3-Year Follow Up Interview with 600+ lb Steve | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I have a very interesting

follow up from a video we did before on

Stephen Ozma and this guy started out

600 pounds okay I’m having a video up I

mean a picture up right now we’re gonna

look at the progression of where he came

from where he is now because people

wanted to know

is he still maintaining his way how was

he doing so I think it’s been like 3

years now right oh yeah

3 years of Socktober 6 since I started

awesome first of all they’re not gonna

believe that you were 600 pounds right


but you were 600 pounds yeah 610 yeah


let me just can I just recap on your how

you got that big because you know like

you weren’t born 600 pounds how did you

end up being 600 pounds um just I was I

was always like 375 most of my life and

then I kind of quit working at a really

physical job and I moved to a city and I

had a more sedentary job and it’s this

slowly kind of crept on and crept on

over about a 8-year period 10 year

period and the problem was I got so big

then I was like oh I’m gonna try

tomorrow and then 3 4 years later you

know it just it just happened and then

all of a sudden I made a decision to

start and then I lost and capped it off

and it’s I’ve tried like yeah as I told

you before trying to lose it all those

other ways it never worked you know

until I started Aikido and it’s probably

been you know the best thing I’ve ever

done and it’s been pretty easy actually

to do it and you also did in a minute

fasting - right I’ve been doing

intermittent fasting now for a year and

3 months I have one meal a day I’m a 23

while I may be 23 and a half I have one

meal a day and that’s it

okay yeah so so here you are 600 pounds

it seems to me that if you’re 600 pounds

literally I can’t imagine how your knees

would feel walking going up stairs going

on an airport singing in a plane like

times it’s just like a whole different

different experience I can’t imagine

what was it like

it was tough like I was for 600 pounds I

was fairly mobile but like going up and

down stairs it was tough going into

sitting in a booth summer if it was a

booth instead of a chair or chairs with

arms and then of course the plane I had

to have the arm up and then it’s the

poor guy sitting beside me right so it

was tough everything you kind of had to

plan out your your challenge right it

was everything was logistics or she

couldn’t sit there be there it was tough

what did you ever notice people looking

at you pointing to you or anything like

that that was probably my worst one that

can supermarkets you know everybody

would look at you and they were kind of

sneer but it was a little kids they

would like point to their moms like look

how fat that boy look how fat that man

is mom and then of course their moms to

be embarrassed but there was a lot of

that because you didn’t really realize

how big you were until you see picture

you’re standing beside somebody else and

then you don’t when you’re that big you

don’t think well I’m not that big that’s

not that bad so I wanna I want to dig

into what you just said there because I

suspected that you haven’t really

confronted or face yourself in the

mirror you’re probably going around

thinking okay you know you’re probably

not looking at the mirror yourself

inspecting right now no no it’s when you

get beside somebody and then somebody

points out then you’re like okay I gotta

take a look at this and then you kind of

brush it off and there’s lots of denial

when you’re that big it’s like

everything else like oh I don’t have a

problem I don’t have and then you

actually really do that’s just amazing

cuz I did have one gal she was very

large and she the reason what got her to

change as she saw a shadow of herself

and she didn’t recognize a shadow I’m

like I mean don’t you look in the mirror

like she didn’t happen just didn’t see

it just kind of block that out so wow I

always knew it was there but I was like

oh yeah tomorrow I can get on it

tomorrow start I can do it tomorrow and

but then you kind of get into routine as

like tomorrow turns into a month turns

into six months turns into a year yeah

and you know it’s always a tough thing

because you’ve tried like I tried like

all the JT craves the diet standards

like all the stuff I could possibly read

that you know the low fat stuff it never

worked I could last maybe a week or two

and then I couldn’t do it and as I told

you before is Joe Rogan that’s how I

kind of got on

kyoya’s watch his podcast and it was

something intriguing and then I kind of

got onto Jimmy Moore I got on to you and

I did my research for like a month like

I found out the beginning September and

I started doing my research I got onto

you and then Stephanie this three you

basically got me started and then I

started doing keto and then once I

started it was just the most amazing

thing and it was easy and I could stay

on it you know one month turned into two

months to three months and I started

sleeping you know the weight started

coming off and it was pretty pretty easy

so easy because you you weren’t hungry

or because you could eat fatty foods I

wasn’t hungry the biggest thing was the

first two three weeks yeah I had you

know the keto flu or I was going through

the withdrawals it was a little tough

but then after that I was you know

eating the three meals a day I was

having the bacon the eggs you know I was

eating pretty good food so it was really

easy and I was dropping weight pretty

good but my problem at the beginning was

I was reading too many books really you

know up to fat have all this fat I was

taking MCT oil and I was adding all that

stuff on and it was then after about

probably six months I wasn’t losing that

much well I was losing weight but not as

much as I thought it was should be

that’s right I told you I reached out to

Tristan then you just had on and I

actually hired him as my keto coach and

he basically turned me around and said

hey cut out all that extra fat that mc2

I’ll just eat natural food have that the

fat in your hamburger you know start

cutting some of your meals down don’t do

what they’re seeing just get really

simple and eat whole food so once I did

that that’s when I really shot down like

I shot down real then I stole it again

and I started watching you and you

started talking about internet fasting

that’s where I started you know a year

and a half ago May and then I really

jumped my last big done because I was

having a little bit of problems again

with the three meals a day you know

doing here the two meals a day then I

really got down an intimate fasting and

I’ve been doing that now for a year and

a half and I wouldn’t do one mill and I

I couldn’t even eat two meals a day now

it’s so easy and like traveling and

going to friends I have one meal a day

and sometimes they don’t eat that meal

if I’m too busy

and I go two days how much how much do

you weigh now I’m down to 248 it’s been

kind of a weird year I was 264 last year

in our interview I got down to 248 but I

dropped a couple close sizing and waist

sizes but I’m actually I have a scale

that imma keep an eye on my like you

know my body fat and my muscle

I gained 18 pounds of muscle on this

last year so it’s kind of a it’s been a

weird year I haven’t lost like a ton of

weight but I’m still happy I lost you

know down to 248 but I’ve actually put

on a lot of muscle so I always wanted to

get down at 225 but I think I’m gonna

kind of be in this area this 242 248 I

do have a few more pounds Liz but it

hasn’t slowing down for me but I keep

going up through my muscle every month

I’m doing 2 pounds to a pound of muscle

because I’ve been working out five days

a week doing a lot of weights Wow so

this whole thing about weight near the

end kind of gotta throw it aside go on

your clothing size like that’s a big one

for me I went from a 3x now I’m down to

an extra-large 2x depends are closed I

went from a 40 38 waist ill at 36 38 and

just the whole shape of your body has

changed so you know everybody’s worried

about the scale I don’t you know in this

last year I just don’t really care about

it I kind of know I feel clothing size

but I’m gaining weight I know it’s kind

of funny we’re all trying to lose weight

but I’m gaining I’m getting the right

kind of weight in muscle yeah did they

ever do an ultrasound or any type of

test that that you detected a fatty

liver back then I know I’ve never did

any tests I’m actually going my doctor

right now of my cholesterol my LDLs a

little high and I keep trying he’s

trying to put me back on statins but my

HDL super high so I’ve talked him into

sending me to a cardiologist to get

those tests that we talked about to get

that done so I’m actually just in the

process of gonna go to a cardiologist

who can in Canada here can run those

tests we don’t we have free medical here

so my doctor’s gonna send me to

cardiologist to get attempts for the LDL

because I don’t know

want to go on statins you know you know

I I’m in really good health now and I

know what you’ve explained it many times

so is a lot of people you know I have

like a 1.57 HDL and my LDL is four point

seven he’s concerned I’m like I’m not

worried about it I’m like is it which

size is it he’s like oh I can’t tell you

because the tests that I do I can’t do

it so I got to go to a cardiologist

he’ll run those other blood tests that

the lifted chest or whatever those are

called so I don’t yeah we do so you know

no we’re gonna we were just talking to

Dave Feldman is the cholesterol guru

he’s coming to the summit and he’s gonna

be we’re just going through how we’re

gonna educate people on this because

it’s a good point that keeps coming up

and I think it comes up because we’re

obviously in in um you know brainwashed

into thinking cholesterol is bad but

here’s some really interesting this

observations on cholesterol and and why

it might be high when you’re keto it’s

basically has to do with energy delivery

it’s that’s all it has to do with

there’s nothing to do with anything else

but I just just got from Iver Cummings

who’s also coming this research thing

that he sent me that totally concludes

that LDL cholesterol and total

cholesterol do not in any way shape or

form contribute to heart disease heart

attacks zero and so I have this paper

I’m gonna release it at release it at

the summit so well it didn’t help us

here my doctor there was just an article

put out a probably on face book on all

the news that some big cardiologists

said that keto is terrible for us and

we’re all gonna have heart attacks so he

brought that article up to me I said I’m

not going on statins I’ve been off it


I’ve never felt better you know he’s a

little dip formula with your age and

when you we do the 10 here you’re you’re

at the 10% risk I’m like I’ll take my

chances then he’s like how about we go

into an agreement I’ll send you the

cardiologist let him decide so that’s

how I said okay if you want to send me

to another specialist yeah because they

don’t believe that I’ve lost all this


in this time I actually had to show my

doctor pictures doesn’t know how I’ve

done it he doesn’t know how I eat once a

day he still can you know the doctors

are confused and yeah you know they’re

on the old way so yeah the the more

educated they are the more educated they

are in the wrong information the more

the harder is to unfix their fixed ideas

and it’s it’s almost like that’s why I

like working with younger doctors

doctors that are more open and there’s

quite a few of them is a huge movement

of Doc’s that are actually going into

more Quito so okay so now I have a

question like when you were when you

weighed 600 pounds did you have a

tremendous amount of food or did you

have a moderate amount of food but it

was mainly carbohydrates well what did

you eat ah I eat a lot of sandwiches I

was big into the breads and the deli

meats and then pizza and chips okay I

think that quite a bit but I didn’t eat

a lot during the day what my worst thing

is I would get home from work and then I

would have way too much I never was big

into sugar so yeah I was I was a carb

guy you know they had to work sweets the

pizza I’m single I’m not married so I

would order food in or I would go buy

the stuff I liked and yeah I eat too

much because it was a comfort thing as

icky the worst thing was for me is like

you’re working in you’re busy and I’m

just and you get home and you really

crave that and you want it so you want

so bad so you eat it but after you’re

done eating to say that Pizza you feel

so shitty you’re so down it’s like that

whole mood side in crash like I know I

should have done this I should have went

to the gym I’m no tomorrow I’m not gonna

have this pizza and I went on that

battle for two years three years and

people have used to tell me you’re

depressed but I didn’t think I was the

best sons get up every day going to work

they’re like you know you need to

smarten up so there’s but my biggest

issue that I was having near the end my

I had water attention in my lower legs

and I died is probably my biggest

problem and too nowadays since I had

such bad water retention in my lower

legs they you know they would swell they

were like the redness I do have a skin

issue from that so my skin is fairly

weak so if I actually bump my

and my skin kind of peels like an onion

and there’s nothing really we can do

about it it heals but I do have a little

bit after all of a sudden I have the

skin but I also have my lower shins

where I had the water retention that

skins never really gonna come back I’ve

been told because of just the water

attention and your skin down there so

that was my worst thing and still I do

have quite a bit of a skin issue still

because you know I was in a deck so now

it’s never gonna go away I’ve been to a

couple Plastic Surgeons they tell me the

operations are huge like you know

they’re gonna do like the upside down

tea cut it like it’s like you’re out for

six weeks they have drains in for me I’m

happy with what I look like I do have

the skin but hey it’s a reminder to

never get back there right I’m not gonna

go do it it’s $100,000 I have to do five

operations there’s five different

operations to get rid of all the skin

and then you have all the scars I met an

age now I’m happy I’m not gonna do it

cuz I don’t want to be out for two years

no and it’s a major operation so at the

end of the day it doesn’t bother me you

know I’ve been happy with it I kept had

this full year to go back and forth I’ve

seen some specialists and you know I

don’t want to do that it’s it’s a pretty

major operation yeah yeah I could

imagine that well the positive note when

you’re doing in a minute fasting like

you are that will improve some of it

over time yeah if you could actually do

periodic prolonged fasting let’s let’s

say like every few months you go to 72

hours what will happen is like you’re

you’ll you’ll see even more change for

the skin because the amount of recycling

of the damaged proteins your body will

start sucking some of that back so that

will improve if you wanted to do that

yeah I do that like without even trying

because sometimes I go home or I’m on a

trip somewhere and there’s no food I

like all this it’s you know it gets to

be eight o’clock at night and I haven’t

ate that day oh the skipping go to the

next night and eight o’clock you know to

me I can go and I can go that far people

don’t you know and I still work oh the

thing is I do pretty good like I do 45

minutes a pretty hard way today and I do

at least 35 minutes of cardio I do you

know cardio I do that five days a week

and you know I’m getting little bit

older but like I’ve had really good

gains and I’m only I checked out my

protein because you guys are always

asking me I’m doing about 50 grams a day

of protein between you know my hamburger

and say it’s some cheese on it I do that

every day I kind of beat on a type of

guy that has five days we’ve had a ton

of the same ish meal what I have

increased though is my salad I used to

have a smaller square cell and now I

have the one big one so and I’m doing

more of a power greens I was always

eating kale now I’m doing one called an

organic power mix it’s just got arugula

spinach kale and some chars in it and I

have one of those everyday religiously

Lions so that’s what I eat I you know

pretty simple if I go to a restaurant

you’ll have a Caesar salad or a

hamburger no bun but you know I’m down

to one meal at a half-hour a day and you

know I you know a couple times a day

twice a day which I didn’t even feel

good so you know because you’re opening

an event or something but 99% of the

time I’m down to one meal half hour the

15 minutes it takes me to eat that meal

and that’s all I have it and that’s at

the end of the day I don’t interfere I

don’t eat in the morning I don’t eat to

like 7:30 8 o’clock at night after my

old day is done because I don’t have

time and you know I’ve never felt better

I guess probably the the biggest thing I

can tell people is intermittent fasting

is probably the only secret to this

whole to this whole like business that

we do but it takes a little bit of

determination and it takes a little bit

of skill but once you get on it and your

grocery bill goes down like I spend next

nothing on money and food like people go

out and they order all this stuff and I

you know I I I don’t spend more than a

hundred $125 a month on food and I’m I’m

6 foot tall I’m 47 years old and I eat a

pretty nice meal every day I don’t know

so incredible incredible this is this is

good data an average person who’s not

overweight in their lifetime

Toomes 56 tons of food and I’m talking

about the guy that’s doing three meals

two snacks so I think I think we’re

bodies really don’t need as much as food

as we think but the cool thing is like

you’re not doing low calories per se

you’re actually having just roti

you’re having a good meal yeah so

everyone says like hawking of the same

kind of stuff so i’ll do two hamburger

patties that I make you know by hand and

I cook those at kind of mash them up

then I put some shredded cheese on it I

put some I use Frank’s hot sauce and

then I put my spices on and have that on

top I put that back in the microwave

melt the cheese on top I have that last

so I have my big salad first I put my

spices on there add my olive oil mix

dressing I eat that first I’m feeling

pretty full after that salad and then I

have my nice tasty hot meal at the end

and I’m full and I’m always satisfied in

everyone’s like how can you be the same

thing every day just about well by the

time you go to eat your meal at you know

after 23 hours it looks pretty good to

you yes they see and that’s all you need

because I know I need to have that salad

I need to have the nutrients and I

actually enjoy the salad for some reason

like why don’t you cook like broccoli

why don’t you just like to me doing all

those extra recipes you might get in a

habit of eating too much and you don’t

really need it tell me that’s really

that’s all right

I’m a sink I’m a single guy I didn’t

don’t have time to sit there and cook

all these fancy they make keto meals and

the biggest thing that I’ve had this

last year to go on besides this I’ve

actually inspired quite a few people

that I know probably 10 to 15 Wow that

have done keto in the last year and I

don’t really preach to them about you

know I tell them kind of how to start

out they ask me a lot of questions and

I’ve had people lose over a hundred

pounds sixty-five pounds

they’ve never done better but people

don’t believe me like my sister I was

just back home and she’s been trying for

a year on Weight Watchers she’s lost 5

pounds over the whole year I was home a

month ago and she’s already down just

about 15 pounds she cannot believe it

and she’s eating food that she never

would have ate on Weight Watchers and

now her other friends in her little

Weight Watchers group they’re trying to

Iquitos so they kind of put Weight

Watchers aside and getting on keto

because you know for girls this little

tougher but I just but their problem is

they’re eating a little too much the

beginning so I said why do you have to

have two for meatballs have two

meatballs I try to see everybody just

start cutting back your food

you can’t just be open on keto to eat

five hamburgers ten pieces of bacon

salad you have to have portion control

and you don’t need a left food you’ll

feel fine so I didn’t yeah I think I

think especially when you’re doing in a

minute fasting like I tell people to do

it together in initial stages they know

they’re not gonna go for a period of

time with eating and the mental thought

is like oh my I better eat as much as I

can because I’m not gonna survive I’m

like and then I’ll listen you do it and

I’m like well I’m okay with this but the

problem is if you eat too much you’re

gonna be so freaking stuffed you’re

gonna feel comfortable you you can have

a decent meal because think about it

what you’re burning is you’re burning

also your own fat and that’s part of the

meal between the meals any look big one

that people don’t discuss enough is the

insulin when you eat a a meal I try to

tell this to the people that I’ve helped

there’s a credit people reach out to me

if you eat food you’re I always telling

you have four to five hours after you

even put a bite full of know like you

know absolute just fat your insulins

gonna go up so you can’t lose weight so

if you think you can eat this and have

another you know fat bomb or another

snack you’re never gonna lose weight you

have to like my success runs like how

did you lose 340 pounds in two years

well I found a solution you need that a

whole bit of time where there’s no food

in your body where that’s how you lose

this weight you only meet that one meal

a day but I tell people don’t go crazy

maybe do an eight hour eating window do

and then go down to a six hour and then

get down to a four hour and then if you

can’t get really good get down to that

half hour just have one meal a day and

you you have to get rid of that insulin

in your body you’re never gonna lose

weight it’s a huge one yeah tonight I’m

doing a webinar on in a minute fasting

we’re going to talk about a couple


related to what you just said which is

how much your insulin can within 24

hours of fasting your insulin drops by

70% so you drop in this insulin that is

the switch that allows you to now tap

into your own fat

get rid of inflammation and like even

like the swelling in your ankles that

was from all the starches and stuff it

was basically a severe probably a

vitamin b1 deficiency and that the heart

was working harder where but the other

thing is the diff when you when people

do keto sometimes they don’t do enough

vegetables and this is what happens

they’ll do well because they’re dropping

insulin but then they’ll plateau and one

of the reasons is because they don’t

have the diversity of microbes in the

gut to make things like butyric acid and

these other things that help you take

you to one step further they’ll they

help you with your blood sugars they

help with digestion I mean even

overweight people have a completely

different profile of microbes than

thinner people so I’m on the same

wavelength is what you’re talking about

since salad is the probably the most

important like and I’m trying to get my

people that I’m kind of coaching helping

out I’m like you need to eat this big

salad first they’re like I take five

white folds and I’m full I’m like just

trust me need it and eat it more it’ll

be the best thing for you because the

protein is what I need for muscles and

it’s giving me my little taste but I

actually enjoy the bigger salad and I

switched out about six months ago and

I’ve had better success I’m feeling way

more satiated satisfied and having

double the salad and it you know it just

helps more and like everyone’s like cool

you know your guts feel better your mood

feels better and it’s weird doubling the

salad not the protein the protein

actually makes me feel worse then

doubling that salad and I mix I was

always straight on kale for so long but

it’s hard to find straight organic kale

salads yeah she cut it stuff so I they

have this thing called I found a really

good one power greens and it’s got

everything in it I’ve been happy on that

I still take a little bit of my vitamin

regimen see I still do my potassium and

my magnesium and my multivitamins and a

few of those I do that every day but you

know the secret is and I still got some

fat to lose but you know the really

weird thing in this last year is I’ve

seen some people I go home and I’ve only

lost 14 pounds us last year ish but

they’re like holy God you got skinny

like they’ve really noticed it for some


I haven’t lost a lot of weight I lost

way more weight in the past but this

last year

I’m cuz I’ve gone down in sizes but I’ve

gained some muscle people are really

starting to notice now that you’re

skinnier than the normal person I’ve

never had that in the past I guess you

would say there’s a lot of people

noticing now even guys at work I haven’t

seen in a two weeks or like quite you’re

looking skinnier and only I may be a

loss like a powder it’s kind of a weird

one you know that sort of been seeing a

lot of it this year a lot of a lot more

people have noticed I’ve lost a lot less

weight this year but you’re kind of

shifting your body I don’t know what it

is it’s that it’s become position a

couple things that happened with your

liver has to your body has to eat up all

that fat from the liver and even the

pancreas before you can truly get rid of

insulin resistance so you have a lot of

metabolic things happening internally

that are probably a priority it’s like

rebuilding protein structures cellular

protein apparatuses versus just dumping

the excess energy which is fat so your

body has its own priority of what it

does and as long as you’re shrinking

you’re feeling good don’t take it as a

loss one point I want to bring up with

the protein which I’m in a total

agreement this is one thing we’re going

to talk about at the summit is that I’m

not going to kind of get off into two to

tactical but too much protein actually

makes your life a little bit shorter

because you’re actually it puts a lot of

waste into the liver and things like

that yeah so people actually live longer

if they have the right amount of protein

not nothingjust

and in the formula dye use now which is

basically like I knew you like your size

probably about 50 50 55 grams of protein

per day which is yeah that’s just like

that’s eight ounces okay so per day and

if you have that much and don’t go crazy

with too much you actually live longer

and especially new internment

fascinating you live a lot longer so


really important especially with

longevity let’s see what that big thing

that everybody tells me and so like if

you’re working out you you know you

should be gaining muscle like I you know

kept track because there’s some comments

made last year on your thing they’re

like well if you’re doing this and this

but I really kept track of the muscle

and I have gained quite a bit of muscle

it should I know because I’m getting way

stronger but you don’t need a lot of

this food and I have a lot of energy I

work all day you know I work around home

you know and then I go to the gym every

night and I still got I come home from

the gym I’m more energized like if I

don’t tell myself I got to eat I

probably forget about it cuz I’m even

more pumped after working out so this

whole thing of you need all this food

for energy you need all this other stuff

once you get yourself converted over and

you can stick to the intimate fasting

like I just put a scare so you know the

biggest thing I’ve been finding and all

these articles that are coming out

against us and say I think sugar

companies are after us I think the carb

companies are after us I think the

doctors at risk I keep saying no my

doctor keeps telling me to go on statins

I’m like no way like you know so the

threat to a very large industry and I’m

surprised we don’t actually hear more

because think about how much money is

tied in with carbs oh it’s hard you go

to a supermarket like I try to ruler I

try and find a few things I’m trying to

you know I test take people shopping to

show them how to read stuff and how to

do stuff and you know this is a tough

one out there that’s me I’m a simple

kind of guy like I’ll tell people if you

want really good success long-term is

stay simple find a few good things you

like and stay simple don’t go to these

keto books sorry P no people and have

all these elaborate meals cuz you’re

gonna end up eating too much you don’t

know your portion size and you’re gonna

eat too much yeah good point

very good point yeah I agree I’ll keep

it simple I mean what I eat I mean I’m

like I throw some salad in a bowl

I’ll have today I’ll be having a

hamburger and maybe it’s some nuts

that’s it that’s all I’m doing so it’s

like dr. burr once you create a video

I’m like it’s too boring it’s just you

so I’m the exact same way I get that

from my family and my friends endow me

they just shake their head at me and

like I am worse

despite that I had ever been satisfied

with the meal I have and I’m excited to

eat that meal there’s no issue about

being bored anymore

now now I know it’s a great way well

Stephen I really appreciate you doing

this follow-up because now people can

see that no you didn’t gain the weight


you’re continuously progress it is

working versus the Biggest Loser program

which you know that doesn’t really work

well do another one a year later here

and how great it’s gonna do you know

it’s like I’m having more success this

last year I’ve enjoyed this this last

year more than I’ve ever enjoyed

anything because I’ve been at a smaller

size my workouts again better I can I’ll

tell people I can shop close on a

regular rack I can you know I can fit in

any seat I don’t worry like you said at

the beginning I don’t worry about a

booth I’m like let’s go sit let’s get on

that plane see that’s all fly economy

you know right so it’s you know and I’m

traveling a lot more you know

socializing more so the whole thing of

where I was three years ago almost dead

to where I am now and then the life

ahead of me that I have and especially

then I’m at fasting yeah you know mrs.

Soto this is so huge well done Stephen

so thank thanks yeah thank you thank you