What to Eat for Your Body Type? | DrEricBergDC

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in this video I’m going to cover what to

eat based on your body type now there’s

some similarities and there’s some

differences so I’m gonna go through each

one so you can kind of get it but

there’s two ways of doing this number

one if you’re pretty much sure that what

body type you have you can go right to

that eating plan and you’re going to

customize what meals that you want based

on your body type but if you’re a mixed

body type or you feel like you’re

although the body types then the best

thing to do is start out with the dream

and body type why because I would say

80% of the people are adrenal and

because here’s the thing let’s say you

do the adrenal body type eating plan and

it doesn’t feel good to you it doesn’t

click with you because it should feel

right then just go right to another body

type eating plan so I would start with

the adrenal and then if you don’t seem

to feel as good or are you not losing as

much weight go right to the liver okay

the ovary type and the thyroid are very

specific to you’ll know you have that

body type it’s actually very rare to

have a primary thyroid but if you’re on

thyroid medication then you you should

probably just go right to that or the

ovary type is very very similar but

you’re gonna have weight mainly mainly

in the lower part only like the hips and

the thighs and that type of thing

so I would start here and then go to

here if you’re confused chances are

you’re going to go right here you’re

gonna do very very well okay so let’s

talk about the adrenal body type the

basic categories of food that you should

focus on number one is higher amounts of

protein and I’m not talking about what’s

recommended is high my high is actually

low if you look at what is recommended

by the food pyramid whatever I mean they

recommend like I think 125 grams of

protein which is way way too high

we recommend between three and six

ounces per meal okay of protein animal

protein now the reason why the adrenal

needs more protein is simply because

their body is breaking down more protein

in the muscles and collagen in the skin

everything’s kind of falling apart so

you need to replace that if you don’t


that protein you’re gonna feel a little

bit weaker okay so and I’m not saying

that you should by eating like just

because you’re losing protein your hair

nail skin eyes doesn’t mean that eating

that protein is going to work what we’re

trying to do is fix the hormone part of

this so you can’t a belies the hormones

all right and it metabolize the protein

so it can actually be utilized by the

body so I have found people do actually

a little bit better sometimes in the

liver by cutting down protein and then

eating more vegetables cleaning up the

liver else in their hair comes back and

those kinds of things but I mean we’re

just talking about three six ounces per

meal of animal protein if you’re

vegetarian then do spirulina try to find

some other protein some protein powder I

prefer you do actual like eggs fish

chicken things like that and make sure

it’s organic or free-range if possible

so we got high protein and then we have

high fat and I’m not talking about deep

fried Twinkies I’m talking about nuts

avocados cheese plain yogurt organic

yogurt whole milk yogurt the reason why

we need a bit more fat is because those

hormones are made from cholesterol

interestingly so what we want to do is

we’re just you have to realize too that

like nuts and avocados and vegetable

type fats don’t have any cholesterol in

them just FYI and plus we’re going to be

cleaning our liver at the same time so

you’re not gonna have to worry about it

so the point is we need a little bit

more fat because typically an adrenal

case has blood sugar issues and if

they’re if you don’t have enough fat in

the diet you tend to crash and burn and

you don’t feel like you’re satisfied so

the most important time to have that

protein is in the early part of the day

not right before bed so like right after

breakfast or at breakfast that’s what’s

recommended okay we don’t recommend the

cruciferous vegetables that would be

kale broccoli brussel sprouts except

kale is probably going to be okay for

you in that kale shake but we don’t

necessarily recommend the other

cruciferous vegetables simply because

adrenal cases typically have bloating

with those vegetables they get bloated

if you’re bloating and you’re gas from

those or your stomach pain you should

not be consuming those vegetables

instead consume other types of

vegetables like romaine lettuce spinach

tomato carrot celery those types of

things and I’ll give you a list in the

document below so we recommend seven

cups of vegetables why because somehow

we have to get the nutrition in your

body and most the vitamins are in the

vegetable okay so that’s generally what

you do for the adrenal type those are

the most most important now the ovary is

similar in that you need high protein

higher fat but we prefer if you do more

dairy like kefir yogurt cheese but we

have to have it organic okay and you can

get that at all sorts of stores and it

says no our BST BST BTS BST yeah yeah

it’s no rBST that’s no hormones okay so

that’s what you would want to pay

attention to on the label if you’re

getting cheese so we want that now

typically those um there are certain

factors in the area that actually

support the ovary type and they usually

crave that so instead of ice cream cream

cheese cheesecake we’re doing cheese

dairy kefir yogurt things like that

alright these types the ovary type needs

cruciferous why because cruciferous are

anti estrogenic they have those

properties that balance estrogen it’s

very important to clean up that estrogen

because ovary type is producing too much

estrogen so we want to clean it out and

the Cal shake would be good but don’t be

afraid to have broccoli brussel sprouts

cabbage things like that as well it’s

very cancer protecting as well now this

type no soy but I don’t recommend soy in

general but specifically this type you

should not be doing any soy and it’s

interesting because you have soy protein

isolates you have the powders and the

health bars and the protein bars and the

health shakes and all the different pre


there’s food diets have the soy as their

protein very bad low quality and you can

actually create a tumor in it as a


all right so ovary cases are estrogen

dominant so cruciferous will balance it

out so that’s the ovary

now we have the liver liver lower

protein probably three ounces per meal

why because the worse off the liver the

less you can digest protein the liver is

the organ that helps to metabolize the

protein so if you take someone with a

bad liver and you give them a lot of

protein they’re gonna have a lot of

digestive issues it’s going to be very

hard on the liver in fact what destroys

the liver is large quantities of cooked

meat or cook fat or deep fried fat so

that’s why you don’t go low fat low

protein and when people get older they

can’t digest as much red meat or other

proteins because the liver is getting

bad one indication that your health

unhealthy livers that you don’t digest

red meat and you don’t do well don’t

tolerate fat but they really crave fat

so they can have some but you’re going

to probably have to add what’s called

some bile salts that’s bile salts and

you can get them I have them it’s called

gall bladder support formula but that

has bile salts to help you digest more

fats that works really good if you bloat

burp belch and the thing about the liver

is that has you have problems on the

right side because of livers on the

right side so you would really the more

fat that you consume the more you’re

gonna have red shoulder pain or bloating

or even headaches most headaches are

liver or gallbladder problems now

cruciferous very very very important to

consume these vegetables because

cruciferous not only have the most

nutrition but they have what’s called

phytonutrients what pack is about a

nutrients those are the plant-based

chemicals that have unique properties

that are fight against many other

diseases like cancer like macular

degeneration like prostate problems like

breast cancer like all sorts of other

diseases so the drug companies actually

have done massive research to try to

isolate those chemicals

within the food that we eat and then

then they can patent those things but

for example kale has over 600

carotenoids what’s the carotenoid it’s a

it’s a phytonutrient that actually is a

has it’s like kind of like all the

different colored pigments dark green

dark purple dark red orange yellow are

phytonutrients and you can call them

antioxidants but phytonutrients are

really the true name and they have a lot

of great properties to protect you and

keep you healthy iceberg lettuce doesn’t

have any phytonutrients okay and the

reason why you need those those factors

is that the liver is 3 and 1/2 pounds so

it needs something raw or in that shake

to be able to clean and heal the liver

the liver it loves bitter vegetables and

that’s why the cruciferous work very

well on that so you want to consume

those vegetables in large quantities 7

to 10 cups a day to actually heal the

liver there’s some good news and bad

news the good news about the liver it’s

the one of the only organs that can

completely regenerate 100% the bad news

it takes 3 years of healthy eating to

achieve a brand new liver so again this

is going to help you so it’s going to

protect you I mean even in your skin

your face it has a lot of vitamin A

which is how helps the skin but if you

have a little bile salts you’ll absorb

more of the vitamin fat side with

vitamins vitamin A and you’re going to

be better like if you have dry skin and

you’re taking all this kale you stew up

dry skin you’re just lacking the bile to

absorb that fat soluble vitamin okay one

thing about the liver is that liver

cases don’t do well on peanut butter and

nuts and that’s that seems to aggravate

it so they get bloating or right

shoulder pain so just if you have that

you know cut those down then we have the

thyroid the thyroid body type is waking

all over and they just have a very slow

metabolism and they don’t do well with

high quantities of protein so we’re

going to want to go low protein 3 ounces

we want to go low-fat because they can’t

digest that and then we want to go know

cruciferous simply because sometimes

cruciferous can deplete the iodine now

you can do cruciferous as long as you

add iodine or seek help in the

so you can add some sea kelp and seaweed

and as a like maybe put in your salad or

something and then then you can consume

the cruciferous because cruciferous does

deplete iodine okay so those are the

those are things with thyroid one thing

I want to bring up right here if these

are general rules of thumb it’s not

written in stone and you want to think

with information you might modify this

by having a little bit of this and

depending on how you feel for example

let’s say you do one of these diets and

you start getting bloating there’s two

reasons for bloating number one you have

a gallbladder problem and you need bile

salts okay if you have burping belching

bloating or it could be those nuts that

you’re consuming or peanut butter then

you need more bath salts or cut down the

nuts and seeds because the fats not

being digested or it could be the

cruciferous vegetables why because many

people especially people with digestive

problems and adrenal issues cannot

digest those heavy fibers from the from

the broccoli and they have stomach pain

and bloating if you have that you have

to cut those out right now it’s really a

lack of a certain enzyme which is means

it’s lacking a certain bacteria that you

don’t have in your gut because the

adrenal is destroyed it so you can

slowly build it up but for right now

just avoid it now if you get tired on

any one of these programs you need more

protein so start increasing the protein

some people leave more than others

you can’t put everyone on the same diet

so just keep increasing it until your

fatigue goes away I know in my book in

chapter 10 I am making some tweaks

because if you’re in adrenal case and

you go on that eating plan it says don’t

eat any protein but you’re going to get

a little bit tired if you have an

adrenal case now if you have cravings

for sweets all that means is you didn’t

consume enough quantity of vegetable so

really put attention on at least 7 to 10

cups of vegetables it’s not hard to do

if you do a kale shake and a couple

thoughts but it’s the most important

thing because that’s how we’re going to

heal your body but if you’re low on

potassium because you’re not having the

any vegetable you’re gonna keep craving

carbs your carb cravings should go away

within a couple days by consuming enough

greens and then lastly the right

shoulder pain that is the liver issue

that means that you’re consuming too

many nuts

or peanut butter or something something

like that because when people start

doing this program a lot of times they

start loading up with nuts and they feel

really bloated in the right shoulder

pain so that will give you some

guidelines but go through the program

pick your meal plans go ahead and start

today and I’ll see you in the next video