Avoid These 6 Mistakes When Treating a Viral Infection | DrEricBergDC

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now there are six mistakes that you can

make when you develop a viral infection

and you’re going to actually address it

or treat it that I want to talk about

because when you start getting sick

especially a viral infection you want to

make sure that you can maybe fight it

off initially so it doesn’t develop into

a full-blown infection and if you have

the infection you want a very quick

recovery you don’t want something that’s

going to last a very long time so this

video is going to be very important all

right number one stopping a fever too

quickly there’s this impulse to want to

get rid of your fever especially if a

child has fever well did you realize

that by getting rid of the fever you’re

going to prolong the duration of the

infection you have to realize what that

fever is there for very very important

it is there to help reduce the spreading

of the virus that’s right like if it’s

in your sinuses down into the lungs it

can actually inhibit the spreading from

the lungs throughout the rest of the

body it can reduce the reproduction of

the virus it helps inhibit the virus

going into the cell it reduces something

called il6 which is a requirement for

the virus to survive and on top of that

The Fever increases your

T killer cells which is everything to do

with killing of viruses as well as

killing off cancer in fact when you

start getting a fever I would recommend

do things to keep really really warm to

help enhance that fever you know when

you’re actually sleeping just wear more

clothes have more blankets take a hot

bath take a hot shower stay really

really warm viruses hate heat all right

number two taking an antibiotic for a

virus it doesn’t work antibiotics only

work for bacterial infections not

viruses not fungal infections not

candida only for bacterial infections

and the problem when you take an

antibiotic there’s some slight minor

complications and I’m being very

sarcastic because there are a lot of

side effects the big one being you know

when you take an antibiotic you’re not

going to fully kill off everything right

those microbes that survive become


they start resisting that antibiotic

they learn from that stress and now the

next time you use an antibiotic it

doesn’t work anymore and then you get

sick and you have another infection

another infection so over time these

antibiotics become less and less

effective not to mention all the other

side effects so when you have a virus

infection antibiotics don’t work and if

for some reason you have to take an

antibiotic make sure you also take a

probiotic at the exact same time so you

can actually kind of preserve your own

microbes to some extent I mean the

reason we’re even bringing this up is

because literally like 50 percent of all

antibiotics are prescribed unnecessarily

also if you take antibiotics you end up

with a severe B1 deficiency which

creates all sorts of issues now the next

one is just the kind of concept of

avoiding over sanitation and this has to

do with something called the hygiene

hype hypothesis mainly for kids that are

living in a very super clean environment

they tend to get more allergies they

tend to get sick more often simply

because they don’t develop an immune

system you have to realize that

especially early on when you get an

infection as a child

that’s the training of your immune

system so sometimes we have this

Obsession to keep everything so sterile

and clean and sanitized well that can

inhibit your immune system as well

especially if you are sanitizing your

hands or your your skin you actually are

wiping off all the good bacteria that

live on your skin as well I mean this

also can relate to

facial cleansing creams and scrubs and

all this work to kind of clean your skin

whether you have acne or whatever you’re

just stripping off all these friendly

bacteria and you end up with rashes on

your skin and the skin is not as healthy

all right number four detoxifying when

you run down or you’re getting sick you

don’t want to do a detox you don’t want

to take things that detoxify you because

that’s going to weaken your system

you’re going to actually probably even

get sick just from that I’ve been

completely you know without symptoms

right I had no infections and then I

took some remedy to detoxify myself and

I ended up with a full-blown infection

now what is going on with that

when you detox sometimes incorrectly you

release a lot of crud and stuff and

you’re it creates an immune reaction and

you can even be sick just from that not

to mention you can weaken the immune

system and activate latent viruses that

are dormant so the point is when you’re

sick you want to nurture that situation

you don’t want to start doing any type

of detoxification and even doing a detox

in general I have videos on that there’s

the right way to do it but you want to

do it so you don’t get sick so you want

to learn from the mistakes of others

including me and I mean I I was sick in

bed for two weeks unnecessarily by just

doing a detox and this also relates to

the next one number five uh you doing

like a shotgun effect

on your immune system like taking every

single known remedy demand for an

infection just tons of stuff you’re

going to overdo it you don’t need to do

that yeah even sometimes when they have

like um a sinus infection they’ll start

doing colloidal silver as a nasal rinse

and then they’ll add hydrogen peroxide

and then they’ll add other things like

garlic it’s going to irritate your

tissues so you got to really be careful

not to overdo it I have videos on this

of what to do probably the three

Essentials would be zinc a natural form

of vitamin C

and vitamin D and also apple cider

vinegar is a nice one as well because

apple cider vinegar stimulates the

phagocytes so it can stimulate the

immune system to kind of clean things up

and number six and I’ve seen this

mistake quite frequently as

trying to suppress the immune system

when it’s trying to work right away so

there’s a lot of medications that

suppress a cough or suppress mucus right

the cough and the mucus is there to get

rid of the virus so you start

suppressing things you push them deeper

into the tissues and now

you have the infection longer so

anything that can actually help get rid

of mucus and help it drain or even

improve a productive cough would be a

good thing there’s another point about


and even sometimes people have to take

prednisone when they’re sick prednisone

is a synthetic cortisol and cortisol

which is a stress hormone suppresses the

immune system big time it basically

makes your immune system paralyzed it

lowers white blood cells what am I

talking about I’m talking about anything

that stresses you out when you’re going

through a viral infection or even a

bacterial infection

boy that is a big problem that’s

probably the biggest problem in fact

there probably wasn’t a time that you

got sick that you didn’t have some

stress event that occurred just before

that so it’s very very important to keep

your stress to a minimum get plenty of

rest take hot baths nurture your body

but I just wanted to create this video

to increase your awareness on these key

factors now there’s a lot of other

things that you need to know about the

immune system and if you haven’t seen

this a very important immune video I put

it up right here check it out