How Synthroid® can Harm your Bones: Crucial Bone Loss Side Effect | DrEricBergDC

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yeah I want to bring up some really

underappreciated factors in the

relationship to treating the thyroid

especially hypothyroidism with Synthroid

or some other synthetic hormones you

know unfortunately this is not a


treatment it’s a long-term treatment and

so you’re taking this hormone like what

are the side effects are there any side

effects other than the total dependency

on this hormone that you’re taking but

there’s another side effect that I want

to talk about that you probably are not

aware of when someone takes Synthroid

over a period of time especially if it’s

post-menopausal there’s a higher risk of

getting bone loss or osteoporosis or

even osteopenia so the question is why

and how that relates to maybe a better

option so this video mainly relates to

those people who want to continue to do

conventional care they don’t want to do

Alternative Care and or they’re already

on Synthroid okay this is a really

important video for those people you

know a lot of times when you get hormone

therapy whether it’s estrogen therapy or

even thyroid therapy you’re given this

one hormone but I have an interesting


if you’re getting treatment for the

thyroid okay with one hormone

and the thyroid produces more than one


what’s happening with these other

hormones or let’s say for example you

get a thyroidectomy the complete thyroid

removed right and then they treat it

with one hormone which is T4 so what

about the other hormones what about T3

what about T2 what about T1 that’s right

and what about calcitonin right

calcitonin is another hormone in your

body and guess what it’s produced by the

thyroid gland so if you had your thyroid

removed or you have hypothyroidism

what’s happening with that hormone where

is it coming from and why isn’t your

doctor giving it to you well they might

say well we don’t really understand that

hormone it doesn’t seem to be a problem

but let’s just take a look at what it

does okay so you can understand that it

does create problems if you’re if you’re

not taking it so calcitonin has

everything to do with regulating calcium

it works with another gland called the

parathyroid hormone produced by the

parathyroid which is connected to the

thyroid you have four of them two in the

top two in the bottom so both the

thyroid and the parathyroid work

together to help balance mainly calcium

but also other things like phosphorus

and even to a lesser degree magnesium so

what calcitonin does is it inhibits

the breakdown of bone okay there’s

certain cells in the bone that are

called osteoclasts and they break down

bone to release calcium into the

bloodstream whereas the parathyroid

hormone will increase calcium it helps

to mobilize calcium from the bone so you

you can see this teeter-totter effect

between these two glands well what

happens when you have your thyroid

removed or your parathyroid removed

either one and here’s the problem when

they take out the thyroid how do you

preserve the parathyroid without

damaging them you must have to either

leave some pieces in there or sometimes

maybe just remove the whole thing I

don’t know but these parathyroid glands

are very delicate and they’re connected

to the thyroid so many times when you

remove one thing the other is affected

anyhow if you have your thyroid

extracted or the parathyroid you’re now

at risk for bone loss okay whether it’s

osteopenia osteoporosis and now you know

why because you just removed the two two

key hormones that help regulate calcium

now there’s another kind of ignored

syndrome that there’s not a lot of

information about but it’s called Hungry

bone syndrome where the bone just starts

absorbing all this calcium leaving the

blood extremely low in calcium and this

occurs when you either have your thyroid

removed or especially when you have your

parathyroid removed so now we have this

other problem we have low calcium in the

blood okay here are the symptoms and you

should just know this if you have these

symptoms this could be why you know you

just don’t have enough of these hormones

that regulate calcium so you might have

numbness around the mouth or even in the

extremities hands and feet also muscle

spasms tetany twitching in your muscles

and various cramps maybe that wake you

up in the middle of the night and you

have certain bleeding or bruising

because calcium is also involved in the

clotting factors and without enough

calcium it’s hard to clot but also

realize you might be low in phosphorus

which affects your energy and your

ability to make ATP which is the energy

Reserve in the body as well as a lowered

amount of magnesium so these are just

things that you should know about going


surgery for your thyroid or if you have

hypothyroidism and you’re getting

treated or you’re on Synthroid they even

have a treatment it’s giving someone

calcitonin from salmon for

osteoporosis too much calcium in the

blood is called hypercalcemia because

calcitonin helps lower calcium and it’s

even used as a treatment for spinal

stenosis which happens to be like a

buildup of calcium in the spinal cord

causing pain things like that so I think

it’s really important to understand that

these glands make more than one hormone

and if you’re going to get treated

with Synthroid for some reason I would

bring up

the argument for taking Armor Thyroid it

comes from a natural source an animal

Source but at least armor has T4 T3 T2

T1 and calcitonin it was what they used

before they developed Synthroid it might

be more difficult for the doctor to

regulate but it contains all these

hormones so why wouldn’t you want to

take that or at least maybe take both I

don’t know but you can work that out

with your doctor but the point is when

someone says that well we don’t do that

anymore you better have a good reason

for it like for example it’s not going

to create any problems well show them

the references down in the description

of this video of the higher risk for

getting osteoporosis maybe they’re just

not aware of it I just wanted to put

this information on your radar and I

think it’s really relevant to talk about

the deeper causes of the thyroid as well

and I put that information in this video

right here