The CURE for Procrastination | DrEricBergDC

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someday when i have enough time and all

the stars align and everything is just


then i’ll do it i used to be a

professional procrastinator on steroids

in college i said i’ll eat healthy when

i graduate then i graduated and i said

i’ll eat healthy when i get older and

this went on and on and on

today i want to talk a little bit about

procrastination willpower and

self-discipline you know i have

interviewed a lot of people who have

died in the past and i’m just blown away

how much discipline and willpower these

people actually had to be able to diet

for weeks and months and years

and just get a little bit of results

and do it with a lot of cravings and a

lot of fatigue

and a lot of hunger i mean the tolerate

those two things hunger and cravings

over a long period of time is just

remarkable so it is true that every time

you diet you tend to slow your

metabolism a little bit more and more

and more especially if that diet

involves low calorie and high

carbohydrate dieting in general tends to

go against survival right when you’re

hungry your body should eat in your

craving you should actually eat what

you’re craving right even the concept of

losing fat is anti-survival because fat

is all about surviving your body does

not like to give up fat it doesn’t like

to lose the storage of energy so every

time a person tends to lose weight and

not succeed

it’s going to be more difficult to

continue and do that same thing because

it actually is not working and so a lot

of times incorrectly

they will label themselves

as lazy a procrastinator or just that

they have no willpower when in fact this

is just not the case people are really

not procrastinators they’re not lazy and

it’s not that they have low willpower

what is true is they just been on the

wrong program when you’re on the correct

program and it’s working and i’m talking


actually losing fat

um you’re gonna see results and you’re

going to stick to it and so when you are

on a program and it doesn’t work you

have to step back and really make sure

that you’re on the correct program

because what’s interesting is that if

you truly understand how to get into fat

burning um two things for sure

will happen okay it may not be weight

loss at first

but it will definitely be these two

things one is your cravings will go away

and number two

your appetite will go away you will no

longer be hungry why

because you are burning fat even when

you’re not eating and so you’re not

relying on the calories from food


you’re burning your fat 24 7. and the

purpose of that fat fuel is the storage

so you could exist between meals and not

be hungry i mean just compare being on a

diet okay with hunger and with cravings

versus not having any cravings or hunger

just think about how easy it would be

now the question is why might you not

lose weight if you’re not doing it

correctly there’s a really powerful

principle and if you’ve never heard this

before it’ll be a really big thing for

you but maybe you’ve heard it before and

that is this you don’t lose weight then

get healthy you have to get healthy

first before you lose the weight

the health comes before the weight loss

so the fact that you’re losing fat isn’t


always equated to

getting healthy

let’s say you have atrophy okay like

muscle loss

that has to be healed and that takes

some time

let’s say you’re healing something

called insulin resistance which is

really behind

a slow metabolism that process does take

some time to heal too but you have to

realize that the fact that your cravings

go away and your appetite goes away

means it is working so all of this boils

down to having a better understanding of

how fat is burned and what to eat and

what to do to trigger that and so if you

are new to my channel in this

information i put a link down below of

a document that will show you exactly

what to eat be able to achieve those two


rib cravings and rid hunger to make it

easy to do and to get healthy to

eventually lose the weight so many times

procrastination is just a symptom of

you’re not getting results because you

don’t have the correct plan okay so

that’s number one and assigning yourself

the wrong diagnosis or someone else

assigning you you always get worse with

that so number two the next point i want

to bring up is the problem with time

um people that say well i just don’t

have enough time to exercise or i don’t

have enough time to implement the eating

it takes or preparing for the meals to

do this program well i’m going to

propose that your real problem is you

have too much time okay i don’t know if

you’ve ever heard of parkinson’s or law

okay i want to read it to you

work expands so as to fill time

available for its completion now what

does that mean basically

people adjust their pace

through the workload and amount of time

they have to finish it so in other words

if you have a lot of time you may feel

that with a lot of busy work there’s a

few corollaries i want to mention

if you wait until the last minute it

only takes a minute to do

time is interesting because you we think

that we just don’t have enough time but

if we really dissect a given day there’s

a tremendous amount of effort done on

things that

are just a complete waste of time and i

think naturally if we just stay busy we

think we’re getting something done but

is it really productive time not

necessarily so the couple things that

i’m going to recommend

to overcome this lack of time problem so

let’s just say you have a goal to

implement exercise but you’re maybe

waiting until someday when you have the

time which is probably never going to

happen so this is what i’m going to

recommend you do because a person will

always if they have a certain amount of

time they will automatically fill this

vacuum with all sorts of things very

similar to your house if you have extra

rooms or extra spaces all of a sudden

they become occupied with something the

same thing happens with your time so

this is what i’m going to recommend you

do right as you plan out your day you

have all these activities and

generally speaking most people kind of

weigh them on importance i would

recommend taking

the ones that relate to your health

style specifically exercise eating

correctly maybe preparing for those


put those at the top of the list as the

most important

necessities don’t treat those things as

extra things that you’ll get to

if you have time put those at the top of

the list in relationship to everything

else so for example exercise the mindset

you should have is

i’m going to exercise as a priority and

if i have any time left in the day i

will do these other things like maybe

i’ll eat maybe i’ll get dressed maybe

i’ll go to work so in other words the

more necessity that you create

for these very specific goals that you

tend to put off the more you’re going to

get that done so this is going to take a

lot of um

ignoring um trivial things right and

pushing those distractions to the side

and really getting clarity

on your goals okay with healthy eating

with exercising or whatever you’re doing

the more you get clarity and the more

that you define why you want this thing

the better you’re going to be now as far

as me why i like exercise i like the

feeling of having endurance the ability

to go for a period of time i like the

feeling of strength i like the feeling

that exercise gives me after exercise

not necessarily during the exercise some

people in the exercise experience a

tremendous amount of pain right it’s

very painful for them and it’s also

extremely boring so they’re going to

have to find something that is

not boring something that is different

that’s not really like exercise maybe

they do some type of dancing or some

type of fitness that is they’re

interested in

some people exercise to lose weight and

get fit to reshape their body


maybe they don’t know


diet is responsible for 85 percent of

the results and exercise is only 15

and their diet is not that great and so

they’re trying to achieve this goal

without knowing that piece of data or

they might not know what is really

responsible for the stimulation of

muscle growth and that’s intensity and

so the way they’re exercising is just

not intensive enough it’s kind of like

this moderate type of exercise where

they have to do like 12 different sets

it’s time consuming and they don’t

really uh get results because they don’t

understand that it’s the intensity they

should be doing a different type of

exercise and i’m going to put that link

down below so it is about having the

correct information and this especially

applies to our bodies

but i don’t tend to follow what everyone

else is doing because usually that is

incorrect information i like to study

those people that are very successful in

certain things and not necessarily study

or follow what mainstream or

conventional is doing because i find

usually the truth is in the opposite

direction so anyway i wanted to sort out

in this video a couple things that i

think will help

you overcome procrastination and

increase your discipline and give you

more willpower now if you haven’t


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