Chronic Post Nasal Drip Explained By Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys dr. Berg here in this video I’m going to  talk about chronic postnasal drip okay there’s  

two types one type it’s all year round it’s not  related to seasons necessarily and then the other  

version is like seasonal we have this post nasal  drip that’s basically an allergy let’s talk about  

this one first in this situation there’s a there’s  a very stubborn resilient fungus or mole growing  

in your sinuses okay and that’s creating this  mucus one of the only things I know that kills  

this thing well there’s two things one is garlic  I’m going to put a link down below of how to use  

the garlic nose nettie flesh but this is a really  good one too it’s oregano oil you can either take  

the couple drops and put it in a shot glass with  water and drink it through the day or better yet  

you can just can take the pearls these are this  oil in a pearl and consume those through the day  

and this is my favorite it’s actually get a neti  pot well you could take some either take a pearl  

and take a little bit of the oil and put it in the  water and heat it up and let the vapors go up into  

the sinuses but remember it’s very very strong so  just go light at first but but this will be very  

very good to actually kill off that the colonies  of fungus and mold up into the sinuses so that’s  

what you’re going to do of course the other two  things make sure that you don’t feed the fungus  

or mold what it likes to consume which is sugar  and milk sugar - like milk and sugar avoid those  

two things okay and try to avoid antibiotics if  at all possible so that’s what you do for that and  

then we have the seasonal allergies okay this is a  situation where you have high levels of histamine  

and that’s where you get all the mucus and runny  nose and that whole thing there is a natural  

remedy for that and it’s called it’s a type of  vitamin C and is a synthetic calcium ascorbate  

okay you can take it in like a gram several  times a day and you mix it with water I would get  

the one with bioflavonoids okay this is the only  time one of the only times that I would recommend  

taking a synthetic vitamin C because you need  large amounts dismantle the histamines it breaks  

down histamine it speeds up the immune system  to help clear out mucus so you can consume that  

you’ll feel like within you know like a couple  minutes after you’ll start feeling like a draining  

and clearing up of the mucus so that’s a really  good remedy to take a few grams through the day  

spread out with the bioflavonoids so you can get  calcium ascorbate okay alright thanks for watching