The Blood Type Diet vs. Body Type Diet – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I recently had a question

relating to the blood type diet versus

the body type diet what’s the difference


now there’s a book sold ten million

copies eat right for your blood type


and on the outside it looks really

legitimate it looks scientific it looks

like there’s a technology to it because

they’re breaking down for different

diets based on your blood type Type A

where you’re doing more vegan meals

plant-based type B blood we’re doing

plant base plus some meats but without

chicken or pork avoiding wheat in corn


type A B you’re doing seafood tofu dairy

beans type o higher protein some fruit

paleo okay so basically they’re the

technology is all based on your blood


but if you look at their research there

isn’t very much research it’s actually

very weak if any research and the author

also throws in some data about your

personality to being affected by the

blood type with which you lost me right

there because there’s no way that your

blood type is going to affect your

personality your emotional level your

behavior it’s not going to do that so

despite selling 10 million copies

obviously some people got some really

good results where they wouldn’t have

kept buying this book it had it wouldn’t

have spread but if you kind of look at

these diets you’re cutting out a lot of

junk food

you’re cutting out a lot of foods that

make you fat so that’s probably why it

works for some people so it’s not that

people don’t get some results on that

okay so that’s my opinion on the blood

type diet okay so now let’s talk about

this science behind body types okay so

what I observed is that you notice that

if you look around a lot of you have

different shapes out there right and

there’s four primary shapes you have

people that hold weight and the stomach

and then some people that actually have

a protruding belly people that gain

weight in the hips some people that gain

weight all over and not in any one

location so I was very curious about why

that is so what I do

it was I got my hands on nearly every

single book on Endocrinology that has

been written okay and I found like for

example when you have high cortisol you

can see the picture of the person’s

belly where the fat goes right so so you

can see a female here there’s a picture

of someone that has too much cortisol

you can see this body shape found that

interesting and if you look at someone

with liver damage they can get this

condition called ascites which is fluid

that builds up in a sac around the gut

and so they have a potbelly a lot of

people have this and then you can get a

fatty liver which then spills over and

it can give you visceral fat so that can

also come from the liver and then I do

know that estrogen dominance will

actually put fat around the hips and the

thighs okay if you have low estrogen you

don’t accumulate fat in that location

then we have the thyroid and if the

thyroid becomes sluggish then you gain

weight we’re all over so there’s various

pictures of the shape that someone would

go into if they had a problem with this

gland okay so then I research and what

type of foods would improve the liver

function what type of foods would help

lower cortisol what type of foods are

anti estrogen ik and what type of foods

are really good for the thyroid

developing some type of technology to

support these shapes okay yeah that was

in the first book here’s the second book

right here it’s called the new body type

guide which is an upgrade from the seven

principles of fat burning okay and I

made some significant important changes

that I want to talk about so what I was

missing in my first book was at the

foundational eating plan that would

address one of the biggest problems out

there which is high levels of insulin or

insulin resistance so I needed some type

of basic reference so what we did is we

use the definition of the word food okay

and I want to read this to you food is

that which is eating to sustain life

provide energy and promote the growth

and repair of tissues and the derivation

of the word food is nourishment which

comes from providing nutrients to the

body okay so basically we need food to

provide and

and nutrients okay so let’s first talk

about fuel okay there’s two types of

fuel you can run the body on ketones or

glucose okay we already know the person

has been running in glucose their whole

life but here’s the thing if you were

breastfed you started out in ketosis

breastfeeding is a natural thing for us

to start out on and when an infant is

fed breast milk they go right into

ketosis so our bodies really were meant

to run in a ketones not glucose and

that’s why we have such a huge reserve a

fat to live off of and we have such a

small amount of stored glucose okay as

glycogen just simply because their

bodies are not designed to you know keep

beating every hour and a half and to be

able to then combine in a minute fasting

with ketosis now we’re kind of mimicking

what our bodies are really designed to

do not consume meals every hour and a

half it’s a very unnatural you create a

lot of problems when you do that so we

have the providing energy from ketosis

part but then what we want to do is we

want to make sure that that eating plan

has all of the required nutrients and

that’s why we kind of enhance the a

traditional keto plan and made a healthy

version of that we call healthy ketosis

okay so healthy ketosis in the minute

fasting is the basic plan that everyone

starts on and then in two weeks we will

tweak that plan with your specific body

type okay this is the icing on the cake

well maybe I shouldn’t talk about icing

on the cake but if you have a liver

problem then maybe we can support the

liver with certain types of nutrients or

foods sanding with the drean all same

thing with the ovary okay so I hope that

cleared up the difference between body

types and blood types

so I want to know what you’re interested

in as far as future video click the link

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