The 7 MOST Important Nutrients for Your Immune System | DrEricBergDC

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I want to share something very important

with you relating to your immune system

to get through the winter and avoid

getting sick and even if you did get

sick to have very good outcomes there

are seven really vital nutrients that I

think are more important in other

nutrients and I’m going to try to

explain this in a really simple way so

you really get it and also how to get

these nutrients from the food that you

eat some of these nutrients I’m going to

talk about are very deficient in a very

large percent of the population so that

includes you you need to a little more

information on like what this nutrient

does and where to get it let’s start

with the nutrient number one

vitamin A it’s one of the more important

vitamins for your immune system

especially for lung infections vitamin A

helps you make antibodies now what’s an

antibody it’s something that helps tag a

bad guy in your body like a pathogen and

it helps the other parts of your immune

system know who’s the bad guy versus the

good guy so we don’t want to attack the

wrong cell right so the antibody is all

about tagging someone so it would be

like a bounty hunter that’s going out to

find some criminal they may not do the

punishment right put them in jail but

they help find the criminal that’s what

your antibodies do I mean think about

what a job that is you have so many

cells the body is huge and these

antibodies are going around scanning

looking for these pathogens and somehow

they can identify them and then they can

tag them and then they then communicate

to the rest immune system to kill okay

so that’s what your immune system does

and without enough vitamin A your

ability to produce antibodies and tag

pathogens are greatly reduced so now

your body has a lessened ability to

recognize the bad guys and there’s

something else vitamin A helps your

immune system coordinate this attack

because it increases this very specific

T Cell called the T helper cell that’s

all about coordination I guess it’d be

equivalent to like a symphony

orchestrator which is out there

coordinating the various musicians and

their instruments if you didn’t have

that person it would all be chaos so the

T helper cell does a lot of coordination

in this attack so without vitamin A you

can’t tag the bad guy and then you can’t

coordinate this attack with your army

now where do you get vitamin A a good

source would be grass-fed butter you can

also get it from other things too like

egg yolks liver but I would not count on

getting your vitamin A from plant Foods

because that mainly is going to be

beta-carotene that has to convert into

the active form of vitamin A which is

retinol and for most people it’s not

going to happen so more butter through

the winter more butter to support your

immune system all right the next vitamin

which you may not connect the dots

between this nutrient and your immune

system is vitamin E now vitamin E is a

very potent antioxidant that protects

the lipid membranes okay so all your

cells have a little fat layer it’s a

membrane and it’s made from lipids and

vitamin E protects that membrane from

being damaged by your immune system and

many other things I mean think about

what’s happening you have this immune

system which is your army that’s going

to fight these pathogens right so

they’re going to use weapons one weapon

they use is hydrogen peroxide if you

ever put hydrogen peroxide on an open

wound you see it all fizzing and it

starts to oxidize and it starts to

create this reaction well think about

what that will do to a pathogen it

literally kills pathogens right well all

this is happening inside your body so

you’re getting exposure to hydrogen

peroxide and many other weapons from

your own immune system so vitamin E is

there to protect against all this

collateral damage and if you didn’t have

enough vitamin E well you’d have a lot

of damage that’s occurring from your

immune system that is unnecessary this

is also another problem with people

taking like chemotherapy or radiation

therapy yes it kills the cancer but it

also kills off the immune system right

if you have to take chemo or radiation

therapy for cancer I would highly

recommend also at the same time doing

things like vitamin E taking other

nutrients to protect you against all

this collateral damage and just as a

side note one thing you can do to

protect yourselves against the damage

from chemotherapy and radiation therapy

is fasting prolonged fasting your cells

will automatically become stronger and

live longer if you’re fasting and at the

same time you have to do the chemo and

radiation therapy so vitamin E protects

against the collateral damage okay

that’s one thing it does also without

enough vitamin E the ability of your T

cells and other things called the

phagocytes that actually eat up

pathogens just are less strong so that’s

about a minivus and guess where you can

get vitamin E from butter okay you can

also get it from leafy greens you can

all also get it from nuts in egg yolks

because it’s a fat soluble vitamin the

next most important vitamin which is

probably the most important vitamin is

vitamin D I’ve done

lots of videos on vitamin D on the

importance of what it can do to your

immune system I mean just across the

board it influences every single part of

your immune system but one of the most

important things that vitamin D will do

is it helps to curb or calm down an

overactive immune system so if your

immune system

is a little too enthusiastic okay and

it’s like going in hyper mode and you

have too much inflammation vitamin D can

come in there and chill it out

so any condition that you have that

involves too much inflammation

especially chronic inflammation like

chronic arthritis autoimmune or even the

cytokine storm involved in like an

infection vitamin D can come in there

and just turn that thing right off it

can also lessen the duration of

infection one of the most amazing things

it does is it just puts out the fire

okay but you need a lot of it you need

um not just 600 IUS you need about 10 20


000 IUS if you’re going through an

infection and guess where you can get

vitamin D you can get it from butter you

can get it from cod liver oil you can

get it from the Sun but not during the

winter so many people just take it as a

supplement but it’s a very important

nutrient and you should know more about

that because most people are deficient

in vitamin D the next most important

vitamin is Vitamin C you can get a lot

of it from raw sauerkraut not

pasteurized sauerkraut but raw okay you

get like 700 milligrams that’s 10 times

what you really need in one cup of raw

sauerkraut incredible but vitamin C is

one of those vitamins that helps to

increase your resistance and lowers your

susceptibility to getting a pathogen but

because it’s an antioxidant it also can

lower the collateral damage just like

vitamin E will do but vitamin E protects

the fat layered membranes vitamin C

helps other things in your body from

getting damaged so if there’s a lot of

oxidation free radical damage

inflammation vitamin C protects the

tissues against all this collateral

damage from your own immune system and a

lot of times when you feel sick or you

feel lethargic or you feel tired or you

have a fever or you have any negative

reaction when you get sick it’s this

collateral damage that’s causing it so

vitamin C can help clean that up and

make you feel better as you’re going

through the infection the same thing

with vitamin E but the other thing that

vitamin C will do is it increase

increases neutrophils neutrophils really

due to three things okay they eat

pathogens for lunch right they eat

viruses bacteria parasites yeast fungus

mold that’s one thing they also will

release Weaponry like microbial agents

that kill

microbes so it’s kind of like they have

this shotgun that they can use against

microbes and the third thing that they

do it’s pretty cool they actually throw

a net over the pathogens and contain the

pathogen so they can then inject certain

chemicals to dissolve and kill the

pathogen they’re like a little spider

that can throw the net over the pathogen

so those are the three ways that

neutrophils work and they are dependent

on vitamin C and again you can get

vitamin C from sauerkraut but you can

get it from all the leafy greens even

you can get some vitamin C from

grass-fed grass finish beef believe it

or not as well as grass-fed

grass-finished liver the next most

important nutrient that you need to know

about is zinc you probably already know

that but zinc is involved in several

hundred enzymes okay without zinc a lot

of things can’t work in your body but

one of the most important interesting

things that zinc will do to your immune

system is to allow the thymus to do its

job the thymus makes T cells it’s like a

training camp for your immune system

and it’s dependent on zinc without zinc

the thymus actually shrinks way down it

can’t work right zinc allows the

training of your immune system so

without enough zinc your T cells get

suppressed so they can’t go to battle

they can’t fight the weapons that they

are supposed to have are limited and the

ammo that is released is suppressed so

you’re basically cutting down your army

without having enough zinc and there’s a

lot of people that don’t have enough


primarily because you’re eating a lot of

refined grains with phytates that are

blocking the zinc a lot of cereals

breads pasta cereal crackers things like

that whole grains okay and you can get

zinc from shellfish okay oysters you can

also get zinc from other things like


red meat as loaded with zinc there was

an interesting study on mice okay where

they had one group that was deprived of

zinc and the other group was fed enough

zinc and both groups were exposed to a

deadly parasite and in the group that

was Zinc deficient there was an 80

percent mortality rate 80 percent of

these mice died the zinc deficient group

and in the other group only 10 percent

of the mice died and this was the group

that had enough zinc it tells us that

zinc is very important in surviving

infections okay number one and having an

immune system to protect us against

these pathogens no matter if it’s virus

parasite bacteria the next nutrient I

want to talk about is selenium

selenium is a trace mineral to help you

make glutathione which is another

antioxidant which protects the body from

free radical damage oxidation it

protects the lipids as well it also

protects against inflammation okay all

that collateral damage and if you’re

deficient in selenium your immune system

is no longer as potent as it should be

it has a more difficult time fighting

pathogens and it also has a difficult

time protecting the your normal tissues

from all the collateral damage there is

a another study on mice that had a group

that was deficient in selenium

and compare that to a group that had

enough selenium and they were both

exposed to a parasite not the same

parasite but a different parasite and in

the group that was selenium deficient

okay they all suffered multiple organ

failure okay

as compared to the group that had

sufficient selenium so that would be

just another example even though the

studies weren’t done on humans I think

it’s something to look at it’s something

they appreciate and the problem with

doing human studies is that who’s going

to volunteer for this study not me so

where can you get selenium seafood and

Brazil nuts and the last nutrient I want

to comment on is copper copper works

with zinc I haven’t talked a lot about

copper but copper is very important for

your immune system as well if you don’t

have enough copper you’re more

susceptible to getting infections okay

copper also works with selenium

in making certain enzymes to protect

against collateral damage because it can

act as an antioxidant but it’s also

directly involved in immune system

function and specifically in recruiting

help with other parts of the immune

system so if you don’t have enough

copper your cells won’t be coordinated

enough to recruit for help to have the

full capacity of your immune system at

the barrier that you’re defending from

and copper can be gotten from shellfish

seafood and beef Meats it’s an eggs it’s

in a lot of different foods now I’ve

recently did a very interesting video on

What vitamin D does to your immune

system it’s a little bit more in depth

and you really need to watch that

because once you watch that

you’ll have the complete knowledge of

vitamin D in its relationship to

bulletproofing yourself against

pathogens and I put that video up right

here check it out