6 Child IQ Killers- Low IQ By Iodine Deficiency, Vitamin B12 Deficiency & High Sugar Foods – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so I wanted to create a little video on

six things that can potentially lower

your child’s IQ now a lot of information

is associated on what the female is

exposed to or consuming right before and

during the pregnancy okay like a lack of

iodine can drop the IQ by twelve point

four points so either as a trace mineral

so it’s vital that a woman who’s

pregnant consume trace minerals to make

sure that the growing fetus has

everything it needs to develop into a

healthy body number two not being

breastfed can also affect the cognitive

function okay when a child is fed infant

formula filled with all these chemicals

and sugars that has huge effects on the

growing brain even down here we talked

about high sugar diets well high sugar

creates insulin resistance which can

affect hypoglycemia and even cause the

brain to be a little bit smaller than it

should be so

breastfeeding is very very important

minimally six months but up to two years

or longer would be good all right number

three childhood diabetes type one okay

that has huge effects on the development

of a growing brain and it has effects of

the cognitive function as well we’ve

already talked about insulin resistance

and hypoglycemia

but diabetes in general can definitely

affect the IQ now I’m going to put some

links down below on what I think that’s

causing diabetes type 1 which is

autoimmune you can check that out later

but this can actually affect the IQ

number for lowered b12 b12 is essential

in the development of the central

nervous system and just the nervous

system in general so if there’s not

enough b12 that you can affect the

cognitive function okay so number six

exposure to certain chemicals

specifically phalates

okay and that can really affect the

cognitive function especially IQ okay so

this would be in certain plastic

containers that you’re going to hold

your food in you put the food that’s hot

in there that heat melts on the plastic

it goes in the food it’s also in

cosmetics it’s in soaps shampoo it’s in

skin moisturizers

so we just need to be aware of what our

children are exposed to and also what

you’re exposed to if you’re actually

pregnant so one of the best things to do

is make sure that you’re taking the

trace minerals make sure you take the B

vitamins okay

get on a healthy keto plan low sugars a

lot of high nutrient-dense foods and

that way we can maximize the

intelligence and the cognitive function

of your children so I hope you’re coming

to the keto health summit coming up in

October so I want to quickly comment on

what we’re gonna do that’s different

from other conventions okay the problem

with these other conventions is they

give you information over a load okay

it’s so much data that you’re basically

swimming in a sea of information we’re

going to do things very differently

we’re only going to cover the most

important things that make a huge

difference now there are three very

powerful strategies that we’re going to

be talking about at the summit that you

will not find and any of my youtube

videos number one is on memory I’m going

to be showing you something very cool to

dramatically increase your memory and

concentration that’s going to blow you


and number two I’m going to show you how

to increase your stress tolerance so you

are completely calm all the time alright

and number three and most importantly if

you have a slow metabolism if you’ve

dyed it for a long time and everything

is kind of just really slow I’m going to

show you how to get complete control

over your metabolism so you can

literally turn up the dial as high as

you want and control as much weight as

you want to lose and these three things

are just a tiny bit of what you’re going

to learn in the summit so click the link

below get signed up and I will see you

in October