The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - May 14, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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welcome back everyone we have another

question and answer period for the next

hour if there’s any questions you have

you could definitely communicate through

social media we have a lot of questions

already so we’re just just going to dive

right in and let me give my disclaimer

before i get started anything that i say

is definitely not meant to diagnose or

replace your medical care check with


doctor before

doing any things we’re going to talk




all right let’s uh let’s talk let’s

answer some questions and


tell tell us where we’re at right now

all these questions coming in well where

we’re at is we’re very apologetic

because a couple of weeks back inter

czar was in the queue there holding and

got bumped off by our system after

waiting for an hour so we feel just

awful about that but we want to bring

her back on with a question interzar are

you with us

yes i am okay you’re go ahead with dr

berg you’re on the air

all right thank you hi dertenberg

i have i i have been on healthy keto and

if for nearly 18 months and i believe i

have been with insulin resistance for

years without knowing

i noticed so much improvement in my

health however despite being so strict

and most days just one meal a day

but the moment i consume a tiny slice of

beetroots or two sticks of celery i get

messed up easily

i notice this by going to the toilet

more often


yeah that’s that’s my question

i got it so there’s certain uh

vegetables that trigger

give you a laxative effect is that right

um yeah what i’m trying to say i i can’t

even do any uh any keto dessert you know

and right

well the problem is that um

a lot of people are sensitive to

all the sugar alcohols it creates a

laxative effect and especially a lot of

the new

ingredients to the so-called healthy

keto friendly foods and snacks like

the functional fibers the soluble corn

fibers the


uh fibers and starches so there’s a lot

of stuff in there that i don’t even i

don’t recommend that you consume so you

may be okay by making your own dessert


a high quality combination of

erythritol in monk fruit or stevia but

you have to realize that some of these

sweeteners they they stick in all these


added things that you don’t want in your

body so

uh you may need to just do this without


desserts right now and

keep your food basic in the meantime


i think what would help you

is to

slowly work on your microflora start

building up your

your good bacteria and you could do that


fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and

kimchi are the best

that’s what i would do if i were you

okay thank you i i have a tiny question

if it’s okay to take it or not

if it’s tiny enough yeah it is tiny

thank you the other thing is i i had mri


and it showed like i have a soft tissue

thickening on my inner side of


and these related to noodles in my neck


i tried

gallbladder formula and toddka which

made things worse

any advice on that

well that was a tiny tiny question uh um

or something like that i would probably

need a lot more information to

because it just doesn’t make sense to me

um so

i really don’t have an answer i’d have

to you know it’s when you try to answer

questions like that you need a a good

history and it’s not just a

like for example i was hoping you would

ask a question

can i drink lemon water on the ketogenic

diet like a tiny simple question but

that one involves a little more



anyway thank you so much

thank you angesar appreciate it and i’m

glad we were able to get back with you

after this

after getting bumped off several weeks

ago so let’s go straight to social media

and this is sort of an interesting

question pc from youtube

asks why do brain cells use glucose

first if they prefer ketones i don’t

know if brain cells can prefer something

but what’s the deal well

they don’t

um require glucose first in fact if

given the choice between glucose and

ketones they’ll always pick

the ketones first um

and so

they do need a certain amount of glucose

and this is where it becomes really

confusing to people because they well i

need to start eating glucose no you

don’t any glucose that the body needs

can be

easily generated

by your own liver it’s called


and so you don’t really need any sugar

at all

the small amount that you do need can be

made from

non-carbohydrate sources

but because here’s the problem if you

start doing more sugar and feeding the

brain sugar you develop resistance to

that and you damage the neurons this is

what’s behind

alzheimer’s dementia parkinson’s and now

that fuel doesn’t work anymore it

doesn’t work so basically all those

conditions neurodegenerative conditions

are there because of

they’re starving to death because they

can’t get glucose because you overfed

them glucose

the body blocks that so the only way to

fix that is to feed it ketones which

just goes to a different

pathway and then you can finally get

fuel and they start getting better

so um

i hope that answered that but it’s a

it’s an important point you definitely

do not need

glucose the brain doesn’t like it and um

it needs to get the quick energy from

glucose a certain amount but all that

should be made it’s called endogenous in

from an endogenous source from from

within not externally

very good okay also from youtube ga

wants to know

uh boy you talk a lot about problems

with thyroids could you please discuss

the topic of borderline hypothyroidism

my blood numbers are borderline and now

i’m feeling exhausted and need to sleep

14 hours a day

how can

most of these thyroid conditions are not

primary they’re secondary usually either

from too much estrogen that can be one

um that’s why pregnant women or

um or people taking birth control pills

or on hormone replacement therapy they

start developing thyroid issues

or it could be the liver is not working

that well either you have a fatty liver

or you have

a problem with the gallbladder and you

can’t convert these thyroid hormones so

if you work on both of those areas

chances are you might do

really good now hashimoto’s is an

autoimmune and

that problem seems to be improved

greatly when you start taking selenium

there’s a really good video you should

watch on

i can’t remember the name of it but it’s

it has to do with all the different ways

all the different things you can do to

increase the conversion of the t4 to t3

the active form of the thyroid hormone

and if you go through that video

you may spot your problem


um you’ll have to um

find out what video that is a if you

just search dr berg and hypothyroidism

you might find it

all right that’s great and by the way

we’ve got a great lineup we have we’re

not going to bring you on right now

fatima but she’s from new jersey but

let’s find out where other people are

from uh they are coming to us from uk

canada ghana romania italy greece india

pakistan japan taiwan south africa egypt

germany norway mexico france trinidad

and tobago algeria belgium ethiopia

hungary hungary excuse me

south korea nigeria australia the

netherlands israel iraq sweden chile

morocco ireland good grief bali

switzerland the bahamas iceland i don’t

think we’ve heard from them before


cameroon finland argentina and of course

all across these united states including

new jersey where fatima will be joining

us later in the show

and let’s see from that we should go to

our first quiz question now that i’m

exhausted from terry’s list and doc here

if you would read that for us

steve i don’t know why we don’t get

anyone from north korea i’m not sure why

that is but um okay so here’s the first

question is the true or false

the biggest reason


chronic fatigue is diet related

is that true

or is it false

all right dig in audience

let’s see let’s uh

sometimes the people in social media

feel that we might be neglecting them

and i don’t want them to get that sense

at all so let’s go over to facebook

monica should we drink ketones on keto

are they necessary

they’re not necessary unless you have

maybe alzheimer’s or dementia


or let’s say you’re doing some type of

sport event

it’s much better if you get your ketones

from your own fat than to take them

externally plus they’re very very

expensive and i have experimented on the

different types of ketones there’s um

there’s more potent ketones you can take

that basically takes tastes like jet

fuel that’s disgusting


they may improve your energy by maybe

three percent i mean it’s just it’s not

enough to justify that tremendous cost

so i think the best way to do is to

fine-tune your own body to make

really good ketones now

more ketones

the better the um the mental the

cognitive function

the more ketones

the uh the better the your exercise will

be and

so the ketogenic diet produces a certain

amount of ketones but then when you add

intermittent fasting

you’ll get deeper into ketosis and

believe it or not you’ll have better

energy for workouts once you adapt and

you have better cognitive

function that’s memory




ability to learn something i mean that’s

that’s huge right there

incredible well this falls under the

category of i saw a video

in this case luke from facebook saw a

video that said bone broth can can bone

broth knock you out of ketosis is that

true what are your thoughts yeah because

it’s protein right and so when you’re

doing fasting


don’t forgive me they won’t eat i’m

sorry diet you’re gonna have to eat

protein right you’re gonna have to eat

protein so you can do bone broth but

when you’re fasting a lot of people take

bone broth but they don’t realize that

that that protein in there

affects insulin

and so

not just carbohydrates can affect

insulin protein does and so

it’s going to inhibit your ketosis for


the two things that


affect insulin







but protein does protein carbs do so

that wouldn’t be a good thing to take if

you’re fasting

very good okay let’s we’ve already got

an answer for our quiz questions

and the audience is pretty sure of

themselves 95 oh first of all true false

the biggest reason for chronic fatigue

is diet related and our audience 95

percent of them say true and a measly 5

say false who’s right

okay so

it is true that

your diet is going to create fatigue


but i guess maybe i should have

clarified this

when we’re dealing with chronic fatigue



it’s it’s related to

a very huge percentage of that is

related to viruses okay

latent viruses i’m going to be doing a

video on this um

like the um

epstein-barr virus for example um these

these cases that have chrono fatigue

syndrome with fibromyalgia uh it’s

definitely viral related in fact


there’s certain viruses that can go in

remission and out of remission which

means they they can lie dormant for

years and they’re reactivated

uh when you go through stress but the

point is that

um 70

okay that’s the majority of chronic

fatigue cases

are related to more viruses


the key is um how do you deal with those

viruses well a little bit later in this

presentation i’m going to explain that

but if you’re dealing with chronic

fatigue you definitely need to go on

keto for sure

but you may find that your fatigue is

still there

because of this viral connection

so there’s some real interesting data

that i will share in the video coming up

as well as one of the most powerful


for that

so stay tuned for that mystery very good

okay another fasting question angela

again from facebook has completed three

glorious weeks of healthy keto i added

the glorious nif can i take your keto

aminos and nutritional yeast while



yes you can and i’m going to tell you

what’s different about these aikido

amino acids

they’re a type of amino acid so it’s not


actual protein it’s the thing that

has already broken down into protein and

pretty much all different types of

protein like eggs fish meat

a good percentage of it

a half of it or more turns into glucose

these amino acids

only a tiny bit like 0.2 percent turns

in the sugar so it’s such a small amount

it won’t affect

your your ketosis like these other

proteins will

there’s a lot of research behind it

so it’s really good for those people

that want to do prolonged fast and want

to get amino acids it’s really good for

those people that are

in some type of recovery

situation they want to increase their

recovery after exercise um because it’s

just it’s like the straight

uh blend of amino acids in the right



and then you asked about what was it a

keto aminos and what was the other one

steve oh sorry i already queued up to

another question let me see if i can

find it i’m sorry doc i can’t and my

memory has failed me let’s see

okay that’s fine but anyway um let’s see

let’s uh move on

to something else and i lost that too so

in lieu of that why don’t we go to our

green room and let’s bring up

fatima who’s i’ve been talking about and

she’s been waiting patiently

uh fatima you’re on with dr byrd

hello how are you

great thank you

so uh i had a question about

one meal a day fasting

i do dry fasting because i i don’t um

it’s a religious stuff and i cannot

drink water in that


if in omid i don’t feel fatigued it’s

okay with me

so do you recommend it every day or

every other day is there any point we

can stop or we can just do it

for every day

i’m 140 pounds i’m 31 years old five

foot four inch

and i don’t have to lose a lot of weight

but i just want to do it for

for health

uh it’s not for weight loss i my maid


four or five kgs more but

is is for health benefits not

for weight loss listen listen our bodies

uh were totally developed to um

not eat so frequently so if you could

if you could do

one meal a day i think that would be

better for the majority of the adult

population um

because the benefits of that 23-hour


are huge for your cognitive function for

preventing so many health issues um

just eat enough calories and make sure

it’s nutrient dense i think i think you

should do it on a regular basis and i

think that’ll be very very therapeutic

for you not just for weight loss

but for a lot of different things in

fact i mean like a lot of the research

on animals um

and even insects i mean

you start cutting down the frequency of

the meal and you extend their life

i mean that’s that’s bizarre

so um there’s a lot of magic into that

and um

i would be doing one meal a day

um if

i could but the problem is one myself as

i i will lose too much weight

so um

but because my metabolism is really fast

i lose so much weight if you can deal

with that issue i think one meal a day

would be the ideal situation especially

um when you start getting in your 40s

and 50s and 60s

all right well fatima do you recommend

hiit with the with one meal a day or

every day

yes every day exercise do it every day


okay thank you so much you’re welcome

that’s that’s great fatima we’re glad

you finally got your question and boy as

a part of your routine diet is a part of

your faith it looks like you’re on the

right track so that’s just one i think

steve you do one meal a day right well i

really do and i’ll just be honest with

the the audience i have a little trouble

being a perfect keto guy uh but man

intermittent fasting first of all

knocks out a couple of potential meals a

day where i would be prone to eating

wrong but i’m not giving it up i i used

to do try to do three freezer burn lean

cuisines a day and that lasts about two

days that’s gross that’s a terrible

you know a terrible way to live so

intermittent fasting i can eat a healthy

big satisfying meal and all the things

you just described cognitive i used to

wake up in the morning if i went to ihop

and slam down you know a senior special

i feel like passing out by 11 a.m now i

don’t even touch the food until you know

three o’clock in the afternoon and you

know it’s just so measurably different

and better so i tell you what if you can

get if you can get someone to do it


or the right way long enough

for them to feel the difference

then then that’s the best and then they

know they have the knowledge like wow

this this works for me and um but um the

problem is getting people to do it uh

correctly and long enough

but i tell you um

you know why would someone actually eat

when they’re not hungry well a lot of

people are doing that

and that’s what screws everything up so

when you’re not hungry

why would you eat

because your body is um

it’s actually eating your fat

and so you have this great thing going

as soon as you eat

you mess it up and now the body has to

go through all these hormonal changes i

mean it’s just not

a normal thing to eat when you’re not


and that’s really

we eat 24 7.

i mean i steve have you ever eaten when

you’re not hungry

my life

and then guess what you’re gonna you’re

it’s gonna stimulate hunger about an

hour and a half away yeah well it does

and i just want to let the audience know

too i am not the stereotypical picture

of discipline at all and so the fact

that i can stick with intermittent

fasting means that it is really giving

me a return on my investment i’m not

hungry once you get over it i don’t

think about food and at three o’clock

i’m not ravenous i just think well

that’s my routine and i start and i

enjoy the heck out of it i can have a

delicious healthy meal and then go back

sometimes in the evening i got to kind

of you know stick with some soda water

and push back the urge just because i’m

bored but what a marvelous change in my

whole life i’m down you know 45 pounds

from my twinkie days and uh and i just

absolutely love it so thank you dr berg

from all of the staff that work with you

for the great difference you’ve made in

our life so that’s terrific doc why

don’t we move on to the next question

all right so um honey is low

on the glycemic index and is it okay

uh for a ketogenic diet

all right yes or no okay dig into that


let’s see i’ve never heard of this hope

you have cassandra from facebook i have


ferritin levels i don’t eat a lot of

meat but i was consuming a lot of

pistachios almonds almond milk almond

flora products etc is there a connection


well uh ferritin it’s iron right so

um i think that

there’s a lot of people that have too

much iron

and this iron overload messes with your

liver it creates insulin resistance

it creates even diabetes

so um

there’s very simple

charts you can get and all the foods

that are high in iron all the ones that

are low in iron and if you make that

dietary shift

you’ll start feeling better

but i will say that um

you if you give blood you’ll feel really

good i mean anytime you feel better when

you give blood suspect you might be

overloaded with iron and then you might

have to instead of red meat things like

that you should switch the diet to other

things that are lower in iron and

there’s charts on that so

i’m not sure if those nuts are high in

that high in iron i don’t think they are

but um

that’s what i would i would do

well that’s terrific and here’s another


julie from youtube and i have a little

anecdote here

she wants to know how you can get enough

veggies if you only eat once or twice a

day and i’ve witnessed dr berg fill this

sort of salad bowl full of greens and

then with complete disregard to

etiquette just shovels down massive

amounts of it it’s just unbelievable so

you are truly stick to what you

recommend for people but doc is that

hard to do how do you do that

when you have

salads okay

seven at least seven cups okay it’s not

that hard it’s it’s we’re just talking

like this little handful right and then

you just

you can chop it up with a salad color

and it makes it even smaller but when

we’re talking about other vegetables

like the broccoli the kale brussels

sprouts you’re not going to do seven to

ten cups okay you’re gonna do like maybe

four to five cups and and you if you’re

doing one meal a day

that requirement even goes down even

further so you probably don’t even need

seven cups probably five would be fine

but if you the reason for this is if you


don’t mind that dog barking in the


but we’re handling that right now um but

here’s the thing um

what why why do i say that much well if

you calculate it in reverse engineer

like potassium

requirement and magnesium

where are you going to get that you


for the fun of it sit down and start

looking at what you eat and then look at

the nutrients in the food and you’re

like you’re going to end up short

um so that’s that’s why i recommend the

salad to get the those two minerals now

the other point i want to bring up is

when you do a search on these vegetables

and you get values online

my question is

who calculated those values in the first

place and where do those come from it’s

probably a completely outdated

evaluation years ago and


it’s very expensive to test the

nutrients in the food

however i’m involved in a project that

i’m going to share with everyone really


on the

ability to test your vegetables with a

with a light scanner which is really

awesome awesome technology can you

imagine going to the grocery store and

scanning your vegetables and it tells

you if things are nutrient dense or not

well guess what they’re finding even

some of these organic

vegetables are just very very low on the

scale and you could probably know that

by tasting them they’re just like empty

so this is a very interesting subject

that um

i’m doing my own research and involved

in some research

and i’m like

because the goal is just to find

healthy food where do you find it where

do you find nutrient-dense foods

it’s a problem


stay tuned for a lot more information on


all right sounds great well the audience

appears to have been watching your

videos because the question was true

false honey is low in a glycemic index

and is okay for a ketogenic diet 98 of

these rascals said no it isn’t two

percent hang on to yes who’s right

the majority is right because the um the


you know i i still get this question

like well honey’s okay right i’m like no

no it’s not it does have a certain

percentage of it fructose and fructose

on the glycemic index is 19.

so that’s low so the more fructose

something would have the lower it brings

that thing down like agave nectar is

really high in fructose so it’s like

low but here’s the problem

even though

it’s low

your liver is forced to deal with the


glucose is dealt with all the cells


it’s still a big big problem because

it’s going to overload your liver with

too much

of that type of sugar which then is

going to give you insulin resistance and

a fatty liver so honey is not good on a

ketogenic plan i’m sorry

shucks okay this is a fair question

teresa from facebook how long should we

be fasting before we see a loss of


well you should notice once you start

you should notice

weight loss within the first day i mean

if you’re just starting we know you’re

retaining at least 11 pounds of fluid an

average person so that’s going to be

dumped as soon as you start fasting

you’re going to dump all this water but

when we start getting in the fat burning

that might take

a bit more time so that’s why i don’t

like to focus on it because

i’d rather tell you

not to focus on the weight loss and

focus on other things and that way

you’ll stick with it longer because

sometimes it takes

a healthy body to burn fat

what happens in the beginning part is

your body’s starting to repair protein

so you’re going to get muscle

improvement water weight loss but the

best indicator hands down from anything

to know that

you’re doing better and it’s working is

that your appetite goes away

that tells me that your body is finally

burning your fat and yes you may or may

not lose weight initially eventually you

will but that appetite is the key

wonderful well i certainly do as i know

you do admire and appreciate all this

stuff women go through to bear our

beautiful children and i haven’t heard

this question asthma from youtube can

you please make a video about pelvic

girdle pain during and after pregnancy i

still have intense hip and pelvic pain

eight months after delivery it’s very

hard to walk help

i could imagine it’s very very

uncomfortable you just had something



stretched out your pelvis to the extreme

there’s a lot of things that can be done

to help help that i think vitamin d

because think about going through your

pregnancy you you really deplete your

vitamin d levels so

beefing up your your vitamin d levels

will help inflammation

um stinging nettle root is another one

and if you can go to a good chiropractor

that can adjust your

pelvis that will greatly help as well

because i used to do that and practice

all that all the time and

it’s a very beneficial thing not to


all sorts of stretches that you can do


your legs your hamstrings your quadricep

and some of the pelvic muscles

can greatly help

wonderful okay doc how about another

question here you go

all right so apple this is a true or

false apple cider vinegar



let’s see is

good for colon inflammation

it says is better but um i think that’s


actually doc it says bad for colon

influence oh okay apple cider vinegar

true or false apple cider vinegar is bad

for colon

inflammation is that true or false and

climb on it audience let’s see uh this

is an off to ask question runa from

facebook i have no gal excuse me

gallbladder can i do keto


need to do gallbladder i mean i’m sorry

you need to do keto because that without

a gallbladder


you are going to be deficient in bile

and so what we do is we want more

absorption of the fat soluble vitamins

which you’re going to have a hard time

with well guess what

keto corrects insulin resistance and

insulin resistance is the thing that’s

blocking the absorption of nutrients

this is why

when people have their gallbladders

removed especially and they eat

they don’t really feel satisfied they

might feel full after they eat but they

don’t feel satisfied because they’re not


the fat soluble nutrients that they need

so the gallbladder being a storage

facility for a


is not there

so now we just have a trickling effect

from the liver to the small intestine

in in

in a very dilute

amount it’s not concentrated anymore so

what’s going to happen is that you’re

going to be

deficient in bile and you may start

noticing symptoms

like seeing in the dark at night vitamin

e deficiency vitamin k2 vitamin d

deficiency so the what you should do is

do keto

with um

i would recommend a gallbladder formula


and you take that after the meal and

that way you you can still do keto fine

and be able to supply what’s been



because you don’t have a gallbladder

interesting you know we watched the

questions just cruise by uh rapidly on

youtube in this case and so many people

ask you know is keto okay for this or

keto okay for that

doc i think we lost your

your fee just a moment audience we’ll be

right back

hey doc you got me

yeah i got you

can you hear me sure can loud and clear

all right where were we

you were just asking me something and i

somehow froze i think

did you popped off the screen let’s see

um well we’ve got an answer to our

question why don’t we go to that so that

was quiz

number three

which asks true false is apple cider

vinegar bad for colon inflammation

and the audience response 75 say that

it’s false 25 say this true it’s no good

for your colon

you know episode of vinegar i will

release a video on this apparently

and i’m talking about diluted not the

straight concentration if you dilute a

tablespoon some water and drink that

it’s actually very very very beneficial

to your


especially if you have leaky gut

especially if you have inflammation in

the colon because

guess what apple cider vinegar or acetic

acid really is it’s a small chain

fatty acid that’s used by the colon

cells to get energy


when they don’t have energy

they start generating inflammation

which is fascinating so

if you have ibs colitis diverticulitis

don’t forget about adding some of this

apple cider vinegar as a really unique

extra benefit that you may have not

because most people think about apple

cider vinegar helping blood sugars and

weight loss but it is some other great

benefits which i will be sharing in the

video coming up next week

wonderful well i i just remember where i

was at so again the questions stream by

us on youtube and facebook but on

youtube particularly people are asking

is keto okay for this is keto okay for

that and doc one time you really helped

me instead of focusing on keto the

alternative is is three cups of sugar a

day better for whatever ails you and

that was such a simple way for me to do

it in other words knocking out stuff

that’s not natural and it’s you know and

you’re dumping in tons of it with sodas


can’t be the remedy so just by default

that question answers itself i think

eating healthy versus chugging sugar

i don’t think you have to be you know a

medical genius to figure out that that’s

not working for us

but if you actually do a search on um

this topic you’re gonna find certain

so-called experts that will say no it’s

okay to have sugar

so you’re always going to have someone

in the group that’s going to recommend

sugar and


you know i know this is shocking for

people to believe but there are things


that are not true and

just because it’s online doesn’t make it

true okay

that’s shocking okay coffee lover from

youtube is cold pressed sesame oil okay

on keto

oh yeah that’s really good

there’s a lot of benefits sesame oil

is good for your blood it’s good for the

immune system there’s a lot of a lot of

cool benefits

that’s cool melody from facebook a lot

of sweeteners out there is pintos

kombucha sweetener okay on keto


kombucha are you talking about a


pentose kombucha

i don’t really i haven’t evaluated that

so i don’t know

okay probably tastes good she wouldn’t

be asking about it let’s see lynn from

youtube i like iced coffee better than

hot coffee me too well adding coconut or

almond milk with no sugar interfere with

my ketosis i also like adding mct oil


no because it’s a fat remember i talked

about that but here here’s the thing if

you’re trying to lose weight and you

have too much of that it may slow you

down because your body is going to start

using those as ketones and not your own

stored body fat

all right that’s terrific and uh you

know we just leave people rotting in the

green room and i feel guilty about it

but we don’t want to expend them all at

the last second so next up from sonoma


is rachel

and she has a question for your doctor

remember to unmute rachel welcome to the

dr burke show

hi good morning dr burr good morning um

my question is so i’ve been doing the

healthy keto intermittent fasting

realize i do feel better when i eat less

or you know infrequently

so i started doing omad


my question so my plate comes full with

i have all the conditions of metabolic

syndrome i have post covid long haulers

and now to add to that fun i’m now in

menopause so got a lot going on

um my question is with omad like what’s

the best time to eat um what exactly to

eat how much i mean kind of like what

we’re talking about today how do you i

want to eat to fuel my body to help


correct what’s going on with me i feel

there’s solutions to all that’s going on

with me and food is really

where it’s at

yeah good question take advantage of


sleeping so you sleep all night so

you’re fasting all night

and that gives you this this momentum to

go right in so then in the morning

don’t you you’re probably not going to

be hungry so you go as long as you can

and so that’s why i think it’s best to


towards the later part of the day or um

maybe even

after three or four o’clock

and then you can have your first meal


as far as calories go


if those are nutrient dense calories

you’ll need less food

so you want to go by um


what satisfies you without feeling

completely and utterly too stuffed right

but you want to have a really complete

good nutrient-dense meal which i think

you’re doing

right now

but you have these post cover or long

hauler symptoms

i’m going to be releasing a video on


there’s two things

after you get this

you know you do the fasting which is

going to be very very


but also there’s this thing called



you see

covet can very easily lower your t cells

and allow for other viruses that are


to be reactivated

so it might not even be a

coveted directly it could be like some

of these other things get stirred up and

that’s creating the fatigue a residual


in which case

if there is still a lot of ongoing

stress that you have

you have to identify that because and

deal with it because it’s like that’s

such the it’s it’s the key trigger that

will keep you from really kind of

bouncing back but if you can do that

and you still have these symptoms then a

really good remedy would be

sweet um wormwood

that has like the most potent effect on

these latent viruses

that will help um clean up some of the


effect from kovid and from some of these

other viruses like epstein-barr virus

and herpes and all these other things

that a lot of people have

that have it’s gone dormant is being

reactivated for some reason so that

would just be something that could

actually pull you out of this thing um


any potential stress that you’re sitting

on is like removed

okay and then with that so when you do

the one meal then because yes i do i eat

in the evening done by seven


so then

are there anything like you had said fat

and fiber are best for fasting over

carbs and a lot of protein


um can you give some examples of if you

were eating a meal that was high in fat

healthy fats and fiber what like what

would that look like to you okay are you

talking about like an additional meal no

i’m talking about if i’m doing one meal

a day

oh i got it

well okay so you would have a big big

bowl of arugula

or um some other vegetables or some

salad uh

with your olive oil fat right put an

avocado on there maybe you have a

handful of pecans and then you have a

really high quality protein there’s

salmon seafood shellfish

grass-fed beef you know grass-fed

beef has

massive amount of additional nutrients

that corn fed beef does not have i mean

it’s significant if you could get a good



so and then you have the quality of

grass fed if you get at the farmers

market versus something that’s

you know at the store is just always

going to be better so um

that would be an example so you got the

fiber from the vegetables and then you

have the other fat sources too so so

you’re not doing a lean piece of

protein you’re not doing a chicken

breast without the skin for example

that would be um

not the ideal maybe you’re doing

sardines you know maybe you’re doing

tuna with

mayonnaise that you made from olive oil

something like that

those are just ideas

okay great thanks for your help i

appreciate it you’re welcome great

thanks so much rachel for hanging in

there and waiting for us we’ve got tracy

coming up in a little bit but we’re

going to let her hang in there for a

little longer and just as i indicated

that we have a lot of people saying why

can’t i eat a pound of sugar a day and

be healthy there’s also a great many

people that are just so grateful for

what you’re doing lubna from facebook dr

berg i cannot thank you enough i was

yo-yo dieting but started following your

videos and have lost 45 pounds i’m just

five pounds away from my ideal weight uh

so this is not all conjecture there’s a

ton of people that report into this work

because it does so thank you lubna

for that and let’s see let’s hit you

with another question i don’t think

we’ve done this doc there you go

okay so

true or false a coffee can benefit

someone with a fatty liver

okay audience what say you get on that

let’s see let’s go back to youtube

kimberly should i break my prolonged

fast because of an emergency dental

extraction i’m now

in hour 112 and doing healthy keto will

fast and accelerate my mouse healing

process or otherwise i guess

if you could fast before

during and after something like that

it’s going to help you greatly

it’s going to help you greatly because

even when you do a surgery they always

they’ll tell you to fast right they try

to fast which is great okay good well if

you’re already adapted and you’re

fasting then you’re going to roll right

into it but if you’re not

fasting and you

and then you fast and you have an

adapted boy you’re going to be starving

when you wake up out of the surgery

which is kind of just messes everything

up so let’s say you’re going to get a

surgery in two weeks

well start doing intermittent fasting

get your body to adapt to it


just fast before

go through like a day go through the

surgery and try to fast longer you’re

gonna recover faster much faster when

you go through surgery you get

um a a spike in cortisol massive spike

in cortisol

you get a dump of potassium you can end

up with a potassium deficiency so

um it’s it’s a trauma

it’s definitely a trauma and so

i’ve been through several surgeries and


it definitely takes some recovery so

the more you fast the better the faster

you heal

good luck with that okay new ree from

youtube how can i reverse a fatty liver

i am obese how much weight should i

try to lose in a month

well i just did a video on the top foods

that you can eat to

get clean or strip fat off your liver

but if you do just straight keto and

intermittent fasting

correctly you can expect to lose 50

percent of your fat within two weeks

off of your liver

that’s huge

so you want to stop the carbs the


the fructose all this stuff

and stay tuned for the video because i

go through that in depth

but um

a good indication of the fatty liver is

just to look down at your shoes and see

if you see your belly if you can

if you can’t see your shoes then chances

are you have a fatty liver because the

belly is an indication

that um you have a fatty liver

all right well good luck with that a lot

of people with that condition and quiz

question number four

was a true false and it asked

true false coffee can be beneficial for

what we just talked about a fatty liver

and 80 percent of the respondents say

coffee can help a fatty liver 20 percent

say no way

yeah it can it’s uh if you don’t overdo

it if you have just a cup it can help

there’s certain uh

plant-based chemicals



uh lipids in the fat


this is why a lot of uh the keto

community drink coffee i no that’s not

why but i do notice that

like when my last summit everyone is

lined up to get coffee so

uh yeah it’s definitely um

keto friendly as long as you don’t add

those creamers in the sugar

all right well that makes perfect sense

let’s launch out our final

question for today i’m talking about the

like the artificial creamer creameries

type things but you can put a little

cream in in your coffee not a problem

very good okay final question

all right so um post exertional fatigue


could be a symptom of what

okay folks that was so so let’s say for

example you start to exercise right or

start to do something exert yourself and

you’re just like oh my gosh i’m just

showing up the energy what’s going on

you know what what is that

a symptom of

okay very good let’s see

why don’t we uh wrap well not wrap

things up but wrap up the people in the

green room with the uh

lovely tracy who come from california

and is now in uh lovely and fun austin

texas uh tracy you’re on with dr burke


hello thank you thank you thank you for

giving hope

uh over here um

my question you kind of already answered


the um

i use basically all of your products

loving them and i appreciate them

um and i’m taking i’m doing the fasting

about four to six hour eating window

for about three months now and um

overall it’s making me feel a lot better

but i think there’s some sort of from

hearing what you said in the last

question uh answering the last question

that there’s probably some sort of

hidden thing because there’s

other new things coming out now like i

wake up in the morning with

stiff and crampy calves and i have the

neck pain which i never have any back

pain that wasn’t my problem and now i’m

having these weird things so

i’m wondering is there something that

maybe i’m doing wrong you don’t know my

life though but maybe i’m doing wrong

or is there something that i’m missing

um that triggers from some of the stuff

i’ve said um that’s

my question so so um if we just take one

thing i think you said stiffness on the

right side is that what you said

well yeah and i’ve watched those videos

that you said is gallbladder liver

yeah and that’s really easy to

experience on the keto because we tend


overload a little bit too much on the

extra extra fats and mct oil i don’t

know what you’re eating but like if you

had a keto bomb with a coconut that

would definitely like whoa that kind of

stirred up something underneath my rib

cage it refers to the right side

especially right here i would look at

gallbladder and

and then just

you know beef up some more salads with

maybe just a little bit less extra fat i

don’t know if that’s the situation or

not no i i only eat salads and um

really great meat okay good

so i don’t yeah so maybe it’s in

some it’s not it’s not taking too many

products too right i mean can we

overload on

too many does that cause any kind of


i mean i i can’t imagine because the

stuff that i have is does not have

anything that could do that um but

is there any other symptoms other than

the right side stiff that you have it’s

the calves that cramp in the morning and

then once they start walking around it

stops i’m still bloated all the time

it’s small but it’s i know that’s not my

regular body

um dehydrated and

that’s been

that’s been a long-term thing where i

feel dehydrated although i’m drinking

non-stop with minerals

okay um how much sea salt do you have in

your diet and i take sea salt i do

okay yeah um


i have

i have h pylori that’s what has been an

ongoing thing

with those things so is it a normal

thing for you to have to go through this


and i have to be on keto a lot i mean

obviously for my life but

so you just gave me a really good clue

because um

most people have this h pylori as a

normal thing in their gut but it becomes

a problem once the ph in your stomach


uh weakened or

less acid

so i would go in the direction of more

um to acidify the stomach by um probably

betaine hydrochloride is going to be

probably the most important thing but

you need quite a bit of that sometimes

you might need even six right before a


and and what that will do guess what

that does it increases the absorption of

the minerals because if the ph isn’t

right you’re not going to absorb those

minerals thus getting the cramped legs

also that acid is necessary to activate

the release of bile to help the

digestion of fats so you’re not bloated

yeah um

so that’s you just gave me that

probably the missing link with that so


um yeah that would be helpful and then

the other thing that you

you really want to keep experimenting

until this these cramps and your legs go

away your feet like you may need to add

some additional calcium right before bed

you might just need that because

most of my products they don’t i don’t

have a lot of calcium in them and so

that could be one thing that’s missing


okay great

and then that’s so helpful um

and then one little little this really

is a little question the the moles the

videos for getting rid of moles with the

garlic and the iodine is there a trick

so that you don’t get skin around it any

little secret trick because it seems to

be um

taking away skin around it you’re

talking about the iodine drops


yeah um there’s a

this remedy that i have that i’m going

to talk about in this video okay um

because we’re dealing with sometimes

we’re doing a papillomavirus


wormwood extract is a good one for that

that’s a good remedy

just for viruses in general



with putting this solution you might

want to just put just the tiniest a bit


on that mole or that skin tag and then

try to put a band-aid over it so it

doesn’t spread



if it is related to

a virus it should just shrink and go



you can also uh do a similar thing i’ve

i’ve heard people use

a little bit of garlic clove on that

point too and put a band-aid over it

that seems to work too and that might be

another solution as well because of the

allison effect on these they kind of

just shrink tumors and that’s what it is

and a birthmark is the same thing as a

mole or right

yeah but i don’t think those are going

to go away

uh okay yeah it’s mainly for skin tags

got it oh i’m so glad to clarify that

thank you yeah that’s yeah

i think that’s great well tracy listen

enjoy your new home in austin and thanks

everybody in the that joined us on video

and remember uh you can

go to to get your chance to

get on the air

uh and ask these fascinating questions

and uh in terms of products uh dr berg

you want to share with people how people

outside the united states have a better


ability to get these things affordably

we’re just constantly working on ways to

get uh the price down with shipping so

if you’re out of this country there

should be a link down below you can

ask access that and uh hopefully

avoid that shipping cost that is a

killer but i recently found a new


that lowers the shipping so that i’m

excited about that even in the u.s it’s

a lot less

expensive shipping now so

that is exciting

indeed okay final question asked uh

post-exertion fatigue could be a symptom

of what and 55

of the um

respondents say electrolytes 15 say low

salt levels 10 say low magnesium 10 say

low potassium and 10 say high sugar


okay so the i think there’s three three


things with that number one is um

low sodium that will make your muscles

weak especially if you attempt to

exercise um potassium is number two and

number three is viruses um

if you had

mono or herpes which by the way 90 of

the population has a virus

in their body and it gets reactivated

when you’re stressed and that can

show up

classically as a

wow i just start to exercise and i just

i just don’t have that

my body’s not helping me i have to drag

my body to do a workout so it’s just

it’s one of those things that it’s very


common and people don’t realize it they

keep pushing themselves they don’t know

that that’s behind it and

to resolve that i i you’ll have to watch

my video

um but there’s um that wormwood is a

really good remedy in addition to um

doing whatever you can to

address your stress

uh that’s like um

and if that’s not addressed it’s really

hard for these remedies to work so

if you’re um trying to solve a certain

problem and


you’re not doing keto and you’re

stressed to have

it doesn’t really matter the remedies

just don’t seem to impinge um very

important point because people always

want to remedy how do i fix this with a

remedy well

let’s first make sure that your basic

eating is in make sure your stress isn’t

too high and then watch it work it’s

going to work a lot better

well that’s terrific okay facebook as we

get close to the end when are you going

and this is maybe for karen when are you

going to publish a book of your favorite

keto recipes or have you already done it

uh we already have um

wait do we have that out there i think

we haven’t released it yet so there is

one coming out that’s uh uh stay tuned

it’s uh we’ve been working on that it’s

a really cool one it’s and then and also

we have all the things that people want

like they want to know the calories of

this and that that’s all going to be in

there so

i’ll have to find out when that’s going

to be released so stay tuned but that’s

interesting i’ve had the honor with some

other um employees there of dr berg to

eat at their home and what karen and i

guess dr burke fixes and i’m telling you

there is no suffering at a keto meal at

the burgs i mean it’s just delicious you

think you’re cheating

but you ain’t so anyway thanks for that

so i’m sure there’s a forthcoming book

you all will be absolutely

delighted uh doc let’s see we’ve got a

couple minutes left

why don’t i see if i got one more

question we’ve done so well with social

media this time


look at this just why don’t we wrap up

with this another thank you kimberly

from facebook thank you so much for all

of the knowledge you share with everyone

it helps us in our daily lives

overcoming these stresses on our bodies

and we’re so very grateful i think

that’s a great way to wrap doc and i

don’t know if you have any other words

i appreciate that very much

um spending

some good amount of research i found a

new uh research tool it’s called a list

it’s called

and it’s amazing because it evaluates

200 million


and so when you go there you can just

type anything and you get all this great

data and so now it’s going to speed

things up for me


kind of

validate some of the stuff i’m talking

about so

stay tuned for some really interesting

videos on

various topics that you’re going to find

interesting i appreciate all of your

attention and your wonderful comments we

will see you next week same time same


