Losing Weight on Keto Diet With Dr.Berg & Shane Jones | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Berg here I have another

really awesome Skype for you this is

Shane Jones so welcome Shane exactly


thanks for doing this hey why don’t you

just dive in and tell us a little bit

about your story of what happened your

struggles and then how you kind of

overcame them over time sure yeah

so I’ve struggled with my weight pretty

much my entire life I grew up in a

Filipino household so that meant a lot

of rice a lot of starches a lot of

desserts a lot of like sweetly marinated

meats and I grew up you know learning

that you know you had to finish

everything on your plate and so I think

all of that you know sort of predisposed

me to gain a weight when I was a kid and

so I pretty much just gained weight up

until about high school and I think when

I hit high school because I became

involved in a lot of high intensity


and a lot of running that the weight

sort of plateaued and then we as a

little kid will you ever wait or did you

start gaining weight like when you got

into high school no so I’ve been gaining

weight I was big when I was like four or

five and then I just got bigger until I

reached high school sort of plateaued

doing some sports and then it wasn’t

until after college that I started

ballooning up again when the activity

sort of dwindled so now do you have any

brothers and sisters yeah I have you did

they would they overweight when there

are five and six too so it’s two of us

are or were two of us were overweight

when we were kids and then the other two

were like sort of skinny the whole time

so it’s just kind of half this is

interesting I’m going to talk about this

because every time you know I talk to

people that have been overweight their

whole life I’m always interested what

so can you tell tell me what age was it

at five or was it at four was it at

three did you start to notice in your

pictures you started gaining weight 24

and that was like about the same with my

younger my youngest sister - okay so now

the question is you know it’s not normal

for a little kid to gain weight unless

there’s something that happened was

there any anything that happened for

example did you have asthma or any type

of things were you had that your parents

gave you medication steroids that before

that was there anything like that I’m

not sure for me but my youngest sister

she had asthma and she also takes when

she she has autism so she took like

abilify and like just medications that

made her more lethargic and hungry so I

think for her her weight gain was much

more rapid than mine just because she

had those medications - with anything

when you were 3 or 4 years old like

tonsillectomy and sinus issues throat

infections anything like that oh I got

my tonsils taken out pretty early but

I’m not sure if it was that early but

yeah I did get my tonsils taken out when

I when I was kid okay was there anything

else that you recall that occurred just

before you started gaining weight mmm

not that I can remember okay with other

people when I interview them

definitely when they have the tonsils

removed or have some type of virus or

something somehow that seems to affect

the metabolism that can do it as well

but for you you’re not sure but you

should keep looking at like keep maybe

ask your parents was there anything that

happened it would be just interesting to

find out what one client I had she’s

tried everything to lose weight I’m

talking everything in fact if she

doesn’t eat she doesn’t even lose weight

if she doesn’t eat she’s done marathons

triathlons she’s tried every diet

nothing comes off and she’s been weight

overweight her whole life so her husband

brought her in very skeptical because

they tried so many things so what I did

is I worked on her immune system

I didn’t even change her diet I work

immune system it was the only time in

her life where she started to finally

lose weight a little bit each week well

and then after about six weeks she was

at about 1.7 pounds lost per week and

she stayed there for six months like

obviously so that’s just kind of a side

note for those of you that are watching

that happened to have been overweight

your whole life you know you always have

to look at other things too now getting

back to your story so you’re in high

school you started becoming more active

you lost weight and then I guess in

college you starting anyway yeah so one

it’s funny because after I thought my

weight sort of would stabilize after

puberty because that’s in high school

after I went through puberty I was

normal normal weight and then you know

as I went through college and you know

started tapering down on the activity

and not really paying attention to what

I was eating it just sort of sort of

crept up behind me and it wasn’t I

didn’t really even notice how big I had

got until about a year after I graduated

when I got a physical and I had all

these like issues with my weight and my

blood sugar and my blood pressure that

my doctor told me I should start you

know paying attention to that it wasn’t

until much after what did you have did

you have like what kind of conditions

did they find well so my doctor told me

that you know I was pre-diabetic and

that I was pre hypertensive and that she

wanted to run a lipid panel and check my

blood glucose and stuff and that they

were all indicating that I was on the

track to you know become diabetic and

hypertensive so I wasn’t too surprised

about the pre-diabetes because my

they’ve run said my dad’s had a family

but I mean it just was kind of weird to

hear at 23 like I didn’t expect that to

be a thing right and then did you go

through a lot of stress in college yeah

that’s funny because you mentioned

stress because I actually the first

video I stumbled upon of yours was the

adrenal body type

and how people this body type manage

stress and how that affects their weight

gain and where you gain weight and I

just like made a lot of sense that you

know that was a body type that I had but

yeah I’m really prone to stress and I’d

like work it’s it’s a process to manage

it what what did you study in college

biology biology yeah awesome okay so now

that you graduated then you started

becoming more sedentary and you started

game or weight and then what happened at

that point yeah so there was there was

some there’s an event with that um one

of my younger sisters she played

volleyball and then we had a sort of

like gathering afterward and there were

like all these games at the park and

like I couldn’t like my knee my right

knee gave out and I just felt really

were like why like I guess I would just

I haven’t been used to running for a

while and I felt really out of shape and

I was like maybe it’s because of all the

weight that I’ve become sort of my

mobility is you know taking a turn and

then so at that point I was I figured I

should start losing weight because I

didn’t want my mobility to be even more

hindered by the weight how much did you

weigh that’s when it started what did

you weigh at that point at your peak to

44 okay and I’ll totally I think are

anything I’m 510 okay and in college I

weight like that when I was in shape I’d

say like 175 there’s no wow yeah and

where did you hold the weight mainly

around my gut and my like thighs so just

kind of in the middle section pretty

much yeah Wow okay so you’re at your

peak you’re over 200 pounds and what

happened at that point so it was really

weird because I so throughout my life

I’ve tried lots of different diets per

se and you know they work to some extent

and then I gain I’m back so I I was

really worried about going on another

crash diet

because I like I knew enough that that

wasn’t gonna be the the solution so I

wanted some kind of lifestyle change

that would help me manage my weight and

I wasn’t really concerned with how fast

or how long it would take to get there

so the first thing I did was just take

it easy I tried making easy lifestyle

changes that would be easy to make so

then I could make them long-term so you

know instead of eating out like five or

six times a week like I was doing cut it

down so I tried doing that kind of stuff

and then I stumbled at this point when I

was doing the lifestyle changes I did

stumble upon keto but the science made

sense to me it just there was a fear

that eating more fat to me because I was

so big already was not gonna be in my

best interest so uh it wasn’t because

the science didn’t make sense it was

because I just had a fear that I would

gain more weight and I was already

overweight and that would be

counterproductive to what I wanted so I

held off on keto for a while

found intermittent fasting and actually

did in a minute fasting first just made

a little bit more sense to me at that

point lost some weight then after a

month I kind of stalled and then at that

point I figured I would try keto and

keto was really hard for me it took me

probably like two or three weeks to

fully have every all the meals in my day

to be keto I felt like my body just

really needed the carbs all the time so

I had to wean myself off took a while

Wow so did you so you started working

this out and then at that point did you

find my videos or was it after that you

found no yes so I found your vid I found

your videos before and I didn’t start

doing keto until intermittent fasting

sort of plateaued me if that makes sense

yeah so then I try Tito and I’ve been on

keto since so it’s been like six seven

months Wow yeah and so here you’re on

keto you’re combining them and then you

finally kind of


got used to it and we will you then like

you’re eating obviously a little bit

more fat because you had to replace with

something and then do did you find that

you started were you surprised in any

way that eating more fat would help you

lose weight

yeah so I think what I was scared scared

was is that you know fat it has more

calorie content so I was eating like the

same amount of meals with more fat I

would just be eating more calories and

like my whole equation would be off but

after you know after you eat a keto meal

like you’re not hungry for a long period

of time so it ended up not being that

much of a factor so and so that’s what I

was most surprised about so do you so

tell me how the weight started coming

off what did it come off gradually right

so I think once I hit once I started

keto the weight came down it was like

kind of fast like in a downward slope

and now it’s pretty gradual like staying

at the same point so I think the first

month I did keto I dropped like 15

pounds and then after that it’s been

pretty steady in - and right now I’m

just kind of maintaining where I’m at

and what do you weigh right now right

now like 188 Wow that’s awesome

do you want to lose any more are you

happy with where you’re at um I’m pretty

happy where I’m at like all of the

markers that you know the triglycerides

and high blood pressure and everything

is in normal ranges now so that that was

my main goal and I think the best part

about keto is that it doesn’t feel like

a diet to me at this point it’s more

like a lifestyle so I mean I’m happy

where I’m at I have no health to need to

get any lower but so that so doing a pre

diabetic thing all that stuff is

improved yeah yeah so I think my trick

was starts before we’re like close a

little bit over a hundred and now

they’re in the 70s my blood pressure was

like 135 over

five now it’s like 120 over 80

so every all the markets are pretty much

improved that’s awesome and then what

was your - you were into biology but

what was your actual degree - you

specialize in toxicology okay yes like

the environment and how toxins play a

role interesting I’ll have to talk to

you later right now but the the question

so you must have taken you you had to

have taken a lot of different courses

probably on body physiology right would

you have to go into that so you probably

were indoctrinated or just basically

taught that its calories calories in

calories out is that been kinetic yeah

yeah and you know it took me a long time

to switch my thinking from you know this

caloric you know issue to a hormone

issue look at that that was like the

biggest like once that hit it made a lot

more sense to me but it took me a long

time to buy into that right especially

since bad has the most calories per gram

so you know octo you’re gonna eat fat

you’re gonna gain weight so so looking

back now that you have this data looking

back at it where you were before

what are what are some of the what’s the

number one key thing that you didn’t

really get or understand back then that

now you understand that’s like the mist

that was the missing link for you it’s

just as far as the physiology point yeah

so I think the biggest thing for me was

that eating fat would help promote you

know fat loss and that it would in the

sense that it wouldn’t trigger as much

of an insulin spike I just I just missed

the whole endocrinology part of it all

and I was too focused on you know the

equation of energy and versus energy out

and now I feel so I feel a little bit

dumb talking about it because it makes

so much sense to me now

but that was the biggest part for me

well it’s it’s not even your father’s

just of the whole schooling system and

all the universities including the the

grad school that I went to and the

pre-med school is all it’s just it’s

filled with false data and they don’t

connect the dots between physiology

anatomy and metabolism it’s it’s kind of

all separate and people are just fed

this data but it’s you don’t have a

chance to apply it to see if it’s true

or not so a lot of stuff you learn isn’t

you don’t even know if it’s true or you

just have to pass the test and get

through it get your decay and like wow

okay you don’t know if it works or not

but yeah I I had to go back and re study

it from a different viewpoint to see

okay let me just forget everything that

I learned let’s does this really work

okay yeah that works this doesn’t work

but yeah that’s one thing that’s missing

I think is the workability the

application of these basic things

especially when it comes down to the

endocrine system and insulin I mean even

in look a lot of my friends who are

medical doctors they same thing they

don’t they don’t have the basic data on

insulin in fact it’s almost scary to

know even some of the endocrinologists

don’t even understand endocrinology that

well i’ve talked to some of them and

they don’t didn’t really connect the

dots with insulin being you know the

main fat making hormone all it’s not

even in their in their space that’s

pretty weird

so yeah so shifting gears to toxicology

like I’m just curious like here you are

you got into toxicology did they cover a

lot of like data on endocrine disrupters

when you were in school was that yeah we

had we had sections on that mainly was

it was issues with pollutants in the air

and how that can affect populations of

people but also the environment and life

so and did they cover any data about

phase 1 phase 2 detoxification the liver

with the set of cytochrome for 50p

hormone I mean the enzymes and all the

different detoxification systems in the

liver to help detoxify do they get into

that very much yeah I’m like when you

said cytochrome p450 like I immediately

recognize the name if I were to try to

recall what you know that process is I

probably can

do it on top of my head so is this kind

of like it was the data but they didn’t

really give you systems to go hey here

are the foods that you should be eating

these probably didn’t get into that oh

no no it was much more you know these

are this is what happens in the liver

when toxins you know come in nothing

related really to nutrition and how that

impacts the whole system because there’s

a disconnect between toxicology and just

general medicine there’s not there’s a

complete disconnect they don’t connect

it and then the last question is did

they cover glyphosate herbicide in GMO

foods and all that they do they talk

about that or oh yeah we had section on

on GMOs and the use of herbicides and

pesticides and there I think when I

learned it it’s it was still a big

debate sort of what was going on so what

we did was mainly read different papers

and sort of debate between each other

yeah yeah because right now I think I

don’t know if you heard about the

class-action suit that the the attorney

no the judge actually released the

papers and on this case and it’s

interesting because the apparently there

was ghost riders that were writing the

articles kind of fudging the research

and you know Nene you’re so political

they put it out there in the

universities and then you don’t really

get the truth on that so that’s probably

why I didn’t really hurt hear a lot

about it but anyway getting back to you

this is awesome but you did really well

are you adding exercise into your

program at all yeah yeah so right now I

worked out uniforms a week weight

training mainly I walk but I don’t do a

ton of like kind at City cardio or

anything great

and then what tell me what how many

meals that you have a day one wow that’s

awesome yeah but I I my window is about

four hours so I have a meal I can’t like

scarf it all down like thirty minutes so

I kind of graze a little bit for a

couple hours but yeah just one it’s

totally fine and then

tell me what you eat so it’s a lot of

leafy greens and a lot of chicken but

I’ve been experimenting with using like

cauliflower and turning that into like a

dough for pizza and stuff it just I feel

like there’s a lot of options out there

but I’m just like a person of habit so

I’ll get a bunch of greens and then I’ll

put like apple cider vinegar with some

mustard and some salt and pepper and

just kind of be happy with that so

that’s great that’s awesome Shane I

think you’ve done really well and I

think pretty much almost every single

one of my Skype interview so far

everyone has been on a one meal a day

which is kind of surprising but I think

it’s as you do this all of a sudden it’s

like you’re not your hunger goes away

and you’re like I’m not really that

hungry and you’re satisfied so I find

even people that are almost if they eat

too much they feel nauseous it’s like

it’s just like okay I don’t really need

that so yeah yeah so there has to be a

point where you know you get all your

nutrients in in your one meal so guys

take it in yeah that’s right well this

is awesome Shane thank you so much for

the interview I think it’s gonna help

other people just to get another

viewpoint of what to do okay so this is

yeah thanks for calling and have a

wonderful afternoon eat you okay see ya