You May NEVER Eat Cereal Again After Watching This | DrEricBergDC

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so you may never eat cereal again after

watching this video so this is a warning

just letting you know I mean everyone

knows that cereal is the healthy way to

start your day right we have all sorts

of wonderful healthy cereals out there

I mean they’re a little fat they’re zero

cholesterol loaded with heart healthy

fiber and their nutrient pack satisfying

your daily needs of at least eight

vitamins and minerals so today I’m going

to do a deep dive into cereal to see if

it really is as healthy as they promote

it to be okay now everything is based on

one serving size and of course they use

cups in America now for my friends in

Europe especially Dennis from Germany

this is the size of a cup now if I hold

it up here it looks huge but I put it

right to my head this is the size of a

cup right

it’s about the same size as my coffee

cup this is the actual size of my coffee

mug right here so it’s about the same

thing right so one cup equals 36 grams

of cereal now if I take a bowl and put

this cup into the bowl and you see the


there is no way that even a child is

going to consume only this much cereal

it’s the most tiniest portion size right

so an average person or even an average

kid is going to consume at least four

servings of this cereal it’s not going

to be this one cup so when I go through

some numbers we’re going to have to

multiply it by four all right let’s just

start off with the cereal we look at the

ingredients we have milled corn sugar

malt flavor with that one right here and

this one has whole grain wheat raisins

wheat bran sugar and then brown sugar

syrup now with Cheerios which is the

number one eaten cereal in America

the the second ingredient in Cheerios is

sugar and then corn starch and then

brown sugar syrup so there is a

tremendous amount of added sugar in

these cereals now I’m not even talking

about the real sugary cereals I’m just

talking about these two right here we’re

talking about 17 grams of sugar per

serving size

so if we multiply that by four and that

comes down to 16 teaspoons of sugar now

we’re not even talking about the

carbohydrates we’re just talking about

the sugar alone 16 teaspoons okay now

let’s talk about the total carbs one cup

is 47 grams if we times that by 4 we get

a 188 grams now what’s going to happen

is that is going to spike your blood

sugar so your blood sugars are going to

go up and then what’s going to happen is

insulin is going to have to be pumped


to bring those blood sugars down so

you’re going to be really hungry and

tired about an hour and a half to two

hours later when you end up with low

blood sugars you’re going to need a

snack or you’re going to be just

ravenously hungry at lunchtime now that

amount of carbohydrate and sugar is not

even at the top of the list with some of

the cereals out there some of the soils

out there are at least 50 percent or

more sugar okay by weight and so in

other words what a lot of people are

consuming is just a tremendous amount of

sugar in the morning the worst time you

can eat sugar which I will get into

shortly so one of the most sensitive

areas of your body that’s affected me

sugar is your brain your brain does not

store Sugar it’s dependent on what’s

going on in the blood so if you’re

constantly flooding the brain when sugar

what’s going to happen is you’re going

to create an insulin resistance it’s

like a protective mechanism where over

time you’re going to be more resistant

to that insulin problem and so now now

the brain cells are going to have a

harder harder time getting that glucose

because you built up this resistance

this protective mechanism and so what

happens your brain cells just don’t get

fuel and they start to malfunction and

this is where you have a loss of

cognitive function your concentration

goes down your memory goes down your

focus goes down you become very

distracted easily it’s called add and

this especially applies if

the person consuming this cereal is a

student they’re they’re going to have a

heck of a time in school of course I

went through this I had lived on cereal

all the way up until I think I was maybe

28 years old and I just hit 32 so you

know I’ve been off sugar for you know a

few years so all of this extra blood

sugar and carbs is going to start

working on developing a fatty liver

uh making fat around the organs in your

midsection uh creating a diabetic State

creating inflammation creating a high

cholesterol situation even though

there’s no cholesterol in this cereal

your body converts the carbs into

cholesterol it affects the cognitive

function like I mentioned it affects

your mood bringing you into an anxiety

state and of course it also affects your

teeth you know it causes cavities and

even your heart and somehow they’re able

to associate the fiber to this heart

healthy little thing right here so

people annoyingly are going to consume

that thinking is going to help their

heart because there’s an association

with lowering fiber and lowering

cholesterol and even though it’s been

completely debunked having low

cholesterol is not the thing that’s

going to actually save your heart now

the next one I want to talk about is the

actual fiber how much fiber are in these

cereals well in one serving it’s just

one gram to me that’s not high fiber one

gram of fiber now maybe I’m missing

something but

I’m looking at this as a low fiber

so-called food this is not high fiber so

maybe someone in the discussion down

below can educate me on on the fiber in

this cereal but I’m just reading and it

says one gram of fiber okay so we have

this massive carb mass of sugar tiny bit

of fiber I’m trying to understand how

that’s going to help your heart you see

there’s two things that help buffer this

blood sugar insulin thing okay one is

fat which this has virtually zero and

the other one is fiber which we’re only

talking about a really tiny bit of fiber

so there’s really no buffer to this

blood sugar so the blood sugar goes up

and it goes up fast so now the next

thing I want to get into is this whole

grain versus refined grain because at

least the Raisin Bran has the whole

grain okay this one just is milled corn

all right that’s refined but whole grain

okay what’s so healthy about whole grain

well it’s nutritious right it has all

these vitamins and minerals and it has

the fiber and has the complete package

but it also has phytic acid and if

you’re not familiar with phytic acid

it’s a very potent binder to key

nutrients like iron like zinc like

magnesium like manganese like calcium

like copper so the phytic acid in the

whole grains binds these nutrients

making them unavailable to you now there

are millions and millions of people and

even kids that are deficient in zinc and

I really believe it’s due to the cereal

because in certain countries people are

eating a lot of cereal and they don’t

eat a lot of animal meat they don’t eat

red meat things like that which is

loaded with bioavailable zinc they’re

also like an iron deficient anemia is

also very common with kids and pregnant

women and a good percent of the

population function so what happens with

an iron deficiency is you’re not able to

carry the oxygen like you should in the

blood and also the number of red blood

cells go down and a really good way to

identify an iron deficiency well there’s

several but one good way is to look

inside your eyelid and see if it’s red

or pale okay because if you’re iron

anemic it will be pale at least 50 of

the time not 100 of the time and also

the person will crave ice they’ll just

like to chew on ice and they have dark

circles underneath their eye and their

nails are spooned up so that’s iron

magnesium deficiencies will show up as

leg cramps fatigue

uh difficulty sleeping anxiety Calcium

deficiency can show up as many different

ways it can show up as cramps as well

because it’s an electrolyte it can also

show up as bone loss now what about the

refined grains right because with

refined grains you have less phytic acid

right well here’s the problem with

refined grains you’re going to deplete

these same nutrients in a different way

when you consume a lot of refined grains

and or refined sugar you deplete

potassium calcium zinc and magnesium

from the body so whether using phylic

acid to deplete these nutrients or

you’re using just refined grains you’re

still going to end up with a deficiency

and so now how can they say that cereal

is so nutrient dense and that’s because

any and all nutrients in that cereal is

added to this cereal as an enhancement

or a fortification and so if you look at

the label it’ll have calcium carbonate

added ferric phosphate which is a type

of iron that you don’t want to put in

your body it has palmitate which is a

synthetic vitamin A and sodium ascorbate

which is synthetic vitamin C and on top

of all that

when they process these grains they heat

them under high pressure and not only

does that kill off any natural vitamins

it’s going to kill off the synthetic as

well but the fact that they put these

synthetic vitamins in there they can

make a claim that it has nutrients in it

and then I won’t even get into the

artificial coloring the artificial

flavoring and other chemicals like BHT

and BHA which can affect your endocrine

system their carcinogens and there’s a

certain loophole that allows them to put

them in these cereals so I would highly

recommend if you’re going to do

breakfast at all and especially your

kids I would start doing eggs eggs as

your base okay do eggs and bacon eggs

and avocado eggs and sausage or other

types of protein like a burger patty

with tomatoes something like that but if

you start your day with cereal you’re

going to end up with a roller coaster

ride of blood sugars up and down to the

whole day to the point where at night

you’re going to crave sugar like crazy

and you’re going to want to graze for

the Raw type of food and like I said

before I have a lot of personal

experience on this topic because of the

years and the amount of sugary cereal

that I consumed now this whole cereal

started with John Harvey Kellogg now he

was an MD and nutritionist he promoted

vegetarianism he was the guy that really

started the trend on soy milk granola

meat substitutes he was also into some

other weird stuff called Eugenics so

Eugenics is a belief in practice

involving improving the genetic quality

of humans so the goal is to eliminate

inferior genetics there’s some people

that practice Force sterilization of

those unfit for reproduction even

filtering up people with lower IQ and

Kellogg was the co-founder of this

organization called the race betterment

foundation so apparently this whole

practice of eugenics has died out thank

goodness but it sounds pretty crazy to

me I mean the best way to support your

genes is to have a healthy lifestyle and

to eat good especially when someone is

pregnant so here Kellogg’s was promoting

the cereal for these kids when in fact

that’s creating nutritional deficiencies

that’s affecting IQ because if you’re

eating Ultra processed foods you’re

going to create all sorts of problems

like iodine deficiencies which directly

relate to a lowered IQ so here he was

trying to strengthen the genetics when

in fact he was weakening the genetics

all right sensor on the topic of foods

that don’t make you healthy if you have

not seen the most dangerous food that

you can eat I put that video up right

here check it out