The #1 Thing that STOPS You From Losing Belly Fat: Not Sugar or Carbs | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the top thing that can

stop your ability to lose your

midsection your belly fat and you’re

probably thinking it’s sugar right or

carbs but there’s something else that’s

uh of equal magnitude in preventing you

from losing your belly fat so let’s say

for example you’re at the gym you’re

doing exercise you’re doing sit-ups and

this midsection just does not come off

no matter what and when I go to the gym

I do see a lot of people exercising for

months without much loss and there’s

also people on keto and people doing

intermittent fasting that still just

cannot lose that belly So today we’re

going to talk about this really

important barrier in getting your

stomach flat but warning you may

actually not like what I’m about to tell

you in fact you may click off after

hearing this but realize I’m going to

give you some good news I’m going to

give you a solution to this I hate when

someone gives you a video of bad news

bad things happening in the world but

they then don’t give you a solution so

what am I talking about

I’m talking about


specifically wine A lot of people are

drinking wine yet they’re eating healthy

and they’re doing keto and they’re doing

fasting but they still just cannot lose

their midsection a lot of times they’ll

hear the concept that you know pure

alcohol is not a carb so therefore it’s

keto friendly because ketosis is all

about lowering your carbohydrates

or maybe they’ve heard that there’s such

a thing as keto friendly wine because

there’s no residual sugars in the wine

because a lot of times wine actually has

residual sugars you know small amounts

but they still have sugar and that also

includes a category of mixed drinks with

added sugar or beer that has you know

hidden sugars but typically if we look

at pure alcohol it’s not a carb it’s not

a sugar it’s something else

it doesn’t even necessarily increase

your blood sugars or even insulin


indirectly it creates very severe

insulin resistance but not directly you

know I was traveling recently and uh I

was at the airport and I needed to get

some water and all they had is a bar so

I went to the bar and I asked for some


he says you sure you don’t want to drink

I said no I’m good come on you you only

live once go ahead have a drink you know

you work hard you play hard so I think

in a social setting it’s a it’s a bit

more difficult to say now you know and

you see these commercials where people

are drinking alcohol and beer and wine

and they all look so healthy they should

probably show what a heavy drinker looks

like when he or she drinks alcohol

probably not the picture of health so

what is the problem with drinking

alcohol like wine for your belly

well it all has to do with this thing

called the liver the liver cells called

hepatocytes treat alcohol like a poison

so they have to get rid of it and

there’s a couple different things that

it does it um initially turns it into a

more reactive more poisonous thing which

I’m not going to get into the names of

it but it actually goes through this

process to try to get rid of alcohol and

the effect of this toxicity of alcohol

on the hepatocyte the liver cell is that

it injures the liver cells it creates

trauma and it can kill the liver cells

and in this process this biochemical

breakdown you develop fat on that liver

cell the hepatocyte which then starts

turning your liver into a fatty liver

with that also comes a lot of


and scarring as a byproduct okay and if

that keeps going for a period of time

you can develop cirrhosis and then that

increases your risk of getting liver

cancer and all sorts of other issues the

other problem with alcohol is it greatly

increases your estrogen in men okay and

then at the same time it lowers your

testosterone and you probably have heard

of the benefits of drinking alcohol just

in moderation

recently they found that was just a

marketing thing put out by industry in

fact they found no benefits of drinking

any amount of alcohol at all the other

problem with alcohol is that it’s an

empty calorie that’s right alcohol has

calories now if you look at the quantity

of calories in a gram okay like in a

carbohydrate you have like four calories

per gram in protein you have four

calories per gram and a fat you have

nine calories per gram

with alcohol you have seven calories per

gram so it’s almost as much as fat

calories and it’s not nutrient dense

calories it’s empty calories which means

it actually has to utilize certain

nutrients to metabolize it so it’ll use

up certain nutrients like B1 folate

other B vitamins

um zinc copper things like that

so alcohol depletes these nutrients

especially B1 so the more alcohol or

wine that you drink the less B1 you’re

going to have and that creates all sorts

of other side issues like anxiety worry

excessive thinking when you’re trying to

go to bed at night nervous tension

restless leg syndrome and just Plano

fatigue as well as a hangover now fifty

percent of the population drinks alcohol

okay so chances are you’re in that

category and five percent of that fifty

percent are heavy Drinkers and so this

video is just all about increasing the

awareness primarily focusing on your

belly because as that liver becomes more


that that then has to then go somewhere

so it spills off into around the organs

as what’s called ectopic fat and then in

between the organs as visceral fat and

that’s why the belly starts expanding

and if you’re doing the ketogenic diet

or you’re doing intermittent fasting and

you’re drinking alcohol on the weekends

whatever it’s going to be really hard if

not impossible to get rid of this belly

fat because of what happens to the liver

after you drink alcohol you have this

effect where it blocks the ability to

oxidize or burn fat for a period of time

a lot longer than you might think so

let’s say for example you had a couple

glasses of wine don’t expect to burn fat

for probably 48 to 72 hours after that

episode so let’s say for example you

don’t drink on a daily basis you just

drink every three days that alcohol

really affects the brain cognitive wise

mood wise if affects the endocrine

system the hormone system I already

mentioned blurring of testosterone

increasing estrogen it also affects your

gut okay the gut microbiome which has a

whole bunch of other issues connected

with that

it affects the heart it creates a lot of

negative things what should you be doing

well realize the effects of alcohol and

maybe you just want to stop it all

together especially if you want to get

rid of this belly okay if you can’t do


because of these Cravings you have take

a look at the real reason why you are

drinking is it to reduce stress

is it more for social situations well

just avoid those environments where you

keep getting yourself into you know

don’t gather where other people are

drinking find some friends that are

non-drinkers don’t keep alcohol in the

house find some other ways to reduce

stress there’s a lot of things like

certain herbs and like lemon balm tea is

a good one ashwagandha herb is another

good one B1 is one of the best things

for stress reduction try to find a

natural one and I found recently that if

you take it right before bed boy does it

help your sleep as well and you’ll just

go right to sleep and then you’ll wake

up and you’ll feel really refreshed

and especially if you have been drinking

alcohol or especially wine you’re going

to find that it’s going to fulfill a

deficiency and you’re just going to feel

a lot better within minutes usually the

other thing you can do if you just can’t

give up the alcohol is to dilute the

alcohol with maybe sparkling water for

example in your wine just fill it up

with water so you have half and half so

now you’re drinking at the amount which

has half of the negative effects the

other thing you can do is to take milk

thistle before you go to this social

activity where you’re you know you’re

going to be drinking wine what’s so

interesting about milk thistle is that

milk thistle protects the liver against

poisons okay Tylenol poisoning snake


poisoning from mushrooms it’s a very

unique natural herb that can also help

if someone has cirrhosis or inflammation

in the liver or a fatty liver and the

last solution I’m going to recommend is

Kombucha Tea try to find one with the

least amount of sugars but Kombucha tea

has this interesting

texture uh feel like it’s a carbonated

beverage similar to beer it’s kind of

thick acidic and it gives you a nice

relaxed feeling and it even has a little

bit of alcohol in it a very tiny amount

but it’s a good

um kind of a transitional product off

alcohol so just go ahead and get some

Kombucha tea and use that as your

substitute so now that we covered

the wine and alcohol situation there are

some other things to also help you get

rid of your belly fat and if you haven’t

seen this popular video I put it up

right here check it out