How Do I Know If I'm Stressed? – Dr.Berg On Signs of Stress | DrEricBergDC

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hello I had another question from someone they wanted to know how do I

know if I’m stressed so I just want to do a little video on how do you know if

you’re stressed okay so there’s some objective tests

that you can do like Raglan’s test will you take your blood pressure lying down

and then you take it standing up and you’re really going to look at the

Cystic that’s the top number not the bottom look at the top number only and

you’re going to compare those two numbers now normally when you’re lying

down and standing up with gravity your body should adjust between 6 and 10

points higher when you’re standing up now with adrenal it’ll go like way

higher than 10 or it goes lower because your body is not adapting it can’t

compensate for simple gravitational changes so that’s why if you get up too

quickly and you feel light-headed that’s enter adrenal symptom as well so that’s

Raglan’s number 2 the iris test this is we’ve shot a little flashlight in your

eye and into contract like that and maintain that contraction for at least

15 seconds too longer what will happen with with adrenal it will start going

back and forth like this because it can’t maintain that contraction that

little diaphragm that causes that contraction that shuts out the light

kind of like a aperture in your your camera or just it’s adjusting the light

well it’s controlled click on the dimmer it’s like a dimmer switch but it’s

controlled by the autonomic nervous system which happens to be intimately

involved in the adrenal glands and the plight of fight mechanism so when that’s

you lose that it shows up in that little test and I will put links on all these

different tests I’ve done videos on them so you can check it out the scratch test

you can take a little like a little paper clip and just kind of scratch

yourself if it turns like a white a little white marker that leaves a white

mark for any period of time like after I don’t know 5 10 minutes it’s still like

a mark like a scratch or even turns red that’s usually an adrenal because the

with adrenal you get high levels of histamine so you you tend to have these

immune issues and inflammatory issues very easily ok and subscribe to us I

think I have a video on that one yet ok hair analysis there’s a

the hair analysis I think it’s from Canada I’ll find the link and I’ll put

it down below but the hair analysis is very similar to an a.1 scene that

measures your blood sugars for three months it’ll measure cortisol for a

period of your hair growing so it gives you an average picture of what’s

happening over a period of time to cortisol I love it way better than the

blood test or even every four hours because it’ll tell you what’s going on

so that’s a really good cortisol test if you really want to find out you got to

send some hair in though so alright so now these are objective tests let’s talk

about the subject of how you’re feeling one is you’re a big indicator of of

stress is your tolerance to stress or your strength of the adrenal this

tolerance for stress do things get on your nerves easily do people irritate

you easily how much patience do you have do little things bug you okay that’s

adrenal that’s like a great little measurement of how your adrenals are do

you fly off the handle easily okay can you tell the relative stress well

adrenal number two cognitive with adrenal you’re always

thinking 24/7 like popcorn thoughts in your brain can’t turn off especially

before sleep so we have that and then we also have your ability to focus on one

project at a time without being dispersed and going off to another

project so a classic adrenal cases are multitaskers and they think they’re more

productive but in reality their power is their attention and with their if it’s

dispersed they lose that lose their productivity but because they’re moving

really fast it seems like they’re really productive they do not like to be stuck

in traffic so as long as they’re moving we’re okay but they have to be moving

constantly okay then we have the feeling of being productive with adrenal you’re

in a state of plight of fight mode so you’re in a survival mode so no matter

what you do during the day you never feel like you’re productive so even if

you get this much done you’re like I should have went for this you’re just

not satisfied because the adrenal glands are the survival glance and they’re not

feeling quite great so you not going to ever feel like you’re surviving

and then how do you feel in the morning when you wake up do you need coffee when

you wake up are you bright and to focus in the more was it take you a while to

wake up well my adrenals were really bad in my late 20s a couple years ago I’m

just kidding I’m 52 when I was like 28 I took me to 11 o’clock in the morning

to physically wake up because I was so burnt out with my adrenals I had serious

issues with that and then also your overall mood with the adrenal your mood

is kind of like in this stress state anxiety moody not happy worried about

everyone like a adrenal case with like a mother who’s always worried about their

kids constantly it’s obsessed how they are they surviving are they safe where

are they now that’s happened that’s adrenal it’s totally adrenal and that’s

like they’re stressed out okay so and then jet-like like recently I flew from

the east coast to the west coast and the back within a couple days and I just had

pretty good but with an adrenal case you would basically it would take a while to

bounce back now when I was very I remember I went on vacation when I was

like 28 we flew to Cabo San Lucas from San Diego that’s not that far away it’s

like I think it’s the same time zone so I flew by the time I get to my

destination my lungs are filled up with fluid I’m like what is going on here so

with adrenal like this shift in position in location it could stress you out and

your body reacts to it so I couldn’t go anywhere so it was very very my adrenals

were very weak so these are all subjective objective testing so yes you

need to be walking more you need to get space every single day make sure you

don’t over train you need to get more sleep take naps use the acupressure

techniques that I talked about for sure but as far as nutritional supplements

there’s one that I highly recommend if your stress is called adrenal cortisol

relief this is my best product for adrenal stress and what it

does it’s like a chill pill it supports healthy adrenals but it will give you a

greater sense of ease and peacefulness and relaxation and you’ll feel like a

stress free if you feel stress free it’s like if your spouse is stressed out just

flips them on their coffee don’t tell them they’ll be really nice to you and

it’s quite amazing so thanks for watching and put your

comments below hi guys hey listen I created a pretty

amazing evaluation quiz down below that actually analyzes your symptoms to find

the cause the root cause of all of your symptoms the most likely cause so take

the quiz now and we’ll send you report