Dr Berg Live Q and A | DrEricBergDC

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all right

alright guys so I want to do a little

Q&A any everything Quito and I up today

so so far we got one person on now we

have 37 hey guys so I’m just going to

wait till everyone log on so they can

kind of gather there any questions you

have how are you doing good on this

Thursday evening

every tomorrow we’re gonna do our um

actually I’m gonna do my wife’s not

around so I’m going to do my Friday show

so I definitely tune in that you can

call me up and ask any questions so

let’s just jump right in what do you

suggest how do we break through a stall

well there’s many different ways that

you can break through through stall so

the first thing is like before you break

through a stall you have to understand

or evaluate all the different things

that are going on like I would look at

evaluate your carbs or they love you can

always bring those down and help

yourself is your protein moderate too

much protein including collagen protein

can kind of keep you from getting into

deep kosis because some of those amino

acids are in slow genic and they

actually can stimulate turn the glucose

and you can use those as fuel so it’s

not the the best way to do it also even

like whey protein it’s very low in fat

is very high on the glycemic index or

I’m sorry the insulin indexed extremely

high so that can bump you out so then

you the fat you may want to adjust the

fat bring that down to about 35 grams

per day so if you just don’t add extra

fat and just consume the fat within the

food I think you can hit those numbers

pretty nicely but here’s the big thing

if you want to break through a stall

what you do is you you do ohm at every

other day that’ll just like BAM it’ll

just help you especially for those

people that actually have a slow

metabolism because that really relates

to insulin resistance so that’s that’s

what I would do if I were you okay how

can I book an appointment via Skype for

a personal program yeah I don’t do those

anymore unfortunately because I’m doing

these videos and I’ve pretty I’m gonna

research all day and create videos so I

don’t do any one in one appointments the

best thing to do is to call me the show

and you can ask a question and I can’t

give you that data the whole the whole

reason I’m doing this shift is big

as I want to give people kind of the

hattingh or the understanding of how to

do this so they’re not just asking me

questions so they themselves learn it so

I want my goal is to teach you guys how

to do it yourself to help yourself

so that way you don’t you’re not

dependent anyone so that’s why I created

four thousand videos you just have to

watch them all right after one years

solid on keto now okay

thirty-five pounds lost a 1c just came

in about 5.7 today Wow how can I get it

lower well a1c is like an average of

like three months of your blood Sugar’s

you can get it lower just by spending

more time doing this and making sure

that you’re like I think a good video to

watch it is I think it’s called all the

things that will thus I think it’s like

seven or ten things that stimulate

insulin and what you want to do is you

want to in that video I talked about

what to take to help lower insulin

resistance so like like potassium

magnesium make sure you get this from

your food vitamin D chromium out cider

vinegar all these things will actually

improve instant resistance and then

you’ll see that you’ll be more insulin

sensitive and it’ll work better so you

have less insulin and then you’ll start

to your numbers on this blood sugars

would be so much better you’ll like come

down to like the force but if you’re 5.7

you’re actually you’re doing pretty good

okay what our top sources will mega 3

fats salmon whitefish

well sardines are huge cod liver oil you

can get Cobb liver in a can and it’s

really good you can get it on Amazon

just do a search on it and that will

give you a lot of omega-3 you can also

get your omega-3 from well at least DHA

from algae but I recommend getting it

from Manley fish fatty fish salmon while

caught salmon that’s the best way

hands down salmon see the omega-3 fatty

acids we’re talking about DHA and EPA

are so important for the immune system

and especially your brain your the

structure of your brain is composed of

these fats so DHA is more for structure

especially in developed developing a

brand-new newborn but an epa is involved

in the function of the brain so you can

if the infant is deficient in those

omega-3 fatty acids it’ll de brain will

be smaller and they’ll have more

structural problems so DJ is essential

and not just infants but repairing a

brain so that’s why fish is really good

for people now they’re going to say well

what about the mercury well fish is also

has high amounts of selenium which

provides the enzyme to detoxify the

mercury so that’s that’s the solution

can fasting fix insulin resistance can

it help tinnitus yes fasting can fix

insulin resistance and it will help

tinnitus be especially since tonight is

to say usually a neurological problem in

the inner ear and so anything near Earth

like we think about peripheral

neuropathies forward from diabetes or

insulin resistance you can take Ben folk

to mean which is a great remedy but you

can also help improve that the the

improvement of the neurology knurled

neurogenesis through fasting and

lowering your carbs but especially



okay how do you put how do you put on

healthy weight that’s tough that’s tough

I think the only way to do it is to do

more calories and heavy weight training

that’s what I would do like I have to

have about 33,000 and 3,500 calories

every single day to kind of maintain and

I’m trying I’m like one I’m six five six

to 180 pounds but if I actually go down

to one meal which I feel better with I

will leave I’ll go down the like 177

pounds and I don’t want to go that low

okay is mk7 with D will it still work

the same as MK 73 yeah it’ll work the

same when I started Kido for the first


my ketones were high very dark on the

strip and now they’re between 0.5 and 1

point 5 here’s what you’re basically

you’re checking your urine

I’m guessing and what’s happening is

you’re actually using it you’re more

efficient you’re using more your ketones

there’s less ketones wasted through your

urine so you’re basically using up and

being auditioned that doesn’t mean

you’re not in ketosis the best thing to

do is to get a glucose meter ketone


there’s keto mojo has the best one it’s

a combination check your blood sugar and

ketones at the same time and you can get

them valuable data and you can know tell

you how much you’re into ketosis but

just because you’re not showing ketones

doesn’t mean it’s not working because

when you burn fat only 40 percent of

that fat turns into ketones the rest

turns into fatty acids so you’re still

burning fat so I think you’re doing

you’re probably doing is doing pretty


what are your thoughts on tempeh make

sure it’s organic

I don’t normally recommend soy products

but it’s fermented and you’re a vegan or

a vegetarian you want to do this go

ahead and do it make sure it’s organic

okay so someone has please help with

plantar fibromatosis

debilitating and some people get surgery

from them and they take out the road and

that’s painful here’s what you do let’s

say it’s on the right foot on a certain

location we do is you do acupressure

massage on the opposite side of the

other foot on the same exact mirror

image location when you press in there

firmly it’s gonna hurt like hell

why I don’t know but it’s always twice

as tender on the opposite side on the

mirror image side that’s that’s when you

know you’re actually hitting the right

spot and when you massage on the good

side you’re gonna find that through the

neural circuits that actually connect

you’re gonna find it’s gonna relieve

pain on the actual original side I have

videos on this you should probably even

look on plantar neuroma I have a video

on that

okay vitamin D levels are high keep

taking it or stop well it really depends

on how high it is I mean like if it’s

like slightly high and then you can keep

taking it or maybe you back off a little

bit go back on it there the main thing

is you want to take magnesium and k2

with your vitamin D to help balance it

out the only side effect from vitamin D

in higher amounts is hypercalcemia

calcium in the blood and and because

that could lead to kidney stones but if

you’re taking came to and you’re not

taking is much dairy especially when

you’re taking the d3 then you’re not

gonna have the calcium to drive into the

blood it’s not gonna be a problem so you

minimize the side effects so that’s how

you counter that because the benefits of

d3 are just huge for the immune system

for inflammation dr. where can I break a

fast with protein shake when doing in a

man fasting yeah

team can break the fast especially if

you’re doing collagen collagen is high

in glice glycine and that glycine has a

type of amino acid that’s gluco genic it

actually tends to can raise your blood

sugars other amino acids are ketogenic

but protein can do this say for example

you wanted to really get into deeper

ketosis you can adjust your protein a

little bit lower and that’s why I always

recommend 3 to 6 ounces that’s like

getting you into hardcore ketosis if you

when you start going up to like 8 ounces

10 ounces 12 ounces you’re gonna get a

little less ketosis because those ketone

that protein is going to turn into

eventually it’s going to raise your

insulin I could turn into sugar and it’s

going to be used as fuel but a lot of

that’s gonna be wasted through the liver

of uric acid but here’s the thing or

urea what happens is that certain

proteins are handled different but the

efficiency of certain proteins like for

example steak for example it’s like

you’re only getting like 37% of the

absorption the rest is usually either

used for fuel or waste and so you have a

protein if it’s used for repair it’s not

even you shouldn’t even look at it as

calories because it’s gonna replace body

tissue you’re not gonna use it as fuel

I’m gonna do some more videos at online

and also I’m gonna do a huge seminar and

our keto summit on protein because it’s

a fascinating topic but and for those of

you that are new I do every Europe we do

a keto summit and this year we’re gonna

do at the same location in Maryland and

August 31st and September first it’s

going to be awesome so definitely go to

the website check it out and get more

information if you can come that would

be great - be nice to meet you

but it’s this August it’s called a keto

summit and we’re gonna have even more

people than last year last year we had

500 people so it’s gonna be pretty

excited exciting alright so how many


can Akito flu last well there here’s

what you can do to knock out the kitto

flu really fast simply just take more

salt sea salt and it should not get out

like that it’s not an infection your

body is just transitioning into ketosis

and it hasn’t fully adapted yet okay

when I have pain in my armpits is that a

gland how do i cleanse them if you’re

having kind of a lymph node swelling and

your armpits it’s usually something

going on with the liver or you’ve eaten

something that you might be sensitive to

and that happens a lot of times when

people get rashes underneath their

armpit it’s usually coming in right

after they ate something weird or at a

restaurant that they normally don’t eat

it’s using an allergy that’s what I

would look at do you know an easier way

to stop sugar and stop going back to

sugar yeah you need a substitute because

you’re addicted so you need it to a

transitional phase so on the videos you

should look at my playlist it should be

down at my channel if you just click dr.

Burke’s channel but I have had these

recipes and use Aikido balm so you can

make they’re like cookies that you can

make and their treats and they’re sweet

and there’s no sugar in them and you can

you start using those as your treat so

you don’t feel deprived that’s what I

would do if I were you model Lauren for

lime how much should I take dosage I

would probably double or triple the

dosage on your bottle mono Lauren is

from coconut oil it’s really really good

for viruses it’s good for lime good for

the immune system but lime if you get

lime one of the best remedies would be a

rare agar no oil essential oil garlic

and there’s there’s quite a few

different different ones as well but

intimate fasting will help but it can

really mess you up supposed to with

those rashes the problem is like what

they recommend

medically as some long-term antibiotics

I’m like way too long and then you you

you deal with a bunch of other problems

but I’m not telling you not to take

medication I’m just saying that it can

it can definitely create resistance to

these antibiotics so I would try the

natural route first but check with your

doctor okay what what food can regrow

hair it really depends if there’s a

genetic factor but there are things you

can take the regrow hair the B vitamins

trace minerals because think about it

trace minerals and B vitamins are Co

enzymes for protein synthesis and your

hair to protein so if you take that it

can help you but there’s other reasons

why you might be losing your hair you

might have too much DHT which is a very

powerful estrogen I’m sorry testosterone

in which case you need something called

stinging nettle Road to handle that so

you don’t produce so much of that

powerful testosterone and burn out the

hair follicles can it be dangerous to

remove soft tissue calcium too quickly

well no when you’re taking your when you

take k2

your body is actually moving this

calcium at its own pace you can’t it’s

not moving it too fast words dangerous

it’s gonna take it out from a normal

physiology experience it’s not gonna be

like an issue can you eat something

sugar eat once every two weeks or a

month and be fine if not in Kido

if you’re worried about clots or strokes

and you’re also asking about sugar you

need to just bite the bite the bullet no

no I’m not gonna give you permission to

eat sugar you don’t wanna eat sugar

especially if you want to avoid clots

sugar triggers the the insulin response

and the insulin creates the clots so

that could be an issue and I’m gonna

kind of pry wrap things up pretty

quickly because it looks like the

signals are so if I kind of knockout

then that’s gonna be probably yet but

I’ll try to go a little bit longer okay

I eat a lot of hamburgers that’s totally

fine just avoid the bun okay restless

leg syndrome that’s B b1 B vitamins

should totally handle that there’s some

other things you can do with magnesium

but B vitamins are the best thing for

leg cramps and also vitamin D can help

too because it’ll help you absorb the

calcium all right let’s see why am I

always awake with mucus in my nose every

single day it’s terrible I think there

could be an allergy involved I’m

assuming you’re doing Kido if you’re not

you do it it’ll help your immune system

vitamin A is the best thing for the

mucous membranes around the sinuses

Spanish black radish is another good

thing to do to kind of pull mucus out of

your sinuses but I would get an allergy

test there’s some great ones I actually

talked about a new allergy test that I

really like and you can look up dr. Berg

and then allergy testing and check that

out but here’s the thing when you do in

a minute fasting you can improve

allergies and asthma so I would highly

recommend doing them do you need carbs

for muscle growth no you just need

normal insulin you don’t need carbs

here’s the data about muscle growth

insulin is an anabolic hormone so it

actually helps to set this

muscle reduction a muscle but here’s the

problem when you do sugar you creating

some resistance that was unavailable to

you you can’t pull it in so you can’t

use the amino acids so you eat more

sugar cream or insulin and it’s good

it’s worse worse worse so guess what you

can actually consume protein to get to

raise insulin a little bit to get that

effect but when you fix in some

resistance then you start absorbing more

proteins I will be doing a lot more

videos on protein at the seminole also

very soon especially since the amount of

absorption of protein that we we at a

normal person absorbs is very very low

it’s a lot lower than you think and if

you’re trying to build muscle there’s

very specific things you should be aware

of because muscles not just about

protein it’s about vitamin A it’s about

minerals potassium okay so my brother

was diagnosed with grade three fatty

liver doctors here are against meats

without which keto is impossible his

zinc levels are way overboard

yeah well yeah see with your livers

messed up you’re gonna you’re gonna have

all sorts of problems with trace

minerals and minerals and vitamins and

absorption of minerals I would highly

recommend choline that actually will

help a fatty liver and do intermittent

fasting if they won’t let him do keto

just doing them in a fasting but the

main thing is cut carbs down because the

carbs are turning into fat their current

through insulin and it’s causing a fatty

liver and unfortunately I would this is

what I would look to I would love to be

a fly on the wall and have a little

microphone and ten in your ear and just


we asked the doctor this these questions

so so meets bad Kita’s bad for fatty

liver so what’s good what died is good

and see what they say and see how many

carbohydrates that they recommend well

doc doesn’t doesn’t a carbohydrate

trigger insulin and that causes fatty


well and in CB says and mean or sheet I

mean if you just look up insulin

hyperinsulinemia and a fatty liver

there’s like so much data but you know

good luck on that how do I get zinc with

keto animal foods are gonna be the best

source of zinc the best would be

hoisters but organ meats are gonna be

good you can do a if you do a supplement

with zinc make sure it’s like a blend of

tres menos don’t just take with zinc

only because too much zinc is just as

bad as not enough zinc but zinc is

really really really important in a

prostate increasing your testosterone

your immune system psoriasis skin

disorders I mean like it’s a very

fascinating ok I just have to real quick

quickly say it and then I’ll have to see

you guys next time but if a child is

deficient in zinc or a mother whose

deficient in zinc that baby will not

grow as won’t grow to the full maturity

so there’s extend of growth there

there’ll be problem with the immune

system and skin problems so stay tuned

for more information about that because

it’s so so important guys you have so

many good questions I appreciate your

attention stop by tomorrow at the

station at at my my station my channel

at 11 o’clock Eastern Standard Time in

the morning and we’ll chat some more but

until next time have a great evening