How To Evaluate Sleep Quality? – Dr. Berg On Sleep Evaluation & Debug | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys I’m back today I have a special

guest Aaron and Aaron used to be a

client of mine way back and so she’s

living in the area and I just wanted to

pull her in for an interview on your

history a little bit and we won’t get

into the details but I want to give you

a little summary because this is a

perfect example of just how stress can

affect your body right yes yeah so we’re

gonna talk about stress we’re going to

talk about the Kino diet we’ll talk

about in a minute fasting so you know

thumbnail sketch I’m just gonna try to

go through it okay so you’ve been going

through the you were in flight or flight

mode your whole life right like that’s

the stress mode so you’re just pushing

those adrenals going goes way back been

through a lot of stress emotional stress

physical stress - or just mainly

emotional as well okay in the gym

pushing at high-intensity interval

training yeah okay so she’s been going

through that and just the num a series

of events that occurred over time that

started burning her out and then

affecting her sleep all right I mean

there was I mean it’s been a while since

you slept yes I mean just pushing

pushing and I had a similar thing where

I didn’t sleep there was like 12 years I

didn’t sleep and then I mean there was

nights that I I needn’t say point min I

don’t know

that ever happened to you you didn’t

sleep at all it was no I didn’t have

insomnia okay I had that pulse all the

time kind of adrenaline yeah and I would

sleep for an hour at a time I got that

one over there did you hear it I lost in

your ear tell me or just like in your I

could just feel it okay so that’s

adrenaline that’s adrenalin cuz your

adrenals are located right above the

kidneys and they there’s a inside of the

adrenals and there’s an outside the

outside is all gland the inside us all

nerve so the inside makes adrenaline the

outside makes cortisol which is a stress

hormone so this is a book sivir the

cyclopædia for endocrinology we’ll just

on page 84 this is not what you look

like but I’m just showing you all the

effects of cortisol so I’m just gonna go

to go through them increased neural

excitability in your brain it’s like

just extremely kind of excessive

thinking thinking analyzing everything

to death I’ve ever had that you know I

yes okay

it can affect a lot of other things too

which in her case I don’t think it’s

affecting as much like this can this

situation right here but I know it’s

affecting your sleep your sleep for sure

your focus your mood and also your your

cognitive function I think it’s like

sensory overload but anyway that that’s

what Cora still does and you’ve had

cortisol test and they were high like

they’re really high all day long so you

had a you know relationship stress is

multiple and then you were traveling

back and forth around the country like

what five hours one way back and forth

so jet lag right you had a nap and then

you had job stress where you’re working

like without any break for a long period

of time so you push your adrenals and

then you said have a baby on top of that

and so a way before that okay so you had

that and then you know that takes a

tremendous amount of stress having a kid

so you had that and then not sleeping

and then you sometimes get into mode

where you might go into a chocolate

thing for a while right for a couple

years ago last year or the year where I

had the where I was working nonstop and

needed to just keep going and needed a

little bit of joy in my life right get a

lot of pleasure there it comes in the

package because chocolate doesn’t

necessarily have caffeine it has

theobromine which is a different

chemical which is a stimulant

so also even earlier you’ve had

stimulants too you know growing up so we

have all this stimulation which is

basically foot on gas pill forever right

and now the brake pad is broken so you

can’t just go to bed at 10:00

thirty and just go right out and sleep

for the next seven or eight hours right

right I wake up feeling like wow I’m

normal so that’s what we’re gonna talk

about let’s see what else did I miss

just one thing you have to know they’re

just kind of pushing pushing pushing

pushing now last year you did do the

keto diet for like three months

mm-hmm but what happens it’s like

there’s so much stress that you didn’t

have an appetite so you would probably

not eat and then you would have like a

small meal that maybe it wasn’t

nutrient-dense or maybe it was but it

probably wasn’t enough to have all the

nutrients and then you would end up

eating a lot of nuts right like seventy

percent of your diet would be like

Brussels sprouts and then I’d be full

and then it would be at three hours

later a macadamia nuts Ron and that’s

about all I could hand it home for the

day Wow

okay so this is good this is good

background just super super high level

of cortisol and how old are you right

now 42 42 okay and the good thing is

like I think that you’re you’ve survived

like more than other people

I think so because from that much stress

I mean the average person would probably

be like just really ragged so it seems

like you’re kind of coping but inside

you’re not coping as nice as you want

I’ve been coping my whole life right now

I’m kind of and then I burned out and

then I took a year to try to kill myself

and I’m much better but I’m still having

that pulse that night my appetite has

come back sorry I’m eating more

well-rounded meals but be I’m still

wakened at night by that that pulse and

I’m trying to figure out what that is

okay it used to be a fast adrenaline and

then sometimes it’s a slow heavy pulse

so that’s not sure okay

so we’re dealing with a situation we’re

trying to get her to recover that’s

really you’re you’re gonna be your mono

recovery to recover you have to turn be

able to turn off

recovery is all about turning off it’s

like the off switch her off switch is

broken we’re gonna we’re gonna fix it

but and that has to do with sleep so I

think sleep is going to be the thing

that that you have to put a lot of your

energy into and yours you know that so

the thing is like how do we do that

there’s a couple things we have to avoid

stimulants you know things that

stimulate you like the worst you drink

coffee now no I haven’t drank coffee in

years okay that’s good alcohol good I do

have those fat bombs though and those

have sugar-free chocolate but I think

there are still just enough stimulants

yeah yeah like right now I probably I

would not recommend you even doing

chocolate right now the point is I think

you you try to take some you have some

different brands there’s the gummies

right here but you know you just have to

read the labels and it has high fructose

corn syrup so we want a source that

doesn’t have glycerin you want a source

that is just pure oil high quality

because that oil has some interesting

properties for chronic pain and stress

and inflammation and if you take too

much it can kind of have a different

effect so you want to go slow but it

tends to affect certain genes so I was

like at least 1200 genes that it affects

in your body that has a lot to do with

downgrading pain and inflammation that’s

kind of it helps to rejuvenate certain

parts of your brain it works on dopamine

centers it’s it’s really good for people

that are have chronic inflammatory

conditions autoimmune migraine headaches

and I think it’s good for the adrenals

so I’m gonna suggest you get some that

is just pure oil taking small amounts

just once a day for a while and

gradually increase it but typically

people that are in your situation tend

to take I don’t know if maybe I’m maybe

incorrect them wrong but like they’ll

take like oh if a little is good I’ll

take a lot more like I’m just gonna take

a sledgehammer approach to it and just

take a little too much I don’t know is

that true or enough um I tried one gummy


and I was reluctant to try it because I

everyone has told me once you tried it’s

gonna knock you out and your to fall

asleep and for three hours but I I tried

one and I felt relaxed after twenty

minutes and two hours later I needed

another so um it was just having you

know when your nerves are so frantically

split for so many hairs of and not

sleeping you know it’s it’s kind of

feels like a curing of the nerves when

you take something that calms you that


right so there about a week after I was

just doing one or two gummies a day I

just I had a day where I was really

feeling stressed out and I was taking it

on the hour and that was too much and

then that was making me very agitated

yeah that was just to hide yeah it’s

hardly thing even when you’re feeling

like it is you like want to just take

more to really fix it fast but you have

to kind of go slow and just so you know

if you didn’t catch that these gummy

bears are the you know CBD oil

it’s the hemp oil in there so there’s

too many other things in there like it

could also be some of these other

chemicals I thought it was because of

the sugar yes I thought I was a agitated

because of the sugar because I don’t put

that type of sugar into my body right

but then it could also have been that

too much dosing right we don’t know for

sure but we’re gonna go back to the

basics and we know are you familiar with

the the autonomic nervous system yes

okay the parasympathetics the

parasympathetic nervous system is the

opposite of the sympathetic which is the

flatter fight and so that’s the area we

need to strengthen the parasympathetic

nervous system there’s really two

minerals we actually treat I’m sorry

there’s three nutrients that are vital

to restore the parasympathetic you know

what they are yeah okay

one is b1 number one is B 1 so B 1 is

what you need to be taken like a lot

like definitely not synthetic but you

need something

real natural version of that do you have

a sensitivity to yeast like in bird

bruising stories nutritional idea okay

so I’m gonna show you well and I’ll put

it down the video to a natural source

would be one that’s not East where they

did because if you’re we don’t want you

reacting to the east but you need a I

have a multi-vitamin it’s a liquid and

it has b1 in it a couple hundred

thousand a couple hundred percent yeah

if it’s a couple higher percent its

synthetic you don’t want that one okay

because the synthetics are higher

potency and me they give you the the the

boost but the act is a stimulant they

don’t not a natural okay like I have um

I have something but I’m not going to

give it to you because it’s it’s called

mitochondria energy the problem with

that it has a natural B in there which

by the way is like super high quality

and it’s unfortunately that the

ingredient is very expensive but I also

put the nutritional yeast in there so

that you might react to that so you need

this that straight b1 with a complex

that’s not least related and I’ll put a

link down below of several references or

sources that you can get but b1 what it

does it works on the pathways of your

metabolism and it actually there’s

receptors for b1 in the brain especially

the amygdala the amygdala is like the

adrenals in the brain it will probably

give you the most relief out of any

remedy that you can take you’re gonna

feel like someone just kind of gave you

a relief and it’s gonna help your sleep

it helps the cognitive function it also

helps increase your tolerance to insane

people I’m sorry so if you can’t handle

like a lot of screaming kids for more

than eight hours in a daycare center I’m

just being psych asked then you need b1

but be one actually calms the adrenals

down that’s like the most important

thing and sugar and stress and cortisol

depletes your b1 mm-hmm this is why I

wanted a ketogenic diet so that we get

to the next mineral which is or the

nutrient which is potassium

um that is you need a lot of potassium

potassium is a physiological

tranquilizer it really it puts the brake

pads on it relaxes the nervous system if

you’re deficient in potassium the heart

rate goes up the pulse rate you feel

that pounding have a low pulse no pulse

my resting pulse is like 90 over 60

that’s 60 so the other day it was 100

over 56 you mean your blood pressure my

blood pressure and so that the pulse is

like 60 I think you work out that a lot

right in about a year but has your pulse

rate blood pressure husband love for a

long time yes see when you are in the

fitness use a personal trainer massage

therapist you are going to have a low

pulse rate and blood pressure I don’t

think that’s related to that I think

it’s just you’ve been maintaining that I

think also in your new job which you’re

it’s more sedentary and you have didn’t

get a chance to work out the reason you

you felt worse is because you couldn’t

release that stress with exercise

because you feel better when you

exercise yes yeah typically now it’s

kind of I’m making progress

starting slowly I’m walking I’m not

doing the high intensity exercises that

I used to do that I’m used to that I

wasn’t used to so it’s a work in

progress and so that’s that brings up a

good point one thing is like long walks

like an hour a day like in nature that

would be the idea of see mm-hmm save a

lot of space mmm not in one little

cubicle room so then we have magnesium

magnesium is right there with potassium

magnesium it’s a relaxer that would be

very important if you take too much

calcium that stimulates the sympathetic

nervous system we don’t want to do that

so I mean you could take calcium with

like magnesium and calcium together but

be careful about taking too much calcium

then I’ll just like create that spike in

adrenaline we want to go the other way

so b1 so that’s there gonna be really

important I mean aside from dark leafy

veggies how else do you well it’s

a lot of different foods it’s in it’s in

you know animal proteins it’s an eggs

it’s in sunflower seeds and I wouldn’t

even worry necessarily about trying to

eat fruits high in that nutrient I would

focus on getting the stress down

avoiding sugar and refined carbs that’s

like the most important thing and then

also take a supplement that is a a

natural b1 that’s non yeast related

that’s gonna help you and that’s what

you’re gonna give us at that I’m gonna

actually just give you a reference I’m

just to try to find it because there’s I

want you to take mine that you can’t

because there’s no nutritional yeast or

else that would really help you because

I put a there’s it’s in a blend of a

food concentrate it’s like a lot of cool

stuff in there okay so that’s really

important let’s talk about your your

meal like what you ate yesterday let’s

go three days back

well I my favorite restaurants are sweet

we’ve chopped and the con quit didn’t so

I eat salads with you know various

things in them all the time but I still

I get full after one salad and I eat too

many nuts okay I don’t eat a lot of meat

I’m so I don’t know if that’s a good

thing or a bad thing

um do you do eggs I do okay so yeah you

don’t even I mean if you’re getting your

protein and your I think you’re gonna be

fine with that so you can do and eggs

you get your b12 that’s the key as well

you need to be 12 I think also do you

feel bloated with nuts no okay good so

you’re one of the lucky ones so that’s


so you’re already salad now that’s good

so you’re you’re kind of doing keto but

I would say that maybe do you feel like

you need to increase your protein a

little bit more I mean probably okay I’m

probably do I and I just I need more

greens okay so you know

I’ll go for three days in a row and I’ll

have you know twelve one name not talked

up I have a lot of grease and then I

don’t want to eat them like on the

fourth day okay okay go ahead

so it’s or I’ll go for a week

of eating very clean like that and then

I’ll just get sick of it and you know

when you get sick of it it’s totally

okay to switch gears and just do maybe

do squash or steam those for a while and

then go back to it you don’t have to do

greens every single day but you just you

know I recommend the vegetables just

because we could you need a potassium a

keep high but if your body says you know

I had enough then switched gears so we

have that alright so then do you do eggs

every day not every day okay so do you

like seafood

okay so seafood would be good maybe

shrimp I like shrimp occasionally too I

switch it up and you don’t have to do me

you can do seafood fish salmon I do meat

looks just that you know I don’t need a

lot of it I probably have meat like last

night I had some steak and onions okay

good but it was a little bit of steak

totally fine it’s totally fine I think

you’re do you snack during the day I use

hacker sometime I’m trying to stay

within the the window of eating but the

intermittent fasting so I might eat

three times in a window and then I may

not eat three or four times okay well it

sounds to me that you are you’re getting

closer to the ideal situation because

you’ve been recently doing that right

because you’ve been watching some videos

right well and then last year it was

like one or two meals a day but it

wasn’t even a meal that’s right so I’m

trying to get more nutrients into my

body yeah and this is just a good point

because if she was depleted from not

getting enough nutrients and then she

does intermittent fasting without doing

healthy keto she

gonna deplete these nutrients and she’s

gonna go downhill so that’s why it’s

important to do them together a new

concept for some people because they

just don’t they’ll do one or the other

like they’re both important thing mm-hmm

all right so that’s one thing and then

also from now on you have to every

single relationship you get into you

have them sign a contract and then after

you have them fill out a huge survey to

find out who you’re dealing with because

they’re certain personality types that

can suck your energy or you know stress

you out so that’s one thing it’s because

the thing is like there’s just a we want

to look not just physical stress like

all the different stress you’re trying

to cope with that I think you’re doing a

great job right now you’re you figure

things out and so let’s just focus now

on your physical body and get that

really squared away I’m gonna show you a

technique that you can do yourself that

you can extract stress from your body

because I think you have a residue of

stress that’s just lingering that won’t

tend it won’t go away and it’s a pulsing

right so what we’re gonna do is we’re

gonna go downstairs right now there’s a

little office there and I’m gonna use

that to show you this technique sound

good okay okay good seeing it and

actually see you probably in a second

cuz we’re gonna walk down there well

okay now we’re here and so it all

started when you’re six years old now

I’m skidding

earlier right so what we’re gonna do is

we’re gonna show you a technique some of

you already have seen this technique

when you watch the stress webinar that I

did but basically it’s kind of like

visceral massage it’s massage to the

adrenal glands the adrenal glands are on

top of the kidney they’re right in the

abdomen and the high the higher part of

the abdomen right here and so what

happens is the adrenals tend to overwork

creating a tremendous amount of

attention and stress in the abdomen so

when you’re stressed that’s why your

stomach is so tight so what you could do

is you could manually kind of work it

out massage these knots and help release

stress and it helps sleep I’ve done this

for many many years and I’m going to


you how to do it and there’s also a lot

of acupressure points that travel up

through these these areas too so you you

can work on those as well so her ribcage

is right here her hips are right here so

we’re just gonna kind of massage let’s

say draw a line down the center here and

off the midline about an inch over here

an inch on there we’re gonna work on

these these these pathways through here

so the first thing I’m going to do is

I’m gonna just kind of press in here and

hold this point and you’re gonna you can

do this to yourself but I want to just

kind of walk you through so because I’m

not you and I can’t feel what’s going on

there’s you’re looking for like tension

and like a stress point tell me if it’s

right there yeah I found this dress

point so I’m just taking my thumb and

she would do this to herself and kind of

massage this point right through in here

what I’m doing um I’m not actually

pressing on the adrenals because the

three noes are on top of the kidney

they’re like almost in the back but I’m

working on the soft tissue that is

around this area and there’s there’s all

sorts of nerve bundles they’re called

plexus like a giver so here the solar

plexus there’s all these nerve bundles

here and you’re you’re basically

relaxing them and many many people when

I do this end up falling asleep right

after I do it so it’s very relaxing I

mean you massage your muscles but you

don’t really work on the organ points

and I’m just kind of going in there and

I’m gonna put a link down below to get a

more in-depth concept of exactly where

these points are because I have a stress

webinar that explains it more but I’m

just showing you how to do this right

here so I’m on this point so this is

something you’d want to do before you go

to bed probably for about 20 minutes


here’s the thing when you go to bed at

night or you’re waking up at 2 or 3 or 4

if you were just to scan your body what

part of your body is revved up and won’t

turn off

oh my ha ha right mm okay so the chest

it’s like kind of it’s going going going

right well the adrenaline from the

adrenals in the cortisol goes right to

the heart and that keeps it going

because of the stress the part of the

nervous system that’s involved a flutter

fight it’s called the sympathetics

guesser that’s located in your adrenals

and in your back but it’s in your

adrenals too

so now I’m gonna work out I’m gonna work

down a little bit sometimes I work up

this case I’m gonna work down and just

see if there’s any points through here

that is that sore right here not too bad

okay we’re looking for tender spots it’s

not tender don’t press on it but the

thing is I think trying to find it you

have to kind of go the side how about

there yeah so this is about one inch

above her hip bone it’s called iliac

crest the bones right here and then come

right in right off the midline

there’s one spot there now is there

anything happening with your ability to

relax right now yeah right now I’m

relaxed are you relaxing more are you

feel okay so you’re feeling more relaxed

okay that’s good that means it’s working

so many times when I was in the clinic

and I tried this mixing you know the

person’s sawing logs they’re snoring and

I’m working on them and I’m like I don’t

want to wake them up so I’ll leave in

the room for like three hours and I’ll

come back and now one of these I’m gonna

work on the opposite side because you

want to get both sides there that one’s

not too bad is it is it is it yeah so

the other other side the left sides not

to that so let’s go up through here how

about there I feel the pressure but not

like them yeah point better it was

you’re gonna find everyone’s gonna have

one spot that’s gonna be more tender

than others and that’s the area you’re

gonna work on her case it’s the right


how about there okay how about there now

that’s your bad so now I want you to try

to find the what spot on the left side

just so I know that you can find it if

you find it okay good now go lower

should be a lower spot see it should be

right should be right here right there

okay so this is what you’d want to do

every night before she goes to bed for

about 20 minutes she can have her hands

and she’s gonna press this point you’re

gonna hold it in the sauce that area you

can do it with the massage tool don’t do

it with a knife and just so you press in

there and you just work out that not

what’s gonna happen is that part of her

body is gonna relax more and more and

more and more to the point where she can

drift off into a sleep where she’s been

sleeping through the whole night what

we’re trying to do is we’re trying to

chill out the adrenals so that cortisol

and the adrenaline starts going down and

we’re manually working at one thing

that’s interesting about the adrenal it

doesn’t have an off switch

doesn’t have parasympathetic control it

only has sympathetic innervation which

is the on switch and that’s what that’s

why people can’t turn off because it’s

kind of like the accumulation effective

stress it builds up that just kind of

leaves them wired because our bodies

were not designed to go through that

much mental stress without the physical

relief of that so like you can go and

exercise and get rid of stress but

sometimes you don’t so that builds up in

it it just keeps your adrenals on on all

the time sometimes you can’t right right

so that’s what I want to show you guys

in this video so if you personally have

any stress go ahead and do this and I

hope it helps you thanks for watching

so if you’ve personally benefited from

the information that I put on my videos

I would love to actually see your

success story - I put a link down below

so you can upload your before and after

pictures with your story