Causes & Symptoms Of Calcium Deficiency – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys in this video we’re going to

talk about calcium deficiencies now I

put a link down below so you can see

calcium excesses as well because so many

people have too much calcium it’s

locking up the soft tissues and creating

all sorts of issues so watch that one

too but if you’re deficient in calcium

these are the symptoms number one

insomnia specifically early-morning

insomnia let’s say you get up an hour

before the alarm clock boom you need

some calcium so calcium will allow you

to go a little bit longer and that’s

because calcium is needed to make

tryptophan to make melatonin so it’s not

just about calcium in the muscle itself

relaxing you it’s about your hormones

okay muscle cramps because that’s one

common symptom so I recommend calcium

lactate or calcium citrate not not a

it’s very easy to find brittle nails

tooth decay bone loss and red purple

spots they could be really small where

they can be bigger why because calcium

is involved in the clotting of blood

just like vitamin K is okay then tetany

that’s a little twitching right through

in here but many times it’s not the

calcium it’s you’re to alkaline and

you’re not able to transport the calcium

and it becomes unavailable to you so you

get these little twitches you know

different parts of your body is called

tetany there’s more symptoms but these

are the main ones pins a needle around

the mouth and the lips or on your your

hands and your feet which could also be

a diabetic symptom as well so they can

mimic each other okay now what are the

causes hypoparathyroidism now not


it’s the parathyroid there’s two there’s

four little glands behind the thyroid

they’re really tiny and like the size of

a seat of a rice a grain of rice and

when it’s low it can actually affect the

calcium when it’s high it raises calcium

and it would steal it from the bone

kidney damage can cause the calcium

deficiency calcium channel blockers

that’s what you would take if you have

high blood

sure because that blocks calcium anti

acids which dry up all the acid in your

stomach giving you low stomach acids you

need a really acidic stomach to absorb

minerals specifically calcium so that

could be you know why you’re deficient

vomiting or diarrhea because you’re

losing fluids excessive magnesium so

let’s say you’re taking the remedy

called calm which is magnesium and

you’re taking it but you’re not adding

the calcium in there that can create an

imbalance because calcium and magnesium

work together then we have low vitamin D

right let’s say for example you don’t

it’s not in your diet or you’re not

getting the Sun or your gallbladder is

missing or you don’t have enough bile

because your gall bladder is congested

you can’t absorb the fat file vitamins

so that’s another common reason we low

stomach acids and then alkalosis which

basically your pH of your blood

it’s just overly too alkaline and that

can come from adrenal stress and high

cortisol okay the best foods for calcium

would be grass-fed dairy cheese I do a

lot of cheese you get a lot of calcium

from that greens leafy greens spinach

bok choy kale is loaded with calcium

nuts seeds fish sardines and it’s a lot

of other foods as well if you’re going

to take a supplement I would go for the

calcium lactate

you can’t find that go with the citrate

calcium citrate but do not go for the

calcium carbonate that’s like chewing on


it’s just truing on this wall right here

it’s just not going to be absorbed too

well it’s like chewing on rocks all


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