Iodine Facts and Deficiency Causes – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Berg here in this video we’re  gonna talk about iodine iodine facts there’s  

very interesting mineral it’s a trace mineral  trace minerals are minerals that are needed in  

smaller amounts okay so 30% of the body iodine is  stored in the thyroid gland okay the thyroid gland  

concentrates iodine and it uses iodine to make its  hormones so when you see t4 and t3 3 & 4 represent  

the number of iodine molecules in that hormone  t4 is an inactive form of thyroid and then t3  

is the active form of thyroid and it’s converted  through the liver and the kidney okay so 70% a  

greater amount of iodine is in the salivary glands  it’s in the breasts then the ovaries the stomach  

lining the eyes the cerebral spinal fluid it’s  in the substantia nigra that’s in your a part  

of your brain so it’s not just necessarily in the  thyroid so iodine is important in many different  

things in preventing fibrocystic breasts I mean  this is like the easiest thing to get rid of it  

you give someone iodine I mean that stuff just  goes right away assists on the ovaries so the  

female reproductive organs need iodine iodine  tends to lower estrogen in the body it actually  

converts estradiol to estriol the good estrogen  so that’s pretty cool so if there’s an estrogen  

dominant situation you would want to take sea kelp  or iodine so with the stomach lining the eyes even  

in the eyes if you’re deficient iodine you can  actually get little tumors in the eye cerebral  

spinal fluid Parkinson’s in the substantia nigra if you’re deficient in iodine parkinson’s so so  

there’s a lot of different other health problems  that are related to iodine but the body doesn’t  

necessarily store iodine it basically 90% of it  goes through your kidneys and you get rid of it  

so you have to constantly get it in the diet  which is not easy because unless you’re doing  

seek help or or seafood or you’re buying food  that is from a shoreline by the ocean you’re  

not going to get a lot of iodine because of the  soils are so depleted so it also is made to make  

hormones we talked about that convert estrogen  rids heavy metals so when people take iodine or sea kelp

and they get a reaction instantly they think  that it’s an allergy but not necessarily all the  

time the reaction could be the detoxification of  heavy metals or chemicals like bromine chloride  

and fluoride so because iodine is a detoxifier  you can have a little bit of a reaction where  

it might be even worsening the skin or the  cystic acne or whatever but only for one week  

and then those go away what I would do if  you had a reaction I would I would cut down  

the dosage or actually I wouldn’t take it all  wait for that to clear up and then take small  

amounts gradually over time because if you  stop it it’s like it’s starting to work and  

then you could have actually gotten some really  good results from it instead you stop taking it  

and you’re not going to get the benefit so just  realize that go slow with iodine or sea kelp if  

you’re going to take that but it does get rid  of heavy metals and it can create a reaction  

iodine is really good for cystic acne though  too so a lot of people are trying to get rid  

of that also it helps insulin resistance which  is very interesting we have a lot of videos on  

that iodine is necessary in the improvement of  insulin resistance because it makes glucose more  

sensitive to the body also it it helps cold feet  now if you have cold feet that can be a thyroid  

issue and you would want to take seek help to  fix that so I I put a link down below of a very  

high quality sea kelp if you wanted to find  one but I wanted to give you some information  

about iodine and it’s not just about the thyroid  it’s about the entire body so thanks for watching