The Most Unhealthy Diet in the World | DrEricBergDC

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i want to talk about the absolute most  unhealthy diet in the world hospital foods  

i remember i broke my left shoulder i had to get  surgery in the hospital and they served me jello  

orange juice was 100% orange juice uh yogurt  which is sweetened and these little crackers okay  

and literally when i woke up from the  surgery i was starving so i ate that  

and man did that put me in a low blood sugar  situation about i don’t know half hour later i  

my head was hurting i felt sick and i was  extremely hungry and craving for sweets hospitals  

are a place you go to heal right and recover well  it’s actually the worst place to go to recover  

let’s talk about their meals  the meals are constructed with  

dietary concerns in mind the problem is whoever  came up with these dietary concerns needs to be  

majorly updated they’re because they’re operating  off of completely false information okay now they  

contract out these meals with companies who  specialize in preparing institutional foods  

okay what are institutional foods well foods  that you would maybe serve in prisons maybe the  

school system governmental agencies things like  that these foods are designed for high volume  

low cost they’re usually pre-packaged pre-cooked  and you just reheat them right the macros  

on these foods are typically with the proteins 10  to 35 percent carbs are between 45 and 60 percent  

of all the calories being carbohydrates well  that’s pretty much the same as the sad diet um  

the food pyramid 65 of your calories carbohydrates  not the best recovery foods in the world that  

should be less than 30 percent but you have to  make sure that the saturated fats are less than 10  

so you know they’re using the unsaturated fats soy  corn canola oil highly inflammatory so here’s some  

of the description of the foods uh no trans fats  which is good right low sodium that’s the common  

theme for some reason they have this thing  in their mind that sodium is the worst thing  

you can possibly consume well guess what when  you’re healing when your adrenals are stress  

when you have high cortisol you’re losing  sodium and you need more salt salt is very  

very important 100 fruit juice right well  that’s good um it’s 100 one percent or  

no fat dairy okay the lower the fat that you  go with dairy the higher the insulin spike fyi  

they use milk substitutes like soy yogurt they  recommend less than 30 grams of sugar per 8 ounce  

now 30 grams of sugar that’s like uh what seven  and a half teaspoons of sugar in just that little  

bit of yogurt that’s crazy amounts of sugar okay  we have low sodium cheese whole wheat whole grain  

type foods dinner rolls muffins bagels tortilla  must contain less than 290 milligrams of sodium  

again they’re focused on lowering sodium but  what about all the carbohydrates terrible  

cereal again recommend less than 215 grams  of sodium dried cranberries raisins which are  

loaded with sugar are not included in the sugar  content the canned beef and the canned vegetables  

should have low sodium the frozen french toast  should have less than 480 milligrams of sodium wow  

snacks should be added to help curb hunger  what they’re missing is that the snacks are  

going to spike insulin and you’re going to  have more inflammation and it’s going to make  

the person very very hungry and fat and they  recommend at least five servings of vegetables  

per week not per day per week so this is  definitely not recovery food it’s inflammatory  

foods i highly recommend you do either one of  two things you fast when you’re in the hospital  

or number two you bring your own food so go ahead  and comment down below and tell me your experience  

uh in the hospital if you’ve been there recently  before you go if you’re benefiting from any of my  

content i would love to hear about your success  story please share it in the link down below