Reduce Lectins for Autoimmune Conditions – Immune System & Foods High In Lectins – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys recently on my live show I

talked about lectins and in the immune

system and I wanted to just elaborate on

that a little bit now what is a lectin

okay well lectins are large protein

molecules made by plants plants are

chemical factories and plants have

evolved over time and defended

themselves against insects and other

predators by creating elect ins okay

there’s other things that they used to

but lectins are one of them and so when

the plant or you consumes electon it can

create issues with your digestive tract

and it can create inflammation because

what it does is it attaches to the gut

lining and it can make a hole through it

okay so if you took your small intestine

and spread it out it would be the size

of a tennis court okay so there’s a huge

surface area but only a one self

thickness so these lectins have the

ability to make a whole thread okay so

the problem is this leakiness in your

gut allows other proteins to go through


the immune system is on the other side

it’s going to attack it and create

antibodies it’s going to be involved in

a lot of inflammatory conditions and

even autoimmune conditions whether it’s

Hashimoto’s lupus rheumatoid arthritis

MS and there’s a whole list of them so

the point of this video is this if you

have an autoimmune condition or you have

some chronic inflammatory condition and

you’re doing keto and in a minute

fasting okay but you still are not

getting relief you may want to consume

foods low in lectins so let’s talk about

the ones that are high of course you

wouldn’t be eating this but we is very

high gluten is electon okay and we know

that this tears up the intestines and

creates all sorts of problems corn is

high soy legumes definitely peanuts but

what you may not realize is tomato

squash primarily the seeds potato which

you wouldn’t be eating if you’re on keto

eggplant peppers okay the nightshades so

there’s a whole list of additional foods


I would recommend avoid consuming

because they’re high in lectins

if you have an autoimmune condition

because you just may find that it

reduces your inflammatory State now also

realize that vegetables that are

fermented have less lectins so there are

things that you can do to lessen the

amount but I put a link down below of a

more of a complete list of lectins from

high to low so you can see if this can

help you alright guys thanks for

watching so I want to thank you for

being here and watching my videos if you

haven’t already subscribed go ahead and

do so so you can stay informed of future
