How To Find The Perfect Diet For Your Body? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey it’s me again in this video I want to clarify a lot of the confusions that

are on this one topic called diets people that come in my office all day

long they don’t know what to do someone told me this and someone else told them

to eat the opposite food so there is a massive confusion going on I’m going to

sort that out and the question is why should you even listen to me well there

is a difference between a clinical practitioner someone in the field day in

and day out for a long time and working on thousands tens of thousands of people

that’s me and a clinical researcher who’s actually in a lab who researches

research that looks at published research but never really worked with a

person before so you really want to look at the source of who’s advising you or

maybe was like one person who has a success story with weight loss and they

wrote a book about it right so I will say that there’s a lot of different

bodies out there a lot of different situations

you can’t fit every single person into one mold you have to adapt another thing

about me that I think it’s a plus point is that I am very willing to be wrong

and to I’m interested in just success so I’m very flexible in my thinking that’s

why I’ve updated a lot of the information in my books over the years

and I keep changing things to adapt with what I’m seeing out there okay so with

that said let’s go into some of the data anytime you’re evaluating data you have

to compare it to something to figure it out so let’s say blood pressure you have

to know what normal is right 120 over 80 so then you can compare if yours is high

or low or let’s say your temperature is 98.6 well that’s normal so you have to

compare it to normal or with a diet we have to compare it to something to be

able to evaluate this to have a reference point so I think the best way

to evaluate the correct diet for you would be to look at the very definition

of the word food and that comes from a derivation which means nutrients so we

eat to get nutrients that’s why we eat so if you are doing a diet that provides

the nutrients that you need that would be a very good diet so if you’re eating

things that don’t provide nutrients that would be a very bad diet so now the

question is what diet would give you the most nutrients okay so now let’s just

take a vegetarian okay or vegan whatever someone who eats a lot of greens and

things and they don’t eat animal products and that’s like Dr. Fuhrman for

example recommends a lot of greens right and apparently he says well it’s really

healthy and it’s gonna help you lose weight it’s gonna help your cholesterol

your heart where he’s getting great results but here’s the here’s some data

that you might need to evaluate when we take and I’ve been pushing kale for many

years and kale is very healthy it has about thirty five thousand international

units of vitamin A per cup so you say wow that just handled my vitamin A but

with vegetables all the fat-soluble vitamins vitamin A D and K those are all

pre vitamins in vegetables in other words they’re not the active form so

really you’re only getting 4% if you’re lucky a vitamin A because your body has

to convert it so being a vegetarian without meat gives you a problem with

the fat soluble vitamins okay so that’s just the fact so our body’s the active

form of vitamin a comes in grass-fed butter it comes in cod liver oil and

animal products so vegetable doesn’t give you that vegetables give you tons

of vitamins other vitamins and tons of minerals folate for example and

potassium and magnesium all these minerals so we need vegetables for sure

but it doesn’t give you all of the vitamins okay so that’s one thing so

again I’m comparing everything to that derivation of the word food how do you

get all your nutrients right now one essential nutrient is amino

acids and that comes from protein so being a vegetarian you look at the

different foods and it is possible to get your amino acids from vegetables or

beans or nuts but it’s not easy to do so you really have to know what you’re

doing so I’m not saying it’s not possible it’s just more difficult but

here’s the thing I’ve had people become vegetarian and

all of a sudden they start showing signs of protein deficiencies you know their

teeth start getting loose or their hair falls it falls out and then I have other

people that become a vegetarian and and they their get their hair back so again

it’s whatever the person is missing so I’m not against anyone diet as long as

it follows the definition of the word food and you’re getting your nutrients

okay so some people might do very well on a vegetarian diet and others might do

very poorly personally I was a vegetarian when I was in my 20s and I

did not do well on that at all I was always starving and I needed some

animal protein so again the real simple version of this is rather than trying to

believe someone’s theory even my theory go ahead and try for yourself go ahead

and try a diet try different ones and see what you feel best on let’s see what

gives you buy the most weight loss let’s see what gives you the most health

benefits I mean that’s a simple way to do it so you might want to try you know

not eating any animal products for a while or even eating them see how you

feel again and do what makes sense there’s doctors out there now that are

recommending starches are okay potatoes so it’s really needy potatoes I’m like

really okay try to lose weight by eating potatoes so I’m not saying don’t do it

but you want to prove it to yourself then you actually know the truth of it

rather than believe the theory it’s almost everyday that someone emails me

and says Dr. Berg um I heard that’s this other person said something that

conflicts you with your information I says well why don’t you go ahead and try

it and see how you respond okay the advantage I have is I just tested so

many of these things on people for so long I can kind of narrow it down for

you to tell you what works on the people if you’re in a diabetic for

example and you’re trying to be a vegetarian it I will say it is difficult

because of the breakdown a protein is so fast in your body called catabolic

effect on the muscle protein it’s very difficult to retain that protein so you

see people with atrophy or if you have a female that’s going through menopause

and you take of the protein away they can lose a lot of amino acids so there’s

multiple causes to different body types whether it’s hormonal or maybe you have

a weakness with genetic whatever but the point is that you want to be very

flexible and not put everyone into one bucket okay

let’s take a low-carb diet are all low-carb diets good well there’s a

confusion on that because what’s low-carb to some people might be a high

carb to others the problem with low carb is that it’s a good thing but what

carb they talking about are they talking about vegetables are they talking about sweets are they talking about

about fruit if you take someone that has a very bad poor metabolism and you put

them on a low carb it might not be enough of the lowering effect to really

help them lose weight for example a paleo diet is a very healthy thing that

I think I like paleo and that’s good for someone unless they have a very slow

metabolism because they allow you to do some fruits which is just enough

carbohydrate to bump you out of fat-burning I have people that you know

if they could just do a version of paleo and knock out the fruit they can be very

successful with their weight so again low-carb might also include fruit so we

don’t want to do that or low-carb might include maple syrup or just a small

amount of sugars which is not good for someone trying to lose weight so you

really have to understand that and then we have the low fat right low fat diets

we already know that theory has been completely utterly destroyed over the

years because again if we if we compare it to food were you getting your fat

soluble vitamins vitamin A D and K from the fats from the animal fats you need

some fat not a lot but some but then you might have a

high-protein diet which like Atkins which is like a lot of fat and protein

but he doesn’t emphasize the vegetable to give you all the vitamins and

minerals okay so we have a lot of excess of one type of amino acid but not

everything else so that can throw your body out of balance too so but some

people thrive on that eating plan some people don’t depending on how

they’re able to retain certain nutrients or absorb them so that’s kind of my

point and then you have people that are on ketosis well that’s a lot more fat

well if you have a good gallbladder and you’re also having a lot of vegetables

and your metabolism isn’t too bad you can lose some serious weight with that

eating plan but again the fat that you’re burning may be the dietary fat to

some degree and not your own fat so if you’re not losing weight with that you

might not be able to tolerate as much fat as other people that are have a

better metabolism and and then one last thing I want to mention and I’m going to

use a patient that came in to me yesterday classic example she’s on a

so-called diet she’s losing weight like crazy but she’s completely exhausted her

heart rate is pounding out of her chest it went way up above it at 110 resting

110 to be 70 when she stands up her blood pressure goes down she gets dizzy

what’s happening with her she’s on a 500 calorie diet well first of all she’s

depriving herself not of calories but of nutrients she’s severely low in

electrolytes that feed the heart so I recommended certain electrolytes because

that diet is very unhealthy because it doesn’t fit the definition of food which

is that which nourishes the body which provides energy and repair of tissues

she’s depriving the body of nutrients okay so I just wanted to create this

video to give you a little insight on what my viewpoint on diets are and when

you listen to a theory and you’re now more confused the only way you’re ever

going to figure this out is to try it and see if it works for you and if it

does great then that’s true for you if it doesn’t then you’re going to have to

find something that does work all right I’ll see you the next video