How To Fix Your Chapped Lips? – Dr.Berg On Remedy For Chapped Lips | DrEricBergDC

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so today I want to talk about chapped

lips okay one of the worst things you

can do is actually taking a lip balm or

chapstick because a lot of times the

ingredients contain alcohol or some

solvent or mineral oil that pulls oil

out of your skin around your lips and

then you need more of it and then you

put it on it dries it out same thing

with the hand creams as well and

sometimes they put wax in there so

you’re putting this wax on your lips and

trying to create moisture but let’s talk

about what’s behind this situation it’s

a vitamin b2 deficiency when you’re low

in riboflavin okay your lips will dry

out eventually you can get cracked

corners of your mouth through here

because b2 is an antimicrobial vitamin

you can then become infected with

Candida and it can turn red okay and

then that can create fissures little

cuts on the side of your mouth but

button b2 is a coat enzyme b2 has one

function of breaking down fats making

sure that your skin is lubricated okay

so what’s happening is just not enough

of this this coenzyme this activator for

the protein that does that action and

then you end up with dry lips so what

are the foods that have b2 eggs leafy

greens nuts dairy meats well happy to

fish has b2 but really if they’re

deficient it usually is coming from

another factor they’re taking birth

control pills which will definitely

cause a b2 deficiency they might be a

vegan in restricting certain foods that

could create that but this is a big

thing right here refined foods will

deplete a lot of them B - in fact it’s

mainly going to be the refined grains

and the refined sugars now if you’re new

to my channel you need to click down

below in the description of this diet

called healthy keto okay and in a minute

fasting if you’re new most of you

already know about that but if you’re

new to the channel you need to learn how

to do that and that way you don’t have

to be deficient in these B vitamins


a lot of people that get on keto okay

and they get off the grains they notice

their skin is no longer dry they notice

that the lips are no longer cracked

anymore so if you were curious about

what causes this it’s a b2 deficiency

thanks for watching if you’re liking

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