature of the spine in the lower part or the upper

part is mostly the upper part oh was it like a

hunchback or was it a kind of an s-curve she was getting

hunching she was hunching it was getting more of her yeah okay

okay so there’s

a real simple solution solution I think that you’ll be happy to

call because it’s

even kyphosis that condition is usually coming from a

originally from a vitamin D deficiency vitamin D deficiency

softens the bones and messes with the skeletal muscles and it

can create abnormal curvatures of the spine either Hunchback

which is kyphosis or lordosis or even scoliosis

so if you were to give her vitamin D and they have

you know you can actually get in the Sun but it’s very difficult

right now but she needs vitamin D and higher amounts I would

give her a ten thousand at least 10,000 IU’s Maybe 20,000 I use

and that really helps the muscles

that helps the absorption of calcium in the muscle to not to

mention the electrolytes which you can get from eating high

amounts of leafy greens But realize

that Sugar depletes you of electrolytes especially

potassium so that could be one of the

problems vitamin E E is another good thing for muscle but I get

the feeling that it’s could be a vitamin D issue

the last thing I would recommend I’ve done videos on this so

let’s say for example

you have spasm on the right right side of the spine in the

mid back like by that’s called the rhomboids the Sea of a spasm

on the right side a little trick would be to

do some massage on the opposite

opposite side that will help - and then the other thing too is

if any time a muscle

is tighter than it should be you can stretch the opposing muscle

so even on

the back you can work on the front part of the muscles on the

PEC muscles so there’s I’ve done videos on this you can look them

up on muscle spasm there’s techniques and there’s nutrition

so that okay okay wonderful thank you so much

for well thank you okay

okay see you all right let’s go to Maddie oh wait before we go

to Maddie what do we have Steve as the

answers to the question darker urine okay well I tell you what

85% dehydration I even guessed that 10% too much protein or

high carbs that’s interesting in five deficient in vitamin B

Okay so you know all of you guys are right and it is true that

dehydration will definitely cause that I mean probably you


to be correct is probably most of the time however the answer I

was looking for

is something a little different normally what makes the urine

yellow is a pigment that is coming from the byproduct of

something called

bilirubin which is the end product of your body trying to


and break down red blood cells so the red part is iron

that’s separated from the heme and then it goes to different

different colors so the first color is going to turn into his

green and that’s why your your gallbladder

bile is green and then that color then changed gets absorbed

and it turns yellow

that’s why your urine is yellow and then it gets oxidized in the

colon is brown and that’s why you’re still has brown but if

there’s a problem with

dark colored urine that usually is because you’re lacking

the the bilirubin that’s should be exiting and that

comes from

either a gallstone or a blockage in the ducts or sludge in the

bile ducts which is a lack of bile so so it tells me that

you’re your diet is not correct and you probably should be

taking some purified bile salts and then what

you’ll notice is the you’ll get more flow from your liver to the

small intestine

and the dark colored urine should actually clear up so this

is the same thing if you have a pale colored stool it’s like

Gray or you’re getting jaundice that’s a blockage and that’s

it’s backing up into the liver

like you’re turning yellow and and one last sentence the

itchiness so those are the symptoms that indicates that you

have some other vials Fletcher gallstones

all right Steve how about a question okay let’s do it so

on Facebook this time we have almond should someone who is

anemic be fasting interesting question hmm well there’s


types of anemia your B12 and Amy of iron anemia

if you’re anemic I think I probably would first fix

that but but here’s the Catch 22 there are certain conditions of


have in our autoimmune auto immune to something

called the intrinsic factor this little thing in your in your

intestine and your

stomach which could be causing the inability to absorb B12 in

which case

Steve fasting would be very beneficial to anything with auto

anything connected to autoimmune including inflammatory

conditions so it really depends on what’s

causing that anemia

but you know what Steve I’m writing this down now because

because this is another opportunity for me to create a

video on anemia and fasting I like that oh and by the way way

yeah and if you’re you know best way to get your iron is the

animal products like either liver or beef or

you can get it as a supplement is like either

concentrated grass-fed beef things like that now I will stay

I will throw out there

you guys are very helpful in giving me ideas to do videos on

and I always want to ask

the question if you wouldn’t mind if you if you think of a

good good that I should do do a presentation on type it in the


within this presentation because I’m going to read all of them

when I’m done and I’ll line up

some videos because I’m always curious what you guys want to

videos on so definitely type that in the the comment section

all right Steve now you can give me a question

all right here we go stand by when we push my visit John to

screen all right this time it’s from Susan no I’m sorry Susan

you stand by because we’re going to go back to YouTube

Amy wants to know what can I do about my seizures seizures

yeah you too okay I did a video on that I’m going to release it


need to do something called let me think if I remember the name

of it Kido

yes that’s right the ketogenic diet that’s what you need to do

and and and especially fasting together because

a certain parts of the brain when it starts to short-circuit

and because going like this Haywire

situation can be overridden fuel Wise by by ketones

if you start doing the ketogenic diet it’s been known as the

therapy for epileptic

seizures and the other thing if you want to take it to the next

level you can take the MCT oil

with that so MCT oil Kido and intermittent fasting is the

absolute best thing to do for seizures seizures

Steve I’m going to take a question from Maddie now Maddie

is from San Antonio Texas by the Alamo you had a question about

your brother go ahead yeah thank you for taking my call and good

morning yes this question is actually for my brother he

is 15 years old and he’s been diagnosed by with

their my toe most cited I don’t know if I pronounced that

correctly and apparently

weeks in science CPK I don’t even know what is that but both

up and make

was it’s a what of you Superman can you recommend for me to

bring because he lives in another country and I want to

bring him something because I think he’s meeting some kind of

vitamin because he doesn’t need to eat beef and you know he’s

joined get very swollen and he doesn’t work out he

can’t even move I got it well there’s two two reasons for that

chances are it’s probably some type of

autoimmune equation but the best remedy would be the D3 k 2 the

vitamin D3 Theta divided by D 3 is

wonderful anti-inflammatory for for joint problems as well

of course I’m going to mention healthy Quito and intermittent

fasting for sure

that’s a given he should be on that no doubt but vitamin D is


is the go to for

inflammatory joint issues there’s a lot of other remedies

that you could take you know you can take

milk thistle one another one called calcium

hydroxide but but I think I’m not going to give you the I’m

not going to recommend all those I would stick with D3

Quito and fasting okay

okay perfect thank you very much you’re welcome let’s go to know

I’m sorry I just a quick

no go ahead housecleaning and that’s our just disclaimer

reminder do you want to hit us with a dock

yeah just anything that I say guys is not meant to diagnose

or replace your medical care check with your doctor before

taking any of my recommendations because number one we don’t have

a doctor-patient relationship and number two I’m just giving

my opinion opinion

okay thank you sir all right so so Steve let’s go with the next

question that I have for ever this is the next Quiz all right

so let’s say for example you’re on a Statin okay

for cholesterol and the question is what nutrient do you need to


taking if you are are on a statin for some reason you have

to take it there’s a nutrient that you need to take it’s very

very important what is that

nutrient you need to take

to offset interest the complications of a a statin okay

so that’s the question

and as you guys are chewing on that question I’m going to go

right to

Greg from Southern California hi Greg

are you there okay Steve can you

see if you can connect with with Greg I sure will I tell you you

what in the meantime I let Susan hanging while we’re trying to

get Greg back and Susan from Facebook wants to know what

the best treatment for an abscessed tooth might be

oh okay if you have an abscess this

is kind of a catch 22 because yes you want to take a regular

now but if there’s

an infection or any of your tooth and I’m not really

really going to say I’m an expert in this but I’m going to

say that many times the

tooth might be dead and sometimes you have to clean up

that infection

that infection in that that too can create massive massive

issues for you health wise anything from stiffness in your

neck which is a

your body your immune system is reacting to it to heart problems

too arthritis in the joints so these apps is are a huge issue I

would go to a

holistic dentist

with it but there are that would be what I would recommend do not

ignore it because it’s amazing how one infection can create a

massive issues do your entire health

that is wavering okay and by the way we have Greg standing by we

got him back up here so

stand by Greg go ahead hi dr. Berg thank you for taking my

call can you hear me now sure perfectly but

have ulis so so three weeks ago I had

a poisoning and high fever hundred and four I’m

55 so you know that’s not so good about a week later I had a

really severe autoimmune response I can barely walk

stiff joints joints

weakness lots of fatigue and so my doctor put me on well I went

to emergency they thought maybe I had Guillain-Barre syndrome

and they

eliminated that but my doctor put me on pregnant zone and it

doesn’t seem to be having

much of an effect so I decided to put myself on a in a fast and

I’m a 36 hours

and I’m wondering how long until I should start

start the ying an improvement because I’m you know I’m

concerned not being able to walk is kind of

a concern so yeah well Greg your

you’re very very smart to do that because obviously something

in your that food poisoning

triggered an immune reaction that’s now potentially creating

antibodies with the immune system so I would treat this as

a an immune problem more than anything and I think you’re

doing the exact right thing are you

if you’re doing fine with the fasting maybe go a little bit

longer and then and then come back

off of it with the healthy version of Quito I would at the

same time this is very important I would be taking no less than

40,000 not international units of vitamin D3 every single day

simply because that’s really really important for the immune

system as well in addition to that there’s some other

Natural things that I would do I would be doing oohing zinc I

would be doing probably higher amounts I would also be doing

probably depending on

its is it in your joints in the lower extremity

my legs are weak I don’t really feel the joint issue as much as

I do in my hand my hands are so stiff that I can barely grasp

things and I think part of it I forgot to add the beginning

I the emergency room set that I had a UTI which is so odd

I’ve never had one before so the infection maybe is

why I’m having such a weird weird autoimmune response

the I’ve done with my anabolics for the

urinary tract infection so okay so okay then this is what

I would recommend definitely get on a good probiotic you know and

I even recommend if someone takes an antibiotic

take the probiotics at the same time it’s not going to be a

problem but it’s

going to be okay help you because as soon as you wipe out

those bacteria you wiping out your immune system to which is

leaving you open wide open into

problems the other thing is I think oregano

thyme clothes those are

I would get them in like these little pearls supplements

because that can kind of like go through the

body and help naturally clear out things it’s kind of a

natural antibiotic without the side effects

but the zinc in vitamin D with the fasting those three things

and just give it more time keep your stress low that’s going to

be important do understand the prednisone thing because that

comes with a package you know it works short term but boy

it just it can be a problem because every time you take it

again it doesn’t work as well and then your that’s happened

with me with Poison Ivy and so I walk about

three feet away from Poison Ivy and I’ll start getting it it’s

weird I don’t even have to touch

it but that’s um but I think you’re doing the right thing

with what you’re doing now just add those those those additional

things yes okay Steve and talking to Great doctor about

the best so I should talk to my doctor

about how long I can fast because I’ve done I’ve done

afford a fast so I can you know I can go another 24 hours you

know I would I would

I would I would ride the way it can go faster go do it longer

because the

fasting is your body right now your immune system is becoming

stronger when you’re fasting so you’re going to within 72 hours

you start developing

stem cells

you didn’t have before that help to strengthen the immune system

and rebuild it so you know ride the wave a little bit longer and

I think you’ll start to see

changes and then go back to a healthy keto for a while and

then fast again keep doing that that’s what I would do if I were

you all right very good great answer Dock and now how about an

answer to our question which is What vitamin

nutrient is important for someone on a Statin and 90% of

our audience from all over the world said

vitamin D 5 claim that potassium is the proper potion and then

another five percent said co Q 10

I’m surprised about

that okay so the answer is Coke you to end

and co Q 10 is something that is needed for supporting your

energy in your

muscles not just the skeletal muscles but your heart muscle as

well now

here’s the thing about statins they block the enzyme that helps

you make cholesterol cholesterol is needed for cell membranes to

make vitamin D

to make bile to

steroid hormone so it’s really really important so you start

blocking this and one of the big

huge symptoms

is problems with your muscles inflammation muscles weak

muscles autoimmune immune to your muscle cells I mean to like

muscular autoimmune issues another problem would be

necrosis like

literally dying of muscle cells so it’s a lot of muscle issue

and it just so happens that Co Q10 can greatly help

reduce those symptoms so that is very very very important

because when you take statins you also deplete your co Q 10 so

we’re left certainly give a shout-out on YouTube for Irish

and Deborah

who answered that question may be some on Facebook sorry folks

I don’t have time to look over there but Irish and Deborah were

correct with

Co Q 10 yeah it’s it’s really good for co Q 10 is really good

for heart heart issues gives you energy for the heart

but definitely the statins which you know how I feel about

sentence anyway but anyway

um I’m ready for a question if you have one Steve or I can go

to the phone calls let’s go to seba on Facebook I want to know

the best way to treat tinnitus that terrible

terrible ringing of tinnitus Okay so I did two videos on this

I would recommend doing a

benfotiamine benfotiamine is a B vitamin that is a fat-soluble it


to penetrate the nerves especially the ones that

are up in the brain and so part of the cranial nerves so that’s

what I would

do I have done several videos on tonight as I would watch those

there’s a

technique that you can do do that

you know Works maybe 50% of the time and then I give all the

recommendations to info to me now would be my go-to

recommendation for that one Steve wonderful how about the

phones okay so let’s

talk to Susan from Grants Pass your question Susan

are you there yes I am can you hear me okay great I do

hear you okay good morning I’m a postmenopausal

woman I aged 63 I’ve been on your Quito

diet for way of life or three and a half years after about six

months on keto I noticed a lot of wrinkles

and I’ve been wondering what to do about that I recently came

across the

the idea that all of the silica that I’m no longer eating

because I loved whole wheat bread and brown rice and all the

stuff that has silica in it and I don’t eat that anymore so I

started to take a syllabus

supplement I think that’s going to take six months or so

to see results but what do you think about that you know I just

I did a video on silica and I’ve been researching it it’s

fantastic for the skin Integrity of

this skin

skin and the tone of the skin and the collagen part of the

skin so you are definitely on the right track with that that’s

one thing I would Implement and you got to give it some time

there’s a there’s different types of silica silica and

I think that there’s you know I would probably I won’t

necessarily give you a brand names but the ones that are more

bioavailable probably would be better and sometimes

they come in a liquid but you can do some research on that the


thing thing that I I will tell you that sometimes when you do

Kido you’re getting rid of fluid from the body and but this

probably would be different than you

but especially when you initially do it you lose this

fluid retention and sometimes you might show up more wrinkles

because your might look like you’re dehydrated but I think

the best way to do that is to make sure you have enough salt

which is maybe one level teaspoon a day throughout your

food and then drink a little bit more fluid just

just to keep or fluids up a little bit because it’s very

easy to just kind of like not do salt sand water and an end up

kind of like looking a little bit more wrinkles but and of

course I would look at the stress level

cortisol try to keep that down giving a little bit more sleep

make sure your you have all the Amega 3 fatty acids for your

skin because your skin needs the fats

the DHA which is very very important and then I think um

that would

be something

something and then of course change the fasting as well but

right yeah yeah another another question you mentioned about

coffee this morning I do drink hmm maybe more than what


recommended is that going to give me more wrinkles well

coffee will do two things it will deplete your potassium

which is all about hydration for sure

there’s even kind of like a caffeine caffeine induced

hypokalemia which is low potassium from doing

coffee so if you’re going to do

maybe keep it at one per day and then make sure you’re taking not

just potassium but vitamin

B1 which is also another vitamin that can be depleted from

when you do too much tea or coffee that can be deplete your

be Wonderful Will dock until we got three more questions why

don’t you launch the next one for audience okay all right the

next question is

what would be the best Trace mineral for all

all sirs

what’s the best Trace mineral for ulcers okay anywhere in the

body all right so let’s let’s go right to Jeanette and I’m really

plugging through these questions pretty nicely so we can have

more callers I want to just get as many questions answers as

possible hey Jeanette are you you there from from Somerville

you had a question about can Quito get my mother off stands


high cholesterol right there’s years because you just

found out that she had high cholesterol and so is there a

way to heal that

with Quito but also would be Toby be dangerous for someone

who had high cholesterol you you know that’s a very important

question because I want everyone to know that the majority of

people who do Kido reduce their cholesterol

actually the

harmful type which is not just LDL it’s the type of LDL called

small dense small dense particles which can go invade

the inside the lining of your your arteries but here’s the

thing that you need to now

carbohydrates in excess especially I’m talking about

sugars and refined carbs

have to go somewhere in the body so they’re converted to certain

fats as well as cholesterol

and triglycerides so it’s the carbs that she needs to pay

attention to not the fat so that’s why that’s why Quito is

low carb and it’ll help your cholesterol it’ll help your

profiles that will support your heart

also everyone should know that your fat cells

are a storage for cholesterol so as you get into Quito

keto and you start mobilizing

using your fat and you release of triglycerides for energy

and you will also release the cholesterol so that’s why

sometimes it might go up temporarily because you’re

getting rid o of all the stored cholesterol that you don’t need

also the one of the main main Regulators for cholesterol is

bile salts so if your gallbladder is not working that

well your cholesterol might be a little bit high from that alone

so taking more some purify bath salts can help

greatly eat kind of keep your cholesterol in check

the question great thank you very much you’re welcome all

right doc

we’ve already got some results in here on your last question

which is what Trace mineral is beneficial for ulcers 95% of our

worldwide viewers said zinc 5% of folic acid and iron and I

think maybe a sprinkling of potassium what say you doctor

the the answer is zinc you guys are correct

very well done think you know if you’re deficient in zinc you get

poor wound healing

you don’t he and deficiency of zinc will cause not just ulcers

in certain places in the body even even if you have

also seen your in your rectum as

as ulcerative colitis or in your duodenum or your stomach and

even if you have gastritis which is inflammation stomach zinc is

really really important a good remedy would be a type of zinc


zinc carnosine so that’s another that’s a

version that could be very helpful you know I might say

speaking of zinc and vitamin D now

of the health recommendations for covid-19 heavily

lean and vitamin D and I might mention that dr. Byrd mentioned

that six months ago long before it was on the

you know the ether so a good for you I know that’s not a cure to

coming from dr. Berg but what a great observation and how early

it came from our show versus of the world’s health organizations

yeah don’t get me started Steve on that topic okay

oh my gosh okay good so so Steve I

I do have um two more very interesting questions but I want

to take a call first okay

go for it let’s go to Nadia from

from Lexington

are you there a lot Nadia yes I’m here hi dr. Burke how are

you doing great thanks yes I have actually two questions the

first one is I’ve been on keto for since August and I am

diabetic type

to I’ve been on insulin and she other medications so right now

I’ve seen a great result I’m off insulin for sure such a short

period of time

time yeah and I’m so happy about so but the thing is I’ve never

had cholesterol

issues before or triglycerides I understand I’ve watched your

videos about

cholesterol so

my cholesterol is a little bit high right now my concern is my

triglycerides are extremely high I’ve never had this

issue before as well and and my second question is

is when I started Taquito I noticed that I lost about ten

pounds and mainly that water or water retention or anything

but right now I gained I gained about six pounds six more

pounds and I didn’t change anything on the diet and I’m


intermittent fasting as well interesting interesting

interesting I

think what I would do if I were you I think you need some gall

bladder support bile salts


and the reason for that is that will help your your mobilization

of the cholesterol triglycerides and other fats through the liver

and out through the gallbladder little bit better and I think it

will also help your weight loss as well because I think the

liver needs a little bit of support but you did give me you

inspired me to give you I mean to create a video on this as

well and of course if they had more time I would dig into other

reasons for why you would gain weight I think you know

I think it could be either water retention or it could be stress

or sleep or something else because typically what you’re

doing you’re not going to start gaining fat if you’re doing

Quito and intermittent fasting it’s just not going to happen so

there’s some other reason

and I have seen though kind of like a liver issue that needs

more people need more bile and so that’s what I would do if I

were you any suggestions about bile

which which bile I should take

because on that you guys have it has gelatin and we don’t do

gelatin then what you can actually

just go to the health food store and get a purified bile salts


gelatin you can try that but you need

purified bile salts so just find one that has has good reviews

and you can check

that out now I’m sure okay how about we move on to our next

question batter up for the next

question doc yep okay so when some people take

antibiotics specifically Cipro and other types of

antibiotics one of the main side effects it’s not I mean

majorly common but it isn’t side effect is tendon rupture

rupture your ruptures Okay so why why would it rupture What

would that

antibiotic do that could cause a ruptured tendon

and let’s see what we got with that one okay Steve looking

sounds great and if I could go to

Maria real quick on YouTube and Maria I’m not teasing you

because this comes up so long

but dr. Berg will explain

the Folly of your question so for now how long should I stay

on keto and of course the answer is as long as you want to enjoy

life and have fun fun and

it means slamming donuts and feeling absolutely ghastly so I

think we know the answer but doc why don’t you expand on that

yeah how long should you kiddo well just until you hit the

weight weight loss goal then you can go back to your normal foods

and regular Foods now you don’t want to do that Quito is I think

this is my opinion and I think speaking for a whole lot of

people who have been on this but I mean

come on it’s like these crates so many positive benefits

it is it is the the eating plan that we’re kind of designed to

consume because you do so well on it

I don’t know of any other program that even comes close to

the combination of the healthy version of Quito and

intermittent fasting it handles so many issues why would you

want to go on to anything else now there’s some naysayers Steve

that will say Well it’s

the studies we haven’t done this long term so in other words all

these great benefits that you get

that are only short term but if you’re on the diet

long-term you need to go back

the whatever diet you need to be on I mean like that is

ridiculous it’s something works in the old short term tons of

sugar so we don’t have I know so take a couple of cups of sugar

and and listen once again the reason that I don’t call it a

diet it’s a absolute lifestyle is because the weight is

secondary to my mental health I do I don’t know how many other

people are like that but I do terribly on high carbs and sugar

I feel Gastly and when I’m in the middle of it I don’t even

realize I’m in in that place and once as I get back

lower the carbs intermittent fasting works for me as well the

nothing tastes as good as a good keto diet feels

I shouldn’t call it a diet I mean you just feel better all

around and so for me

it’s not well I don’t want to return to having an extra 20

pounds on me I don’t want to return to and by the way let’s

see Diane reminded me Quito is

not a diet thank you Diane you’re absolutely right it’s a

lifestyle and I don’t want to go back to

misery life is great on this plan so you can’t peel me off at

do I have a mistake you know do I have a slip every once in a

while yes I do but I’m quickly reminded of why that’s a rotten

way to live

yeah to go the goal of Quito is to get your body into the state

of health where you you’re in a power state so you have the so

much health Reserve that you have the flexibility to if you

need if you want to go off occasionally like I don’t want

to make it sound like you like you have this strict thing in

your like you have to like completely and utterly

everywhere you go

always do this but the point

is that get yourself into a place where you can you have a

lot of flexibility so let’s say you do go off

and you you’re going to have problems with it but you’re okay

with it because you know what to do to get it back and again

personally I don’t do that very often because I just like to the

way I feel when I do it I’m pretty disciplined simply

because I was so sick in the past that I’m like you know what

I don’t need to go that direction

I like this and I can stick with it I do know that there’s all

these social things going on on and yeah have to enjoy life with

all these cars but I prefer

not to do that but like to give you guys the flexibility at some

point okay Steve we’re back and we got some ice ice

Ok good what do we got okay so why do some people experience

tendon ruptures with certain antibiotics like

see Pro Cipro and 70% sounds like somebody looked this up I

have no idea collagen

synthesis 30% said Ciprofloxacin impacts the

the the tendons wow okay you guys you did look it up I think

but yeah it does affect this

antibiotic and there’s this there’s a whole bunch of them

that do this and I will create a video on this

Blocks Your small child your small chain fatty

acid your amino acids the short chain fatty acids amino

acids so at block certain amino acids that make your attendance


Branch chain amino acids I’m trying to get around to saying

that I finally kicked out it out now the reason why what’s behind

that is very interesting it’s a it blocks vitamin

B12 and vitamin B1 is not all about just about carbohydrate


it’s also about amino acid metabolism

as well so really it’s the lack of be one that then

then blocks ability to make collagen and that’s why

it ruptures it gets weak so so if you’re on see Pro or other


I would recommend taking be one now what’s interesting about

that Steve is

your microbes in your gut also have the ability to make be one

and so you have an antibiotic and you wipe out those microbes

guess what you’re not going to make the B

vitamins that well anymore so that’s what I’ll show up is a

deficiency so

interesting so you have to take more or of the right kind of B

vitamins and I like that’s why like nutritional yeast to be

able to prevent some of these complications but there’s

nothing worse than having a ruptured tendon when you say

Steve absolutely yeah that’s a game you’re killing Tenon

then you hobble around so we don’t want to do that only dock

with five minutes late you want to hit him up with the last

question oh that’s weird because I have we have five minutes to


as mighty as my clock wrong no I think I said five minutes or

five minutes left

so if I miss the okay good yeah I’m ready for another question

guys okay so you go on keto and you’re doing

your higher amounts of fat and then you end up with the side

effect dizziness you get up and you kind of feel dizzy and

you’re like well what’s going on here

what’s going on there what do you what do you need to do

okay that’s the neck that’s the last question

Adriana you had a question here from San Jose

go ahead with your question yes I’m 43

I’m a beef and I’ve been dealing with fibroids for the past 12

years and I started doing

the intermittent fasting the healthy

Keitel and the is and I even went organic and I even bought

the the

the sea kelp yeah he has Reynolds stress d3k to

Adrenaline cortisol support Esther Dan the sleep aid and the

electrolyte powder but I started

making these yeah and I started not to feel well either

so is there something that I’m not taking the right way and you

know what I have in between

venue for the past two months yeah okay so I think

I think the only ones I would probably focus on right now of

course keep

in your Quito and I’m going to fasting maybe you cut it down a

bit it’s quite a few

things were taking all at the same time and you don’t really

know what’s causing what but I think probably the estrogen

balance and with Jim is something I would take take that

right now and then what I would do

is take that

that for one let’s see how you feel with your Quito and I’m

going to fasting and then the next day add the seek help and

see how you feel because what we want to do is going to isolate

what is it that’s creating this weird feeling

and you can you can use you slowly add one more in there to

see what is it then you could then you call back in 1 or 2

weeks and let me know what that was and I can give

you more data but the other thing that you want to do and

you’re doing the right thing

is the fasting is going to

very very important important in helping you shrink these things

the other thing too is when you eat just make sure that you do

not consume Dairy right now because that can create issues

and then the last thing

that was very important is to look at this fibroid as a tumor

and one really good natural thing to do is to prevent

the blood flow to the tumor you want to take

something that’s an anti-angiogenic anti-angiogenic

fact it’s basically the cruciferous vegetables will help

decrease the blood flow these blood vessels that are feeding

this tumor

so so if you were to take make sure and you’re healthy version

like add more Cal add more broccoli brussel sprouts

every single day that would be real smart to do

okay and then my able to eat organic Meats still even having

these are just wait on that yeah you definitely want to do

organic meat because probably you might get some anemia from

the bleeding so you want to do organic everything you don’t

want to do the hormones the hormones in the these products

will stimulate issues so you know maybe you try fish right

now fish might be a good protein right now because

sometimes there might be some growth hormones in the meat okay

and how many

we talked to I take a day maybe you just avoid those in just two

salmon right now or some good high quality wild caught fish


good question okay Don we have got some answers for your final

quiz question today and the question again is if you start

Quito and add more fat to the diet yet feel dizzy when

standing of what nutrient might be missing

ninety percent of our respondents say electrolytes

five percent say salt and trace minerals and about another five

percent say B 3 and b 2

2 Okay so all you guys are all right on you’re just you’re

thinking with this

is very well done of course I was looking for another answer

but no but you are correct and I’m going to do a video

on this to give you more of a well-rounded thing but there’s

one thing that

is important that I want to mention when you excuse me do

Quito you’re coming off carbohydrates

you’re consuming moderate amount of protein and then you’re

consuming a higher amount of fat when you consume a higher

amounts of fat

realize that the fats that you eat normally do not contain

contain the B vitamins there’s not a lot of B vitamins

especially be one in fat it’s in the protein but not that so

anytime you

consume anything and higher amounts without the B vitamins

especially be one it’s going to take more be metabolize that

fuel that fat so you could become slightly deficient and be

one if you go on a high fat diet if you’re not following my

recommendations which I always tell people to it minimally do

electrolytes minerals and nutritional yeast for your B

vitamins I always recommend that

Steve for for this reason our ger the sole person on Facebook

that said be one so congratulations Carter you’re

ahead of the pack wow so what happens when you’re low in be 1

and this is another thing

since we have a minute to talk about

I’m going to mention it’s fascinating actually I’m going

to do a video on this when you’re lacking be one which is

water soluble you can have all sorts of problems with your

autonomic nervous

system and

and the part of the brain that’s real sensitive to be one is the

brain stem and in the brainstem you have

a big part of your autonomic nervous system specifically your

parasympathetic nervous system where the vagus nerve comes out

so you can have problems with digestion

lack of digestion gastroparesis where it’s not come it’s not

snow like you might have constipation or slow digestive

system but also

when you stand up

your might get dizzy because the autonomic nervous system is not

adapting so so you might you might associate this with

adrenal issues from stress

but in reality it’s an adrenal issue for sure but it’s not

coming from stress is coming from a

B1 deficiency and your ability to adapt from rising from

squatting to standing to lying down the standing you just take

be one that’s what you need

so I’m just want to put that out there there is another the

reason to take the B vitamins and

there’s so many things that are connected to be one I will be

doing some videos next week on this so so on that note I want

to thank

everyone for your wonderful questions and please two things

number one right down some ideas for me on a future

video because I’m always looking for ideas and I’d like to get it

from things that you guys tell me

that you’re interested in number one

and then secondly we now have some really good Quito trained

Consultants that are ready to

take calls for various questions you know let’s say you’re

starting on keto and you need to get

some advice and we can send you the like a PDF form of my

my eating plan if you want or if you’re on keto and you it’s not

going that well and you have questions you can call us on

that so there’s a there’s questions all over

our website on this and then

also won’t be one on any of our YouTube videos or you have a

question about a product and you want more information about so

we can help you on anything anything related to that so dr.

Birds yeah we’re just

like to thank everybody in social media great questions and

answers from YouTube and Facebook from around the world

so thank you for that and dr. Burke take it away

alright guys thank you have a see you next week and think next

week we should be

was all have the video hooked up for that we’re trying some new

things all right stay tuned for more good content of my videos

guys thank you very much we’ll see you next
