Eric Berg DC Live Show (7-28-2017) Q&A | DrEricBergDC

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this is the dr. Berg show live from the

nation’s capital it’s time to get

healthy lose weight and feel great call

now to speak with dr. Berg at eight six

six five six one four two nine two and

now dr. Eric Berg

hey guys I’m back sorry I was not here

last week last week we went to do the

first run and for the ice cream project

that I’ve been working on for about a

year now so we here we are have a whole

team of people food scientist my wife

videographer fly up to this

manufacturing company and we’re all set

to do the first run on this ice cream

project that I’ve been working on for a

year and I ordered the wrong coconut oil

so I ordered this coconut oil

it’s called fractionated coconut oil so

I thought they were the same so where

did the wrong stuff fractionated coconut

oils where they take out some of the

long-chain fats and basically allow the

melting point so you could you can have

it like 60 degrees and it won’t turn

into a salad so anyway it was a disaster

it clogged up the machine they had to

take the Machine apart four different

times and clean all the different parts

because apparently fractionate coconut

oil makes things really sticky so it

locked up the Pistons and it was it was

a washed so we had about 325 gallons of

liquid ice cream go down the drain so

now I know why there’s not a lot of

companies if any that ever came out with

an ice cream that’s less than one gram

of sugar simply because the sugar allows

for the consistency the texture the

melting points that doesn’t turn into a

solid rock when you put it in the

freezer so anyway it’s a it’s a

chemistry project we’re gonna we’re

gonna try it again because I have some

material left we’re gonna try it again

this Tuesday so I’ll let you know what

happens but you know you just got to try

it and keep trying until it works so I’m

back we’re gonna answer your questions

and let’s start with Vanessa go ahead

you’re from Orange County hi Vanessa

good morning doctor but especially I

just wanna show my appreciation you’ve

been very helpful to me and others I

appreciate that very much

I before we following you three months

I’m doing you know Jenni and intimate

laughs man I been taking some of your

products for my pre diabetic condition

that the reason why I contacted you the

beginning and so there’s several

products I’ve been taking and I do

couches a lot a lot of Dallas in my

entire life you have a Titan that much

and some in about a month ago I started

like difficulty walking up stairs and

getting up with my knee and then last

week I just had this terrible like Rambo

leg from cats all the way to the coast

that lasted forever

in like 10 15 minutes and it was very

very painful never had that before once

in a while when try on leave it’s not to

end up expensive of our team and then I

went to Annabelle that was 6 a.m. on

Saturday and then about 4 p.m. that same

day I had the emergency room so you

think you also have to relax right you

have the electrolytes you try that

instead yes I had a like July as well I

don’t allow couch shoes and eating 90%

of a thing you advise and so I thought I

should be better but my back and my POC

you are clueless people because it’s 101

who they should hide ok so Vanessa

Vanessa all right so let me just tell

you what let’s just focus on this one

issue here because I have a lot of

questions I want to get right to the

whole the main topic ok so this is a

very good point we’re taking

electrolytes normally that should handle

the cramps if it doesn’t I’m sort of

like potassium in the in the

electrolytes that normally should handle

it about 90% of the time if it doesn’t

there’s other minerals too that you can

use like calcium which is in the

electrolyte powder so if that didn’t

handle it

there are a couple other reasons why you

can have leg cramps

despite the mineral sign I just actually

I I created the video it didn’t release

it yet but this has to do with the low

vitamin E vitamin E in a natural complex

normally increases the oxygen carrying

capacity to the muscle tissue and so if

you’re low in vitamin E you can even

have not just cramps in your muscles

generally you can have cramps in your

heart muscle called angina okay so

that’s a heart cramp but you can also

have the lower legs so vitamin E is the

next step for you to test get a natural

vitamin E complex try taking that and it

that should work if it doesn’t was one

more thing you can try and that’s the

vitamin b1 vitamin b1 will also increase

heart rate and that’s what you have

you’ll feel like your heart pounding a

little bit more heart rate it affects a

lot of issues especially if you’re

pre-diabetic so you need more b1 b1 b1

is involved in the neurology the nerve

conduction velocity of a nerve it helps

prevent the loss of myelin on the

nervous system that’s why I get

peripheral neuropathy if you’re diabetic

so I would go with vitamin E and then or

b1 okay you can do nutritional yeast

but those are the two things I think

will fully handle your issues especially

if you’re kind of going on keto or

intermittent fasting if you have

problems because you need that you need

the potassium electrolytes and then you

need to be vitamins okay and then

sometimes vitamin E okay try that

Vanessa and let us know how it works

hey run you’re from Los Angeles go ahead

you’re on the air run are you do hi good

how are you hello

okay a lot of questions ammonium

chloride yeah you talked about so I did

some burpees and my hands got real stiff

but I did a little bit too much oh I

bought bulk ammonium chloride so what is

the dose ditchin and what is the

duration that’s a really good question

because when you buy in bulk sometimes

it could be

coming in and different they could be

using different units I would go back to

just look up the basic version of the

pill form and see what that comes into

is it 100 milligrams is the 50

milligrams whatever it is and then just

take out that much and use that I don’t

really know of an exact dosage it’s kind

of like an experimentation

I just basically use what’s on the label

but when you took ammonium chloride you

have stiffness in the hands that is the

reason I I bought it I haven’t tried it

yet okay you know I’m thinking in terms

of like a quarter teaspoon or yeah I

think Dunning I think that’s what I

would start with sometimes it works

immediate sometimes it takes about two

or three days to kick in but what it’s

going to do it’s going to start to

change your pH and help rid excess

calcium accumulation in the joints and

it really is wonderful for stiffness in

the hands and arthritis and inflammation

it was part of a as part of the extra

ingredient in some of the older

medications for arthritis and they took

it out and then the medication didn’t

work so it’s a it’s a real natural thing

that people can take called ammonium

chloride so go ahead and try that run

and thanks for your call hey didi you’re

from Costa Rica go ahead you have a

question oh yeah I have a question

because well I’m here I came here for

three months just to basically wind down

from crazy life in New York City so I am

suffering was adrenal fatigue and I

pretty much have all symptoms that you

list and last winter they diagnosed me

me was a bronchial asked my even and

stuff like that and I basically said

okay there’s something wrong and now I

found out that adrenals and so I am

taking adrenal fatigue supplement the

night formula pretty much most of the

supplements that you sell for these


I didn’t order the electrolyte powder I


didn’t know I needed because I am

actually on a limited fasting and keto

so I have a question regarding oldest

basically I am doing my program and I

have two things that have flared up I

have a say our sucide outbreak which I

usually have very I mean very seldom and

then I have pain on my left side of my

bellybutton and I’m kind of looking it

up and I see that it is pancreas issue

probably and yeah and I’m also taking

from a different online store I’ve got

also digestive and systemic enzymes that

I’m taking and I do take the cow blood

or formula okay um pretty much eat

salads all the time and some protein and

that’s pretty much it okay alright let’s

talk about that DD other than that how

you doing no it’s going so here’s a

couple things asthma and psoriasis have

a common denominator and yes you’re

right it’s an adrenal insufficiency and

by the way I just want to make a

disclaimer on this show everything I say

is mainly for educational materials

check with your doctor before you take

any advice that I give you it’s not

meant to cure you or treat any type of

diseases okay alright that being said

asthma and psoriasis are definitely

adrenal issues because they treat them

with steroids adrenal that’s adrenal

hormones cortisol but there is one

common thing and you’re in Costa Rica so

you should be able to get this very

cheaply which is vitamin D getting a lot

of Sun vitamin D is one of the best

remedies for asthma and psoriasis for

the skin issues believe it or not so now

if let’s say you can’t it’s not working

and then it could be a factor of not

digesting it and it could be that your

genomes are really kind of burnt out

that they need to kind of slowly come

back up so you’re gonna have to I would

get lots of Sun I would I would get in

the salt water like in the ocean and get

that exposed to your scalp or wherever

the psoriasis is

the other thing too is bentonite clay if

you mix that with water bentonite clay

is the weathered ashes from the volcano

and you could take that little water and

it activates with water it’s

electrically charged material that can

then connect it’s like a detox ER but

it’s also great for the skin you can

make it as a mask and or put it on your


wherever the psoriasis is and it’s great

to heal that so that’s another little

thing for a topical but I think deeper

you do need adrenal help

and so one added thing that I highly

recommend is to get the massage tool

that I happen that comes with a manual

that teaches you how to do acupressure

for your adrenal I use this thing every

single night and it helps me sleep and

it kind of relieved extracts the tension

in my body and then we show you how to

do the acupressure on the adrenal points

and the flight-or-fight points and the

recovery points and you just do these

points before you go to bed do that long

walks make sure your food comes from the

farmers market and then just give it a

little more time okay thanks for your

call hey Chris you’re from California go

ahead you’re on the air yeah are you

doing good yeah I have a request because

you do three videos one on erectile

dysfunction and I couldn’t find any that

you did on that right the second one

would be a toe fungus and the last one I

know you don’t have which is a ketogenic

diet for dogs hmm that’s a really good

that’s an interesting topic right there

I didn’t think about that that would be

a great one to do good so no let me just

give you a couple tips on those points

okay Chris okay all right so erectile

dysfunction the main problem with that

is low testosterone normally caused by

high levels of estrogen

so it’s really an estrogen dominant

problem men

get you know manboobs they get problems

with their right dog dysfunction they

have problems with extra fat

they lose their vitality or get up and

go so it’ll be a combination to rid that

estrogen of doing things like

cruciferous vegetables there’s a another

herb that I guess it’s kind of a it’s

the stinging nettle root as a plant

that’s a really good one to help balance

your estrogen levels as well mushrooms

will also help balance testosterone and

estrogen dominance and men the other

thing too even more than the food would

be making sure your adrenals are good so

the acupressure around the adrenals is

really important with my massage tool

and then getting enough sleep you got to

make sure you don’t over exercise

because a lot of these guys are trying

to get the testosterone up they’re

working out too much they’re

overtraining they’re not resting enough

to get enough recovery not sleeping so I

would do maybe one or two workouts a

week with lots of rest and take naps

that normally will help those are the

main things now as far as the toenail

fungus that’s an internal problem

normally in your gut you have 400

microbes and there are different strains

of not foreign microbes different 400

different types of strains of microbes

from friendly bacteria to friendly

fungus from the yeast friendly mold in

your in your body you have these

friendly microbes so when you destroy


you get unfriendly mold yeast bacteria

fungus that grow on the external part of

his body so you want to put back in the

good microbes and I recommend

researching something called effective

microbes e/m effective microbes comes in

liquid I used to sell it but you can get

it anywhere so I decided why not just

have you go get it somewhere else it’s

not something unique you can find it

take a little bit in some water before

you go to bed drink that and that will

help you topically you want to get a

regular oil well that’s the best fungus

killer that I know of and you rubbed it

on the toe and that will actually help

externally but it’s really an internal

issue key to put dogs is a great topic

I’m gonna actually create a video on

that one simply

because you know if you look at these

dog foods they add a lot of carbs so we

don’t want that so and then do

intermittent fasting for dogs - the

problem with people with dogs is they

give them so many treats it’s like it

spikes the insulin and they keep going

then when you want to feed your dogs

like we feed our dogs in the morning at

night we don’t do all these treats and I

know when you’re training them you got

to do some treats but just be careful

with that good question

hey Jessica you’re from Florida go ahead

yes thank you for your time I need it

you’re helping a lot of people it’s


okay um anyway I am 26 and I had a baby

a year and a half ago and I do have PCOS

it took me a while it’s and fever but it

did happen thank God and I’m not

overweight at all I don’t have acne I

don’t have the hair on my face I don’t

even have blood sugar issues I just have

like little tiny specks on my ovaries

and don’t ovulate all the time so I’ve

been like looking up stuff and I found

you and my sis have been going down

dramatically so my question is is I’m

doing the fast thing not or cuz I’m

trying to have another baby I’m sorry I

forgot that and my question is the fast

thing I’m doing is for more hormonal

balancing than losing weight because I

don’t need to lose weight I’m not under

weight but I don’t need to lose weight

right and I was wondering that’s safe to

do while trying to get pregnant should I

not fat and just eat heat oh okay or

what are your thoughts on that

great question Jessica so first of all

PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome is a

condition where the person has these

they’re not really assisted follicles in

the ovaries and so those tend to be over

produced because of an imbalance with

higher amounts of androgens no it

doesn’t sound like you have a severe

case like other people we have facial

hair deeper voice male pattern baldness

whatever so you don’t have those

symptoms it’s probably like a mild

version of it but the point is that

what causes the high essure by the high

androgens is high insulin okay so what

you’re doing is the exact thing you need

to do to correct it which is in a minute

fasting in some keto ketogenic so yes I

would do that as kind of a treatment to

help balance your hormones as you’re

getting pregnant I think once you get

pregnant and it’s really solid it’s

everything’s good

then maybe just go with doing three

meals and no snacks just that that would

be your version so I don’t know what

version you’re doing now but just

because you’re pregnant or breastfeeding

doesn’t mean you have to have six meals

a day

you just want solid healthy meals I’m

gonna do another video on that because I

think that’s an important point but the

fact that you had a little bit of this

condition that’s a little higher

antigens will shut down your estrogen

and you create problems with fertility

so you are doing the exact right thing

to become more fertile and get your body

in good shape there’s a couple things

I’m gonna recommend though for fertility

and also once you’re pregnant number one

is to royal jelly is something that I

would start taking immediately that’s a

really good fertility remedy natural

remedy okay the other thing is the

facile vitamins vitamin A from cod liver

oil essential when you’re having this

when you’re trying to become more

fertile vitamin A vitamin D from the cod

liver oil they both cod liver oil has

the balance of DNA those would be the

most important make sure you do trace

minerals so that baby comes out with all

the the minerals that it needs to form

and the other thing that you want to

make sure you know it’s when you

actually get pregnant

unfortunately the the infant formulas

that women use for these babies coming

out or they they don’t have time to

breastfeed creates a lot of issues so if

you can start beefing up the trace

minerals and fat soluble vitamins you’re

going to prevent a lot of issues

with the dental structure so it’s

there’s no overbites or under bites

that’s trace minerals and the fat size

of vitamins allow those minerals to be

transported so your your child will have

a lot less cavities and good bone

structure so those are the things that I

would focus on

but fertility is mainly into healthy

fats and and make sure your hormones are

balanced so you don’t have too much

insulin or antigen so I think you’re on

the right track just keep going add

those things in there and I think you’re

going to have a really amazing baby all

right now we have Marigny you’re from

Australia go ahead you’re on the air oh

thanks dr. Berg for taking my call I

just want to thank you for being such a

wonderful teacher and I’ve learned so

much in such a short time and I look

forward to seeing your videos every day

if you don’t mind I’ve got two quick

questions and a favor to ask and I had

sleep apnea due to taking prednisone and

Plaquenil for lupus I’ve been on these

drugs since 2009 and I want to get off

them safely since starting the keto into

minute diet last month I feel so much

better and I was bold enough this week

to cut my dosage down I haven’t had any

side effects so far and I’m wondering

how to wean off these drugs safely and

you mentioned taking colostrum as an

alternative and would sarah peptidase

help as well

and my second question is regarding the

sleep apnea I don’t use a CPAP machine

and wondered if I should be my mother

died of a brain cancer and I’m worried

that I’m not going to get enough oxygen

to my brain or would the fat from my

diet counteract this and the last thing

is the favor I just wanted to see if you

could do a video on the benefits of bone

broth I’ve been having this during my

fasting period and it’s really done

wonders for my energy levels with the

electrolytes and it’s replaced coffee

for me I’m just wondering if I might be

taking it too much because I can undo

fasting once a day it’s sorry one meal a


but in their off times I’m just having a

couple of cups of bone broth that I make

myself and I’m hoping that’s okay it’s

not going to affect the diet and that’s

all that’s it okay good

that’s good so I’ll see if I can

remember all those points but a very

good question I think you’re on the

right track with what you’re doing it’s


but we just want to tweak it now when

you have lupus original that’s an

adrenal issue so I’m assuming you’re on

some adrenal supplement or support the

one that you would need would be

something called adrenal fatigue

advanced formula because that actually

is for a lowered renal to bring it back

up it’s not for high cortisol it’s for

low cortisol just help support that but

sleep apnea is an adrenal issue as

you’re coming off prednisone you do it

gradually very very gradually and

there’s a couple pointers colostrum will

actually is wonderful to repair it but

you got to do smaller doses over a long

period of time and that will slowly kind

of bring you back up the other thing

that you want to do is you want to well

you’re already doing you’re doing in a

minute fasting and keto you’re doing

like one meal a day you got to make sure

that one meal is really nutrient-dense

and robust that’s very very important

you can’t you can’t just have like a

couple different things and you probably

already know that so it’s a lot of

potassium a lot of greens the more

potassium you can include in the diet

the less need for cortisol so that’ll

actually help the course all the other

thing is vitamin D but I would prefer

you get it from the Sun vitamin D is

really it will decrease the need for

cortisol as well and I’ve done some

videos on the damage from prednisone so

you know you can do you can actually get

some other pointers on that but I think

you’re on the right track as far as

saira pepper taste goes that’s the

enzyme for extra scar tissue in the

different parts of the body from serosa

from liver cirrhosis or things like that

I don’t think that’s the one that you

need I wouldn’t focus on that I would do

the colostrum for sure bone bruise bone

broth is another great protein amino

acid profile

natural thing that people don’t eat

bones so I think that’s awesome I will

do a video on that as far as a sleep

machine where you you you know an oxygen

type of apparatus that you’re putting

over your breathing air into your face I

would I don’t know if I would jump to

that especially if it’s working and it’s

getting better you can always get a test

to see how much obstructions occurring

through the night and if it’s a major

problem you can use as a temporary thing

you know it’s up to you it’s not a bad

thing but here’s the thing as you do

this over time that should improve the

massage tool that I have I would

recommend using on your adrenals and the

back of the neck the second bone down

when you do those points it really helps

opening up the sinuses especially do be

you do this before bed and it really

facilitates more neurological benefits

to this part of the face sleep apnea is

really kind of the atrophy of a certain

cranial nerve in the back of the neck

that tends to come from high levels of

cortisol that then makes all the the

loss of tone in the back of the nasal so

it kind of sags and obstructs your

breathing so those are some tips that I

would I would do but hey thanks for the

wonderful words so Katie you’re from New

York you had a question of estrogen yes

I’m 41 years old and in my early 30s I

had to have an emergency hysterectomy

and they I went to menopause overnight

which I had an unusual side effect I

don’t know if it was unusual but it took

months of putting me on estrogen before

I came out of this severe severe

depression and so now I take an

unusually high level of estrogen and

progesterone every day my question is I

started doing the ketogenic intermittent

fasting my body adapted very fast I

literally started with two meals and now

I can eat one meal because I’m satiated

all day so I love this diet but I have

not dropped a single pound question and

I’m wondering is your way

shrink it I’ve done my measurements not

yet I’m not losing inches now in the

past before this hysterectomy I was

diagnosed with of polycystic ovarian

syndrome which I didn’t have the

standard symptoms but the

endocrinologist said I had metabolic

resistance I lost over a hundred pounds

on my own doing not this diet it was the

hardest you know the six times a day

eating diet but then I always hit these

weight plateaus and start gaining again

so I’m wondering if there’s a yeah you

get my point

yeah all right so a couple things let’s

talk about that obviously if you’re

doing one meal a day and you’re doing

keto and and fasting you should be

losing weight I mean it’s lodged I mean

99% of people do that but the problem if

there’s some underlying hormonal issues

which there is that’s what you’re

dealing with so I think you’re doing

everything right with the eating part I

think we just need to do with the

estrogen issue when they do a

hysterectomy what that does is it forces

the adrenals to take over and do the

work and I think really the adrenals are

your issue because they’re not able to

produce the normal estrogen progesterone

because you’re having a substitute you

know adding that estrogen in there so

it’s kind of a you’re stuck between a

rock and a hard place because we want to

have your adrenals do the work and not

necessarily take it externally but I

would focus on the adrenal work there’s

several videos that you can learn about

how to improve adrenal function that’s

number one because it’s kind of like an

early menopause situation so we want to

support the adrenal acupressure the

foods nutrition okay a couple other

things the fact that you had PCOS tells

me that you had an insulin resistance so

you’re gonna have to give it more time

to do this to allow it to kick in and it

even sounds like if you have that much

estrogen probably the thyroid is

involved so that takes it just makes

everything slower and the fact that you

know you’ve done other diets before you

Center pounds and plateaus tells me you

have a set point so we’re dealing really

with the slow metabolism issue and you

can’t go any lower than one meal a day

so you’re gonna have to improve these

other body issues so we’re not dealing

with a food or nutrient thing we’re

dealing with a physical thing that’s one

of the reasons I created the membership

site just simply because it has all

these other tools to work on body issues

I think that’s what you need to focus on

it’s probably a little more extensive

than doing this Q&A on this video but at

least I want to point you in the right

direction I would focus on getting your

adrenals good make sure that our is good

and I think then you’ll start seeing

more change okay but you might just have

to give it a little bit more time too

but the fact is you’re getting benefits

already probably in other levels that’s

a good indicator so just kind of do that

all right Katie thanks for calling hey


you’re from New Jersey go ahead you’re

on the air hi thank you for taking my

call sure I wanted to know I started the

keto diet and intermittent fasting and I

wanted to get my father doing this as

well but he’s diabetic so I wanted to

know what is the safe way to incorporate

the keto diet in intermittent fasting

with someone that’s diabetic is he

taking an insulin is he taking insulin

yes he’s taking insulin does he type 1

or type 2 he is type 2 okay second year

another question is he’s starting to

have neuropathy pain yeah and I want to

know what I can do to help him with it

okay very good question sue let’s answer

them number one he absolutely needs to

do this jump right in there is no other

I mean this is for a diabetic it’s gonna

decrease his Nitra insulin the only

thing you have to watch out for is as he

and does this program on a nice gradual

start with three meals a day no stacks

and the whole thing like I talked about

as he does this the need for insulin is

going to go down the need for medication

is going to go down so he has

be in communication with this doctor so

the doctor can make the adjustments on

the medication because what’s gonna

happen he’s gonna end up with low blood

sugar and then I gotta tell him to take

glucose I’m like no just take less

medication so he’s gonna have to

gradually adjust the amount of

medication as he does this to the point

where he needs less and less and less

and hopefully to the point we can come

off the insulin it’s happened many times

before so that’s that’s number one if he

has peripheral neuropathy he tells me

it’s pretty much set in there and what

caused peripheral neuropathy is a the

high sugar has depleted his b1 and b12

vitamins which have to do with forming

myelin around the nerves so now he

doesn’t have the myelin so he gets this

short circuit electrical problem in the

hands of the feet so he needs to take a

product go to Amazon and just search it

I don’t have the link on me but it’s

called nerve support formula nerve

support formula and that is a nutrient

dense b12 b12 thing that I recommend

people take and I don’t get any

kickbacks or anything with it but I I

know about it but it’s a fat soluble b1

and b12 and you can take that has to go

into the nerves and actually we’ll fix

that those symptoms pretty nicely but

yeah he needs to jump in and start it

immediately and you’re gonna see some

seriously positive changes with that

okay and then I want a success story

all right Paris you’re on the air from

Northern California go ahead good yeah I

have a fatty tissue and I was diabetic

right now it’s controlled and my

cholesterol is okay my LDL is high okay

so for my fatty tissue I was thinking

maybe I should do coffee enema or garlic

and Emma are you okay with that so you

saying I’m very fatty liver or fatty

tissue but I do okay yeah got it okay

good question I know after my keto diet

my skin got very dry yeah

eg and um the picture is darker

everybody thinks I’m taking Channel you

know I’m going to cancel on which I’m

not but that itching and drawing is

really bothers me and my other question

is what do you think about all TMS

because I was suffering about depression

and I’m just going through that what was

that our PMS our TMS what’s our TMS it’s

kind of electromagnetic you know wait

for the new stuff for the depression oh

God okay so can I give you my two cents

oh sure okay so Paris let’s start at the

top if I deliver that that’s gonna

really severely decrease your put your

your bile output your ability your

livers ability to make bile bi le so you

don’t have a bile so what’s gonna happen

and you’re gonna have a hard time

extracting that that type of vitamins

from the food to make keep the since kin

nice and good oily and or just the right

texture so it’s not drying out so you

need purify both thought I would get the

gallbladder formula that I have because

that you can take one after a meal I

think that will solve the problem and

also bile salts will help dissolve a

fatty liver so that’s one thing right

there you need to really plug in the

intermittent fasting you may be already

doing that but just if you’re not

plugging the intermittent fasting

because that’s going to actually help

the gallbladder and the liver and you

want to keep your vegetables really

really high with the fatty liver so

don’t do this with a low vegetable diet

you need a lot of greens a lot of salads

every single day to eventually handle

the fatty liver okay so that will help

the skin in the itching by adding the

bile salts the depression I personally

would give this a little more time with

an ADD intermittent fasting because it’s

once you get in you’re fully key to

adapted your moods gonna go straight up

and vertical but I would add right now

something called nutritional yeast okay

every day start taking maybe two or


tablespoons of this stuff because it has

in there several things for depression

one is b12 is b3 button b3 is the

greatest thing for depression

so that actually will turn into trip

tell tryptophan and help your serotonin

that’s what I would I would recommend if

I were you

before you go into electric type you

know therapies and things because this

is a nutritional deficiency issue in

fact the fed liver means you have

insulin resistance which means it’s

gonna affect the ability to make

neurotransmitters and hormones and

affect your mood so I’m just saying

let’s stick to the cause of this issue

and and get that so do that and then let

me know how you do Paris okay Stefan

you’re from Canada go ahead you’re on

the air

well I’ve been I’m gonna have to take

some pictures this week because I

started Quito I said what seven days ago

intermittent fasting really and its

leading me to fasting have always been

interested about it but right now I have

tons of energy on my 18th and 20th our

22nd hour I have tons in energy I can

goes sometimes three times at the gym

the last few days Wow and my muscle

don’t hurt the day after but before I

slow down and get into a real fasting I

wanted to know if drinking my urine in

the morning or throughout the day really

you’re in fasting if they would take me

out of ketosis got it okay because

because when I’m taking urine in the

morning gives you in your morning this

amount of energy but we’re just

wondering adding it to keto how much of

you know how much you’re gonna really

handle it okay okay good good question

okay so you know I’ve heard this I

personally I’ve never tried drinking my

urine I have had patients come in that

have tried it so I’m gonna say I don’t

I’m not an expert on doing that I don’t

have a lot of data I do know a couple

things about it I do know a lot of

people get a lot of benefits not just

drinking tea hearin but putting it on

their skin

or things like poison ivy psoriasis

itching like amazing skin issues

improvements so no I don’t have a video

on it no I haven’t done it personally

but the point is that people do it all

the time with and report amazing results

I highly doubt it’s gonna knock you out

of ketosis because there’s not a lot of

calories in there there’s not

necessarily sugar in there there could

be if you’re diabetic there’s now so I

think it will not affect the keto and I

do know that there’s benefits to that so

that’s my answer and I’m sticking to it

hey Salvador you’re from Texas go ahead

you’re on the air

Salvador doctor thank you for taking my

call sure

just get here me yeah okay great thank

you again for taking my call and like I

mentioned thank you for all the

information you put out for us sir so

you know I’m first of all so start by

saying I’m a former boxer and you know

it’s funny that I started chemo genic

diet and intermittent fasting and it’s

funny they tell me I needed to carb load

and I still have the same energy or even

more energy on this type of protocol Wow

I’m 35 pounds down I’m down on inches on

inches my cognitive function has

increased in my so has my muscle

definition Wow

so yes everything is going great until

recently I don’t have a gallbladder and

recently I started getting some warm

pains dolphines around my liver area

under my right side of the ribcage kind

of equivalent to when I had a

gallbladder except it’s more towards the

liver area so my question was is it

possible that I could have stones in my

liver and what a liver flush help good

question so let’s talk about that the

biggest thing that I would recommend is

I would if you don’t call blood it means

you don’t you’re going to be low in bile

le bile salts so therefore you’re gonna

gotta watch that because you’re not

gonna if you don’t know by all that

you’re not eventually it’s going to kind

of creep up and not allow you pull to

pull the fat cycle vitamins vitamin A D

and K - so that’s probably what’s

happening there could be some stones and

liver as well so I would plug in a

purified bile salts the reason I’d

recommend my gall bladder formula

because it hasn’t has a bunch of other

factors in there as well that look that

actually work on the whole picture not

just bile salts you take one after the

meal that should get rid of those

sensations because you’re just gonna be

bile deficient that’s the main problem

and the other thing is you want to make

sure is you have a lot of leafy greens

and huge salads as you do this because

if you don’t you can end up with a lot

of strain on the liver because a lot of

fats coming out of your body and we

don’t want to plug up that whole system

because you need bile salts to digest

fat so a little bit more so it’s really

important to if you don’t have a gall

bladder at least give you some factors

that if you that replace the gall

bladder as a enhancement to that good

question then hey child you’re from

Mississippi you had a question

good morning I want to wish you the best

on that ice cream injure - I’m really

interested yeah thanks yeah I love ice

cream uh that’s why I’m creating because

personally I would like it but I don’t

like the sugar yeah go ahead

exactly I began the ketogenic about six

months ago I started out 240 pounds I’m

six foot tall I started out 240 pounds

about a 38 inch waist I called in a

couple months ago and I’d lost 25 pounds

well I’ve continued to lose weight on

down another 15 pounds and I’m pretty

sure I’m stabilized around 200 pounds

Wow okay seven six foot tall 60 years

old 200 pounds that’s good as far as

exercise I my waist just 34 instead of

38 pounds really good and as far as

exercise I do about an hour yogurt a day

I’ve done that pretty much my whole life

and it as far as a getting rid of the

excess weight that really helped and me

enjoy my yoga route

so that’s good but my question is I have

a I think I’ve settled on a set of

supplements going forward that I want to

continue with I was taking a not good

not pretty sure and get rid of most of

it but I want to go over the quick list

real quick with you and see if you can

tell me long-term if I’m missing

anything and I start out today with

vinegar and women I also have the needs

of nutritional yeast coconut oil in CT

oil and as far as your products which I

don’t think I can live without or the

wheatgrass juice the electrolytes the

trace minerals and I take it a case

upland right now but I soon as I run out

of them don’t get your K and D

supplement I’m taking one that you

recommend it was cup from natto or

something like that Nate oh yeah right

awesome okay that’s what I’m taking

right now and then I was taking omega

oils magnesium supplements and niacin

supplements some turmeric supplement

system Co Q 10 I I think I can can

eliminate those along with the diet and

with this what do you think and okay I

think I think you’re doing really good

trials the standard thing that helps

people with keto is to the wheatgrass

juice because it has it’s like the multi

nutrient on steroids but it has a lot of

other phytonutrients that go beyond just

vitamins and minerals so it’s really

concentrated it’s like eating a thing at

rate wheatgrass juice in one tablespoon

the electrolytes are essential because

it has the trace minerals there’s no

multiple dextran and has a lot of

potassium a thousand milligrams so those

two are really key you’re taking

nutritional yeast I think you’re I think

you’re going to be totally fine you have

everything and you have the trace

minerals which is the liquid which is

always hard to get in the food and it’s

almost impossible to get on your trace

mineral so I think you’re you’re good on

that doesn’t sound like you’re you were

pre-existing diabetic if you were I

would recommend the insulin and glucose

support as the icing on the cake

no that’s a bad expression but I

wouldn’t necessary for your situation

recommend it because it doesn’t sound

like you even have that issue but that

just kind of speeds things up but other

than I think you’re doing wonderful your

waist is 34 that’s quite incredible so

you’re you’re really close being

six-foot-two your goal prep maybe you

want to get down to 190 but I think

you’re doing great I don’t think I would

add anything to that I think you’re fine

so I would just ride the wave if it’s

working don’t change anything just keep

going and I think you’re doing great

trials so thanks for calling I don’t see

anything that stands out as being an

issue Darlena you’re from South Carolina

go ahead you’re on the air thank you

sure I’m gonna serious issues that I

think I have which is thyroid issues yes


I just want to know like is there

anything that I can do naturally to get

my thyroid back going and you know help

lose weight because I I have tried

fasting and I mean it’s actually my

religion so I’m very familiar with

fasting night but I just I don’t know I

just I kind of feel like I’m stuck

because I work out and you know I’ve

changed my diet and I cannot lose weight

so I have a question how many meals are

you doing now okay yeah to two meals a

day okay and are you doing also keto

which means no juice or carb or fruit or

sugar or anything like that okay good is

your stomach shrinking no okay it’s

bulging yeah honestly I’ve never seen my

stomach be so big okay I don’t even know

okay so can I give you some advice

I think you’re on the right track but if

you have a thyroid issue and this is

that I did a video on this if there’s a

thyroid involved that means the

metabolism is way down to zero and it’s

like now we got to do something

I would keep going in shipped to one

meal a day keep working towards that

because you’re gonna have to because the

metabolism is so slow now as far as the

chronic fatigue goes and the hair loss

eyebrows what that means is that you’re

not pulling in the nutrients you’re

gonna have to enhance the diet with the

trace minerals I have a hair formula

that has the trace minerals in it where

you can just do trace minerals so that’s

one thing I would highly recommend that

you add in there make sure you do

electrolytes and the B vitamins ok

nutritionally used electrolytes because

as you transition into this that’s

really what’s going to be needed to make

the adaptation I don’t think you’re

fully adapted yet so that’s what I would

do you’re doing it sounds like you’re

doing good you just need to take it one

step further and be a little bit strict

with the frequency of the the meal and

just do one meal a day unfortunately

keep the exercise in there but I do

understand that the fatigue is there and

you have other body issues and this is

another good point where you know diet

doesn’t always fix everything so you got

to have other techniques that go beyond

just nutrition there’s physical

techniques that I recommend that that

are in my membership site you probably

benefit from that and then start

learning about how to work on the other

body issues that go beyond just the

eating so that’s pretty much what I

would do but most our issues come from


gallbladder liver or the highest region

one last point the thyroid really needs

vitamin A vitamin A is kind of like

people don’t even think about that cod

liver oil you can enhance the conversion

from t4 to t3 by adding vitamin A that’s

probably why if you don’t have enough

bile to convert the fat soluble vitamins

into the fact to the absorbed zorbel a

simple form then you can’t get the

benefit of the vitamin A or the

or the vitamin e so it takes but am Nate

to help thyroid but it takes bile to

convert not just to the active form of

vitamin a because you need the

conversion but also from t4 to t3 so

vitamin A is necessary in a lot of

different ways with the thyroid good


hey Danny you’re from Cynthiana

Cincinnati go ahead you’re on the air

hi dr. Berg hi first I wanted to thank


profusely for changing my life I’ve been

following your protocol since late

November I’ve lost 75 pounds and what

what pant sizes what yeah that’s all

yeah I started intermittent fasting in

that late April down to one meal a day

Wow and I feel great you know I haven’t

had any problems I had my OC tofu early

on but it falls quickly but since I’ve

lost this weight I’ve noticed that my dr

Boyd process is protruding you’re what

three per family my cyborg runs on us

yeah yeah and it’s it’s thinking about

quite a bit it’s not sore yeah I don’t

recall any injury I had umbilical hernia

surgery an early November and that’s

kind of what inspired me to lose the

weight once I had to her knee at that

time I decided that you know I could

take this bet again and I found you and

it’s been a big change this I forward

process I’m also having lower to mid

back pain and someone told me that maybe

a referred pain from this side boy and I

wondered based on your chiropractic yeah

its thing that’s what you’re hanging on

that was what I could do good good


and Danny definitely email us with you

before afters because I want to do a

Skype interview with you at dr. Berg at

dr. Berger calm because I want to see

those before and afters

okay so the xiphoid process is the lower

part of the sternum right here there’s a

little piece of cartilage called the

xiphoid process and apparently it’s

sticking out you lost weight no less

than sticking

out you know that sounds like an

anatomical thing and it could come from

a hiatal hernia that’s pushing behind it

that’s one thing that might not be a bad

idea bad idea to do an ultrasound or get

a scan to see what’s really doing that

if there’s an instructional problem or

is it something pushing it out because

it could be camouflaged if you have a

lot more weight now as far as the back

pain the mid-back pain this is a really

good point because the tips on the lower

back pain is to actually do massage on

the front part of your lower body

wherever the pain is in the back you do

it to the front you work with the

massage tool on the front part and that

knocks out the back pain which is very

opposite of what everyone else does

on the mid-back you work on the sternum

so just don’t press on your xiphoid

process you could work up here on the


wherever the pain is in the back like

draw a line right through the back and

that will knock it out but I like to

work on the outside of the rib where

that rib connects to the xiphoid process

on both sides and that should help your

mid-back but it sounds to me if it’s

mid-back it could be gallbladder

digestion as well so I would want to

look at that to make sure that’s not

kind of sticking up and pressing out on

your thyroid like especially if there’s

like maybe some internal bloating or

something like that so those are just

things I would look at Danny but yeah I

definitely want to see her before and

after if but thanks for calling hey Ken

you are from the UK you had a question

yeah hi dr. Berg hi thanks all your

videos really helpful just had a

question about vitamin k2 I’ve seen a

few of your videos and they talked about

the benefits of vitamin k2 with d3 I

just found confused between the two

versions of bitumen k2 MK 4 and MK 7 and

I just like to know which version I

should be taking with good question can

MK 4 and MK 7 are types or forms of

vitamin k2 vitamin k2 removes soft

tissue calcium from places it should not

be in the body joints arteries and

also pushes it into the bone making your

bone really solid vitamin k2 comes from

grass-fed dairy grass-fed animal

products grass-fed fast because there’s

a fat soluble vitamin you can also get

it from NATO which is a fermented soy

bean product which actually is

disgusting if you consume it but it’s in

there but the mk4 version is the

synthetic version ok

the mk7 version is the natural version

of k2 so I would recommend sticking with

the natural version because I don’t like

to use synthetics and anything but a

temporary detox so I would use the mk7

version that’s really the big difference

it’s a synthetic no that’s the the 7 is

natural and the 4 is synthetic so stick

with the 7 and I think you’re gonna be

fine good question hey Becky

you’re from Arkansas go ahead you’re on

the air yes I’m how to do this ok I’m

not meeting my calorie intake ok good so

that’s that’s pretty much the confusion

right yeah ok alright so let’s just talk

about that Becky you know when you start

doing this you actually switched the

body to burning your own fat that’s

being stored on your body when you start

doing that a lot of people their hunger

goes away because the food that your

body is eating it’s its own stored food

ok so that’s really what’s happening so

what you’re gonna do is if you’re not


like out people who just keep going I

would at least have one meal a day don’t

necessarily focus too much on the macros

focus on the nutrients of the microbes

like you need a big huge salad every day

minimally 7 cups maybe a little bit more

and have that make sure it’s

nutrient-dense in that iceberg lettuce

but like some kale and there are some

regular spring green okay and then I

would also do three ounces of protein

maybe you want to do four or five but at

least three ounces of high quality

protein and then maybe substitute with

some trace minerals so that’s what I

would do is your meal if that if that’s

really if you’re not hungry right now

and just let your body start losing the

weight but you could keep the vitamins

and minerals intact so you don’t end up

you know with a problem with a fatty

liver or hair loss or other issues but

that’s what I would do but it’s not

about macros is about the nutrients but

of course to get the nutrients you need

some quantity of macros right so you’re

gonna need some amounts some quantity

but just make sure that they’re nutrient

dense and I think you’re gonna be fine

but I do understand you have no appetite

which normally that’s a good thing but

it also can come from a lack of b12 if

you consume b12 and sometimes be one

from nutritional yeast you can actually

increase your appetite a little bit more

not that you want to do it too much but

a normal amount okay so go ahead and do

that good question hey Travis you’re

from Atlanta go ahead Travis okay hey

Travis hold on hold on a second because

you’re breaking up why why they’re gonna

tweak that I’m going to show you

something on the board okay I’m gonna go

to the board right now and I want to get

this book sorry guidance physiology so

this is my plan B if that if anything

goes wrong down with the internet I’m

gonna do something on the board I wanted

just to communicate real quickly about a

different topic which is diabetes and

then we’ll come back to this question

diabetes what really or insulin

resistance like what’s really how do you

really fix this thing for real how do

you well the key is understanding it

what it is and I think the biggest thing

that people think the diabetes is its

high sugar okay too much sugar so that

because that’s where the doctors measure

it and they test it you chew fasting

glucose if it’s high then it’s diabetes

or an a1c which is an average of high

blood Sugar’s over three months diabetes

or a post perennial glucose test which

is two meals after you eat blood glucose

so it’s high glucose but really let’s

ask why that is high sugar is a symptom

of low insulin so really diabetes is an

insulin deficiency

let me explain because in some of the

other videos like - there’s too much

insulin when you have an insulin

deficiency here’s the cell okay here’s

insulin the insulin is going into the

cell the cell is insulin resistant it’s

blocked okay so it can’t get in there so

now inside the cell we have low insulin

that sends a signal to the pancreas to

make more insulin so outside the cell we

have high insulin inside the cell we

have low insulin so diabetes is a

situation with intracellular low insulin

so even if you did a fasting insulin

test it might show it being high because

we’re measuring it in the blood not in

the cell so does that make sense so

really diabetes and insulin resistance

is a insulin deficiency inside the cell

now the next question is this why the

heck is insulin low and cell why does

your body create insulin resistance in

the first place and that has to do with

we’re going to use this book

physiology which is my favorite textbook

because physiology books explain the the

basic information of the body that

doesn’t change over time like they do in

like researching studies where they we

found the fats bad now we find it’s good

right and all that type of things so but

insulin resistance so because insulin is

a hormone it follows the law of

communication now what would cause the

cells to ignore insulin it’s the same

thing that causes you to ignore other

people so what happens is you have a

situation where you have let’s say

someone talks to you too much you’re

gonna ignore them right you ever try

have someone that talks too much and

they never shut up they keep talking


you’re gonna phase them out you’re gonna

ignore them you’re gonna basically look

away and they’re still talking to you

right so basically if the person

obsessively talks too much you’re gonna

ignore them

same thing happens in the body because

there’s too much insulin coming out

that’s causing the cells to ignore

creating insulin resistance and then

diabetes so then the question is what

would trigger insulin to be increased

now you probably already know this

because you’ve watched my videos but I

just want to make it really clear on

page 228 right here what factors that

control insulin secretion says instant

secretion increases almost 10 full

that’s 10 times within 3 minutes after

elevation of blood glucose so number one

increasing sugar in the diet increases

insulin you already know that carbs

right so we got that that’s number one

but there’s more on the next page page

that 9:30 it says other factors of

stimulate insulin secretion amino acids

interesting protein says right here at

amino acids in the absence of horizon

blood glucose can cause a small increase

in insulin secretion so basically if you

consume protein without eating carbs it

can increase insulin a little bit check

this out it says right here however when

administrate at the same time blood

glucose concentration is elevated the


induced secretion of insulin may be as

much as doubled in the presence of

excess amino acids so basically what

that means if you increase sugar in the

diet with protein you can double insulin

secretion number one high glucose number

two amino acids to a small degree number

three adding protein with sugar will

double it okay so that’s three things

and then the next thing is

gastrointestinal hormones that means

that every time you eat you increase

insulin so we got sugar

we got protein we’ve got the combination

of sugar in protein and we have eating

so that’s what’s causing in some insulin

resistance nowhere in guidance

physiology does it talk about eating

saturated fats will increase insulin

that is not true okay so it’s absolutely

not true that saturated fats causing

some resistance or diabetes all right so

on that note I want to thank you guys

for watching I hope you got some tips

this week and stay tuned for next week

thanks for watching
