Overlooked Dangers of High Insulin Levels – Dr.Berg's Keto Summit Presentation | DrEricBergDC

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great thank you very much good welcome

so how many of you have been helped with

keto and I F just raise your hand

pretty much everyone right how many of

you ever tried to help someone without

the full knowledge of something or you

have partial information or bad

information and end up not really

helping them yeah I’ve done that so your

help is dependent on the quality of your

solutions so today it’s about increasing

your ability to help and help more so we

have a situation situation is 65% of the

population is either pre-diabetic or

diabetic that’s crazy I would imagine

it’s a lot higher for insulin resistance

it’s probably like 90% four billion

prescriptions given out every single

year that’s 13 drugs for every man woman

and child insane three point four

trillion dollars cost of health care one

trillion is the thousand billion dollars

insane the problem with health care is

that there’s really no health but health

is missing unfortunately and medicine

has become the management of symptoms

using medications and so I have a

question can you actually create health

without an eating plan that’s healthy

you can’t do it right that’s really

what’s missing and in medicine is they

don’t they’re not using the correct

eating they omit that and that is the

big issue so I want to actually touch on

science you know we try to find the

truth so we go to studies we do

nutritional research we try to evaluate

there’s a couple problems I want to just

bring up number one the interpretation

of the study is very difficult how many

of you have a hard time reading some of

the scientific research studies out

there it’s in it’s in a new language so

you have to then get second or

third-hand information from some

interpretation from someone else and

that could lead to a whole bunch

problems so research data a lot of times

it’s altered it’s manipulated and the

industry 75% of the studies in journal

and journals are basically sponsored by

Big Pharma how many of you didn’t know

that yeah and then the the studies that

our government funded are also called

partnered with Big Pharma so basically

you as the taxpayer you actually end up

paying for the research for drug

companies which they mark up a little

bit big margins so but then people say

well you know I have insurance that pays

for my medication but of course that’s a

little bit high - right like one or two

three thousand dollars a month so it’s

really gotten out of control and Linda

lotterman I just wanted to bring up

Linda was a clinical psychologist worked

in I think Stanford was your professor

was at Stanford okay got it

so Linda’s been practiced teaching for

over 20 years right so you basically got

out of the whole system because she saw

so much corruption in research and

medication so now she fights the abuses

of you know ect and things like that

so well done

Lind I just want to ask you how many

kids are being put on drugs now this is

why I drink on the weekends no I don’t

insane so there’s just there’s a real

big problem with research

I’m not against research is that in

order to interpret it you have to know

the language you have to know some basic

physiology and a lot of people don’t

spend the time to be able to do that so

they get it secondhand and it’s been

altered so I just wanted to bring that

up because there’s this whole thing with

though what’s in the literature what’s

much better is to focus on experience

you personally experiencing it if you

have the correct knowledge and you apply

it and you experience it then you have

this certainty it’s Cassandra in the

room where’s Cassandra she around here

Cassandra maybe she’s a little bit late

I wanted to show you look at her eyes

you see how puffy they are well over 300

pounds she I want to show you what she

looks like now incredible this is an

example of someone that was a patient

long ago before I had all the correct

data with eating and I couldn’t help her

she what didn’t really get help until

recently it probably about six months

ago I contact her because I was thinking

about her got her on the program and I

wanted to show you what she looks like

she’ll probably come a little bit later

here’s another guy Steven are you in the

room from Canada there he is back there

Steven weighed 600 pounds


so he I think it’s like 242 48 now

amazing now I interviewed him after

three years of having this weight loss

off so he’s holding it he’s like

maintaining so 600 pounds so if anyone

came up to him and said you know well

keto crazes creates problems long-term

it doesn’t work he has a certainty

because he actually has experience so

that’s really an important thing that’s

missing I think people don’t rely on

their own experience because sometimes

you have to tweak it a little bit to you

so once you have the experience then you

don’t really have to rely on so many

studies right so why why do we have all

these problems what’s really underneath

it there’s a common thread the essence

of what we’re going to be talking about

this weekend revolves around one thing

okay and I’m going to clear clarify what

the definition of what this thing is

because it’s an incomplete definition of

insulin so high insulin is behind

probably the majority of chronic health

problems so let’s just kind of go

through it insulin lowers blood sugar

most people know that so what is it

where does it go when it lowers blood

sugar well your body uses it your cells

use it it gets stored as sugar and then

it gets stored as fat so insulin is a

storage hormone it’s an energy storage

hormone it also helps you absorb

nutrients but a lot of people don’t

realize it actually prevents fat burning

in the presence of insulin the enzyme

that dissolves fat is completely

inactivated you can’t burn fat now just

that one piece of data would be very

important if you’re trying to lose

weight right yet I can evaluate any diet

and tell you what which one’s going to

work based on that one point is it raise

insulin or lower insulin so insulin is a

real key factor and whether you store or

prevent the way to burn fat inactivate

the enzyme is you just lower insulin

that’s really the heart of keto

what makes keto as Kido is the lowering

insulin and by lowering the carbs of


now when you put on medication doctor

put you in it form and whatever and he

lowers the blood sugar where does that

blood sugar go tis it evaporate it kind

of gets I needed a Logan can you come

occur so we’re gonna demonstrate where

it goes all right Logan Logan is two

from Fusion lien website he’s the big

Quito guy you probably saw him on

YouTube so we’re gonna demonstrate in

this suitcase here and Logan I have some

fat here or that you’re gonna kind of

fill into that suitcase so just go ahead

this is the fat cell this is actually

fat and he’s going to basically it’s

being converted from sugar and he’s

going to actually just fill that

suitcase okay so you just try to get all

that stuff in there this is what happens

when you keep eating too many carbs now

in college I lived with two other guys

in a house and it was a typical college

experience we weren’t the most healthy

and we weren’t the most organized and so

my two roommates decided that to save

time we went out and bought a very large

garbage can so that we would have to

take out the trash very often so we

bought this 7-eleven garbage Canada’s

must have been this big so then we could

take it out less but it actually started

to stink and then we would put all the

dishes in the pantry start building it

up this is actually what’s happening to

our bodies it’s spilling over I’ll keep

trying keep trying to cram that in there

yeah we’re gonna try that for the next

hour so you might want to sit on it so

the fat cells get to a point where they

actually get saturated and so you can’t

cram any more fat in a fat cell so where

does it go it spills off into the other

organs it goes into the liver it goes

around the organs it’s called visceral


yeah that goes out there so this is kind

of a demonstration of exactly what

happens to our bodies now how do you

know if you have high insulin just go

ahead and look down right now and if you

see see your stomach you have high

insulin because that’s the place where

it goes

thank you very much appreciate and stick

around because I’m gonna need you the

history of insulin been around for a

couple billion years snails clams use

insulin to inject their prey to make

them sluggish yeah I’m serious

drop drop put them unconscious it’s kind

of what we’re doing right now right with

insulin you had Alzheimer’s dementia and

usually become unconscious force in the

20s we psychiatrists use insulin shock


some of you never heard about that

before but they would inject someone

with about 53 EPS like injections of

insulin over a period of time and you

would literally put people in a coma

because it drops the blood sugar down

that was in the 20s I think from 20 to

30 that’s what they used they would wake

up fat so insulin basically makes you

unconscious if there’s too much going on

and of course now they use electric

shock therapy right Linda so it’s just

really insane insane insulin will not

let you use the enzyme called hormone

sensitive lipase to unlock the fat so

here you are you have this huge tanker

truck you have all this fuel you have a

small gas tank you’re unable to tap in

to your major fuel source because

insolence to high insulin is the switch

it’s low it’s you can actually tap into

fat fuel keto is all about tapping into

the fat fuel and you could have nice

level blood sugars here’s a picture of

what Logan demonstrated right here fat

cells hypertrophic out of the side there

we go

there it is so the problem is back then

we didn’t really eat us frequently now

you can see all you can eat buffets

growing up in Wisconsin in the Midwest

we had a place called farm and feast it

was an all-you-can-eat buffet farm and

feast that’s what they call it and you’d

go in there we build there very often

and just you know feast I don’t

understand how why we need meant that

much food an average per light average

person their life lifespan consumes 52

tons of food that’s a lot if you’re

overweight it’s an additional dump truck

full so the side effect of too much

insulin is very broad you get tired

after you eat feels like you have sand

in the eyes I had that that was a

hypoglycemic reaction I remember driving

across town in my eyes we get sticky and

I had real serious low blood sugar

problems sensitivity to light loss of

collagen plateau weight dementia urinary

frequency cravings for carbs anxiety

belly inflammation polycystic ovarian

will you have the facial hair decreased

libido fatty liver sets you up for

cancer diabetes of course heart disease

stroke because of the clotting a high

cholesterol but other than that it’s

totally fine

now some of other speakers are going to

go more into depth with other conditions

but I wanted to say that your your brain

basically shrinks with high levels of

insulin and also glucose kidney damage

so insulin destroys the vascular system

to the nervous system that’s why you get

things like peripheral neuropathy in the

bottom of the feet in the hands when we

talk about the next lecture of nutrition

we’re going to talk about how to undo

that the VI is very sensitive to blood

sugar issues with coma that’s pressure

in the eye cataracts that’s an opaque in

your your lens we also have diabetic

retinopathy which destroys the nerve the

retina in the back there you have part

of your brain sticking out into your eye

it destroys that nerve all sorts of

things check this out most of the top

groups of medications anti-inflammatory

medications which by the way are total

one hundred six billion dollars a year

we have psychiatric medications this

comes in second diabetic medications

anti hypertension cholesterol lowering

medications dementia all of these are

from side effects from high sugar or a

high insulin incredible can you imagine

if we actually just plug in some healthy

keto I have

BAM probably save a lot many of the

reasons why we die are related to high

insulin as well heart to cancer of

course outro genic that’s just you know

mistakes made by medicine stroke

Alzheimer’s diabetes it’s right up there

so insulin lowers blood glucose it

blocks fat burning and it actually

causes you to store fat those are the

three things that you want to actually

remember chronic insulin elevation what

triggers it here we have Logan in the

house again alright

so an average American consumes you can

come over here

and fifty pounds of sugar a year so once

you bring it up here don’t you just yeah

yeah good luck on that

don’t hurt yourself yeah just put that

right here so this is a hundred pounds

yeah give me another fifty this is how

much the average person now how many of

you don’t consume a lot of sugar rage

again yeah I think a lot of people are

doing more than 150 pounds this will be

represents three pounds of what what we

should be consuming but this sugar is

actually can come from fat or protein

you don’t have to eat sugar so three

pounds versus 150 pounds now if you look

at the difference between these two it’s

pretty darn obvious when you see it

right I mean it’s what is it the

American Heart Association is

recommending over 300 grams of carbs a

day I mean that’s like the American diet

I mean my American Heart Association

American Diabetes Association I mean

this is like literally out of control

here we go my plate I wanted to mention

thank you very much

appreciate it you can leave that you can

leave it there

okay so this is my plate this is what’s

recommended and promoted they you want

fruit you can do a fruit juice you can

do some orange juice you can do canned

fruit you can do dried fruit vegetables

you can do v8 canned corn tomatoes or

iceberg lettuce but you need at least

two and a half cups this is what’s

interesting grains so they’re

recommending six to seven ounces of

grains per day but half of it needs to

be whole grains

okay whole grains like in whole grains

there’s the certification label right

there Whole Grains

here’s another one whole grains

certification you have to pay seven

hundred and fifty thousand dollars to

get this cert to call it whole grains

so you have this situation where you you

basically they’re recommending at least

six to seven slices of bread a day or

pancakes four cups of cereal or

twenty-one cups of popcorn or you can do

corn bread there we go it’s

heart-healthy this is what’s interesting

this is if you look at these label it

says ten grams of sugar per serving

right but if you look a little lower

there’s another category that says other

carbohydrates 17 grams so I looked it up

and like this is how they get away with

kind of like shocking people of how much

sugar you have carbohydrates then you

have sugar then you have other

carbohydrates so that’s basically about

17 grams of sugar per 1/3 of a cup of

circle 17 grams incredible you see that

little I think you could see it from

there so diabetes is not a disease of

abnormal glucose it’s a symptom of

abnormal glucose they make this really

mysterious thing where it no one can

understand it snacking is a big trigger

healthy snacking is very unhealthy

because every time you eat you trigger

insulin a huge problem I personally did

not know the data about healthy snacking

probably several years ago it was in

guidance physiology I apparently missed

it and I thought it was okay to snack it

was in my first book so I’m sorry for

those of you that read that I was

consuming healthy peanuts and I was

doing the apples with peanut butter and

I got to be like 211 I was 211 pounds so

once I got the data the correct data I

applied it I dropped down to 180 just

like that BAM so the healthy snacking is

really unhealthy

the amount of calories compared from

1970 to now have increased a little bit

but not from your meals from snacking so

if you go to grocery store I mean you

have all these snacks it’s quite

extensive this is interesting before you

can even become a pre-diabetic insulin

resistance is brewing in the oven for

many many many years could be like up to

10 to 12 even 20 years before you had

developed pre-diabetes so to demonstrate

this I need keto connect where are they

there they are


so I we use their cookbook a lot they

have a great cookbook so I really

appreciate all the so okay so we want to

do is I’m gonna these are normal

earplugs they haven’t been used and

we’re gonna let you use those and why

don’t you mad Stan over here right there


Matt is going to be the insulin receptor

good okay

alright you are gonna be the pancreas

okay so go ahead and put those in your

ear yeah she’s the beta cell in the

pancreas you always wanted to be that

right yeah are you good okay good so

okay so now the pancreas she’s gonna

basically say lower the blood sugar

yeah so to say lower the blood sugar

good okay good so now what do you do

when Matt ignores you

lower the blood sugar lower the blood

sugar good now after about an hour of


I’m sure Matt never ignored you as he

was looking at the computer

I’m listening honey what happens is

she’s gonna get tired right so she’s

gonna kind of like give up a little bit

this is when the blood sugars start

going up because what happens insulin

resistance is basically the receptors

are not really receiving anymore

so that means there’s no return

communication to turn off this shouting

so the shouting of volume is putting a

lot of insulin into the system so an

average person with insulin resistance

has five to seven times more insulin

than a normal person why because there’s

no turn off there’s no acknowledgment so

it’s very dangerous not to a omit the

acknowledgement of your spouse would you

agree so it’s really it’s really

important so this is what’s happening in

our body so what so start shouting so we

have a let’s see on the slide there


we have insulin resistance this is

called insulin resistance okay you may

get hypoglycemia because the sugars is

the insulin is going high it’s pushing

down the blood sugar that might happen

if you have weak adrenals or a liver

problem or it might just go with high

sugar eventually after she gets tired

she’s like oh my gosh I can’t do this

anymore now we have situation when

insulin goes low now we have the blood

sugar start going up because we don’t

have enough insulin to lower the blood

sugar make sense so now we got

pre-diabetes so thank you very much

thank you very much and you can keep


so what happens is you get the insulin

resistance pre-diabetes and then right

before that when you even before you get

pre-diabetes you have something called

metabolic syndrome usually you have the

usually high blood pressure high

cholesterol you have all the symptoms

but your blood sugar is normal normal

blood sugar is what medically they’re

looking at to really tell you of a

problem but that’s later on the chain

the thing they never tests for is the

high insulin there’s a test home iír and

you can do it post eating Homa ir you

write that down and that test can

determine if your insulin is high but

you were never tested so they actually

missed the boat on this one little

important point high insulin occurs

before way before you get high blood

sugar so they missed this promise you

have all these symptoms and they could

be psychosomatic cuz you’re irritable

all the time because you might have

hypoglycemia so then eventually you get

metabolic syndrome and you have high

blood pressure which by the way to give

you like diuretics you have high

cholesterol they’ll give you statins

both of those medications have a side

effect of increasing or worsening

insulin resistance they get you off salt

when you go to most all diet you

increase your risk for insulin

resistance so all the medications cause

side effects now we’re going to get to

this a little bit but the B vitamin

especially b1 protects your body from

the complications from high sugar and

when you take metformin one of the big

side effects is a depletion of b1

thymine that is supposed to help you

prevent the the something called

acidosis like lactic acidosis which is a

side effect from that so what happens is

when you take the metformin you’re

basically gonna be depleting b1 which

protects the cell against all this

damage now you get the complication so

it’s it’s just a real bad situation

we’ll get more into that but I just

wanted to show you the mechanism so we

have all these things

and I think I’ve given you notes on a

lot of this already so I’m gonna just

kind of bust through this so we got

diabetes type 2 that’s what it is very

simply all right

why Aikido if’ because all we’re doing

is we’re matching the environment that

our bodies are used to back before we

you know I started eating six meals a


so Kido just matches the environment

that our body is used to in frequent

eating healthy foods what is healthy

Kido healthy Kido is basically making

sure that your all your nutrients are

satisfied using high-quality nutrients

because classical Kido is not

necessarily it might help you lose

weight but it’s not necessarily always

healthy of the ingredients that they use

for epilepsy with kids and the research

way back then is using all sorts of you

know even unhealthy soy products and

things like that so we’re not doing that

but some of the opposition against Kido

is going to be using the data from that

they’re not going to actually use the

data from healthy Kido now why don’t

they do the research because no one’s

gonna fund it who’s gonna pay for that

so we’re left with just doing it through

experience here’s a soy formula well

that’s a problem because it’s GMO so

that’s the big issue so healthy carbs is

keeping your carbs between 20 grams and

50 grams a day we want moderate protein

we want three to six ounces per meal

ideally it’s gonna vary and I also want

people to experiment on their own bodies

to see how you deal some people need

more protein like Logan he’s 22 is a

fast metabolism

he’s not gonna probably do three grams

he’s probably like eight ounces so it

really depends I my body does really

well on eight ounces of protein a day

when I do that I’m great if I do more

than that I don’t feel that great so you

have to experiment on that and this is

the problem with people like well helmet

how many grams how many calories well

I’ll give you some guidelines you just

have to tweak it and see what works for

you the fat I’m gonna get more into that

in the next presentation but

seventy to eighty percent of your total

calories you might think wow that’s a

lot of fat well you’re gonna find out

it’s actually not as high as you think

I also recommend the vegetables I’ll

tell you why the next presentation but

that’s that’s where you can get your

final nutrients you can get your

vitamins you can actually get your fiber

to feed your microbes because you really

don’t need fiber but your microbes do

and they give you great things in

exchange here’s an example of one meal a

day it gets a little complex when you

start introducing in a minute fast in a

minute fasting but you want to kind of

let your body tell you how much you eat

how many of you are doing one meal a day

raise your hand quite a few how many do

two meals today okay how many do three

meals a day okay I’m going to do a six

meals a day good

I’ve been watching the videos okay so

this is kind of an example I just wanted

to kind of show you it actually looks

good it tastes good it’s not bad and

you’re not gonna be hungry how do you

know if you’re actually it’s working

well your your cravings gonna go away

for sure your hungers gonna go away if

you crave and you’re hungry we know

you’re not into it yet you’re not into

ketosis yet of course there’s a great

test and we have keto a mojo around here

I think they’re outside there they are

so that’s a great way to evaluate it’s a

great test I’m going to talk more about

that but in a minute fasting is really

interesting because within a minute

fasting your body goes into this wild

thing where it switches these genes to

then start growing brain cells how many

of you could use a couple brain cells

your body then starts making more

mitochondria that’s the energy factory

of the cells I mean that’s just you grow

a brain

now that’s incredible your growth

hormone dramatically spikes that’s the

anti-aging growth hormone preserves

protein so you’re not gonna lose your

muscle mass the difference between

fasting and starvation is fasting

depletes your glycogen reserves and you

get into fat-burning starvation is you

deplete your fat reserves and now you’re

using your organs and muscle as fuel

that’s the difference so we’re not

starving and what’s really interesting

your hunger goes away when you do this

it feels really good you can [ __ ]

tumor growth within a minute fasting you

can get rid of inflammatory conditions

and by the way the inflammatory

conditions are the top the medications

that treat that are the top of the food

chain that’s like most of the money and

medication is on inflammation eat adjust

intermittent fasting is like the thing

that handles that stem cells spike when

you do get a minute fasting stem cells

incredible I mean that’s like

mind-blowing that you can actually grow

like as

you age your stem cells go down and you

can actually enhance your stem cells by

doing prolonged fasting we’re going to

talk about that tomorrow morning how do

how to do prolonged fasting occasionally

at otha G is your body is a

self-cleaning oven it’s cleaning up all

the old proteins and recycling them to

new proteins and cleaning up all the

microbes the virus is the bacteria if

you want to help your immune system

fasting is the key when you’re sick you

should be fasting the more sick you are

the more you should fast an animal when

it gets sick goes into fast e loses the

appetite same thing with us so you

should not eat when you’re sick if you

want to get rid of jetlag fasting is the

best way to do it fasting will increase

your stress resistance so people say

well fasting is stressful no actually it

improves your ability to tolerate crazy

people I mean sorry stress

at Apogee this is a picture that kind of

shows you exactly what it is pretty

simple right so how do you do it

basically really simple you have three

meals a day start off no snacking add

more fat to the meal to go longer then

you slowly push your breakfast

towards the lunch as you feel like you

can do it and if you’re not hungry don’t

eat especially in the morning go longer

and longer into the point where you’re

you you can just do a lunch with nice

about these conventions is we’re going

to just do fasting and not eat all day

so we can say about money so we got then

we end up with two meals today you’ve

got two meals a day and that works

really good so now you can fast for a

period of time and most people can do

that very easily and then you want to

start shortening your window closer and

closer till you get like four hours and

then maybe a lot of you are doing one

meal a day I think one meal a day is

very healthy for the majority of

population especially if you get to the

age of 40 or 50 some day I’m going to

get to that point because I’m only like

39 so then you get one meal a day you

would think you would be like starving

no no Steven the guy who lost so much

way to use 600 pounds he does one meal a


he’s totally satisfied he’s feeling

great he has energy your cognitive

function your mood improves incredible

anyway we’re gonna have the next peeper

speaker come up I want to thank you for

this introduction and we’ll talk to you


