Eggs Increase Your Risk of Early Death from a Heart Attack: A FALSE STUDY! – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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sorry to tell you guys this um I don’t

like to give you bad news but eggs have

just been found out to cause heart


a new study 30,000 people there was a

well at least an association with higher

risk of dying from consuming too many

eggs so if you’re adding 300 milligrams

of additional cholesterol every single

day that’s going to increase your risk

from cardiovascular disease by 17

percent and an 18 percent increased risk

of dying that’s pretty scary

I’m being very sarcastic I pretty much

have to do one of these videos every

single week don’t I first of all the

diet data was another question here so I

just want to give you one of the

questions okay over the past 12 months

how often in your lunch did you consume

deli-style ham or light or low-fat or

fat-free meats almost never or never

about 1/4 of the time about 1/2 the time

about 3/4 of the time almost always okay

so the list went on and on and on and on

right first of all who’s going to

remember all the things that they ate

and and how do you know if they’re true

right so you have that so the data was

collected during one single visit it

didn’t look at patterns over a period of

time it was a one-shot deal and they’re

gonna determine this data and surprise

the study was partially funded by the

American Heart Association alright so

the few questions for you did you know

that the body makes cholesterol okay you

did okay

did you realize that the body makes

3,000 milligrams per day maybe not right

that would be equivalent to consuming 14

eggs every single day and they’re

telling you and that eating 300

milligrams is going to increase your

risk or heart disease it’s not not true

okay in fact I have a couple studies

here well show you that here’s one an

eggs serum cholesterol and coronary

heart disease and I’ll put links down


it has concluded that within the range

of egg intake of this population

differences in egg consumption were

unrelated to blood cholesterol levels or

to coronary heart disease incidence

here’s another one

dietary cholesterol from eggs increased

plasma HDL okay here’s another one

dietary cholesterol from eggs increase

the ratio of total cholesterol to

high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and

humans okay this is a meta-analysis so

HDL is considered good cholesterol right

so it didn’t say that it actually

increased the bad cholesterol see eggs

are very very healthy I consume four

eggs every single day I’ve done this for

about 35 years my cholesterol is fine my

heart arees are clear of any type of

plaquing or calcium deposits eggs are a

really good source of choline and

choline is essential to prevent a fatty

liver and one last point I want to bring

up about these questionnaire so-called

credible studies there are so many

variables that like why don’t we why

don’t they say it was mushrooms that

were linked to heart disease you know

why do they pick out eggs will you know

why because key though is becoming more

popular it’s higher in fat it goes right

up against the companies that sell

refined carbohydrates and sugars anyway

you don’t have to worry about consuming

eggs they’re totally healthy make sure

that they’re pasture raised and organic

and an egg is actually near-perfect

and it’s a nutrition profile it has

almost all the vitamins and minerals

that fat soluble vitamins and it’s a

great protein healthy fat low carb keto

friendly food alright thanks for


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